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Release Notes | Documentation | Area | Topic | Version | Release Date | Type |
SAF-T file error fixes | The errors in the SAF-T file have been fixed as follows: Customer transactions and customer balance did not match. The reason was that the Customer account 1500 in some cases contained a different TranClass and was not having the customerID. Supplier transactions and supplier balance did not match. The reason was that postings on the rounding account contained the supplier ID and was then included in the calculation of the supplier balance. VAT postings in General ledgers contained VAT information on the VAT account. This has now been fixed and the VAT accounts 27XX will not contain VAT Information. If VAT registration ID is missing on the company, the corporate ID will be used. The Contact person segment will be skipped if there are no values to report on suppliers and customers. The batchID will be removed from the file because it should only contain the batch ID from a external system. | Accounting | Accounting | 8.33 | 2021-01-19 | Bug |
Error when closing the multiselect pop-up from [x] | In the Process bank transactions and Process incoming payments windows, two issues have been fixed: 1. Documents were not removed when you closed the Select documents window using the "x" button. 2. An error message that was displayed after you had saved the action above. | Accounting | Accounting | 8.33 | 2021-01-19 | Bug |
Add filters for the endpoints CustomerInvoice, CustomerCreditNote and CustomerDebitNote | Added "paymentReference", "externalReference" and "customerRefNumber" as filters for the following endpoints: CustomerInvoice, CustomerCreditNote and CustomerDebitNote. | API | API | 8.33 | 2021-01-19 | Change |
New field Customer project no. has been added for the Customer invoice endpoint | New field Customer project no. has been added in the API POST and PUT operations for the Customer invoice endpoint | API | API | 8.33 | 2021-01-19 | Change |
Posting the SalesOrder type RC returns an error | After the 8.32 releases, an error was returned when posting the SalesOrder type RC. This has now been fixed. | API | API | 8.33 | 2021-01-19 | Bug |
The API value dontPrint does not work on CustomerInvoice endpoint | Earlier, the API value dontPrint was not supported on the CustomerInvoice endpoint. This has now been fixed. | API | API | 8.33 | 2021-01-19 | Bug |
Remove old 'GeneralLedgerBalance' endpoint | The 'GeneralLedgerBalance' endpoint is deprecated and will be removed in January 2021. A new endpoint was created to replace it. You find the documentation for it in Swagger under the 'GeneralLedgerBalanceV2' endpoint. | API | API | 8.33 | 2021-01-19 | Change |
Notifications for new invoices in the Invoice Inbox | You will be notified when Invoice Inbox receives new invoices. You can activate this notification in the Custom notifications window (SM205041) and you are set as recipient. | General | General | 8.33 | 2021-01-19 | Change |
Notifications for new invoices in the Invoice Inbox in status: Error | In the Notification Centre, you will receive a message if an invoice is in error state after being processed. This notification is activated in the Custom Notification window (SM205041) and you are set as recipient. | General | General | 8.33 | 2021-01-19 | Change |
Impossible to import files into several screens | Version 8.33 includes a fix for an error which made it impossible to upload excel files to several entry screens (e.g.PM208000, GL301000, SO301000, AP202010) | General | General | 8.33 | 2021-01-19 | Bug |
Legal changes to Intrastat report | In the Netherlands, VAT number and country of origin have been included in the Intrastat report from the beginning of 2021. The legal changes in the Intrastat transaction codes for Sweden, Finland, and Denmark have also been updated. | Purchase To Pay | Purchase To Pay | 8.33 | 2021-01-19 | Change |
Change document type of scanned documents in Invoice inbox | It is now possible to change document type in Invoice inbox (AP50604S) for documents that whose origin is scanned origin. This means that if a supplier credit note is falsely identified as a normal supplier invoice by the scanning service, or vice versa, the document type can be changed to the correct one before processing. | Purchase To Pay | Purchase To Pay | 8.33 | 2021-01-19 | Change |
Duplicate payment lines in SupplierPayment endpoint when payment has been voided | In some situations, duplicate payment lines were created in the SupplierPayment endpoint when you voided the created payments. This has now been fixed. | Purchase To Pay | Purchase To Pay | 8.33 | 2021-01-19 | Bug |
Employees are able to register a claim with multiple projects | Employees are able to register a claim with multiple projects. We moved in Expense receipt inbox from the header to the line level the following fields: project ID; customer ID; location ID. We added in Expense receipt inbox additional fields for a better overview of the details: project description; customer name; location name | Project Accounting | Project Accounting | 8.33 | 2021-01-19 | Change |
New field Customer project no. on customer invoice SO303000 window | New field Customer project no. on customer invoice SO303000 window on the Financials details tab | Project Accounting | Project Accounting | 8.33 | 2021-01-19 | Change |
SendToAutoinvoice field available on CustomerCreditNote endpoint | You are now able to GET, POST, PUT the SendToAutoinvoice field on the customerCreditNote endpoint. See the swagger documentation for more information. | API | API | 8.34 | 2021-01-26 | Change |
Fixed 'toggleBalanceSigns' parameter on GeneralLedgerBalancev2 | In earlier versions of the GeneralLedgerBalance v2 endpoint, the toggleBalanceSigns parameter was toggling the balance signs for accounts of type expense and liability. The new version toggles the balance signs for accounts of type income and liability and thus the balances in the response will show the debit and credit balances as posted in accounting. | API | API | 8.34 | 2021-01-26 | Change |
Correct branch opened on Invoice inbox notification link | If you have a company with multiple branches and get an Invoice inbox notification, the link will open the Invoice inbox window with the branch displayed that is set on the invoice instead of opening the main branch. | General | General | 8.34 | 2021-01-26 | Change |
New changes on Visma.net Project Advanced Allocation and Billing | The Run allocations by projects window (PM502500) and Reverse not yet invoiced transactions window (PM505000) are now only available Visma.net Project Advanced Allocation and Billing for Project Controller and Project Manager roles. | General | General | 8.34 | 2021-01-26 | Change |
Notifications for new invoices in the Invoice Inbox in status: Error | In the Notification Centre, you will receive a message if an invoice is in error state after being processed. | General | General | 8.34 | 2021-01-26 | Change |
New ways of selecting stock items in the Prepare stocktaking window | There is now new ways of selecting stock items in the Prepare stocktaking window. You can now, directly in the Prepare stocktaking window, manually select the items you wish to be included in the Stocktaking count window. | Order To Cash | Order To Cash | 8.34 | 2021-01-26 | Change |
Attachments not included when sending PEPPOL invoices to AutoInvoice | Earlier, in some cases, the invoice attachments were not included in the document when sending to AutoInvoice in PEPPOL format. This has now been fixed.' | Order To Cash | Order To Cash | 8.34 | 2021-01-26 | Bug |
Leading spaces not allowed in invoice numbers | Earlier, when setting the invoice number manually, is was possible to enter the number with a leading space. This later on gave an error when trying to match the invoice to a credit note or payment. This has now been fixed. | Order To Cash | Order To Cash | 8.34 | 2021-01-26 | Bug |
Deferral code not applied on Invoice inbox rule | In some cases, the deferral code set on the Invoice inbox rule was not applied on supplier invoices. This has now been fixed. | Purchase To Pay | Purchase To Pay | 8.34 | 2021-01-26 | Bug |
Lookup field "Supplier ref." for manual adding of supplier invoices | Now, there is a new lookup field "Supplier ref." for manual adding of supplier invoices in the Process bank transactions window. | Project Accounting | Project Accounting | 8.34 | 2021-01-26 | Change |
Preload worked hours from previous timecard | The 'Preload from previous timecard' is now taking, in addition to the type of hours (regular hours and overtime), the projects and tasks, also the hours from the previous time card. | Project Accounting | Project Accounting | 8.34 | 2021-01-26 | Change |
Customised ARM report showing correct figures in every run | In previous versions, the customised ARM report was showing incorrect figures in every run. This has now been fixed. | Project Accounting | Project Accounting | 8.34 | 2021-01-26 | Bug |
New changes on Visma.net Project Advanced Allocation and Billing | The Run allocations by projects window (PM502500) and Reverse not yet invoiced transactions window (PM505000) are now only available Visma.net Project Advanced Allocation and Billing for Project Controller and Project Manager roles. | Project Accounting | Project Accounting | 8.34 | 2021-01-26 | Change |
VAT ID 16 LOW Norway changed from 12% to 6% | The VAT IDs 12L, 16, 17L, and 5 are still 6% and for new companies created in 8.35 the values are 6% for the lines dated 01/11/2020. For companies created before this version, you have to make this change from 12% to 6% manually. | Accounting | Accounting | 8.35 | 2021-02-02 | Change |
Company tree info tab now available in Employees window (EP203000) | The Company tree info tab is now available in the Employees window (EP203000), which makes it easier to add employees in the organisational approval structure. | General | General | 8.35 | 2021-02-02 | Change |
Revoking access rights not working | When setting access right "Revoke" on a user role in generic inquiries created by users in the system and assigning the role to a user, the user still got access to the inquiry. This has now been fixed. | General | General | 8.35 | 2021-02-02 | Bug |
Not allowed to delete a payment with a general ledger reference number | In the Supplier payments (AP302000) window, there is a new button "Fix general ledger link". It is visible when there is a missing link between the payment and the general ledger transaction and the payment having an incorrect status cannot be modified or deleted. The new button will be used to correct the missing link between the payment to the general ledger transaction. When the payment is left with unapplied balance, additional steps are required to have the correct data: * In many cases the general ledger transaction is unposted, please go to the Post transactions window to post the general ledger transaction * Use the Validate supplier balances (AP509900) window to run a validation for the supplier and the period of the payment. The payment is now corrected. | Purchase To Pay | Purchase To Pay | 8.35 | 2021-02-02 | Change |
Adjustments appearing on Intrastat report | If updating the price on a stock item on a purchase invoice and an automatic adjustment was created, the adjustment transaction showed up on the Intrastat report (TX50800S). This has now been fixed. | Purchase To Pay | Purchase To Pay | 8.35 | 2021-02-02 | Bug |
Already invoiced PO receipts showed up on purchase invoice | In some scenarios, when adding purchase receipts (PO302000) to purchase invoice (AP301000), also the already invoiced receipts were showing up in the list to be selected. This has now been fixed. | Purchase To Pay | Purchase To Pay | 8.35 | 2021-02-02 | Bug |
Company tree info tab now available in Employees window (EP203000) | The Company tree info tab is now available in the Employees window (EP203000), which makes it easier to add employees in the organisational approval structure. | Project Accounting | Project Accounting | 8.35 | 2021-02-02 | Change |
The quantity and amount on Commitments tab are now from the specified project. | In Commitments tab on the Project window (PM301000) the values for quantity and amount were showing the total amount from the purchase order. This is now fixed and the values for quantity and amount are from the specified project. | Project Accounting | Project Accounting | 8.35 | 2021-02-02 | Bug |
Improvements in fetching of GLHistory records during the consolidation process | During the GL accounts consolidation process, retrieval of all GLHistory records via API took a very long time and the process used to time out. This process has now been improved to use the pagination with period filtering. All the API calls are made asynchronous so that timeout does not happen anymore. For a user's perspective, Start period is now required to be set to run the process, End period is optional. You will get an error if Start period is empty. To avoid getting transactions from current period we recommend to also set the To period so you do not get data that's not reconciled. | Accounting | Accounting | 8.36 | 2021-02-09 | Change |
New changes in Visma.net Project Accounting base package and in Visma.net Project Accounting Advance Allocation and Billing | The following screens have been removed from the Administrator role from Visma.net Project Accounting base package and moved to Visma.net Project Accounting advance allocation and billing for the same role: PM207000 PM204200 PM204100 PM205000 PM207500 PM40107S PM502500 PM506000 PM503000 PM502000 PM505000 PM206000 PM307000 The following screens have been removed from the Financials light user role from Visma.net Project Accounting base package and moved to Visma.net Project Accounting advance allocation and billing for the same role: PM40107S PM206000 PM307000 | Accounting | Accounting | 8.36 | 2021-02-09 | Change |
New "Status" column in the Process bank transactions screen | Added a new *Status* column in the Process bank transactions screen where you can see 5 types of error codes. These are : NDS - No documents selected, RB- Remaining balance available, NB: No business account selected, NE: No entry type selected, NL: No location selected. You can find the error explanations if you click the Status description link. | Accounting | Accounting | 8.36 | 2021-02-09 | Change |
Remove old 'GeneralLedgerBalance' endpoint | The 'GeneralLedgerBalance' endpoint is deprecated and will be removed on 9th of February 2021. A new endpoint was created to replace it. You find the documentation for it in Swagger under the 'GeneralLedgerBalanceV2' endpoint. | API | API | 8.36 | 2021-02-09 | Change |
Create Projects with shorter length than the defined segment length of the Project key with Project endpoint POST operation. | In the earlier version of the Project endpoint, it wasn't possible to create a project with a number of segment digits fewer than the defined length of the Project Segment Key. This has now been fixed. | API | API | 8.36 | 2021-02-09 | Bug |
Slow performance on pagination when using the GET Customer endpoint | There was an issue when using pagination in the GET Customer endpoint. The higher page number used when retrieving a collection of customers, the slower the performance was. This has now been improved. | API | API | 8.36 | 2021-02-09 | Change |
Clicking the invoice reference number results in a popup window with an empty invoice | When clicking the invoice reference number from several screens, the popup window that should display the invoice was showing a new, blank invoice instead. This has now been fixed, so that the popup window displays the invoice that you have clicked on. | Order To Cash | Order To Cash | 8.36 | 2021-02-09 | Bug |
Possible to create and delete Account groups if only Project Accounting Base Package is activated | Previously, it was not possible to create and delete account groups if only the Project Accounting Base Package is activated. This is now available for Project controller role and Administrator role as well. | Accounting | Accounting | 8.37 | 2021-02-16 | Change |
Create payment from cash account in foreign currency | There was a bug in the Process bank transactions (CA306000) and Process incoming payments (AR305000) windows related to creating a payment from a cash account in a foreign currency. This has now been fixed. | Accounting | Accounting | 8.37 | 2021-02-16 | Bug |
GET Customer no longer returns metadata (MaxPageSize,TotalCount) | After the 8.36 release, GET Customer did not return the metadata (MaxPageSize,TotalCount) array in the response. This has now been fixed. | API | API | 8.37 | 2021-02-16 | Bug |
Possible to create and delete Account groups if only Project Accounting Base Package is activated | Previously, it was not possible to create and delete account groups if only the Project Accounting Base Package is activated. This is now available for Project controller role and Administrator role as well. | General | General | 8.37 | 2021-02-16 | Change |
Drill down for customer invoices not working from Sales invoices - overview and Sales by item and customer | Earlier, when you drilled down for customer invoices in status Balanced or On hold from the inquiry windows Sales invoices - overview and Sales by item and customer, you did not get any result. This has now been fixed. | Order To Cash | Order To Cash | 8.37 | 2021-02-16 | Bug |
Booking of payroll taxes on a separate GL account for excess mileage/daily allowances | There is an improvement in the Visma.net Expense - Visma.net ERP integration in the Expense Inbox (EP50604S) window, which enables handling of booking of payroll taxable amounts on separate general ledger accounts for expenses, such as mileages and daily allowances. | Accounting | Accounting | 8.38 | 2020-02-23 | Change |
ARM reports now filter on branch | ARM reports has been modified and are now selecting only the selected branches if the Report have activated the From and/or To branch in the report. | Accounting | Accounting | 8.38 | 2020-02-23 | Bug |
Related inventory issues are not automatically released when releasing customer invoices via API | Earlier, when calling a release operation for a Customer invoice (SO303000) via API, the related inventory issue was not automatically released. This has now been fixed. | API | API | 8.38 | 2020-02-23 | Bug |
Change the name of the 'Print description on sales orders' check box | The 'Print description on sales orders' check box in the Sales orders (SO301000) window needed a new name to better reflect what the setting actually does. The new name is 'Show description on order confirmation and invoice' and will be available from version 8.38. The translations are updated accordingly. | Order To Cash | Order To Cash | 8.38 | 2020-02-23 | Change |
The overdue charge process stops when the fee amount is set but the Description field is empty | Earlier, when the fee amount was set but the Description field was empty in the Overdue charges (AR204500) window, the overdue charge process stopped. This has now been fixed. | Order To Cash | Order To Cash | 8.38 | 2020-02-23 | Bug |
The profitability analysis inquiry fails when using alphanumeric item IDs | Earlier, if you selected an item with an alphanumeric ID in the Sales profitability analysis (AR409000) inquiry window, the inquiry failed with a conversion error. This has now been fixed, so that you are able to use alphanumeric item IDs in this inquiry window. | Order To Cash | Order To Cash | 8.38 | 2020-02-23 | Bug |
Issues in ARM reports with grouped unit set for branches | Earlier, only the values from the first node were given in ARM reports using unit sets with group nodes. This has now been fixed and you get the sum of the nodes as well as the values on all nodes. | Accounting | Accounting | 8.39 | 2021-03-02 | Bug |
Using purchase price variance account gives wrong VAT in TX40500S | Earlier, when you changed the price of an item on a purchase invoice after it had been received in the Purchase receipt (PO302000) window, the difference was posted to debit/credit on the journal transaction batch for this purchase invoice. These two lines were showing the VAT information from the purchase expense line, total debit/credit 0,00, but the amount did not match the amounts. This has now been fixed so that when the batch is created, the transaction class on the accounting line is marked with an X and not an N so it's possible to detect what line is the change of cost and what is the actual line for the tax base. In the screens and reports using the VAT specification view, the transactions having an X in the Transaction class field will not show any VAT information. Transactions created before this version will not have this value and show VAT information. | Accounting | Accounting | 8.39 | 2021-03-02 | Bug |
Error in detailed ARM reports when using swap liability/expense | Earlier, there was a bug in detailed ARM reports when using Swap liability/expense. It has now been fixed so that expenses that are posted as debit will show as negative values and liabilities that are posted as credit will show as positive values. Reports that did not have an account or a subaccount specification were correct. | Accounting | Accounting | 8.39 | 2021-03-02 | Bug |
Error in ARM report with branches | Earlier, if you had made a filter in the From branch column on an ARM report and not requested the Branch column, you got an error running the report. This has now been fixed and you do not need to fill out the To branch column, if the report is running for only one branch without showing the branch in the report window. | Accounting | Accounting | 8.39 | 2021-03-02 | Bug |
Combining alphanumeric and numeric branch IDs in ARM report | In the previous version, you sometimes got an error when running an ARM report if you combined alphanumeric and numeric branch IDs. This was depending on the selected order the of branches, so in some cases it failed and in others it did not. This has now been fixed so that a mix of numeric and alphanumeric values are allowed for branches, without giving a conversion error when running the report. Due to this change, the improvement where selecting only numeric values in From and tT branch had to be reversed. So if you select from branch 1 to branch 3, it will also include branches 10, 11, and 111 if you have those. A workaround is to renumber all branches so that they all have the same length by adding leading or trailing zeros. | Accounting | Accounting | 8.39 | 2021-03-02 | Bug |
Recognise sales invoice no. based on prefix and invoice no. which has alphanumeric characters w/ or w/o separators | The system will now recognise the sales invoice number, even when - the invoice number has alphanumeric characters - the invoice number has seperators as . or - - the invoice number has alphanumeric characters and seperators in combination. | Accounting | Accounting | 8.39 | 2021-03-02 | Change |
Recognise sales invoice no. based on prefix and invoice no. having multiple numbers separated by dot or dash | The system will now recognise even sales invoice numbers having multiple numbers separated by dot or dash. | Accounting | Accounting | 8.39 | 2021-03-02 | Change |
Recognise purchase invoice no. based on prefix and invoice no. having alphanumeric characters w/ or w/o sparators (dot or dash) | The system will now recognise purchase invoice numbers that have alphanumeric characters or separators . or - | Accounting | Accounting | 8.39 | 2021-03-02 | Change |
Recognise purchase invoice no. based on prefix and invoice no. having multiple numbers separated by dot or dash | The system will now recognise and match purchase invoices that have a purchase invoice number with multiple numbers that are separated by dot(“.”) or dash(“-”). | Accounting | Accounting | 8.39 | 2021-03-02 | Change |
Recognise supplier invoice no. based on supplier reference having alphanumeric characters w/ or w/o separators (“.” , “-”) | The system will now recognise and match supplier invoices that have a supplier reference with letters and numbers with and without dot(".") or dash("2"). | Accounting | Accounting | 8.39 | 2021-03-02 | Change |
Recognise supplier invoice no. based on supplier reference having multiple numbers separated by dot(“.”) or dash(“-”) | The system will now recognise and match supplier invoices that have a supplier reference with multiple numbers that are separated by dot(“.”) or dash(“-”). | Accounting | Accounting | 8.39 | 2021-03-02 | Change |
FIK payments not extracting invoice no. for automatic matching in processing of payments | Earlier, when receiving an incoming payment with a FIK code (CID code), the invoice number was not extracted from the FIK code and placed in the Invoice no. field in the Process payment (CA306000) window in Danish companies. So the incoming payment did not match the invoice. This has now been fixed and incoming payments are matched to invoices. | Accounting | Accounting | 8.39 | 2021-03-02 | Bug |
Calculation of revised budgeted amount and revised budgeted quantity in Validate project balance window for recalculation of change orders | Earlier, the revised budgeted amount and revised budgeted quantity were wrongly recalculated by adding the change order's quantity and amount every time when using the Validate project balance (PM504000) window for recalculating of change orders. This has now been fixed. | Accounting | Accounting | 8.39 | 2021-03-02 | Bug |
Wrong response code when confirming shipment | Earlier, when you confirmed shipment from the API, you got in some scenarios the response code "200 OK", even though the confirm shipment operation was not successful. This has now been fixed. | API | API | 8.39 | 2021-03-02 | Bug |
Insert and delete lines when using the PUT method on the stocktake endpoint | Earlier, it was not possible to insert and delete lines when using the PUT method on the stocktake endpoint. This has now been fixed. | API | API | 8.39 | 2021-03-02 | Bug |
Posting class window IN206000 and field available in Visma.net ERP Base Package | The Posting class window IN206000 and the Posting class field are now available in the Visma.net ERP Base Package. | General | General | 8.39 | 2021-03-02 | Change |
The Report designer component is upgraded to improve security | The component Report designer; which can be used on most reports in Financials is now upgraded to improve security. We have not had any issues with security for this component, and the upgrade is done as a result of an internal assessment. While improving the security, we also re-worked the visual presentation of the feature to be more in-line with the rest of the service. The functionality is the same. | General | General | 8.39 | 2021-03-02 | Change |
Error message does not refer to the reference number of the location when adding a duplicate stocktaking line | Earlier, when you added a duplicate stocktaking line, the error message in the Location column referred to an internal ID instead of the reference number of the location. This has now been fixed. | Order To Cash | Order To Cash | 8.39 | 2021-03-02 | Bug |
The number of rows in the Prepare stocktaking window does not follow the user setting for number of records to be displayed | Earlier, the number of visible rows in the Prepare stocktaking (IN504000) window, showed the number of rows based on screen size (height), instead of using the setting "Number of records to be displayed on grid page(s)" in the User settings (SM203010) window. This has now been fixed. | Order To Cash | Order To Cash | 8.39 | 2021-03-02 | Bug |
Support for "Godkänd för F-skatt" when sending e-invoices in the Peppol BIS 3.0 format | For Swedish companies, it is mandatory to include the text "Godkänd för F-skatt" in an invoice, when the company is registered for corporate tax. This is now supported when sending e-invoices in the Peppol BIS 3.0 format. | Order To Cash | Order To Cash | 8.39 | 2021-03-02 | Change |
Location considered from Purchase order when doing Intrastat reporting | In Intrastat reporting, the report now considers the location from the Purchase order. | Purchase To Pay | Purchase To Pay | 8.39 | 2021-03-02 | Change |
Rounding and precision to be applied on EC sales reporting | Rounding roles for the EC sales list are added to the Tax agency supplier. There are new columns for the EC sales list settings on the Tax agency settings tab: EC sales list rounding: Here you can select between Mathematical, Ceiling, and Floor EC sales list precision: Here you set the decimal to round on Use currency precision: Uses the rules of currency decimals. | Accounting | Accounting | 8.40 | 2021-03-09 | Change |
New EC sales list report improving preparing and report corrections | In this version we are releasing a new and improved EC Sales list report (AR40501S). This report allows you to better prepare and modify your report before sending it to the government. If you later need to send corrections to the report, you can easily send a revision of the complete report or only the corrections. The new EC sales list: - uses the same date selection as the VAT report. - uses the VAT registration number and the country of the customer location. - allows you to have the same VAT registration number on several customer. - allows you to exclude transactions and customers from the report. - reports corrections from earlier periods on separate lines (NL). NOTE! Before you start using the new EC sales list, it is important that you check that you have completed and sent the previous report. This is to avoid already reported transactions from being reported again. In the Help center, you find information about the steps you should do to check. It is also described how to start using the EC sales list if you are a new customer and never used the EC sales list before, and finally what to do if you are migrating from another ERP system. | Accounting | Accounting | 8.40 | 2021-03-09 | Change |
Changed VAT code on Non-stock item 5 - Betalingsvarsel to code 7 for Norwegian companies | For Norwegian companies, the Non-stock item 5 - Betalingsvarsel has been changed to automatically use the VAT code 7 instead of 6, so the values will not show up on line 1 in the VAT report. This will only affect new companies created in version 8.40 or later. Existing customers have to make this change manually. | Accounting | Accounting | 8.40 | 2021-03-09 | Change |
Wrong description for the TASESP row set codes 2260, 2270 and 2310 | The default settings for the row set 'TASEP' has been improved for Finnish companies. The description has been changed for the codes 2260, 2270 and 2310, to better reflect the account classes and the three sections have been set to expand by account. Note! The descriptions will not be changed if the row set has been manually changed or if multi-language is in use. | Accounting | Accounting | 8.40 | 2021-03-09 | Change |
Filter on empty status in Process bank transactions window | You can now use filter "Is null" or "Is not null" for the Status column in the Process bank transactions (CA306000) window. | Accounting | Accounting | 8.40 | 2021-03-09 | Change |
The GET CustomerPayment endpoint returns incorrect document type | Earlier, the GET CustomerPayment endpoint returned incorrect document type in some situations. This has now been fixed. | API | API | 8.40 | 2021-03-09 | Bug |
Restructure, introduce pagination and improve the performance for GET stocktake endpoints | The response DTO (Data Transfer Object) has been restructured, pagination is introduced, and the performance for GET stocktake endpoints has been improved. To avoid breaking the current integrations, all changes have been put under V2. Also, the PUT stocktake endpoint has been duplicated under V2, and all existing stocktake endpoints have been marked as obsolete. Both V1 and V2 will be supported for the next 6 months. | API | API | 8.40 | 2021-03-09 | Change |
Waiting time for re-running actions in Master data management | Master data management (SM20101S) When selecting an action in this window, you will now get a question if you want to run the routine. This is done to avoid accidentally starting the wrong routine. If you have started one of the routines, you will not be able to start it once more until 3 hours later. This is to ensure that the started routine will be completed successfully. | General | General | 8.40 | 2021-03-09 | Change |
Audit cannot be activated in the Users and User roles windows | Audit (SM205510) It was not possible to set up auditing for the following screens (under Configuration-User Security-Configuration-Manage): Users (SM201010) User roles (SM201005) | General | General | 8.40 | 2021-03-09 | Change |
Possibility to add item cross-references in reports | It is now possible to add item cross-references (Barcode, Global, Customer part number) by adding new data sources to the following reports: - Quote (SO64101S and SO64108S) - Sales order (SO64118S and SO64111S) - Shipment confirmation (SO64200S and SO64201S) - Pick list (SO644000) - Proforma (SO64300S) - Invoice (AR64108S, AR64118S, AR64105S, AR64110S, AR64106S, AR64104S, AR64102S, AR64101S and AR64103S) - Assembly (IN30702S and IN30701S) In addition, the new data sources are also available for copied reports (with prefix RE). | Order To Cash | Order To Cash | 8.40 | 2021-03-09 | Change |
Changes in order type and reason code for Finnish template | In the default settings for Finnish companies, the description for reason code 03 has been changed to better reflect its purpose. Also, the order type 'ME' has been added, which can be used in transactions related to Project accounting. | Order To Cash | Order To Cash | 8.40 | 2021-03-09 | Change |
Unable to create or edit contacts and locations in the Customers window if you have the Financials Invoice User role | Earlier, if you had the Financials Invoice User role, it was not possible to create or edit contacts and locations in the Customers window (AR303000). This has now been fixed. | Order To Cash | Order To Cash | 8.40 | 2021-03-09 | Bug |
Improved transaction handling when confirming a shipment | Earlier, you could experience that the sales order status was not correctly updated when confirming a related shipment from the Shipments window (SO302000). This has now been fixed. | Order To Cash | Order To Cash | 8.40 | 2021-03-09 | Bug |
The hyphen character is removed from the postcode field in the Customers window | Earlier, the hyphen character (-) was removed from the postcode field in the Customers window (AR303000). This has now been fixed so that hyphen is not removed from the postcode field anymore. | Order To Cash | Order To Cash | 8.40 | 2021-03-09 | Bug |
Wrong calculation of the discount when basing the sales invoice on several sales orders | Earlier, when you wanted to send a printed sales order by email from the Sales orders window (SO301000) opened from a popup window, the default email template was not loaded. This has now been fixed. | Order To Cash | Order To Cash | 8.40 | 2021-03-09 | Bug |
Cannot load the default email template when sending the sales order from a popup window | Earlier, when you wanted to send a printed sales order by email from the Sales orders window (SO301000) opened from a popup window, the default email template was not loaded. This has now been fixed. | Order To Cash | Order To Cash | 8.40 | 2021-03-09 | Bug |
The search list for customer locations in the Customer locations window also gives a list of suppliers | Earlier, when using the Business connection field in the Customer locations window (CR303010) to search for customer locations, it also listed suppliers. This is now fixed so that only customers appear in the search list. | Order To Cash | Order To Cash | 8.40 | 2021-03-09 | Bug |
A new message on VAT report Sweden when selecting a company or a branch | The VAT report (TX621008S) does not have the same logic regarding File tax by branch and Multi-branch support. Therefore a message is added on the printed report if you select a wrong combination of company/branch. If the company is Without branches, the message will now be printed. If the company type is With branches not requiring balancing or With branches requiring balancing and you select a branch in addition to the company, you will get the following text below the Momsregistreringsnummer (VAT-nummer): "Rapporten avser endast vald företagsgren." This is printed because the created report should contain all branches. If the company type is With branches requiring balancing and File VAT by branch is set and you only select a company, you will get the following text below the Momsregistreringsnummer (VAT-nummer): "Detta företag rapporterar moms per företagsgren." This is printed because the report created should contain only one branch. | Accounting | Accounting | 8.41 | 2021-03-16 | Change |
Improvements in SIE file export | Version 8.41 includes improvements in the SIE file export (GL40100S) process, which will result in better performance and reduce the chance of the export process to time out. | Accounting | Accounting | 8.41 | 2021-03-16 | Change |
Transactions missing in EC sales list when File VAT by branch was set on the company | Earlier, there was an error in the EC sales list (AR40501S) and it showed nothing when the company had activated the File VAT by branch option. This has now been fixed and you can use the new EC sales list when the option File VAT by branch is activated in the company. NOTE! This might be changed when File EC sales list by branch is implemented | Accounting | Accounting | 8.41 | 2021-03-16 | Bug |
Enable correction for previous months for EC sales list (NL) | Option Enable correction for previous months has been set on all Dutch companies during upgrade to 8.41 on the Tax agency settings tab in the Suppliers (AP303000) window. So the new function for EC sales list reporting (AR40501S) separately with the previous periods is activated. | Accounting | Accounting | 8.41 | 2021-03-16 | Change |
Error in EC sales list in total sums | If the report transactions had one or more transactions with customers marked as excluded from the EC sales list (AR40501S), the value from this was included in the total sums for the different report codes. This was recalculated when you saved the changes. This has now been fixed so that when you select all on the Transactions tab, the excluded customers' transactions will not be included in the total sums. | Accounting | Accounting | 8.41 | 2021-03-16 | Bug |
Fix for number series used in customer ledger workbooks | In version 8.34, an error was introduced which made it impossible to use the voucher number series created for workbooks (GL107500) in the Customer ledger workspace, which are using the sales invoice form when the default number series for this form (ARINVOICE) had the Manual numbering option (CS201010) selected. This error has now been fixed and the number series used in workbooks for sales invoice entries will no longer be affected by the setting in the default number series. | Accounting | Accounting | 8.41 | 2021-03-16 | Bug |
Wrong beginning balances on 'Transactions for account' report (GL633500) | Earlier, including reclassified transactions in the Transactions for account report (GL633500) returned wrong opening balances. This has now been fixed. | Accounting | Accounting | 8.41 | 2021-03-16 | Bug |
The Correction period column in EC sales list is now read only | Earlier, in the EC sales list (AR40501S) window, on the Report tab, the Correction period column was editable. This has now been fixed and the column is read only. | Accounting | Accounting | 8.41 | 2021-03-16 | Bug |
Wrong character set used in SIE file export | Earlier, the use of a wrong character set for the SIE file export (GL40100S) caused the appearance of Swedish special characters. This has now been fixed and the used character set is IBM Extended PC 8-bit ASCII (codepage 437) | Accounting | Accounting | 8.41 | 2021-03-16 | Bug |
New fields in Process bank transactions window in Select documents pop-up window | There are following new columns in the popup window of the Process bank transactions (AR305000) window in Select documents: - Customer order/supplier ref. - External reference/buyer's order no. - Customer name/supplier name | Accounting | Accounting | 8.41 | 2021-03-16 | Change |
Create transfer receipts through POST Purchase receipt endpoint | You are now able to create transfer receipts through POST Purchase receipt endpoint. | API | API | 8.41 | 2021-03-16 | Change |
The GET warehouse endpoint returns warehouseID with trailing spaces | Earlier, the GET warehouse endpoint returned warehouseID with trailing spaces. This has now been fixed, and the warehouseID will not contain any trailing spaces any more in the response. | API | API | 8.41 | 2021-03-16 | Bug |
The GET customer endpoint does not return all customers | Earlier, in some cases, when using the GET method on the customer endpoint, not all customers were collected. There were some issues in how the data being retrieved. This has now been fixed. | API | API | 8.41 | 2021-03-16 | Bug |
Unhandled exception in the CustomerInvoice V2 endpoint | Earlier, an unhandled exception was thrown by the CustomerInvoice V2 endpoint, when the fields "startDate" and "endDate" were included in the POST payload. This has now been fixed. | API | API | 8.41 | 2021-03-16 | Bug |
Reports from Send reports in US English instead of the user's language | In the Send reports (SM205060) window, when sending reports, the reports were generated in the US EN language instead of the language of the user sending the report. This has now been fixed. | General | General | 8.41 | 2021-03-16 | Bug |
Duplicate records when preparing stocktaking for stock items in multiple locations | Earlier, if you had the "Advanced stocktaking" feature activated and had set a stocktaking cycle and a movement class on a stock item that was available in multiple locations, the item lines were duplicated for each location when preparing the stocktaking count. This has now been fixed. | Order To Cash | Order To Cash | 8.41 | 2021-03-16 | Bug |
Incorrect calculation of the total amount when having negative discount applied on the invoice | Earlier, the total amount was not calculated correctly when invoices contained a negative discount. This has now been fixed. | Order To Cash | Order To Cash | 8.41 | 2021-03-16 | Bug |
Unit conversion error when trying to assemble a kit with packaging details | Earlier, when you added packaging details (kg and liter) on a Kit with an expiration date set on the lot/serial class, an error occurred when trying to assemble the kit. This has now been fixed. | Order To Cash | Order To Cash | 8.41 | 2021-03-16 | Bug |
Regretting changing the customer class on a customer results in changed settings | Earlier, when changing the customer class on a customer and you answered "No" in the confirmation dialog box to regret the change, the change was done anyway. This has now been fixed. | Order To Cash | Order To Cash | 8.41 | 2021-03-16 | Bug |
Field for shipping terms in two purchase order reports | There is a new field for shipping terms in two of the purchase order reports: - Purchase order (PO64101S) - Purchase order, right address (PO64108S) | Purchase To Pay | Purchase To Pay | 8.41 | 2021-03-16 | Change |
Default account set in document template not always used with zero VAT | Earlier, when creating a document template (SM209020) with the default expense account and a VAT category with 0-% VAT, while using the template, the default account was automatically changed into the account filled in the Expense acc. non-taxable field on the supplier (AP3030PL) because the system believed that a change to a non-taxable expense account was needed. This has now been fixed and the change will make sure that the account information is exactly the same as stored in the template/copy-paste context. | Purchase To Pay | Purchase To Pay | 8.41 | 2021-03-16 | Bug |
Automatically create a retainage invoice when using Approval | The functionality for automatic creation and release of retainage invoices was missing, if the G-account feature was ON while an approval workflow was setup for a particular company. Now it is possible to have a retainage invoice automatically created and released in Visma.net ERP when the original invoice is released from Approval. Note! In order for the functionality to work, the following settings are required in the Supplier ledger preferences (AP101000) window: 1. The setting "Release document from approval" - ON 2. The setting "Automatically create and release retainage invoices" – ON | Purchase To Pay | Purchase To Pay | 8.41 | 2021-03-16 | Change |
Supplier price worksheet imports wrong source price from Excel | The source price field in the Supplier price worksheets window (AP202010) was not correctly updated when loading records from an imported Excel file. The source price was retrieved from the item's last price or default price, which was totally wrong. The issue has now been fixed and the source price is retrieving correct data, as per imported Excel sheet. | Purchase To Pay | Purchase To Pay | 8.41 | 2021-03-16 | Bug |
Confirm the latest processed EC sales list (IA40501S) | As an accountant or report responsible I want to get information if this process has been run previously for the company so that I can verify what transactions has been processed. If the routine has been run before for the company, you will get a message in the window with information about the last processed period end date: "Data has been run until: [date] You can then select a later period and run the routine again. Then the transactions older or equal to the period will be marked as processed and the date will change. | Accounting | Accounting | 8.42 | 2021-03-22 | Change |
Change in report codes in EC sales list generic inquiry | In some cases an error occurred when you wanted to process previous reported EC sales list periods because the created Report cd was to long. This has now been fixed and the Report cd is changed to fit the size of the column. The EC sales list window (AR4050PL) has been changed to handle the new code in addition to the old code. A change in the List window for EC sales list (AR4050PL) has been done due to a change in the report code when verifying earlier closed reports. The condition is changed from Does not contain ='MAPOLDTAXTRAN' to ='MAPOLD' If you in the EC sales list report see codes having the code MAPOLD[number], the Generic inquiry has been changed by a user. The new version has not updated this, and therefore you have to change manually. | Accounting | Accounting | 8.42 | 2021-03-22 | Bug |
New option File EC sales list by branch in Organisations window | As an accountant or report responsible, I want to be able to report VAT on company level and EC sales different on branch level, or VAT on branch level and EC sales on Company level. Linked to the new EC sales list, a new check box "File EC sales list by branch" has been added to the Organisation details tab/Organisations window (CS101500). This check box will be selected for all organisations with branches to work the same way as the old EC sales list (AR40500S). For organisations reporting on organisation level and not on branches level, you can now deselect the check box to report on organisation level again. | Accounting | Accounting | 8.42 | 2021-03-22 | Change |
Remove hypens, spaces, and special characters from VAT numbers for EC sales list | Now when a VAT registration number contains spaces or -/. these characters will be removed when it is sent to AutoReport. DK 12 34 56 78 will be DK12345678 or 12345678 SE 12345-67890-12 will be SE123456789012 or 123456789012, depending on the country it is meant for. | Accounting | Accounting | 8.42 | 2021-03-22 | Change |
Error in workbooks when using unexpected setting in number series | In earlier versions, when you tried to use a number series with 'New number symbol' (in Number series CS201010) set to something different than '' in workbooks for sales invoices, it was not possible to add new invoices. This has now been fixed. | Accounting | Accounting | 8.42 | 2021-03-22 | Bug |
Enable Expense integration in Enable/disable functionalities window | You can now enable the Visma.net Expense integration directly from the Enable/ disable functionalities (CS100000) window by selecting the Expense integration check box (available in countries where the Expense integration has been released) | Accounting | Accounting | 8.42 | 2021-03-22 | Change |
Revised budgeted amount and quantity in Projects window after posting of actual transactions | Earlier, there was an issue after releasing transactions with actual amounts and/or quantities. The Revised budgeted amount and quantity on the budget line in the Projects window (PM301000) were set to 0. This has now been fixed. | Accounting | Accounting | 8.42 | 2021-03-22 | Bug |
Adding a new category not working in Edit menu | In the Edit menu, in the Menu settings routine when creating a new category, you were not able to use the mouse to save the category. The dialogue was in the inactive state. This has now been fixed. | General | General | 8.42 | 2021-03-22 | Bug |
Issues in project synchronisation to Approval | Earlier, in project synchronisation to MDM on a project with IDs defined by multiple project segments (in Segment keys CS202000), the message to MDM was not generated correctly. Then it was impossible to build up correct approval rules based on the project in Approval. This has now been fixed. | General | General | 8.42 | 2021-03-22 | Bug |
Customer feedback on end user documentation | It is now possible for a user to give feedback on our end user documentation. By introducing the customer feedback feature in Help Centre, we’re hoping to get to know our users a little better and understand how they use our help. This is important for us in order to improve our documentation. We will start with the top 20 most visited help articles. This feature will be available in version 8.42. | Order To Cash | Order To Cash | 8.42 | 2021-03-22 | Change |
Transactions from locations are not visible on the "Historical inventory valuation" report | Earlier, the "Historical inventory valuation" report (IN61700S) did not show transactions from locations that had the check box "Cost separately" selected in the Warehouses (IN204000) window. This has now been fixed, and the amounts are now included in the report. | Order To Cash | Order To Cash | 8.42 | 2021-03-22 | Bug |
Incorrect date and period for retainage invoices created in Create purchase retainage window | A retainage document is expected to have the same date and period as the original invoice, but earlier, when creating a retainage invoice using Create purchase retainage (AP510000) window, the date and period were picked as set in this window. This has now been fixed and retainage documents created using the Create purchase retainage (AP510000) window will have the same date and period as the original invoice. | Purchase To Pay | Purchase To Pay | 8.42 | 2021-03-22 | Bug |
New endpoints for Organisation (Companies) | There are the following new endpoints for company: - GET organization/{organizationNumber}, - GET organization - PUT organization/banksettings The API returns the same information as for branches. In addition, there are settings for getting branches and bank settings. | API | API | 8.43 | 2021-04-06 | Change |
Payment settings added in the Branch API | A PUT Branch/Banksettings has also been added where you can update Bank information. The following columns on the tab Payment settings can be updated: bankName bankAddress1 bankAddress2 bankAddress3 bankCountry iban bban bbaN2 bbaN3 bic creditorId | API | API | 8.43 | 2021-04-06 | Change |
Expose branch Payment settings tab in Branch endpoints | The Branch APIs have been changed and the expandBanksettings parameter can be set to get Bank information from the branches. The following columns on the tab Payment settings will be returned: bankName bankAddress1 bankAddress2 bankAddress3 bankCountry iban bban bbaN2 bbaN3 bic creditorId | API | API | 8.43 | 2021-04-06 | Change |
Wrong status when updating the sales order where the customer has exceeded its credit limit | Earlier, when a customer had exceeded its credit limit and when you updated a sales order using PUT /api/v1/salesorder/{salesorderNumber} from status "Hold", the status didn't change to "Credit hold". Instead it changed to "Open". This has now been fixed so it works exactly as in the user interface. | API | API | 8.43 | 2021-04-06 | Bug |
Wrong format of the VAT number for Finnish companies when sending e-invoices in Peppol format | When sending e-invoices in Peppol format, there was an issue with wrong format of the VAT number for Finnish companies. This has now been fixed, so that VAT numbers in domestic format are set in the international format, in order to fulfill the requirements of Peppol. | Order To Cash | Order To Cash | 8.43 | 2021-04-06 | Bug |
Cannot create a shipment when items are not in stock | Earlier, when you created a shipment from a sales order with items that were not in stock, and you had enabled the settings "Add zero lines for items which are not in stock" and "Create zero shipments" in the Sales order preferences (SO101000) window, the shipment could not be created. The system gave the error: "Shipment can not be shipped in full". This has now been fixed, and the shipment can be created as intended. | Order To Cash | Order To Cash | 8.43 | 2021-04-06 | Bug |
Correct fiscal entity on EC sales list when multi-branch is used (NL) | For Dutch users, the new EC sales list did not get the correct VAT reg. no from company and branch when you wanted to report on branch level for Omzetsbelastungnumber and VATIdentificationNumberNLFiscalEntityDivisjon in the file sent to AutoReport. This has now been fixed and the VAT reg. numbers are selected correctly as in the old EC sales list. With the check boxes in the Organisations (CS101500) window selected: File EC sales list by branch -> used VAT reg. no from company and branch File EC sales list by branch + File tax by branch -> Only VAT reg. no from the branch is used | Accounting | Accounting | 8.43 | 2021-04-06 | Bug |
Error in Autopay inbox when having a prefix | Earlier, you sometimes got the error "Index and length must refer to a location within the string" in the Autopay inbox (CA50400S) window when you had a prefix. This has now been fixed | Accounting | Accounting | 8.43 | 2021-04-06 | Bug |
Easy import and linking of all expense types to non-stock items | The import scenario "Import Expense types NO, FI, SE" has been updated with the ExternalID field so that you can import and link all expense types to non-stock items easier and efficiently. | Accounting | Accounting | 8.43 | 2021-04-06 | Change |
Starting of a scheduled task disabled when its previous execution is not completed | In the Automation schedules (SM205030) window, in some scenarios, it was possible to start a scheduled task even though its previous execution was not completed, resulting in wrong calculation of next run date/time. Now you will get a warning if this scenario occurs (The schedule is already running). | General | General | 8.44 | 2021-04-13 | Change |
Issues in project synchronisation to Approval | Earlier, if your ProjectIDs where based on multiple ProjectUnitTypes and ProjectUnits, when executing the Restore all operation from the MasterDataManagement Operations (SM20101S) window, the Project entities in MDM could be restored without the correct link between ProjectUnitTypes and ProjectUnits. This has now been fixed. | General | General | 8.44 | 2021-04-13 | Bug |
Missing subaccount description API post subaccount | In earlier versions, when a default language was set on screen SM200550 (System locals) under 'Set op languages' there was an error under using the API endpoint post subaccounts. The subaccount description text was omitted and not visible in the description field on screen GL203000 (Subaccounts) In version 8.44 this has been fixed | API | API | 8.44 | 2021-04-13 | Bug |
The 'JournalTransaction' endpoint is deprecated and will be removed on April 27th 2021. A new endpoint was created to replace it. You find the documentation in Swagger under the 'JournalTransactionV2' endpoint. | Will be removed apr 27, 2021 | API | API | 8.44 | 2021-04-13 | Change |
Unable to delete a voided supplier payment in status Balanced/On hold | After the implementation of locking payments, when there is an existing reference reference number in general ledger, the system did not allow to delete voided supplier payments in status Balanced/On hold. This bug has now been fixed and you are able to delete voided supplier payments in status Balanced/On hold. | Purchase To Pay | Purchase To Pay | 8.44 | 2021-04-13 | Bug |
Incorrect business date for write off documents | When writing off a document, there was an issue because Visma.net ERP was incorrectly picking the write off date of the document. This has now been fixed and when you create a write off document, Visma.net ERP automatically picks the business date as the default date of the document. | Purchase To Pay | Purchase To Pay | 8.44 | 2021-04-13 | Bug |
PEPPOL used as default invoice type for Swedish customers | From this version on, PEPPOL will be used as the default invoice type for all Swedish customers. This only applies to new companies. | Order To Cash | Order To Cash | 8.44 | 2021-04-13 | Change |
PDF invoice contains data from another company | Earlier, if you had multiple companies, there was an issue when you exported an invoice to PDF. The print preview was fine, but after exporting it to PDF, it contained data from another company. This has now been fixed, so that the PDF invoices contain the correct data. | Order To Cash | Order To Cash | 8.44 | 2021-04-13 | Bug |
Incorrect account is used when crediting from an RC order | Earlier, there was an issue were the account in the credit note for the supplier, was taken from the accrual account of the purchase order. This has now been fixed, so that the system takes the account from the sales account on the sales invoice when crediting from an RC order. | Order To Cash | Order To Cash | 8.44 | 2021-04-13 | Bug |
See all unreleased documents that stop the close financial periods process | If there was an open credit note you had matched against an invoice in the Supplier payments (AP302000) or Customer payments (AR302000) window, but not released the matching, you could not close the period. The report Unreleased documents (GL65601S) did not show this open matching since the status of the credit note and invoice was Open and it was released. This has now been fixed and you will see the matched credit notes that are not released in the Unreleased document report. | Accounting | Accounting | 8.44 | 2021-04-13 | Bug |
Transfer adjustment period 13 in consolidation | As an accountant I want to get all periods consolidated also the adjustment period. Earlier, the adjustment period 13 was not imported to the consolidation company. This has now been fixed and the period is now included. If To period is not set, only the current period is included and periods in the future are not included. Then you have to set the To period to a wanted period in the future. | Accounting | Accounting | 8.44 | 2021-04-13 | Bug |
SIE export file balancing all #VER if Split voucher on different date is in use | Earlier, it was possible to create a journal transaction with different reference numbers on different lines. So they were not balancing and this caused an error in the SIE file (GL40100S) when you used the Split voucher on different dates function. This function splits on reference number and date, and if a reference number does not balance, the next #TRAN will be included in the #VER until it balances. So it is not possible to create a #VER that is not balancing. | Accounting | Accounting | 8.44 | 2021-04-13 | Bug |
Period format in SAF-T changed from Year-Period to Period | The format of the period tag in the SAF-T file is changed from year-period (6 digits) to period (1-2 digits) If adjustment period is in use, this period will be reported as period 13. Long accounting year will also use the actual period so that the report can contain more than 12 periods. | Accounting | Accounting | 8.44 | 2021-04-13 | Change |
Select language for processing of scheduled tasks | In the Automation schedules (SM205020) window, there is a new field on the Details tab, where you can select the language to be used in the processing of the scheduled task. This is useful for the reports generated and sent by a schedule, so you can determine which language the attached report will use. The default value is "blank", which means that the default language (English) will be used. | General | General | 8.45 | 2021-04-20 | Change |
Sending reports based on Analytical Report Manager by email | On reports based on Analytical Report Manager, when you clicked the Send button after running the report, nothing happened in the UI. Now clicking Send opens the Email activity (CR306015) window and you can send the report by email. | General | General | 8.45 | 2021-04-20 | Bug |
JournalTransaction endpoint deprecated and replaced with new one | The JournalTransaction endpoint is deprecated and will be removed on April 27th 2021. A new endpoint was created to replace it. See the Swagger documentation for more information under the 'JournalTransactionV2' endpoint. | General | General | 8.45 | 2021-04-20 | Change |
Error when printing a report twice after using the back button in the browser | Earlier, when you printed documents using the print function under the Reports menu from any window in the system, you could get an error-message if you clicked the back button in your browser and tried to re-print the same document. This has now been fixed. | Purchase To Pay | Purchase To Pay | 8.45 | 2021-04-20 | Bug |
Several errors in Approval Document Editor when splitting lines | On one hand, Approval Document Editor, when the code calculates the hierarchy of splitting (after the line is split too many times or more than 24 times), the server responded with 500 internal server error and you were not able to access the documents anymore. On the other hand, the system gave the error "You cannot split a line with a restricted subaccount" when trying to split an invoice line after the session is expired instead of informing you about the right error message, not just a generic error. Both issues have been now fixed : ⦁ You can split an invoice as many times they need without having the document blocked. ⦁ The correct error message is displayed when you try to split an invoice line after the session is expired. | Purchase To Pay | Purchase To Pay | 8.45 | 2021-04-20 | Bug |
Active option to change VAT amount on prebooked invoices | Previously, you were able to change the VAT amount on prebooked invoices, which lead to discrepancies between the amount posted to General ledger and the amount reflected in the VAT report details (TX502010) window. This bug has now been fixed and you are no longer allowed to change the VAT amount on prebooked invoices. | Purchase To Pay | Purchase To Pay | 8.45 | 2021-04-20 | Bug |
New work types and a new standard allowance for RUT deduction | There are new work types added for RUT deduction: - Furniture - Supervision of housing - Transport to sales - Laundry Also, the standard allowance for RUT has been changed to 75 000 SEK. In order to use the new value, go to the Organisations (CS101500) window and disable/enable the "Uses ROT & RUT deduction" check box on the Domestic services settings (Sweden) tab. | Order To Cash | Order To Cash | 8.45 | 2021-04-20 | Change |
Error when printing a report twice after using the back button in the browser | Earlier, when you printed documents using the print function under the Reports menu from any window in the system, you could get an error-message if you clicked the back button in your browser and tried to re-print the same document. This has now been fixed. | Order To Cash | Order To Cash | 8.45 | 2021-04-20 | Bug |
Error when trying to send a Peppol invoice with empty fields for corporate ID and VAT registration ID | Earlier, when the corporate ID and the VAT registration ID were missing in a Finnish company, you got an error message when trying to send the invoice to AutoInvoice in Peppol format. This has now been fixed. | Order To Cash | Order To Cash | 8.45 | 2021-04-20 | Bug |
After EC sales report is sent, a follow-up Customer Effort Score (CES) question may trigger | After having sent an EC sales report, you may now get a Customer Effort Score (CES) pop-up at the bottom of the screen asking you how easy you think it was to accomplish this task and if you possibly would like to provide some more feedback. This optional feedback mechanism is similar to the familiar Net Promoter Score (NPS), but provides us more detailed info about what you think of this particular support for a given task, so we can find out what works for you. After having answered once or declined to answer you will not be asked again for a period of time. We intend to use more of these type of questions later by including them for some other tasks. | Accounting | Accounting | 8.45 | 2021-04-20 | Change |
Manually handle EC sales list report without sending it to AutoReport | To be able create a new EC sale list without sending it, there is now new status "Closed" and button "Close period" for that. This will change the process and you have to close the report before you can send it to AutoReport. If you close a report without transactions you will get a dialog with a message: There are no transactions with these selection criteria. You can close the period but only reports with transactions can be sent to Autoreport. Answer OK the report will be closed answer Cancel you will get back to the report and can make changes in selections. The Send button will not be active if the closed report does not contain transactions because it's required that a report contain at least one transation. | Accounting | Accounting | 8.45 | 2021-04-20 | Change |
Improved performance in Account details window | In this version, the performance in the Account details (GL404000) window has been improved. The queries are now running much faster. In the window, you find a new check box, "Manually started search". We strongly recommend that you select this check box when there is a lot of data that you want to view. You select the filter criteria as usual and then click the "Search" button to see your results. If you do not select the "Manually started search" check box, the inquiry works as before and with improved performance. The search results are shown directly in the window when you have selected your search criteria. This means that a new search starts every time you change a search filter, and it takes more time for the system to show the search results. When working with branches, the system did in some cases not show the correct beginning and ending balance in this window. This has now been fixed. | Accounting | Accounting | 8.45 | 2021-04-20 | Change |
Improved navigation between transactions in Process incoming payments window | Navigation between transactions in the Process incoming payments (AR305000) window has been improved. | Accounting | Accounting | 8.45 | 2021-04-20 | Change |
Calculation of revised budgeted amount in Validate project balance window for recalculation of change orders | Earlier, if a budget line in the Project ((PM301000)) window on the Revenue budget or Cost budget tab had the budgeted quantity 0, the revised budgeted amount was wrongly recalculated by adding the change order's amount multiple times every time when using the Validate project balance (PM504000) window for recalculating of change orders. This has now been fixed. | Accounting | Accounting | 8.45 | 2021-04-20 | Bug |
Run allocation process stopped for projects with reversal transactions | The Run allocation process was stopped for projects with reversal transactions when using the Validate project balance window. This has now been fixed. | Accounting | Accounting | 8.45 | 2021-04-20 | Bug |
Correct sign for values in General ledger transactions with VAT | In some combinations, there were errors in the sign of some of the VAT columns and that made it difficult to reconcile the general ledger transactions against the VAT report (TX502000). Errors that have been corrected: 1. Batch number when an invoice and a credit note had the same reference number. 2. VAT report period when an invoice and a credit note had the same reference number and was closed in different report periods. 3. The sign on the reversed tax for a credit note in Taxable amount and VAT amount. 4. The sign on Total taxable amount, Total VAT amount and Original VAT amount are now positive for purchase invoice and sales credit note and negative for purchase credit note and sales invoice. 5. Correct sign on expense amount for credit note and negative lines. | Accounting | Accounting | 8.46 | 2021-04-27 | Bug |
Incorrect status for a reversed fixed asset after setting it On hold | Earlier, when you changed the status on a fixed asset Reversed, then set it on hold and then removed the Hold check box, the fixed asset was set to Active. This has now been fixed and the status is set to Reversed. | Accounting | Accounting | 8.46 | 2021-04-27 | Bug |
Printed Dutch VAT report showing correct status for sent/not sent in multi-branch companies | If a Dutch VAT report had not been sent to AutoReport before you printed it, you got the message "Rapport is niet verzonden". For a multi-branch company this message was sometimes shown both when the report had been sent and not. This has now been corrected and for multi-branch companies, the system will check the following before the "Rapport is niet verzonden" message is shown: - For a company without branches, it will not matter if you enter only company or branch in the report. - For a company with branches without File tax by branch, it will test if the company is sent. - For a company with branches with File tax by branch, it will test if the company and branch are sent. | Accounting | Accounting | 8.46 | 2021-04-27 | Bug |
Large account statement not downloaded to Autopay Inbox | Earlier, there was a problem handling large account statements in Autopay Inbox that caused timeout issues. This has now been fixed. | Accounting | Accounting | 8.46 | 2021-04-27 | Bug |
API POST calls returned incorrect location for credit note, credit adjustment or prepayment | When sending POST > credit note, credit adjustment, or prepayment via API, the system returned an incorrect location after booking the invoice in the ERP. For example: Instead of returning: controller/api/v1/supplierInvoice/Prepayment/{ref. number} the System returned: controller/api/v1/supplierInvoice/{ref. number} By not adding the document type in the URL, you would not have been able to find your document just created, because your location would have returned a "404 not found" error. This issue has now been fixed and the system returns the correct location. | API | Purchase To Pay | 8.46 | 2021-04-27 | Bug |
No update in APTran and TaxTran after changing the SupplierID in Purchase invoices window | Previously, after changing the supplier ID on an invoice with the Balanced status, from supplier A to supplier B (same VAT zone), saving and releasing, the supplier ID was not updated in the TaxTran and APTran tables causing issues in reporting VAT. The issue has now been fixed and the supplier ID is correctly updated and reflected in all VnE windows. | Purchase To Pay | Purchase To Pay | 8.46 | 2021-04-27 | Bug |
JournalTransaction endpoint deprecated and replaced with new one | The JournalTransaction endpoint is deprecated and it has now been removed. A new endpoint was created to replace it. See the Swagger documentation for more information under the 'JournalTransactionV2' endpoint. | API | Accounting | 8.46 | 2021-04-27 | Bug |
Two users not able to process the same invoice at the same time in Invoice Inbox | If two users to process an invoice at the same time, the system will give an error in one of the Invoice Inbox (AP50604S) windows saying that another user is processing the document and will stop process. | Purchase To Pay | Purchase To Pay | 8.46 | 2021-04-27 | Bug |
New RUT types for Sweden only applicable from 15. April 2021 | Previously, the new tax relief service work types (RUT) for Furniture, Supervision Of Housing, Transport To Sales, and Laundry could only be applied on sales documents with a date of 15. April 2021 or later. This has now been adjusted so that new RUT types are applicable from 1. January 2021. | Order To Cash | Order To Cash | 8.46 | 2021-04-27 | Bug |
Encoding UTF-8 in the heading of SAF-T file | Earlier, encoding was missing in the header of the SAF-T file. It has now been fixed so that it contains encoding ="UTF-8". | Accounting | Accounting | 8.46 | 2021-04-27 | Bug |
Drilldown to the Account details (GL404000) window from reports no longer working | In this version we have fixed the problems with the drill-down to the Accounts Details (GL404000) window that were not working from the ARM reports and Trial Balance (Detailed och Summary). We have also made some visual improvements in Accounts Details (GL404000) window, and aligned the "Manually started search" checkbox to the second column. | Accounting | Accounting | 8.46 | 2021-04-27 | Bug |
Wrong result when exporting Balance with external codes (GL63201S) to Excel | When exporting the report Balance with external codes (GL63201S) to Excel, the report needed extensive formatting in Excel so that it could be used for analysis. This has now been corrected by letting the report come through the export without merging or hiding any columns. To achieve this, you must change a property in the Report designer and indicating column sequence before exporting to Excel. In GL63201S, click Edit report. On the right side of the Report designer window, you have Properties. If you can’t see the Properties area, activate the report by clicking just outside the different fields of the report. In the Layout section of Properties, set Excel mode to Manual. This is a new setting and was previously not available. This setting makes it possible for you to split the columns instead of merging and hiding them. When this is done, you need to ensure that columns are separated by giving each a sequence number. First of all you need to change the selection of properties from the whole report to each field. Do that by clicking on the field you want to set as column number 1. In the Layout section, ensure the part about Excel is expanded. When that is done, you will see the Column field. This field indicates the column number. Enter 1 for the first column you want on the report. Click the next field in the report you want to include in the Excel and enter 2. Continue like this until you have the sequence and the number of columns you want in your report. Preview your work to ensure the desired result. | General | Report Designer | 8.47 | 2021-05-04 | Bug |
New column Alternate description in Purchase orders window | A new column named Alternate description has been added to the Purchase orders (PO301000) window. This will be updated from the stock item's details, from the Cross-reference tab (IN202500) when using a supplier part number and adding an alternate ID and description. The Alternate ID was available from before. | Purchase To Pay | Purchase Order | 8.47 | 2021-05-04 | Change |
Lines are missing after export to Excel | Earlier, when you exported to Excel from an invoice layout, there were lines missing in the output. This has now been fixed. | Order To Cash | Customer Ledger | 8.47 | 2021-05-04 | Bug |
Changes in the User list report (SM65050S) window | In the User list report (SM65050S) window, the columns Type, The account is activated, and Locked account have been removed. There are also some minor changes in the layout | General | Setup of new companies | 8.47 | 2021-05-04 | Bug |
Incorrect Intrastat details if an order is shipped/invoiced twice | In Intrastat, a kit article showed a wrong net value when it was shipped in two different shipments. This has now been fixed. | Purchase To Pay | Intrastat | 8.47 | 2021-05-04 | Bug |
Report EC sales list for more than one tax agency | The new EC sales list did not support more than one tax agency as the old EC sales list did. This has now been fixed and you can report to more than one tax agency for a company. You have to run a tax report or save the tax period for the company and tax agency before you can use it in the new EC sales list. | Accounting | Reporting to Government | 8.47 | 2021-05-04 | Bug |
Improved transaction safety for inventory transactions | Improved the transaction safety for inventory receipt, issue, adjustment and transfer. This will remove the possibility for partial commitment of data in the system, which leads to better data integrity. | Order To Cash | Inventory | 8.47 | 2021-05-04 | Bug |
Search in the description column of external code 1 and 2 in Chart of accounts | As a user I want to be able to write a part of the code or description in the column and it will be used when searching for matching values: This has now been implemented in the columns External code 1 and 2 in the Chart of accounts, and both the code and description are a part of the search when you start writing a text. | Accounting | Reporting to Government | 8.47 | 2021-05-04 | Change |
Re-download missing invoice attachments in Invoice Inbox | If attachments are missing when an invoice sent from AutoInvoice, you can re-download the attachments in Invoice Inbox (AP50604S). In the Status field, choose Attachment errors and then click Process. The attachements will be sent to Invoice Inbox. | Purchase To Pay | AutoInvoice Receiving | 8.47 | 2021-05-04 | Change |
Match an incoming payment with an invoice not having the same amount but the same KID/invoice | Earlier, if you had an incoming payment with a different amount than the invoice, it was not matched automatically. Now the system matches the payment with the invoice even if the amount is not the same. | Accounting | Payment | 8.47 | 2021-05-04 | Bug |
Correct status for a fully depreciated fixed asset | Earlier, a fixed asset got the status Active when it was entered as fully depreciated. This has now been fixed and the status is set to Fully depreciated. | Accounting | Fixed Assets | 8.47 | 2021-05-04 | Bug |
Change EC sales list report type without changing VAT period statuses | When you changed the EC sales list report type in the VAT periods window (TX207000), an error changed the status on closed and prepared VAT periods, which resulted in errors when you prepared and closed VAT reports. This has now been fixed, and changing the EC sales list report type does not change the VAT periods. | Accounting | Reporting to Government | 8.47 | 2021-05-04 | Bug |
Wrong balance in the inquiry Account details when using Show summary and navigation to previous and next record | The beginning and ending balance in the header of the Account details (GL404000) inquiry was wrong for negative amounts when using the Show summary option. The same balances were wrong when using the navigation to view the previous or the next record. This has now been fixed. | Accounting | Registration | 8.47 | 2021-05-04 | Bug |
Split location with PUT purchase receipt endpoint | Earlier, it was not possible to split location when you run the PUT purchase receipt endpoint. This has now been fixed. | API | Purchase Order | 8.48 | 2021-05-11 | Bug |
Incorrect rounding for VAT taxable amount | Earlier, in specific scenarios where you had invoices with discount, the rounding for the VAT taxable amount was incorrect. This could be seen when you summed up the invoice amounts, which also resulted in a validation error when sending the invoice as an e-invoice in the Peppol format. This has now been fixed, so that we now calculate the total amount after the discount, for rows with more decimal precision. This means that the VAT taxable will get the correct rounding and decimal amount. | Order To Cash | AutoInvoice Send | 8.48 | 2021-05-11 | Bug |
The POST SalesOrder endpoint returns an error when 'Free item' is selected on the order line | Earlier, when using the POST SalesOrder endpoint, it returned this error message when you had the check box 'Free item' selected on the order line: "An item with the same key has already been added". This has now been fixed. | API | Sales Order | 8.48 | 2021-05-11 | Bug |
Dutch VAT report (TX62105S) showed incorrect figures after resend and when supplementary reports were sent | Earlier, when the VAT report was for any reason resent or when a supplementary report was sent, the VAT report, Dutch (TX62105S) doubled up the amounts for each sending. The VAT amounts in the system and in the file were correct but not in this printed report. This has now been fixed. | Accounting | Reporting to Government | 8.49 | 2021-05-18 | Bug |
New POST operations on Expense Claim endpoint: put On hold, Submit, Send to approval | There is a new improvement on the Expense Claim endpoint. Third party integrators are now able to submit, send to approval and put On hold expense claim using the following new POST operations on the Expense Claim endpoint: - POST /api/v1/expenseClaim/{expenseClaim}/action/hold; - POST /api/v1/expenseClaim/{expenseClaim}/action/submit; - POST /api/v1/expenseClaim/{expenseClaim}/action/approval | API | Time & Expense | 8.49 | 2021-05-18 | Change |
Peppol BIS 3.0: New additional scheme IDs for Finnish organisation number and VAT number. | There are new additional scheme IDs supporting the newest version of Peppol BIS 3.0, which also align with the code list EN 16931. Earlier, only scheme ID 0037 was available for Finnish identifications, but 0037 is only used for Finnish e-invoice address and not for organisation number and VAT number. With the new scheme IDs you are now able to set the correct identification for Finnish organisation number and VAT number. The new scheme IDs are: 0212 - Finnish Organisation Identifier 0213 - Finnish Organisation Value Add Tax Identifier | Order To Cash | AutoInvoice Send | 8.49 | 2021-05-18 | Change |
Wrong mapping of standard account ID on transactions in SAF-T file | Earlier, mapping of the standard account ID in the SAF-T file was also applied to the transactions and on the transactions, the original accounts are the accounts that should be used. The public code 1 from the chart of accounts shall only appear in the GeneralLedgerAccounts/Account StandardAccountID. This error has now been fixed and the transactions are using the original Account ID. | Accounting | Reporting to Government | 8.49 | 2021-05-18 | Bug |
Wrong behaviour in Account details when changing column setup and using notes and attachments | Earlier, in the Account details inquiry (GL404000), the lines disappeared when changes were done in the column configuration. When clicking on a note, the yellow icon got white and the note disappeared. When clicking on an attachment at line level, they all showed the same link. These issues have now been fixed. | Accounting | Registration | 8.49 | 2021-05-18 | Bug |
Warning about missing account/subaccount on purchase order receipt | If purchase accrual subaccount is missing on a purchase order receipt (PO302000), you will now get an error messages saying that you need to fill it in. | Purchase To Pay | Purchase Order | 8.50 | 2021-05-25 | Change |
Improved performance in multiple areas inside the O2C domain | There are generic performance improvements in the data access layer, which will affect all functionality (applies to API, screens, generic inquiries, and reports) in the following areas inside the O2C domain: Discounts, Payment methods, Customer prices, Attributes, Customer, Customer classes, Customer invoice, Sales invoice, Incoming payments, Freight handling, and sending of electronic invoices (Visma XML and Peppol BIS 3.0). The effect of this will vary based on document size or the entity you are working on, and the number of documents and entities existing in your company. It applies to retrieving, creating, and updating data, and affects logical scans and scan counts in the SQL server in a very good way. Some of these changes will also have a positive effect on areas outside the O2C domain, that are referring to these documents or entities. | Order To Cash | Sales Order | 8.50 | 2021-05-25 | Change |
Peppol BIS 3.0: The value for scheme ID 0190 is taken from the wrong field | Earlier, when using scheme ID 0190 (Dutch OIN number), the value was taken from the Corporate ID field, which was wrong. This has now been fixed, so when you send an e-invoice (AR301000) in Peppol BIS 3.0 format using scheme ID 0190, the value is taken from the GLN field, and the invoice will now contain correct information. | Order To Cash | AutoInvoice Send | 8.50 | 2021-05-25 | Bug |
Peppol BIS 3.0: Validation error when unit code is missing on the invoice line | Earlier, when item ID was missing on the invoice line (AR301000) and a unit of measure was added, you got a validation error when sending e-invoices in Peppol BIS 3.0 format. This has now been fixed, so that the unit code for the line is set according to the unit of measure, and you will not get the validation error anymore. | Order To Cash | AutoInvoice Send | 8.50 | 2021-05-25 | Bug |
Issue in improved transaction safety handling for inventory transfers when transferring items from one location to another using serial number tracking | In version 8.47, there was a new bug that affected improvement of transaction handling for release of inventory transactions (IN304000). This improvement was therefore deactivated on all production companies. This was applicable when transferring items from one location to another using serial number tracking. When the inventory transfer was released, the quantities were removed from the source location but were not added to the target location. This has now been resolved and the improved transaction handling will be reactivated, ensuring that committing partial updates of data will not happen. | Order To Cash | Inventory | 8.50 | 2021-05-25 | Bug |
New field in Purchase invoice window to show the VAT description | In the Purchase invoice (AP301000) window, the description of the VAT code was missing. For that, there is now a new field on the VAT details tab to also show the VAT description. | Purchase To Pay | Supplier Ledger | 8.51 | 2021-06-01 | Change |
Only cross-references with barcode type in StandardItemIdentification field on Peppol BIS 3.0 invoices. | Earlier, when sending an invoice in the Peppol BIS 3.0 format, the field StandardItemIdentification in the invoice line was set incorrectly. All cross-reference types were included in the field, not only barcode. This has now been fixed so that only cross-references with the type barcode are added to the StandardItemIdentification field. Priority for selecting a barcode is the following: 1. The system checks if there is a barcode with a specified unit of measure and if it is the same as the unit of measure on the invoice line 2. The system checks if there is a barcode without a specified unit of measure 3. If several barcodes are found, the system picks the first one | Order To Cash | AutoInvoice Send | 8.51 | 2021-06-01 | Bug |
New field “Tax total” now available in the response message for ExpenseReceipt endpoint | A new field “Tax total” is now available in the response message for the ExpenseReceipt endpoint for the GET operations. | API | Project | 8.51 | 2021-06-01 | Change |
Purchase invoices without VAT now visible on Supplier invoice tab in Project window | Earlier, purchase invoices without VAT were missing from the Supplier invoice tab in the Project window (PM301000). This has now been fixed. | Accounting | Project | 8.51 | 2021-06-01 | Bug |
Improved performance in the Balance sheet specification/Open entries report (GL63309S) | In this version, performance improvements were implemented for the Balance sheet specification - open entries (GL63309S) report, which should prevent timeouts when processing the report. | Accounting | GL Reconciliation | 8.51 | 2021-06-01 | Change |
Deferral codes and schedules generates the transaction to the first open period if the period backwards in time is closed | When using deferral codes (DR202000) with the start offset backwards in time and when the financial period backwards in time was closed during the run recognition (DR501000), the system used the transaction/recognition date for the document created in the deferral schedule (DR201500). Example: An invoice was created in February with start offset -1 (January). When running the recognition in March, the financial period for January was closed. The system created the transaction in March. This has now been fixed so that the system generates the transaction in the first possible open period, February in this example. | Accounting | Registration | 8.51 | 2021-06-01 | Bug |
Wrong invoice/credit note is sent to AutoInvoice | Earlier, in some circumstances, a wrong invoice/credit note was sent to AutoInvoice. This has now been fixed. | Order To Cash | AutoInvoice Send | 8.51 | 2021-06-01 | Bug |
Customer number on expense and income accounts for customer write-off transactions in SAF-T file | If you had Customer write-off transactions, the SAF-T file contained the customer number on the expense/income account in addition to the customer ledger account. This created an error between the customer balance and transactions. This has now been fixed and only the supplier ledger account contains the customer number. | Accounting | Reporting to Government | 8.51 | 2021-06-01 | Bug |
No access to File maintenance for Sales User, Sales Administrator, Purchase User, Purchase Administrator, Warehouse User, or Warehouse Administrator | Earlier, you were not able to delete or maintain any attachments in the File maintenance (SM202510) window if you only had the Sales User, Sales Administrator, Purchase User, Warehouse User, or Warehouse Administrator roles. This has now been fixed. | Order To Cash | Sales Order | 8.51 | 2021-06-01 | Bug |
Error in sending invoices marked for sending to AutoInvoice in Print invoice window | Earlier, when more than one invoice was marked for sending to AutoInvoice in the Print invoice window (AR508000), you got an error message and no invoices were sent to AutoInvoice. This has now been fixed. | Order To Cash | AutoInvoice Send | 8.51 | 2021-06-01 | Bug |
Calculate depreciation limit for buildings (fixed assets) by taxed value | In the Netherlands, the depreciation of buildings is limited by a percentage of the fiscal value (NL: WOZ-waarde). The building may not be depreciated (fiscal) more than 50% of the "WOZ-waarde" when the building is used by the company and 100% of the "WOZ-waarde" when the building is rent out. The "WOZ-waarde" is set yearly. When it changes, the depreciation has to be adapted. You are now able to connect this property tax group to fixed assets in Visma.net Financials. There is also a new inquiry that gives the accountant the needed amount and calculation for the fixed asset that are connected to the property tax group. | Accounting | Fixed Assets | 8.52 | 2021-06-08 | Change |
"Reverse and Apply to Memo" action on CustomerInvoice endpoint to trigger creation and automatic application of a credit note | There is a new action "Reverse and Apply to Memo" in the CustomerInvoice endpoint, which triggers creation and automatic application of a credit note to a sales invoice. This is the same functionality as in the user interface. | API | Customer Ledger | 8.52 | 2021-06-08 | Change |
RC type orders in Prepare Intrastat window | The RC type orders are now working correctly again and the returned stock items and they appear in the Prepare Intrastat (TX50800S) window as well. | Purchase To Pay | Intrastat | 8.52 | 2021-06-08 | Bug |
Release invoice endpoint not working properly | When using the "controller/api/v1/supplierInvoice/[invoicerefnbr]/action/release" API call, the system allowed you to release the same invoice several times creating multiple general ledger batches for the same document. Now the issue has been fixed and the release invoice action will be locked during the process and you will no longer be allowed to trigger the same action from different windows or tools multiple times. | API | Supplier Ledger | 8.52 | 2021-06-08 | Bug |
Improved transaction handling for sales and customer invoice | Improved the transaction handling for release of customer and sales invoices. This will remove the possibility for partial commitment of data in the system, which leads to better data integrity. | Order To Cash | Customer Ledger | 8.52 | 2021-06-08 | Bug |
Generate VAT debit adjustment not working properly | Earlier, the Generate VAT debit adjustment (AP504500) functionality was no longer working for releasing of VAT debit adjustments for documents booked on suppliers that had an account included in a group set up in the Expense account fields in the Suppliers window (AP303000). This has now been fixed. | Purchase To Pay | Supplier Ledger | 8.52 | 2021-06-08 | Bug |
Description of VAT code visible on invoice lines | You can now see the description of the VAT code in the Sales invoices (AR301000) and Customer invoice (SO303000) windows, on the VAT details tab so that it's easier to understand which VAT code is selected on the invoice lines. | Order To Cash | Customer Ledger | 8.53 | 2021-06-15 | Change |
Wrong dunning letter fee for Norway in template | Earlier, the maximum dunning letter fee set as default in the Customer ledger preferences (AR101000) was too high. It has now been corrected to meet the rates set by the government. | Order To Cash | Customer Ledger | 8.53 | 2021-06-15 | Bug |
Reclassify transactions for currency gain and loss accounts | When having a currency loss or gain, it was not possible to do a reclassification for this account in the Reclassify transactions (GL506000) window. This has now been fixed. There are two new columns in the window to show the debit and credit amounts in both the base and the document currency. Note that it's not possible to use the split line functionality in this special situation. | Accounting | Registration | 8.54 | 2021-06-22 | Bug |
Balance by GL account not showing pre-booked invoices | Earlier, the report Balance by GL account (AP63200S) was no longer displaying invoices in the Pre-booked status or open documents, but initially pre-booked. The bug has been fixed and the report will also show pre-booked or open invoices that have been previously pre-booked. | Purchase To Pay | Supplier Ledger | 8.54 | 2021-06-22 | Bug |
Improved performance for Auditfile export (GL40200S) | The performance of the Audit file export (GL40200S) has now been improved. | Accounting | Registration | 8.54 | 2021-06-22 | Change |
FIK payments for invoices with credit notes applied (DK) | For the credit notes with payment method 6, payment reference will not be mandatory. When sending invoice with credit applied in AutoPay, there needs to be only the payment reference from the invoice. | Purchase To Pay | Outgoing Payment | 8.54 | 2021-06-22 | Bug |
Only first kit component printed on picking list for non-stock kit and kit component with two stock items | Earlier, in case of a non-stock kit and kit component with two stock items, only the first kit component was printed on the picking list (SO644000). This has now been fixed. | Order To Cash | Sales Order | 8.54 | 2021-06-22 | Bug |
Write-off functionality not working | Earlier, the write-off functionality (AP301000) was no longer working if the business date was not manually chosen by users before using it. The issue has now been solved and the write-off functionality is working as expected. | Purchase To Pay | Supplier Ledger | 8.54 | 2021-06-22 | Bug |
SupplierInvoice endpoint returns 204 on failed update | There is a new improvement on the PUT SupplierInvoice endpoint. Earlier, when using this endpoint to update the invoice account, the system returned response "204 - NO Content", no error message, and failed update for users with restricted access to that particular account. This has now been fixed, but to be backward compatible and not break the existing integrations, the correct error message is displayed by the system if third party integrators will use the flag called ValidateLineDetails. The following remarks have been added to swagger for the new property: ValidateLineDetails: "It is recommended that the clients/integrators gradually adapt this setting. They should have a feature toggle of some sort on their side to enable/disable this. Once the functionality is matured, it can be set to default without any further worries" | API | Supplier Ledger | 8.54 | 2021-06-22 | Bug |
New accounts added in chart of accounts for new VAT handling in the Norwegian template | The following accounts have been added in the Norwegian template that will be used for VAT handling for import VAT. 2705 Utgående merverdiavgift innførsel av varer, høy sats 2706 Utgående merverdiavgift innførsel av varer, middels sats 2707 Utgående merverdiavgift innførsel av varer, lav sats NOTE! These accounts will not be added in existing companies. | Accounting | Reporting to Government | 8.54 | 2021-06-22 | Change |
Splitting/Undo splitting invoice lines changes amounts on invoice | There was an issue when performing the split line / undo split operation several times on a purchase invoice (AP301000). Sometimes it caused the invoice to go out of balance. The issue has now been fixed. | Purchase To Pay | Supplier Ledger | 8.54 | 2021-06-22 | Bug |
Splitting of landed costs | Earlier, there was an issue with splitting of landed costs on landed cost invoices (AP301000). It has now been fixed. | Purchase To Pay | Purchase Order | 8.54 | 2021-06-22 | Bug |
Finnish rowset TASESP used in ARM reports updated | The Finnish rowset TASESP used in some of the balance reports is now updated. Account group 2617 has been added and the accounts 1860-1890 are now grouped into an own summary group in the report. | Accounting | Registration | 8.55 | 2021-06-29 | Change |
Extended filtering in the Trial balance summary (GL63200S) report | You can now select a from period and to period for the Trial balance summary (GL63200S) report. The purpose is to first choose one financial year to receive the correct ending balance for income and expense accounts. Then you can select a from period and to period for the report. | Accounting | Registration | 8.55 | 2021-06-29 | Change |
Button "Extract invoice numbers" added to Process bank transactions window for extracting invoice numbers from bank files (NL) | A new button "Extract invoice numbers" is added to the Process bank transactions (CA306000) window for Dutch companies, which gives you the possibility to extract invoice numbers from bank files. This is needed when you enter invoices after the bank import or change the prefix settings. After the extract invoice number you are able to automatch. Remember to unmatch before running the automatch again. | Accounting | Cash Management | 8.55 | 2021-06-29 | Change |
Wrong taxable amount on orders with order type Credit not when using amount based discounts | Earlier, there were wrong taxable amounts on orders with the order type Credit note when using a discount based on amount. This has now been fixed. | Order To Cash | Sales Order | 8.55 | 2021-06-29 | Bug |
Override number series upon import' not working in Schedule import scenarios window | Earlier, the setting 'Override number series upon import' was not working when using the Schedule import scenarios (SM206035) window and the system was triggering the numbering sequence that is used automatically to generate invoice reference numbers. The issue has now been fixed. | Purchase To Pay | Supplier Ledger | 8.55 | 2021-06-29 | Bug |
Change of customer ID in sales invoice can lead to errors in VAT handling | Earlier, when you changed the customer ID in a sales invoice (SO303000), it could lead to errors in VAT handling. This has now been fixed. | Order To Cash | Customer Ledger | 8.55 | 2021-06-29 | Bug |
Hyphen [-] removed from postal code fields in Sales orders, Sales invoices, Customer invoices, and Shipments | Earlier, hyphen [-] was removed from postal code fields in the Sales orders (SO301000), Customer invoices (SO303000), Sales invoices (AR301000,) and Shipments (SO302000) windows. This has now been fixed. | Order To Cash | Customer Ledger | 8.55 | 2021-06-29 | Bug |
Pagination parameters wrongfully introduced for VatCatergory Endpoint in swagger documentation | Even though the 'VatCategory' endpoint does not support pagination, the 'PageSize' and 'PageNumber' parameters were exposed in Swagger documentation. Now they have been removed. | API | Reporting to Government | 8.56 | 2021-07-13 | Bug |
Undo last action' fails after having set up and activated contract where customer invoice is generated | Earlier, 'Undo last action' (CT301000) failed after having set up and activated the contract where the customer invoice was generated. This has now been fixed. | Order To Cash | Contract Management | 8.56 | 2021-07-13 | Bug |
GET warehouse endpoint returning trailing spaces in several IDs | Earlier, the GET warehouse endpoint returned receiptLocationId, shipLocationId, returnLocationId, locations-locationId, and dropShipLocationId with trailing spaces. This has now been fixed, and IDs will not contain trailing spaces in the response any more. | API | Inventory | 8.56 | 2021-07-13 | Bug |
Broken access controls in Screen ID URL query | Previously, users without any Administrator role were not able to see the 'Row-level security' and 'Layout templates' sections. Despite that, they were able to access some of the screens of these sections by typing the screen ID into URL. This was possible because the license restrictions of those screens were weaker than their parent section. The license was fixed by: - 'General ledger accounts by branch access' (GL103040), 'Subaccounts by branch access' (GL103060), 'Restriction groups by subaccount' (GL104030) screens are not accessible anymore without any Administrator role - Layout templates is visible for Financials User and its child screens are accessible according to their license - The 'Report list' (RE000000) screen is accessible for Administrator roles only | Architecture | Security | 8.56 | 2021-07-13 | Bug |
Calculate replenishment quantities improved | The Calculate replenishment quantities (IN508500) window has been fixed so that it is faster and all items should now be shown. | Purchase To Pay | Replenishment | 8.56 | 2021-07-13 | Bug |
Posting "CustomerInvoice/V2" and changing the date via the UI resets Unit price on lines | Earlier, when using "POST V2/CustomerInvoice" and changing the invoice date via the UI, the Unit price was reset on the invoice lines. This has now been fixed. | API | Customer Ledger | 8.56 | 2021-07-13 | Bug |
PDF attachments in wrong language on invoices sent to AutoInvoice | Earlier, in some scenarios, the wrong language was used on the generated PDF attachment on outbound electronic invoices in the PEPPOL BIS 3.0 format. This has now been fixed. | Order To Cash | AutoInvoice Send | 8.56 | 2021-07-13 | Bug |
Wrong documentation in the GET Supplier Invoice Endpoint for "Released" parameter | Earlier, the documentation for the "Released" parameter available in the GET Supplier Invoice endpoint was incorrect. The issue has now been fixed. | API | Supplier Ledger | 8.56 | 2021-07-13 | Bug |
Link on account to follow the From period/To period filter fields in Trial balance summary | There was an error when selecting the From period earlier than the current period and To period equal to the current period. Then the link in the Trial balance summary (GL63200S) report to Account details suggested only one period. This has now been fixed and it will use the same from and to period as selected in the report. | Accounting | GL Reconciliation | 8.56 | 2021-07-13 | Bug |
Trial balance summary (GL63200S) was missing suggestion of year and periods | The Trial balance summary (GL63200S) report is now suggesting the current year and period in the Year, From period, and To period fields. | Accounting | UX | 8.56 | 2021-07-13 | Bug |
Wrong account in credit note lines when created with API function Reverse and Apply to note | Earlier, a wrong account was generated in the lines of credit notes when they were created using api/v1/customerinvoice/{invoiceNumber}/action/reverseandapplytonote endpoint. This has now been fixed. | API | Customer Ledger | 8.56 | 2021-07-13 | Bug |
KitSpecification endpoint missing LastModifiedDateTime in the DTO and cannot be filtered upon | Earlier, GET KitSpecification endpoint was missing the field LastModifiedDateTime in the DTO and could not be filtered upon. This has now been fixed. | API | Inventory | 8.56 | 2021-07-13 | Bug |
GET "inventory" returns "warehouseID" with trailing spaces | In some scenarios GET "inventory" endpoint returned trailing spaces for warehouse id under warehouseDetails, which led to DTO property could not be used directly in other API endpoints. This has now been resolved. | API | Inventory | 8.57 | 2021-07-20 | Bug |
Project validation on cash transaction checking if account is in account group or not | In previous versions, you were able to create cash transactions with projects on accounts that are not included in account groups. This issue has been fixed by adding validation on project, which checks if the account is included in an account group or not. | Accounting | Cash Management | 8.57 | 2021-07-20 | Bug |
An error has occurred while processing your request on Customer profiles report | Earlier you would get "An error has occurred while processing your request." when opening Customer profiles report (AR651000). This has now been fixed. | Order To Cash | Customer Ledger | 8.58 | 2021-07-27 | Bug |
Internal ID for branch showed up in payment reference instead of the CD | When included reference to branch in the CID for a company with multi-branch support in the payment settings of Customer Ledger Preferences (AR101000). The generated Payment Reference Nbr in Sales Invoice screen (AR301000) contained the internal id for branch instead of the CD (visible ID). This has now been fixed. | Order To Cash | Customer Ledger | 8.58 | 2021-07-27 | Bug |
Error when assemble KIT from sales order screen | Assembling KIT items containing components with lot/serial tracking directly from the sales order screen (SO30100) led to an error. This has now been fixed. | Order To Cash | Sales Order | 8.58 | 2021-07-27 | Bug |
Adding note for customer location lead to all locations being affected | Earlier when adding note on one customer location (AR303000) could lead to note being added to all locations for this customer. This has now been fixed. | Order To Cash | Customer Ledger | 8.58 | 2021-07-27 | Bug |
Release of Sales Invoice does not update actual amount on project balance and revenue budget | In previous versions, the Actual amount field from Project window on the Balance tab and Revenue budget tab was not updated properly after releasing sales invoices (AR301000). This issue has been fixed and the Actual amount is automatically updated after refresh of project window | Accounting | Project | 8.58 | 2021-07-27 | Bug |
Move of extended columns for Tax, Tax Category and Tax Report Lines, affect reports and inquiries. | The tables VAT, VAT category and Reporting setting have been changed where the extended columns has been moved into the main table If these columns are used in any Report or Inquiries they have been replaced to the new column during upgrade. VAT (TX205000) EU report code Default non-stock item Visma XML VAT type VAT category (TX205500) Standard VAT code Reporting settings (TX205100) - Report lines: Sort order line - Removed From VAT period To VAT period Report designer There is changes Tax element for the Report designer and there are now more columns available from taxes. For customers that have made changes to the reports have to select the report and run the [Refresh dataset] for the customized report to get access to the new columns in the report. The affected reports: Purchase order VAT - subreport - PO6401SR Unreleased transactions (detailed) - AP610500 Unreleased transactions - AP610700 Unreleased transactions (detailed) - AR610500 Unreleased transactions - AR611000 Customer documents (detailed) - AR622000 Unreleased transactions (detailed) - CA612500 VAT details by general ledger account by date - TX622500 | Accounting | Reporting to Government | 8.58 | 2021-07-27 | Change |
The error when splitting transactions using Reclassify transaction is fixed | The error when splitting lines in the Reclassify transactions (GL506000) window introduced June 22, 2021, where the base amount became 0,00 has now been fixed. You can now split lines in base currency and with other currency. It's only lines created from payments with currency gain/loss where the amount in currency is 0,00 debit and credit that can not be splitted. NOTE! If you need assistance to make corrections on transactions with this error, contact Support. | Accounting | Registration | 8.58 | 2021-07-27 | Bug |
Ungraceful error message thrown when client attempts to POST Customer Invoice V2 | Earlier when you did a post to api/v2/customerinvoice containing origInvoiceDate with Use Value Date not active in the Accounts Receivable Preferences (AR101000) you did not get a clear error message. This has now been fixed, and you will get a clear error message in the response explaining why it failed. The error message will not contain the invoice number, since the invoice is not yet created when the error occurs. | API | Customer Ledger | 8.58 | 2021-07-27 | Bug |
Linear degraded performance from GET salesorderbasic endpoint when increasing page number using pagination | Previously, when you called the GET Salesorderbasic endpoint, its performance linearly degraded when increasing the pageNumber parameter. This has now been fixed, in addition to a generic performance improvement of ~25% showed on our test company (the effect of this depends on the number of sales order documents and lines in the system). | API | Sales Order | 8.59 | 2021-08-03 | Bug |
Copy original file attachments and notes to correction transactions when reclassifying transactions | Earlier, file attachments and notes were not copied to correction transactions. This has now been fixed. When you reclassify transactions that have file attached or a note, the new created transaction and correction transaction will get the same note and file attached. So, you are able to see the documents and notes that were added to the original transactions on the corrected transactions. | Accounting | GL Reconciliation | 8.59 | 2021-08-03 | Bug |
Reclassify all from Account details window | The error where Reclassify all did not open with any transactions from the Account details (GL404000) window has now been fixed and all transactions from the window will appear in the Reclassification window. | Accounting | GL Reconciliation | 8.59 | 2021-08-03 | Bug |
Project validation when using cashTansaction endpoint for creating cash transactions with projects and accounts not included in account groups | In previous versions, you were able to create cash transactions with projects on accounts that are not included in account groups using the CashTransaction endpoint. This issue has been fixed by adding validation on project, which checks if the account is included in an account group or not. | API | Project | 8.59 | 2021-08-03 | Bug |
GET SalesOrder endpoint returns an internal project ID in project | Earlier the GET SalesOrder endpoint returned and internal ID in project. This has now been fixed by adding property ProjectCD containing the visible ID for the project. Enabling integrations to utilize this value. During testing we however found an issue with trailing spaces, so please ensure to trim ProjectCD pre using it. This will be resolved for next version. | API | Sales Order | 8.60 | 2021-08-10 | Bug |
New parameters/flags to improve performance of General Ledger Transactions endpoint | There is a new parameter to avoid additional data for Account, Branch and beginning and ending balance in the query to improve the performance for this API. ExpandAccountInfo: By default, if no value is provided, True and each transaction returned will include extended information about the account. If False, the account information will include only Number, Description, Type and GlConsolAccountCD. ExpandBranchInfo: By default, if no value is provided, True and each transaction returned will include extended information about Branch (number and name). If False, the branch information will include only the branch number. IncludeTransactionBalance By default, if no value is provided, True and each transaction returned will include its balance. If False, the transactions returned will not include their balances (fields BegBalance, EndingBalance, CurrBegBalance, CurrEndingBalance) | API | GL Reconciliation | 8.60 | 2021-08-10 | Change |
Correct BIC information when using multiple locations on supplier | For suppliers with two different payment locations and different payment methods, you need to select the second location in the header to be able to pay invoices from the second location. The bank details will be updated accordingly on the Financial details tab (AP301000) and the payment will be processed using the correct combination of IBAN and BIC. | Purchase To Pay | Outgoing Payment | 8.60 | 2021-08-10 | Bug |
A new easier method to use the Currency endpoint | The currency endpoints have been changed and a new version 2 added for Exchange rate and Rate type. GET api/v1/currency and GET /api/v1/currency/{curyId}has been extended with new columns "symbol": "string", "isBaseCurrency": true, - is only returned on the currency that is the base currency. "decimalPrecision": 0, "isUsedForAccounting": true New version 2 of Currency rates GET /api/v2/currencyrate with parameter fromDate toDate fromCurrency toCurrency rateType Returning "id": 0, "fromCurrencyId": "string", "toCurrencyId": "string", "rateType": "string", "rate": 0, "effectiveDate": "2021-08-04T00:00:00", "multDiv": "string", "rateReciprocal": 0 For POST the CurrencyRateID is removed as parameter and From and To Currency is part of the request. POST /api/v2/currencyrate "fromCurrencyId": "string" "toCurrencyId": "string" "rateType": "string" "effectiveDate": "2021-08-04" "rate": 0 "multDiv": "Multiply" For PUT the request only contain Rate and MultiDiv to avoid updating an existing Rate for a other currency/ratetype by mistake. PUT /api/v2/currencyrate with parameter currencyRateId "rate": 0 "multDiv": "Multiply" New API's for Currency rate type: GET /api/v2/currencyratetype "id": "string", "description": "string", "daysEffective": 0 POST /api/v2/currencyratetype "id": "string" "description": "string" "daysEffective": 0 | API | Currency Management | 8.60 | 2021-08-10 | Change |
Error running the Norwegian VAT report (TX62104S) | Earlier, there was an error when running Norwegian VAT report (TX62104S) in version 8.59. The error was caused by a change of columns internally in the database and the report contained the old value. It has now been fixed. Also, an error when entering a To VAT period in the report settings has been fixed. | Accounting | Reporting to Government | 8.60 | 2021-08-10 | Bug |
Pagination and filtering issues introduced with performance improvement of GET salesorderbasic endpoint in 8.59 | In 8.59 we introduced a performance optimization for GET salesorderbasic endpoint which resulted in some issues with pagination and filtering. This has now been fixed, and we have reactivated the optimization again. | API | Sales Order | 8.60 | 2021-08-10 | Bug |
Deprecated PUT, POST and GET v1/currency/ExchangeRates methods | The PUT, POST and GET v1/currency/ExchangeRates methods are deprecated and will be removed on November 16th 2021. Start using the new methods under v2/currencyRate. | API | Currency Management | 8.60 | 2021-08-10 | Change |
Pagination on GET Customer endpoint when filtering on attributes | Earlier, pagination did not work on the GET Customer endpoint when filtering on attributes. This has now been fixed. | API | Customer Ledger | 8.61 | 2021-08-17 | Bug |
Filtering in Release supplier documents based on Approval status and comments | Earlier, filtering in the Release supplier documents (AP501000 ) window based on Approval status and comments in both filter settings or corresponding columns was no longer working. The issue has now been fixed. | Purchase To Pay | Supplier Ledger | 8.61 | 2021-08-17 | Bug |
DELETE operations for Expense Claim and Expense Receipt endpoints | There are now two new operations for ExpenseClaim and ExpenseReceipt endpoints, which can be used by third party integrators: - DELETE /api/v1/expenseClaim/{expenseClaimNbr} - this will allow the possibility to delete specified expense claimz - DELETE /api/v1/expenseReceipt/{receiptNumber} - this will allow the possibility to delete specified expense receipts | API | Time & Expense | 8.61 | 2021-08-17 | Change |
Some errors in Dutch Audit file fixed for trLine segment | The order of fields and wrong values in Dutch Auditfile have been corrected for the segment and are following the tax authorities * The fields changed are and * The fields and contained an invalid value: xsi:nil="true" which is now removed. | Accounting | Period and Year End | 8.61 | 2021-08-17 | Bug |
Not possible to show/preview files in Purchase invoices and Invoice Inbox windows | There was an issue in viewing files in both Invoice Inbox (AP50604S) and Purchase invoices (AP301000) windows. VnE was no longer displaying PDF attachments, popping up an error message due to not updated versions of plugin and viewer sources. The problem has now been fixed and you are able to view files in the current version of all four browsers supported: Chrome, Firefox, and Edge on Windows or Safari, and Chrome on macOS. | Purchase To Pay | Supplier Ledger | 8.61 | 2021-08-17 | Bug |
Option added to exclude the invoice PDF from the PEPPOL BIS invoice for each specific recipient | Earlier, the PEPPOL BIS invoice always imbed the invoice PDF. Based on the European Standard EN16931, the recipient of the electronic invoice can specifically ask not to have the PDF of the invoice included. This is now possible via a new setting in the Customer classes (AR201000) and Customers (AR303000) windows with a setting to exclude the invoice PDF. This setting is only visible when you have enabled PEPPOL invoice in the Customer ledger preferences window (AR101000). This enables the possibility to not generate and imbed invoice PDF while sending electronic invoices via the PEPPOL BIS invoice format, which will greatly improve performance when batch sending a large quantity of invoices. Performance improvement when excluding the invoice PDF on invoices with 1-5 lines shows processing time for each invoice will be reduced to half on our test environment. Difference will be larger for invoices with more lines. | Order To Cash | AutoInvoice Send | 8.61 | 2021-08-17 | Change |
Print option does not have any effect when PEPPOL invoice is enabled | The option "Print" under "Send Invoices to AutoInvoice" in the Customers (AR303000) and Customer classes (AR201000) windows is now hidden when PEPPOL invoice is enabled in the Customer ledger preferences (AR101000) window. The background for this change is that the option was never meant to have any effect when PEPPOL invoice is enabled, and this change makes this clearer for the users of the system. | Order To Cash | AutoInvoice Send | 8.61 | 2021-08-17 | Bug |
Trailing space for ProjectCD on GET Salesorder endpoint | In version 8.60 was introduced ProjectCD for GET Salesorder endpoint, which was not trimmed (trailing spaces). This has now been fixed by enabling integrators to use the ProjectCD value directly as a parameter for other endpoints without trimming. | API | Sales Order | 8.61 | 2021-08-17 | Bug |
New feature available to correct invoices | There is now a new way of correcting invoices, which requires less steps to update/correct an invoice than the previous standard reversal process. You can find the "Correct invoice" feature under the Actions drop-down list button in the Purchase invoices (AP301000) window. When using the "Correct invoice" feature, the system will automatically create a copy of the original invoice that can be further edited. In the background, when releasing this new invoice, the system will automatically create a purchase credit note for the original invoice and will match it against the chosen invoice to be corrected. As a note the original invoice will remain in status open until the new corrected document will be finally released, but will no further be included in the payment process. The code has been released in the 8.56 version, but the functionality is feature toggled and it will be enabled for a few customers before activating it as a default functionality. | Purchase To Pay | Supplier Ledger | 8.62 | 2021-08-24 | Change |
Generic inquiry generating SQL statement without a company id parameter under some specific conditions | Earlier, in the Generic inquiry (SM208000) window, when executing an inquiry using "Full join" types and no filters were used, you could in some scenarios generate an SQL statement without the companyid parameter. This has now been fixed. | Architecture | Architecture | 8.62 | 2021-08-24 | Bug |
Name from bank and Account from bank filled out in handling of incoming payments | Earlier, the Name from bank and Account from bank columns were not filled out in the Import incoming payments (AR305500) and Process incoming payments (AR305000) windows. This has now been fixed. | Accounting | Payment | 8.62 | 2021-08-24 | Bug |
Usability improvements in Exclude invoice pdf property for Customer and Customer class | There is a minor adjustment in the Customers (AR303000) and Customer classes (AR201000) windows regarding the setting "Exclude invoice PDF" for improved usability. The setting is now attached to "Send invoices to AutoInvoice", and the setting will be read only if "Send invoices to AutoInvoice" is unchecked, to clearly show that these two settings are connected. | Order To Cash | AutoInvoice Send | 8.62 | 2021-08-24 | Bug |
Use trial balance in a multi branch company | The error when using trial balance (GL303010) in a multi-branch company where the values from other branches were included has now been fixed and each branch is handled separately. | Accounting | Registration | 8.63 | 2021-08-31 | Bug |
Incorrect rights assigned to "Light user" role | Previously, users only with the "Light user" role active had the option to view files or the Reverse option active on the Actions tab in the Purchase invoices window (AP301000), which should not be the case. This has now been fixed. | Purchase To Pay | Supplier Ledger | 8.63 | 2021-08-31 | Bug |
VAT report payment reference incorrect when VAT period 01-YYYY starts in another month than January | The calculation of payment reference for VAT report (TX501000) is now calculating month and calendar quarter correctly when the first VAT report period is different from 01.01.YYYY. Note! Quarter period starting from the 2nd or 3rd month of the calendar year is not supported. You will get a warning if the company has these VAT report periods. | Accounting | Reporting to Government | 8.63 | 2021-08-31 | Bug |
"createdDateTime" and "createdDateTimeCondition" not working via GET CustomerInvoice and CustomerCreditNote endpoints | Earlier, the parameters "createdDateTime" and "createdDateTimeCondition" were not working via the GET CustomerInvoice and CustomerCreditNote endpoints. This has now been fixed. | API | Customer Ledger | 8.63 | 2021-08-31 | Bug |
Releasing project proforma invoice with project specific sales account now transferring correctly the sales account on the sales invoice | In previous versions, when releasing a project proforma invoice that used a sales account specified on the project, it would create a sales invoice with a wrong sales account taken from the customer instead of the project. This issue has been fixed and now the correct sales account specified in the proforma invoice is transferred to the sales invoice. | Accounting | Project | 8.63 | 2021-08-31 | Bug |
Additional fields included in Employee endpoint on GET operations | There are new fields: Employee class, Branch, Calendar, Employee login, and Work group ID available on the Employee endpoint for the following operations: - GET /api/v1/employee/{employeeCd} - GET /api/v1/employee | API | Time & Expense | 8.63 | 2021-08-31 | Change |
DiscountAmount omitted when posting to V2/CustomerInvoice after version 8.56 | Earlier, the option Manual discount on sales invoice lines (AR301000) was not set correctly when posting to the V2/CustomerInvoice endpoint. This has now been fixed. | API | Customer Ledger | 8.63 | 2021-08-31 | Bug |
As an accountant I need to have proper warnings and error messages for the Revalue currency functions, so I know why I am not allowed to run revaluation on certain conditions | In the Revalue general ledger accounts (CM506000), Revalue supplier accounts (CM504000), and Revalue customer accounts (CM505000) windows, there are changes regarding the control of open, closed, and inactive periods. If you get an error in the Period column, the Revalue button will be disabled and you are not allowed to process any transactions. The settings Generate reversing entries and Allow posting on closed periods in the General ledger preferences window and the status of the financial periods are checked. The check on next period is not done for General ledger accounts. - Generate reversing entries is On post, period is closed, and Allow posting on closed periods is on: WARNING: The period is closed but the batches will be processed. - Generate reversing entries is On post, period is closed, and Allow posting on closed periods is off: ERROR: The financial period PP-YYYY is closed and a reverse batch cannot be created due to the current settings in the General ledger preferences window (GL102000). To allow changing it, select 'Allow posting to closed periods'. - Generate reversing entries is On period closing and Allow posting on closed periods is off: ERROR: The period PP-YYYY is closed and a reverse batch cannot be created due to the current settings in the General ledger preferences window (GL102000). To allow changing it, set the setting ‘Generate reversing entries’ to ‘On post’ and select ‘Allow posting to closed periods’. - Generate reversing entries is On period closing and Allow posting on closed periods is on: ERROR: The period PP-YYYY is closed and reverse batch cannot be created due to the current settings in the General ledger preferences window (GL102000). To allow changing it, set the setting ‘Generate reversing entries’ to ‘On post’. - The current period is inactive: ERROR: The financial period PP-YYYY is inactive. Activate the period in the Financial periods window. - The current and next period are inactive: ERROR: The financial periods PP-YYYY and PP-YYYY are inactive. Activate the periods in the Financial periods window. | Accounting | Currency Management | 8.63 | 2021-08-31 | Change |
Wrong from and to account in General ledger transactions with VAT | Earlier, when selecting a from and to account in the General ledger transactions with VAT (TX40500S) window, the system used the account ID and not the account CD. This has now been fixed, and the account CD is now used in the selection. | Accounting | Reporting to Government | 8.63 | 2021-08-31 | Bug |
Attachment tagged as "CommercialInvoice" when sending to AutoInvoice | Earlier, when sending sales invoices (AR301000) to AutoInvoice in PEPPOL format, the attachments got tagged as "CommercialInvoice" instead of "Attachment" when invoice PDF is excluded. This has now been fixed. | Order To Cash | AutoInvoice Send | 8.63 | 2021-08-31 | Bug |
Customer number for PartyIdentification in PEPPOL BIS 3.0 sending | Earlier, Customer ID was not included in field AccountingCustomerParty-Party-PartyIdentification-ID when sending e-invoices in the PEPPOL BIS 3.0 format. This caused problems when you wanted to send the invoice to a B2C receiver. This has now been fixed so that Customer ID is used as a fallback value, if no value (for example, Corporate ID) can be found based on the selected scheme ID. | Order To Cash | AutoInvoice Send | 8.64 | 2021-09-07 | Bug |
SalesPerson endpoint not returning "lastmodifiedDateTime" and "createdDateTime" | Earlier, the GET SalesPerson endpoint did not return "lastmodifiedDateTime" and "createdDateTime" and thus it was not possible to filter on these parameters . This has now been fixed. | API | Customer Ledger | 8.64 | 2021-09-07 | Bug |
Hide rows with no amount in prepare and process VAT report | In the Prepare VAT report (TX501000) and Process VAT report (TX502000) windows there is a new check box in the heading of the detail lines called "Hide rows with no amount". When this is selected, lines without any transactions will be hidden so you will only see the lines having any VAT transactions. If it is selected when you prepare the report, it will also be set in the Process VAT report window. This has been implemented for the new Norwegian VAT report that contains almost 100 lines to make it easier to find the various VAT codes that will be reported. | Accounting | Reporting to Government | 8.64 | 2021-09-07 | Change |
New limit 1500 for copy/paste lines for all document types | Earlier, the limit of lines was set to 1000 lines for copy/paste documents. The new limit is set to 1500 lines. | Order To Cash | Customer Ledger | 8.64 | 2021-09-07 | Bug |
System email accounts (SM204002) window improved and refactored | The System email accounts (SM204002) window has been refactored to be more intuitive, and now the settings for outgoing and incoming mails appear on different tabs. The tab "Outgoing mail settings" will only show a single check box "Use default outgoing mail server" as default. If it is not selected, the tab will show all settings. Three options will be available in the future: 1. Use default mail server without extra actions requires that the value in the "Email address" field is the default (no-reply@finance.visma.net) 2. If "Email address" is custom, and "Use default" is selected, you will get info about DNS records to be registered in your local domain to make email work. 3. If "Email address" is custom, and "Email server" is custom, you need to enter SMTP details as today. If "Use default outgoing mail server" is selected, and Email address is not custom, you will get an info message, and data will be re-set. | Architecture | Architecture | 8.64 | 2021-09-07 | Change |
Validation in place for all the Danish payment methods | Previously, in Visma.net ERP was implemented a validation for the field "Payment ref. no." (AP301000) for all the Danish payment methods and the system was throwing the error message: "The payment reference number is invalid" even if no validation was required. This has now been fixed and the validation is only present on the Danish specific payment methods: 5 - GIRO 6 - FIK 71 7 - FIK 73 8 - FIK 75 | Purchase To Pay | Supplier Ledger | 8.65 | 2021-09-14 | Bug |
Releasing credit notes matched with credit adjustment not working in Release supplier documents window | Previously, you were not able to release credit notes matched with credit adjustments in the Release supplier documents (AP501000) window when a credit note had an earlier date than the credit adjustment date. This has now been fixed. | Purchase To Pay | Supplier Ledger | 8.65 | 2021-09-14 | Bug |
New endpoint for GET projects by Internal ID | It is now possible to get the data for a project by its internalID using the new endpoint: GET /api/v1/project/internal/{internalID} | API | Project | 8.65 | 2021-09-14 | Change |
Report Sales order details by stock item not showing correct order lines when "Incomplete lines only" active. | Earlier, the report Sales order details by stock item (SO611500) did not show correct order lines when "Incomplete lines only" was activated. This has now been fixed. | Order To Cash | Sales Order | 8.65 | 2021-09-14 | Bug |
Performance improvement on Account specification report | The Account specification (GL63301S) report has been modified so it that its performance is faster, some subqueries not used in the report are removed, and getting some account dates has been changed so that they are not a part of the main query. These changes will improve the performance of the report. | Accounting | GL Reconciliation | 8.65 | 2021-09-14 | Change |
Better error message creating a sales order with an existing order number via API | There is now a more explanatory error message when trying to create a sales order with an already existing order number via the API. | API | Sales Order | 8.65 | 2021-09-14 | Bug |
Branch API - new columns returned on GET | The Branch APIs have been changed, and two columns have been added: BranchID that returns the PK for the branch while Number returns the viable Branch CD and isActive that returns TRUE or FALSE The message when a branch does not exist has also been changed, and it differs between a non-existing and a deleted branch. If the branch is deleted, you will get the message "Branch with number 'NN' has been deleted." Else you'll get the message "Branch is not found" | API | Registration | 8.65 | 2021-09-14 | Change |
Emailing same shipment several times from Process shipment window | Earlier, the shipment was still visible after emailing process in the Process shipments (SO503000) window, so it could get emailed several times from this window. This has now been fixed. | Order To Cash | Sales Order | 8.65 | 2021-09-14 | Bug |
Automatically match payment from bank with higher amount than the invoice amount | You are now able to choose if you want to match automatically payments from the bank that have higher amounts than the invoice amount by using the setting "Do not create payment when bank payment is not fully applied" in the Cash management preferences (CA101000) window. | Accounting | Payment | 8.65 | 2021-09-14 | Change |
SFTP file synchronisation type error | In the File synchronisation (SM202510/SM202530) window, when using SFTP file synchronisation type, you could get error message "SqlDateTime overflow" during import. This has now been fixed. | Architecture | Architecture | 8.65 | 2021-09-14 | Bug |
API Swagger documentation has been updated | We have received numerous feedback from ISVs that the new format of the swagger documentation is not very user-friendly. We have therefore reformatted the swagger documentation, so it has the same look and feel as the previous versions. | API | Architecture | 8.65 | 2021-09-14 | Change |
Duplicated error message in Revalue supplier/customer accounts removed | Earlier, you got a duplicated message in Revalue supplier accounts (CM504000) or Revalue customer accounts (CM505000) windows, if the selected period and/or the next period was inactive. This has now been fixed and you only get the message one time. | Accounting | Currency Management | 8.65 | 2021-09-14 | Bug |
Account descriptions for 8080 and 8100 with no space and row sets for the accounts with wrong height updated | Accounts 8080 and 8100 in a Norwegian company used . (dots) instead of spaces between the words and that lead to a word-warp in the Profit and loss report where accounts were specified and you got an empty description. The corresponding rows in row sets where these accounts were used had a height of 16 instead of 13 that showed the top of the wrapped account descriptions between the account lines. During upgrade these account descriptions and row set lines are updated so they contain spaces and height 13. | Accounting | Registration | 8.65 | 2021-09-14 | Bug |
Sales invoices - overview not showing the correct status for Emailed property | Earlier, the Sales invoices - overview (AR40104S) did not show the correct status for the "Emailed" property. This has now been fixed. | Order To Cash | Customer Ledger | 8.66 | 2021-09-21 | Bug |
Set export type on customer location to select sales account | In the Customer classes (AR201000) window, you can select an export type, which determines which sales account (Domestic, Domestic exempt VAT, EU, Export) is selected in sales documents. Now the Export type field has been added to the Customer locations (CR303010) window so that you can choose to have the sales account selected based on the customer location specific export type. This way you can have a different sales account set, for example, in situations where the customer locations are in different countries. When the system selects the sales account, the system first checks the export type on the customer location. If export type is not set in the customer location, it will work as previously, meaning that the export type is checked from the customer class. | Order To Cash | Customer Ledger | 8.66 | 2021-09-21 | Bug |
Allocation posting date is considered when allocation rule has Date source: Allocation date specified | There was an issue when posting allocation transactions on projects using the Posting date from Run allocation by project and Run allocation by task windows. Now this has been fixed and the Run allocation by project and Run allocation by task windows are now considering the Posting date for allocation transactions if the Allocation rule has the Data source: Allocation date specified. | Accounting | Project | 8.66 | 2021-09-21 | Bug |
Change of base currency in First Time Startup wizard, removed the restriction of functionalities for AutoPay and AutoInvoice services | In previous versions, when the base currency had been changed to a different currency in the Financial settings window in the First Time Startup wizard, the AutoPay and AutoInvoice services had limited functionality. From this version, you can use the services without any limitations after you have changed the base currency. | Accounting | Currency Management | 8.66 | 2021-09-21 | Change |
New columns in Subaccounts window showing segments from the system | In the Subaccounts (GL203000) window, there are new columns in table, showing segments from the system. When you create a new subaccount, either from UI or from Excel import, the values will be populated based on the definition in the Subaccount column. | General | System Service | 8.66 | 2021-09-21 | Change |
New operation for creating employees using Employee endpoint | There is a new update operation of employees available on the Employee endpoint: - POST /api/v1/employee | API | Time & Expense | 8.66 | 2021-09-21 | Change |
New operation for updating employees using Employee endpoint | There is a new operation for updating employees available on the Employee endpoint: - PUT /api/v1/employee/{employeeCd} | API | Time & Expense | 8.66 | 2021-09-21 | Change |
Correcting invoice feature not working properly with closed and inactive financial periods | Previously, when correcting a purchase invoice booked in a closed financial period and the next available open financial period was inactive, you only got a warning about the fact that the your purchase invoice is booked in a closed financial period and to continue with the correction process, the new correction documents will be booked in the next available open financial period, but without creating the correction documents. This has now been fixed and when fixing a purchase invoice booked in a closed financial period and the next available open financial period is inactive, you will now get the warning message about closed financial periods, and the new correction documents will be created in the next available open and active financial period. | Purchase To Pay | Supplier Ledger | 8.66 | 2021-09-21 | Bug |
Possible to ship from warehouse location not allowing sales | Earlier, when an item had quantity in two warehouse locations, one location allowing sales and the other not allowing sales, you were able to set a shipment to the non-sales location and confirm it, thus issuing out quantity from the non-sales location. This has now been fixed so that if a non-sales warehouse location is selected on a shipment, you will get an error. | Order To Cash | Sales Order | 8.66 | 2021-09-21 | Bug |
Attachments[] not returned in GET Inventory endpoint response when using Attributes filter | Earlier, attachments[] were not included in response when the GET Inventory endpoint was used in combination with the Attributes filter. This has now been fixed. | API | Inventory | 8.66 | 2021-09-21 | Bug |
Side panel functionality available for seeing relevant information without navigating between screens | The Side panel functionality is now available and all customers can use it to see relevant information on customers, items, suppliers, etc. without having to navigate to different windows. | Accounting | Project | 8.66 | 2021-09-21 | Change |
Link error when clicking customer number in Customer history summary report | Earlier, there was a link error when you clicked the customer number in the Customer history summary report (AR652100) window. This has now been fixed. | Order To Cash | Customer Ledger | 8.67 | 2021-09-28 | Bug |
Salesperson not set by new customer class | Earlier, when changing customer class in the Customers (AR303000) window, the salesperson was not set according to the settings of the new customer class. This has now been fixed. | Order To Cash | Customer Ledger | 8.67 | 2021-09-28 | Bug |
New endpoint for update (PUT) customers by internal ID | It is now possible to update the data for a customer by its internalID using the new endpoint: PUT /api/v1/customer/internal/{internalID}. | API | Project | 8.67 | 2021-09-28 | Change |
New endpoint for update (PUT) stock items by internal InventoryID | It is now possible to update the data for a stock item by its internalID using the new endpoint: PUT /api/v1/inventory/internal/{inventoryId} | API | Project | 8.67 | 2021-09-28 | Change |
Import buyer's reference and map to buyer's order number | When importing invoices to Invoice inbox, if BuyersOrderNo is empty from XML, and if there is a value in BuyersReference, the system now imports the buyer's reference and maps it to the buyer's order number in Invoice inbox. | Purchase To Pay | AutoInvoice Receiving | 8.67 | 2021-09-28 | Change |
New endpoints for GET customers and inventory items by internal ID | It is now possible to get the data for a customer and an inventory item by its internalID using the new endpoints: GET /api/v1/inventory/internal/{inventoryId} GET /api/v1/customer/internal/{internalId} | Accounting | Project | 8.67 | 2021-09-28 | Change |
JournalTransactionV2 API returned duplicated transactions when using paging | For a large number of transactions and lines, the JournalTransactionV2 API returned duplicated transactions when paging was used. This has now been fixed. | API | GL Reconciliation | 8.67 | 2021-09-28 | Bug |
Database upgrade script to split SubCD in individual fields | In the Subaccounts (GL203000) window, all records in Sub table are now updated with the values in the new CD0X columns. | General | System Service | 8.67 | 2021-09-28 | Change |
New columns for showing split of Subaccount string | In the Subaccounts (GL203000) window, there are new columns available (not default) for showing the split of the Subaccount string. The columns get their name from the segment definition in the Segmented keys (CS202000) and Segment values (CS203000) windows. | General | System Service | 8.67 | 2021-09-28 | Change |
Overdue documents missing in Prepare dunning letters when dunning process is set to "By customer" | Earlier, overdue documents were missing in some cases in the Prepare dunning letters (AR521000) window when "Dunning process" was set to "By customer" in the Customer ledger preferences (AR101000) window on Dunning settings tab. | Order To Cash | Customer Ledger | 8.67 | 2021-09-28 | Bug |
Element for discount set incorrectly in PEPPOL BIS 3.0 | Earlier, the AllowanceCharge element in PEPPOL BIS 3.0, which shows the discount amount of the invoice, was set incorrectly in certain scenarios resulting in invoice ending up in error state when validated. This has now been fixed. | Order To Cash | AutoInvoice Send | 8.67 | 2021-09-28 | Bug |
Not possible to exclude invoice PDF when using PEPPOL BIS Invoice for B2C | Previously, it was not possible to exclude the invoice PDF for consumer route when using PEPPOL BIS invoice (Norway). This has now been fixed, leaving the option to exclude invoice PDF on B2C, in addition to for B2B, for both the Customers (AR30300) and Customer classes (AR20100) windows. | Order To Cash | AutoInvoice Send | 8.67 | 2021-09-28 | Bug |
GET inventoryReceipt endpoint not returning transferNumber field | Earlier, the GET inventoryReceipt endpoint did not return the transferNumber field. This has now been fixed. | API | Inventory | 8.67 | 2021-09-28 | Bug |
Message on changes in critical branch information | Visma.net ERP will start to broadcast a message whenever there is a change in critical branch information, such as organisation number, name, ID, etc. This message would be picked up by other integrated assets to show the branch level details. This does not affect any existing end user functionality and runs in the background. | Accounting | Registration | 8.68 | 2021-10-05 | Change |
Message displayed in UI when system maintenance is requested | If a company is set to maintenance job in the future, a message for this will be shown in the UI right next to the search element. | General | Setup of new companies | 8.68 | 2021-10-05 | Change |
Fix on customized ARM reports | In version 8.69, customers that were having customizations on their ARM reports were getting wrong results when it comes to supporting the symbol display option, while standard reports worked as expected. The issue is now fixed also for customized reports. | Accounting | Registration | 8.69 | 2021-10-12 | Bug |
Sales reports not including invoice lines without item number | Earlier, sales reports did not include invoice lines without item number. This has now been fixed. | Order To Cash | Customer Ledger | 8.69 | 2021-10-12 | Bug |
LastModifiedDate is included in the GeneraLedgerBalanceV2 response | Previously the LastModifiedDate value was not included in the GeneraLedgerBalanceV2 response. This is now fixed. | API | GL Reconciliation | 8.69 | 2021-10-12 | Change |
Due date not set correctly on invoice when using a credit term with instalments | Earlier, when you used a credit term with multiple instalments, the due dates for the created invoices were not set correctly in the Purchase invoices (AP301000) window. This has now been fixed. | Purchase To Pay | Supplier Ledger | 8.69 | 2021-10-12 | Bug |
POST / PUT Customer operation allows assigning multiple default direct debit lines | Earlier, POST and PUT on the Customer endpoint allowed assigning multiple default direct debit lines via API. This has now been fixed. | API | Customer Ledger | 8.69 | 2021-10-12 | Bug |
Webhook notifications turned ON when Severa integration is activated | Webhook notifications are now turned ON for customers, customer classes, non-stock items, and item classes when the Severa integration is activated. | Accounting | Project | 8.69 | 2021-10-12 | Change |
Wrong currency rate used in Customer invoice window with Add order functionality | Earlier, a wrong currency rate was used in the Customer invoice (SO303000) window, when using the Add order functionality and option "Use shipment date for invoice date". This has now been fixed. | Order To Cash | Sales Invoice | 8.69 | 2021-10-12 | Bug |
Subaccount split columns added to column configurator in Approval document line history window. | Subaccount split columns have been added to the column configurator to enable selecting of individual segments from My subaccount string in the Approval document line history inquiry (AP40105S) window. | Purchase To Pay | Approval | 8.69 | 2021-10-12 | Change |
Inactive periods not selectable in Sales by item and customer report | Earlier, inactive periods were not selectable in the Sales by item and customer (AR40103S) report. This has now been fixed. | Order To Cash | Customer Ledger | 8.69 | 2021-10-12 | Bug |
Disable account validation in Cash transaction window for Payroll Finland - Visma.net ERP Integration | The account validation that is in an account group or not from the cash transaction windows can be disabled for customers who have problems with transferring data in the Payroll Finland - Visma.net ERP integration. | Accounting | Project | 8.69 | 2021-10-12 | Bug |
Fix on posting partly deductible tax | The error getting the expense account correct when partially deductible VAT rate was set to 0,00% is now fixed and the posting does not end up on the defined rounding account but on the lines expense account or the defined account on the VAT Id. | Accounting | Reporting to Government | 8.69 | 2021-10-12 | Bug |
VAT category not copied from original invoice when VAT category is empty | Earlier, when you corrected an invoice with an empty VAT category in the Purchase invoices (AP301000) window, the correction documents did not copy the VAT category from the original invoice. This has now been fixed. | Purchase To Pay | Supplier Ledger | 8.69 | 2021-10-12 | Bug |
Subaccount filter only show transactions matching the selected subaccount in Account specification report | The error where the subaccount filter did not work in the Account specification (GL63301S) report has now been corrected, and the report contains only the transactions with the selected subaccount. NOTE! You cannot select only on a segment, you must fill out the whole subaccount string. | Accounting | Registration | 8.69 | 2021-10-12 | Bug |
Fix on Account specification report for multi-branch companies | For a multi-branched company, using the Account specification (GL63301S) report without any branch specified in the filter resulted in an syntax error. This has now been fixed. | Accounting | GL Reconciliation | 8.69 | 2021-10-12 | Bug |
VAT category not copied from original invoice with discounts when VAT category is empty | Earlier, when you corrected an invoice with an empty VAT category and discounts in the Purchase invoices (AP301000) window, the correction documents did not copy the VAT category from the original invoice. This has now been fixed. | Purchase To Pay | Supplier Ledger | 8.69 | 2021-10-12 | Bug |
Validation of supplier balances not possible for suppliers with retainage | Earlier, validation of supplier balances was not possible for suppliers with retainage in the Validate supplier balances (AP509900) window. This has now been fixed. | Purchase To Pay | Supplier Ledger | 8.70 | 2021-10-19 | Bug |
Swagger documentation on GET operation of Cash sales endpoint updated with pagination enforcement notice | Swagger documentation on GET operation of Cash sales endpoint is updated with the pagination enforcement notice. | API | Cash Management | 8.70 | 2021-10-19 | Bug |
Swagger documentation on GET operation of Employee endpoint updated with pagination enforcement notice | Swagger documentation on GET operation of Employee endpoint is updated with the pagination enforcement notice. | API | Time & Expense | 8.70 | 2021-10-19 | Bug |
New parameters "pageNumber" and "pageSize" in ExpenseClaim endpoint | Two new parameters "pageNumber" and "pageSize" are now available in the ExpenseClaim endpoint. Also the Swagger documentation has been updated with the pagination enforcement notice. | API | Time & Expense | 8.70 | 2021-10-19 | Change |
New default email account not using default account settings | When creating a new default email account in the Email (SM20400S) window, the account was not set to use the default mail account settings. This has now been fixed. | General | Setup of new companies | 8.70 | 2021-10-19 | Bug |
New columns for individual segments of subaccount string in Asset transaction history inquiry | There are new columns for individual segments of the subaccount string available in the Asset transaction history inquiry (FA404000) window. | Accounting | Fixed Assets | 8.70 | 2021-10-19 | Change |
New columns for individual segments of subaccount string in Asset balance by account inquiry | There are new columns for individual segments of the subaccount string available in the Asset balance by account inquiry (FA403000) window. | Accounting | Fixed Assets | 8.70 | 2021-10-19 | Change |
New columns for individual segments of subaccount string in Asset splits history inquiry | There are new columns for individual segments of the subaccount string available in the Asset splits history inquiry (FA405000) window. | Accounting | Fixed Assets | 8.70 | 2021-10-19 | Change |
Performance improvements in Account summary (GL401000) window | Improvements in getting the account summary have been implemented and the performance has been improved. | Accounting | Registration | 8.70 | 2021-10-19 | Change |
Send attachment as commercial invoice to Visma.net Autoinvoice | Earlier, there was no option in the PEPPOL format to send an attachment as a commercial invoice as a basis to Autoinvoice with option "Exclude Invoice PDF" enabled. This has now been fixed, and an additional option "Use the first AutoInvoice-attachment to view invoice" has been added, enabling the first attachment marked to be sent to AutoInvoice will be the visible invoice for the receiver. This only applies if an attachment exist on the invoice, else the pure XML will be used to generate a readable version of the invoice for the receiver. | Order To Cash | AutoInvoice Send | 8.70 | 2021-10-19 | Bug |
GET SalesPerson endpoint giving wrong DTO format for pagenumber and pagesize | Earlier, the GET SalesPerson endpoint gave a wrong DTO format for pagenumber and pagesize in response. This has now been fixed. | API | Customer Ledger | 8.71 | 2021-10-26 | Bug |
Support for webhook notification on delete shipment | Previously webhook notification when deleting a shipment was not supported. We have now added DELETED support on shipment_changed notification. The makes it possible for integrations to be aware of when a shipment is deleted, and react upon such an event. | API | Sales Order | 8.71 | 2021-10-26 | Change |
New columns for individual segments of subaccount string in Sales by item and customer inquiry | There are new columns for individual segments of the subaccount string available in the Sales by item and customer inquiry (AR40103S) window. | Order To Cash | Customer Ledger | 8.71 | 2021-10-26 | Change |
New columns for individual segments of subaccount string in Customer vat zone deviation (customer sub) inquiry | There are new columns for individual segments of the subaccount string available in the Customer vat zone deviation (customer sub) inquiry (AR40102S) window. | Order To Cash | Customer Ledger | 8.71 | 2021-10-26 | Change |
New columns for individual segments of subaccount string in Inventory transactions by account inquiry | There are new columns for individual segments of the subaccount string available in the Inventory transactions by account (IN403000) window. | Order To Cash | Customer Ledger | 8.71 | 2021-10-26 | Change |
Workflow Request message for approval on timecards and expense claims updated with new field branchID. | The Workflow Request message for approval on timecards and expense claims has been updated with a new field branchID. | Accounting | Project | 8.71 | 2021-10-26 | Change |
Unable to "Prepare invoice" after adding a non-stock item to a reopened sales order | Earlier, when adding a non-stock item to a sales order that had been reopened in the Sales order (SO301000) window, you were not able to take action "Prepare invoice" on that sales order. This has now been fixed. | Order To Cash | Sales Order | 8.71 | 2021-10-26 | Bug |
Error on purchase receipt from API with allocation and same stock item twice | Earlier, when creating a purchase receipt from API with the same stock item twice and with allocation, you got an error message. This has now been fixed. | API | Purchase Order | 8.71 | 2021-10-26 | Bug |
Empty ARM report with the setting Require from branch activated | Earlier, there was an error where the ARM report with the setting Require from branch was activated and the report was empty. This has now been fixed and you should be able to use the filter for From branch to report a single branch. | Accounting | Registration | 8.71 | 2021-10-26 | Bug |
*POST operation for JournalTransactionV2 for non-existing and inactive branches corrected* h2. | When using the POST operation for JournalTransactionV2 including a non-existing or inactive branch, it was posted to another branch. This has now been fixed and the request is rejected in these cases. | API | Registration | 8.71 | 2021-10-26 | Bug |
Error on change of Inbox rule | Earlier, when you tried to change an Inbox rule in the Invoice inbox rules (AP206000) window, you got an error message on duplicate key. This has now been fixed. | Purchase To Pay | AutoInvoice Receiving | 8.71 | 2021-10-26 | Bug |
Saleorders endpoint getting slower for each paginated call | Earlier, the GET Salesorder endpoint got slower and slower for each paginated call. This has now been fixed. | API | Sales Order | 8.71 | 2021-10-26 | Bug |
CashSale endpoint getting slower for each paginated call | Earlier, the GET CashSale endpoint got slower and slower for each paginated call. This has now been fixed. | API | Customer Ledger | 8.71 | 2021-10-26 | Bug |
Deleted departments not reflected in MDM | In the Departments (EP201500) window, if you deleted a department, the change was not updated in MDM. This has now been fixed. | General | General | 8.71 | 2021-10-26 | Bug |
GET StocktakeV2 endpoint is missing "baseUnit" on lines | Earlier, the GET Stocktake endpoint, in version V2, didn't return "baseUnit" for stocktake lines. This has now been fixed | API | Inventory | 8.71 | 2021-10-26 | Bug |
Incorrect filtering when using links from the inquiry Account summary | The inquiry Account summary (GL401000) includes the buttons Account details (GL404000), Account by subaccount (GL403000) and Account by period (GL402000) at the top. When working with branches and clicking these buttons, the filtering was incorrect. This has now been fixed. Other additional performance improvements and corrections have also been done to the same window compared to the release in version 8.70.0. They are related to how data is retrieved and corrections of filtering segments as a part of the subaccount string. | Accounting | Registration | 8.71 | 2021-10-26 | Bug |
Mapping factoring assignment note from payment method to PEPPOL BIS 3.0 XML document | Earlier, when using factoring, the "Assignment note" text from the payment method was not included in the PEPPOL BIS 3.0 XML document as a note. This has now been fixed. | Order To Cash | AutoInvoice Send | 8.72 | 2021-11-02 | Bug |
GET discount endpoint representing wrong DTO format | Earlier, the GET discount endpoint represented a wrong DTO format. This has now been fixed in version V2 of the endpoint. | API | Customer Ledger | 8.72 | 2021-11-02 | Bug |
Get discountCode endpoint representing wrong DTO format | Earlier, the GET DiscountCode endpoint represented a wrong DTO format. This has now been fixed in version V2 of the endpoint. | API | Customer Ledger | 8.72 | 2021-11-02 | Bug |
Total time spent and Time spent calculated incorrectly in Release time cards window | Earlier, the Total time spent and Time spent were not calculated correctly in the Release time cards (EP505010) window for time cards with over 100 hours. This has now been fixed. | Accounting | Time & Expense | 8.72 | 2021-11-02 | Bug |
Subaccount segments added as hidden columns in some inquiries | Subaccount segments are added as hidden columns to the inquiries Deferral schedue summary (DR401000), Voucher details inquiry (GL40601S), Account by subaccount (GL403000) and Account details (GL404000). | Accounting | GL Reconciliation | 8.72 | 2021-11-02 | Change |
Shipment for kit items with no items in stock but "Allow negative quantity" checked | Earlier, when creating shipments for kits where one or more of the subitems did not have stock, the system produced an error message, even if "Allow negative quantity" was checked on the item class. This required manual input and would in some cases cause negative stock in wrong locations. This has now been fixed. | Order To Cash | Sales Order | 8.72 | 2021-11-02 | Bug |
Error message in Account details when Include reclassified check box selected | Earlier, you got an error message when you selected the "Include reclassified" check box in the Account details (GL404000 window). It has now been fixed. | Accounting | GL Reconciliation | 8.72 | 2021-11-02 | Bug |
Payment terms sent to AutoInvoice in PEPPOL format not changing with payment terms on invoice | Earlier, the payment terms sent to AutoInvoice (in the PEPPOL format) didn´t change if you changed the payment terms on the invoice. This has now been fixed. | Order To Cash | AutoInvoice Send | 8.72 | 2021-11-02 | Bug |
Project and project task in output with GET for PO receipt | Project and project task will now be in the output if you do GET for PO receipt. | API | Purchase Order | 8.72 | 2021-11-02 | Bug |
PEPPOL schema IDs missing in Endpoint drop-down in some windows | Earlier, the PEPPOL schema ID was missing in the Endpoint drop-down list in the Customer locations (CR303010), Branches (CS102000), Organisations (CS101500), and Countries/counties/postcodes (CS20400S) windows. This has now been fixed. | Order To Cash | AutoInvoice Send | 8.72 | 2021-11-02 | Bug |
Validation of Payment ref. no. field on purchase invoice incorrectly required by VnE | Earlier, a validation for the field Payment ref. no. in the Purchase invoices (AP301000) window was required and the system was throwing the error message: "The payment reference number is invalid" even if no validation was required. This has now been fixed. | Purchase To Pay | Supplier Ledger | 8.72 | 2021-11-02 | Bug |
New VAT settings for new Norwegian companies to follow the tax reports for 2022 | The VAT settings have been modified due to the changes in the VAT report for Norway from 2022. - Reporting settings (TX205100): Reporting lines All lines used for reports before 2017 are deleted and lines for 2017-2021 are updated with To VAT period 06-2021 New lines for 2022 are created following the SAF-T coding. - Reporting groups: All old reporting groups are deleted and replaced with new groups following SAF-T codes - Reporting groups (TX205200): All reporting groups are linked to the 2017-2021 lines and the new 2022 lines - VAT zones (TX206000): One new zone customer zone is created for Internal withdrawal of goods and service - VAT categories (TX205500): All existing codes are kept but the descriptions are aligned to the usage and equal to VAT group and VAT ID New codes for withdrawal (3U, 31U, 32U, 33U, 5U), losses on outstanding claims (0T, 1T, 11T, 12T, 13T), adjustment of input VAT (1J), and reversal of input VAT (1TB) are created. - VAT ID (TX205000): All old VAT numbers that referred to the line number they were reporting to have been deleted and replaced with new lines using the SAF-T code as ID. They are linked to the corresponding VAT zones and VAT categories with same ID as the VAT ID. The schedules are created pointing to one Reporting group. Only the low rate has more than one row due to the change in 2020 and 2021. | Accounting | Reporting to Government | 8.72 | 2021-11-02 | Change |
Improved visualisation of large amounts in several windows | Companies using very large amounts have in some cases not, because of lacking space, been able to see the full amount in coded summary columns in the headers of windows. Now 14 digits + 2 decimals are supported in the areas General ledger, Currency management, VAT and Deferred revenue. | Accounting | Registration | 8.73 | 2021-11-09 | Change |
Support for correcting invoices in Sales invoices window | There is now a new way of correcting invoices, which requires less steps to update/correct an invoice than the previous standard reversal process. You can find the "Correct invoice" feature under the Actions drop-down list button in the Sales invoices (AR301000) window. When using the "Correct invoice" feature, the system will automatically create a copy of the original invoice that can be further edited. In the background, when releasing this new invoice, the system will automatically create a sales credit note for the original invoice and will match it against the chosen invoice to be corrected. As a note the original invoice will remain in status Open until the new corrected document will be finally released, but will no further be included in the payment process. Correcting of invoices with lines from the Shipments (SO302000) or Sales orders (SO301000) windows is currently not supported. | Order To Cash | Customer Ledger | 8.73 | 2021-11-09 | Change |
Expense claims with empty Purpose field not received in Expense Inbox | Earlier, when the Purpose field in expense claims from Visma.net Expense was left empty, the messages were not received in Expense Inbox in Visma.net ERP for Swedish customers. This has now been fixed by automatically inserting the description of the claim only on transactions which have this Purpose field empty. | Accounting | Time & Expense | 8.73 | 2021-11-09 | Bug |
Changes for notes and attachments in VAT reporting | In the Process VAT report window (TX502000), file and note have been added on the report lines and the name of the Remarks column in the heading has been changed from Comment to Note to tax agency. Regarding the Norwegian VAT report for 2022 you will get additional information. If you add a note or files to a line that does not have a Tax box number you will get the message: Notes and files on lines without tax box no. will not be sent to the tax agency. You can add attachments up to 15 MB to the report and a note on each report line and will get a message: Your attachments have reached XX MB. The limit is 15 MB. Remove or change some attachments to send the report. The notes and attachments will be sent to Altinn for reports for 2022. | Accounting | Reporting to Government | 8.73 | 2021-11-09 | Change |
Send all attachments to tax authorities with tax report | Notes and file attachments are now added to the VAT report lines and you are able to attach up to 15MB of files and write notes on all lines and the header. If you write a note to a line that is not reported, you will get a warning that you have a note that is added to a line that will not be sent. | Accounting | Reporting to Government | 8.73 | 2021-11-09 | Change |
Improved filtering on Customer/Supplier name in Account details inquiry | In some cases there was a timeout when doing filtering on Customer/Supplier name in the inquiry Account details (GL404000). This has now been fixed. | Accounting | Registration | 8.73 | 2021-11-09 | Bug |
Note text on project tasks get overwritten when using common tasks | Earlier, the note text on project tasks got overwritten when using common tasks. This has now been fixed and the following scenarios are taken into account: - if a common task is created with notes on the Budget tab (for Revenue or Cost) in the Projects (PM301000) window, then only when creating new projects with this common task, the notes should be transferred and visible on the Revenue or Cost budget tab. - if the notes from the common task are updated in a project, it should not update all projects that are using this common task and it should not update the original common task, either. Moreover this also applies to Project template tasks with notes on the Revenue or Cost budget. | Accounting | Project | 8.73 | 2021-11-09 | Bug |
Currency information added to the Account details* *inquiry | In the inquiry Account details (GL404000) you were able to select the check box Show currency details, when using an account with a currency set in the chart of accounts. Now you can select this check box for all accounts, to visualise the debit and credit amounts also in currency. | Accounting | Currency Management | 8.73 | 2021-11-09 | Change |
RC orders with items with serial numbers giving an allocation error message | Earlier, RC orders that contained items with serial number tracking gave an error message stating "Nothing to allocate". This has now been fixed and the correct allocation is being made. | Order To Cash | Sales Order | 8.73 | 2021-11-09 | Bug |
Support correction of sales invoice by API endpoint | Correction of sales invoices by a new API endpoint POST customerinvoice/{SalesInvoiceNumber}/action/correct is now supported with same functionality as we have for this feature in the UI. There is now a new way of correcting invoices, which requires less steps to update/correct an invoice than the previous standard reversal process. You can find the "Correct invoice" feature under the Actions drop-down list button in the Sales invoices (AR301000) window. When using the "Correct invoice" feature, the system will automatically create a copy of the original invoice that can be further edited. In the background, when releasing this new invoice, the system will automatically create a sales credit note for the original invoice and will match it against the chosen invoice to be corrected. As a note the original invoice will remain in status Open until the new corrected document will be finally released, but will no further be included in the payment process. Correcting of invoices with lines from the Shipments (SO302000) or Sales orders (SO301000) windows is currently not supported. | API | Customer Ledger | 8.73 | 2021-11-09 | Change |
Missing financial information in invoices sent to AutoInvoice for Danish companies (PEPPOL) | Earlier, there was financial information missing from the Organisations (CS101500) window, tab Payment settings in the invoices sent to AutoInvoice in PEPPOL format for companies in Denmark. This has now been fixed. | Order To Cash | AutoInvoice Send | 8.73 | 2021-11-09 | Bug |
Error with invoice from Invoice inbox and closed periods | Earlier, if receiving an invoice to Invoice Inbox (AP50604S) to a closed period and with the Move invoice to next open/active period check box selected in the Supplier ledger preferences, there was an error and the invoice was not created. This has now been fixed and in this scenario the invoice is created in the next open/active period. | Purchase To Pay | AutoInvoice Receiving | 8.73 | 2021-11-09 | Bug |
No webhook notification when sales* *invoice status changed to* *"Closed" | Earlier, there was no webhook notification when the status of an invoice was changed to "Closed" in Visma.net ERP. This has now been fixed. | API | Customer Ledger | 8.73 | 2021-11-09 | Bug |
"Correct invoice" feature disabled for tax suppliers | The "Correct invoice" feature has been disabled for tax suppliers in the Purchase invoice (AP301000) window. | Purchase To Pay | Supplier Ledger | 8.73 | 2021-11-09 | Bug |
Unable to select inactive financial periods in "From/To financial periods" in Sales invoices - overview | Earlier, it was not possible to select inactive financial periods in "From/To financial periods" fields in the Sales invoices - overview window (AR40104S). This has now been fixed. | Order To Cash | Customer Ledger | 8.73 | 2021-11-09 | Bug |
Error sending credit notes to AutoInvoice in PEPPOL format | Earlier, in version 8.72, there was an error when sending credit notes to AutoInvoice in PEPPOL format. This has now been fixed. | Order To Cash | AutoInvoice Send | 8.73 | 2021-11-09 | Bug |
Wrong company on duplicate tab | Duplicate tab - wrong company: When using the browser functionality for duplicating a tab (right click on a tab), you could sometimes be logged into the previous company you where logged in to. This has now been fixed. | General | Setup of new companies | 8.74 | 2021-11-16 | Bug |
Schedules created in Release time cards window did not process documents | Earlier, the schedules created in the Release time cards window (EP505010) did not process the documents. This has now been fixed. | Accounting | Time & Expense | 8.74 | 2021-11-16 | Bug |
Branch selector switching back to previous branch | Selecting branch in Branch selector: When selecting branch in selector for companies with multiple branches, the information in top rightmost corner could sometimes show a different branch than the one selected and logged into. This has now been fixed. | General | Setup of new companies | 8.74 | 2021-11-16 | Bug |
Changes on GeneralLedgerTransactions endpoint parameters | To improve the performance of GeneralLedgerTransactions endpoint, the three new flags that were introduced in version 8.60 and that allow users to retrieve extended data if necessary (expandBranchInfo, expandAccountInfo, includeTransactionBalance) are now set to false by default. Please verify swagger documentation and if you consider the extended data is necessary, set the flags to True for your calls. | API | Registration | 8.74 | 2021-11-16 | Change |
Manual payments option enabled for original purchase invoices connected to unreleased correction documents | Earlier, the Manual payments option was enabled on the Actions tab in the Purchase invoice (AP301000) window for original invoices connected to unreleased correction documents. This has now been fixed. | Purchase To Pay | Supplier Ledger | 8.74 | 2021-11-16 | Bug |
Last modified date as UTC in the Branch endpoint | When using GET for a branch or range of branches, the "lastModifiedDateTime" is now shown as UTC. | API | Branches | 8.74 | 2021-11-16 | Bug |
Improved performance of GET journaltransaction | When using GET /api/v2/journaltransaction with a lot of data, the calls became slower for each paginated call and could in some cases end up in a timeout. This has now been improved. | API | GL Reconciliation | 8.74 | 2021-11-16 | Bug |
Posting of attachments to JournalTransactionV2 for all modules | Now it's possible to use the new POST /api/v2/journaltransaction/module/{module}/{journalTransactionNumber}/attachment and /api/v2/journaltransaction/module/{module}/{journalTransactionNumber}/{lineNumber}/attachment to add attachments for transactions created for all workspaces. Earlier it was only possible to add attachments for transactions created in the general ledger (GL) workspace. The old endpoints are set to obsolete but will be available for 6 months. Note that it's still only possible to post journal transactions for the workspace GL but when journal transactions for other workspaces are created from other modules and endpoints and ends up in journal transactions, so that the journalTransactionNumber exist, then it's now possible to add the attachment. | API | Registration | 8.74 | 2021-11-16 | Change |
Wrong sales account used in POST CustomerInvoice for export type customers | Earlier, the POST CustomerInvoice endpoint gave an incorrect sales account on invoice lines for customers registered for export to EU or non-EU countries. This has now been fixed. | API | Customer Ledger | 8.74 | 2021-11-16 | Bug |
Empty post period when sending to Approval from Invoice inbox | Earlier, action "Send to Approval" in Invoice inbox (AP50604S) didn't work. This has now been fixed. | Purchase To Pay | Supplier Ledger | 8.74 | 2021-11-16 | Bug |
Wrong description on pick list from shipment SO302000 | Earlier, there was a wrong description on pick lists from the Shipments (SO302000) window. This has now been fixed. | Order To Cash | Sales Order | 8.75 | 2021-11-29 | Bug |
Change in AutoPay actions for import from AutoPay | There is a change when choosing an Autopay action in combination with setting "Automatic split of batch payment from customers into payments per customer" in AutoPay inbox (CA50400S). Now the action "Import from AutoPay" will NOT create a payment for matching several invoices that are paid. Manual action is required. The actions "Import from AutoPay and match" and "Import from Autopay and process" will create a payment and match the invoices. | Accounting | Cash Management | 8.75 | 2021-11-29 | Change |
Wrong report editor opened when working with several companies and duplicated tabs | When you worked with duplicated tabs and several companies, the updates to the report you were editing were incorrectly published to the company in which you started editing it instead of the company you actually published it to. This has now been fixed. | General | Report Designer | 8.75 | 2021-11-29 | Bug |
Error in Sales by item and customer window with periods with different years | Earlier, there was a bug in the Sales by item and customer window (AR40103S), in case "From period" and "To period" selections had a different year. This has now been fixed. | Order To Cash | Customer Ledger | 8.75 | 2021-11-29 | Bug |
Document text for VAT code not set correctly in PEPPOL format | Earlier, in some circumstances, document text for VAT code was not set correctly in the PEPPOL format for invoices sent to AutoInvoice. This has now been fixed. | Order To Cash | Customer Ledger | 8.75 | 2021-11-29 | Bug |
Invoice lines from Customer contracts window got wrong sales account in sales to EU customers | Earlier, invoices generated from the Customer contracts (CT301000) window got a wrong sales account on invoice lines on sales to customers within EU. This has now been fixed. | Order To Cash | Contract Management | 8.75 | 2021-11-29 | Bug |
Additional info field available in Process bank transactions window | The field Additional info is now available in the Process bank transaction (CA306000) window, and you can see the information in the screen. | Accounting | Cash Management | 8.75 | 2021-11-29 | Change |
Branch filter is now correctly applied for Budget endpoint | When using GET for Budget, the mandatory Branch parameter was not used correctly for filtering. This has now been fixed. | API | Registration | 8.75 | 2021-11-29 | Bug |
GET CustomerInvoice endpoint using filter "dunningLevel" parameter returns an empty result | Earlier, the GET CustomerInvoice endpoint using some filters returned an empty result. This has now been fixed so that the endpoint returns an empty array instead of an empty result. | API | Customer Ledger | 8.75 | 2021-11-29 | Bug |
PUT Stocktake endpoint (v2-version) not generating value on variance cost | Earlier, the v2-version of the PUT Stocktake endpoint did not update variance cost neither on header or lines. Also delete stocktake line from UI did not recalculate header totals. This has now been fixed. | API | Inventory | 8.75 | 2021-11-29 | Bug |
Shipment confirmation process sometimes leaves shipments in status Confirmed even if the process failed | Earlier, the shipment confirmation process has sometimes left shipments in "Confirmed" status even though the process failed. This has now been fixed. | Order To Cash | Sales Order | 8.75 | 2021-11-29 | Bug |
Error in validation of email address, banking e-invoice (Norway) | Earlier, in the Customers window (AR303000) on the Invoicing settings tab there was an error in validation of email addresses that contained underscores and "Send invoices as banking e-invoice (Norway)" was selected. This has now been fixed. | Order To Cash | Customer Ledger | 8.75 | 2021-11-29 | Bug |
CustomerPayments: Returns 500 results even when pageSize is set to 1000 | Earlier, the maximum page size was hard coded to 500 and so the response for the GET customerPayment endpoint was able to return up to 500 payments. This has now been changed so that the maximum page size is configurable and the value is taken from the web.config file for every GET endpoint with the maxpageSize filter. | API | Customer Ledger | 8.75 | 2021-11-29 | Bug |
Editing reports failed after re-logging with duplicate tabs | Earlier, editing reports after re-logging with duplicate tabs failed. This has now been fixed. | General | Report Designer | 8.75 | 2021-11-29 | Bug |
Validate action added to Process VAT report window (TX502000) | A new VAT report for Norway 2022 is implemented In the Process VAT report (TX502000) window, there is a new button for validating the report at Skatteetaten before sending it in. This button will only be visible when you select a report period for 2022 and it's active when the report has the status Prepared or Closed. In the window you will get the returned error(s) in the heading for general errors and on the line for a line containing errors. When sending the VAT report for 2022, the report will be validated again and sent if there are no errors. There is a new column Validation message on the heading. There are two new columns on the report lines, Validation message and VAT rate. They are hidden by default. The difference between reporting in 2021 and 2022 is that the XML format is changed and now the report will be validated for errors and rejected if any error is found. You are also able to validate the report any time before you send it. | Accounting | Reporting to Government | 8.76 | 2021-12-10 | Change |
Upgrade of new VAT codes and VAT report for Norwegian VAT reporting 2022 | All Norwegian companies have been upgraded with the new VAT report and VAT codes for the new report coming in 2022. The following places are affected by this upgrade: VAT: A new code has been added and all of the old codes are set to be terminated by 31.12.2021 with 2 exemptions: Codes 0F and 6F are terminated at upgrading date and they are included in 0 and 6. The previous VAT IDs referred to the report line they were included into but from 2022 the VAT IDs refer to the SAF-T code they report to. All new schedules are using the new tax groups created for 2022. VAT categories: All old codes remain as before and only some new codes are added to be able to report the special codes for loss, withdraws, and adjustment. VAT zones: No change in zones. VAT report lines: All old lines are updated with To VAT period = 06-2021 or, in case of monthly reporting 12-2021. New lines are added for each SAF-T code. VAT reporting groups: New reporting groups are added and they are all starting with the SAF-T code they should report to. The upgrade is testing if the company should be VAT-exempt and if the following taxes have 0,00 rate, it will be considered as VAT-exempt. (01,02,03 old from 2016) and (3,4,5,9,14 new in 2017). If the company was a part of the upgrade in 2017, the customer zones and supplier zones are not using the old from before 2017. The customer zones are: 01-> 04 02-> 05 03-> 03 The supplier zones are: 01-> 10 02-> 11 or 12 01R-> 13 If you are still using the old zones with the same ones for customers and suppliers, the mapping between VAT and zones will not be created. If you do not have the new VAT categories representing the SAF-T, the mapping between VAT and VAT categories will not be created. If you have created a code that is going to be used as a new one, the new code will get the suffix 'I'. For example, if you have added code 20, the new code '20' will be '20I' The AutoInvoice settings (CS10250S) need to be adjusted when you start processing invoices for 2022 in Invoice Inbox (AP50604S). | Accounting | Reporting to Government | 8.76 | 2021-12-10 | Change |
Warning in VAT report (NL) when using supplementary report with negative amounts | Earlier, when using a supplementary VAT report in the Netherlands, with negative amounts below the limit amount 1,000.00, the warning was not correct in the next VAT period. This has now been fixed. | Accounting | Reporting to Government | 8.77 | 2021-12-20 | Bug |
Two new parameters available in CashTransaction endpoint | Two new parameters "pageNumber" and "pageSize" are now available in the CashTransaction endpoint on the GET operation. These filters should be used by our integrators to have a more efficient integration. | API | Cash Management | 8.77 | 2021-12-20 | Change |
Intrastat location for dispatch | Earlier, there was an issue with location and dispatch for Intrastat. Now, if the location is in the EU for a dispatch, it will be collected in the Prepare intrastat (TX50800S) window. | Purchase To Pay | Intrastat | 8.77 | 2021-12-20 | Bug |
Purchase orders with discounts showing correctly on project's commitments tab | Purchase orders with discounts were not showing the correct value for the order total field in the Project (PM301000) window on the Commitments tab. This has now been fixed. | Accounting | Project | 8.77 | 2021-12-20 | Bug |
Changes in Approval Editor to improve performance | The performance of the Approval Editor has been improved by a number of changes, but the functionality itself has not changed. | Purchase To Pay | Approval | 8.77 | 2021-12-20 | Change |
New report All unreleased documents with VAT (GL65603S) | To improve the performance of the report All unreleased documenta (GL65601S), the report is now used only to show all unreleased documents. It's available from the menu and linked from the close financial periods windows. The new report All unreleased documents with VAT (GL65603S) is available from the menu and linked from the Prepare VAT report (TX501000) window. This report is only showing unreleased documents with VAT. | Accounting | Registration | 8.77 | 2021-12-20 | Change |
Warning on VAT impact in Norwegian companies in Prepare for closing when moving older invoices to 2022 | In the Prepare for closing (AP50700S), window, when you move invoices to 2022, there will be a warning regarding that the VAT codes will not be correctly updated to the new VAT codes valid from 2022. It is recommended to manually change the date for the invoice to be in 2022 to receive the correct VAT code. | Accounting | Reporting to Government | 8.77 | 2021-12-20 | Change |
Description of codes in VAT (TX205000) supporting 100 characters | Earlier, there was a limitation of 60 characters in the VAT description. This has now been fixed so that it is 100 characters. | Accounting | Reporting to Government | 8.77 | 2021-12-20 | Bug |
Email account access right restrictions not working correctly | In the Email account access (SM201050) window, when using row level security for the company's email accounts, you were able to select an email account you should not have access to in many of the windows. This has now been fixed. | General | System Service | 8.77 | 2021-12-20 | Bug |
Item description missing in Inventory summary (IN401000) | Earlier, the Inventory summary inquiry (IN401000) was missing columns for item description. This has now been fixed. | Order To Cash | Inventory | 8.77 | 2021-12-20 | Bug |
Creation of manual payments on corrected invoices in Supplier payments prevented | Earlier, you were able to create manual payments on corrected invoices in the Supplier payments (AP302000) window. This has now been prevented and fixed so that the original invoice that has been corrected is not displayed in the Supplier payments window when linking documents. | Purchase To Pay | Supplier Ledger | 8.77 | 2021-12-20 | Bug |
Delivery location not picked from customer location for invoices sent in PEPPOL format | Earlier, when an invoice was created without a connected order and shipment and sent in PEPPOL BIS 3.0 format, in the e-invoice file the delivery address was set to the same as the invoice address. This has now been fixed so that the delivey address is picked from the customer location selected on the invoice. | Order To Cash | AutoInvoice Send | 8.77 | 2021-12-20 | Bug |
Improvements and bug fixes in the inquiry Account details (GL404000) | Drilldown from Trial balance detailed (GL632500) gave an error. This has been fixed. The column Customer/Supplier ID showed an unexpected ID. Now the ID visible in the registers is shown. When using the manual search, changing the period filter and doing a new manual search, the balances were incorrect. This has now been fixed. In some situations, there was an error saying that the maximum parameters of 2100 was reached. This has also been fixed. | Accounting | Registration | 8.77 | 2021-12-20 | Bug |
Edit subreports by accessing the window in the URL | It is now possible to edit subreports again, by directly accessing the window in the URL. | General | Report Designer | 8.77 | 2021-12-20 | Bug |
General ledger transactions missing in the Voucher details inquiry (GL40601S) | Transactions for the workspace General ledger were first shown in the Voucher details inquiry (GL40601S), but after any change in the screen, for example in filtering or doing an export to Excel, these transactions were missing. This has now been fixed. | Accounting | Consolidation | 8.77 | 2021-12-20 | Bug |
GET Journal transaction gave an empty response in some cases | For JournalTransactionV2, when using the GET function for Journal transaction, the system in some cases did not read the subaccount and segments correctly and it ended in an empty response. This has now been fixed. | Accounting | Registration | 8.77 | 2021-12-20 | Bug |
{*}Payment means code for e-invoices f{*}{*}or Dutch suppliers not set correctly{*} | Earlier, for suppliers in the Netherlands, the payment means code in the PEPPOL document (invoices) sent to AutoInvoice was set incorrectly. This has now been fixed. | Order To Cash | AutoInvoice Send | 8.77 | 2021-12-20 | Bug |
VAT category 5 not working with VAT zone 02 | The link to TaxZone 05 and 02 from TaxID 6 was removed in version 8.76 of Visma.net ERP. It has now beens added back with scripts. | Accounting | Reporting to Government | 8.77 | 2021-12-20 | Bug |
Purchase order link and purchase receipt fixed with feature toggle | Purchase order link and purchase receipt have been fixed and set behind a feature toggle. | Purchase To Pay | Purchase Order | 8.78 | 2022-01-04 | Bug |
Trace transactions in Create purchase orders (PO505000) window | In audit trail, it is now possible to trace transactions in the Create purchase orders (PO505000) window. The table name is InItemPlan. The plan ID can now be seen on sales order and purchase order. It is also tracked in the Create purchase orders (PO505000) window for the audit trail. | Purchase To Pay | Purchase Order | 8.78 | 2022-01-04 | Bug |
Invoice fee an own row when receiving invoices through AutoInvoice | Invoice fee is now added as an own row to the invoice when reveiving invoices through AutoInvoice. | Purchase To Pay | AutoInvoice Receiving | 8.78 | 2022-01-04 | Bug |
Not possible to specify PEPPOL information in Location endpoint in API | Earlier, there was no reference to PEPPOL scheme information in the Location endpoint for GET, PUT, POST operations. This has now been fixed. | Order To Cash | AutoInvoice Send | 8.78 | 2022-01-04 | Bug |
Balance and drilldown related to Account details (GL404000) | When you opened the Account details (GL404000) inquiry and added an account in filtering, the balances were not shown correctly before refreshing or updating the window. This has now been fixed. When doing a full drilldown from Balance and Profit & loss reports (ARM reports), via General ledger details (CS600000) to Account details (GL404000), the rows did not contain any data in the inquiry. This has also been fixed. | Accounting | GL Reconciliation | 8.78 | 2022-01-04 | Bug |
Extended Customerinvoice endpoint to support SendToAutoinvoice functionality | There is a new endpoint "api/v1/customerinvoice/{customerInvoiceNumbe}/action/sendToAutoInvoice" to support the created SendToAutoinvoice functionality. | Order To Cash | AutoInvoice Send | 8.78 | 2022-01-04 | Change |
Extended CustomerCreditNote endpoint to support SendToAutoInvoice functionality | There is a new endpoint "api/v1/customerCreditNote/{creditNoteNumber}/action/sendToAutoInvoice" to support the created SendToAutoinvoice functionality. | Order To Cash | AutoInvoice Send | 8.78 | 2022-01-04 | Change |
Extended CustomerDebitNote endpoint to support SendToAutoInvoice functionality | There is a new endpoint "api/v1/customerDebitNote/{debitNoteNumber}/action/sendToAutoInvoice" to support the created SendToAutoinvoice functionality. | Order To Cash | AutoInvoice Send | 8.78 | 2022-01-04 | Change |
Critical timeout when preparing stocktaking (IN504000) | Earlier, there was a critical timeout when preparing stocktaking (IN504000) by using the By cycle type. This has now been fixed. | Order To Cash | Inventory | 8.78 | 2022-01-04 | Bug |
Attachments added in Approval Center available in Purchase invoices window | Attachments added in Approval Center will be available from now on in the Purchase invoices (AP301000) window as well. You will be able to view, open, or download the documents using the Files and Show files options. Note that users with the Light User roles are not able to use the Show files option. | Purchase To Pay | Approval | 8.79 | 2022-01-11 | Change |
"Files" option enabled for Light User role | For audit purposes, the Files option has been enabled for the Light User role to view and download documents in the Purchase invoices (AP301000) window. Note that users with the Light User role are not able to use the Show files option. | Purchase To Pay | Supplier Ledger | 8.79 | 2022-01-11 | Change |
Validate only selected payment instruction in Suppliers window | Based on customer feedback, in the Suppliers (AP303000) window the validation of payment instruction is made only for the one filled in. If more payment instructions are showing for the selected payment method, there is no longer a warning message for the empty payment instructions. | Purchase To Pay | Outgoing Payment | 8.79 | 2022-01-11 | Bug |
Breaking change on Currency endpoint | The PUT, POST and GET v1/currency/ExchangeRates methods are deprecated and will be removed on January 11th, 2022. Start using the new methods under v2/currencyRate. | API | Currency Management | 8.79 | 2022-01-11 | Change |
Correct IBAN failing validation | In some cases, in the Validate supplier payment details (AP50950S) and Suppliers (AP303000) windows, the IBAN validation gave an error that IBAN is incorrect, even if it really was not. This has now been fixed. | Purchase To Pay | Outgoing Payment | 8.79 | 2022-01-11 | Bug |
Error setting windows as favourites | Earlier, when clicking the "star" in the Process payments (AP50300S) window to set this window as a favourite, the correct window was not marked as a favourite. This has now been fixed. | Architecture | Architecture | 8.79 | 2022-01-11 | Bug |
Error message going in loop when logging in after session timeout | If a user session was left unused over a time and then using it again, you could get the message "Session expired, please reload the page". When doing this, sometimes you ended up in a never ending loop during logon. This has now been fixed. | General | Setup of new companies | 8.79 | 2022-01-11 | Bug |
Invoices from sales orders get lower discountable amount and discount | Earlier, invoices from sales orders (SO301000) got a lower "discountable amount" (and discount) in some situations. This has now been fixed. | Order To Cash | Sales Invoice | 8.79 | 2022-01-11 | Bug |
Registering a sales order without an item ID | Earlier, when trying to register a sales order (SO301000) without an item ID, you got an error message: Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'LineType', table 'ERP_FI_REAL_0016.dbo.SOLine'; column does not allow nulls. INSERT fails. The statement has been terminated. This has now been fixed. | Order To Cash | Sales Order | 8.79 | 2022-01-11 | Bug |
Changed VAT accounts for some Norwegian VAT codes | For Norwegian VAT configuration 2022, some of the VAT codes (TX205000) on the General ledger accounts tab did not include the correct and logical accounts. For users that have not done changes to their own VAT accounts, this has now been updated for the following VAT codes: 0T, 13, 13T, 22, 31, 31U, 32, 32U, 33, 33U, 51, 52 and 5U. If it's related to, for example, high VAT, the accounts are now also the ones for high VAT. Users can still change these accounts as preferred. | Accounting | Reporting to Government | 8.79 | 2022-01-11 | Bug |
User session timeout extended from 2 hours to 8 hours | The limit for a user session to timeout has been extended from 2 hours to 8 hours. | Architecture | Architecture | 8.79 | 2022-01-11 | Change |
Performance improvement on high volume API calls. | We have done some performance improvement on API, which should lead to faster response times on high volumes API calls. | API | Architecture | 8.80 | 2022-01-18 | Bug |
Breaking changes on Budget endpoint | From January 18th 2022, the following breaking changes will be committed on GET method of the Budget endpoint: - The Branch and Ledger filters will become mandatory. Now they are specified to be mandatory by documentation, but it is not enforced by implementation. - The FinancialYear filter will become mandatory - Now, the branch filter requires being specified either by branch full name (example: BranchID - BranchName), or by branch ID surrounded by quotation marks. It will be simplified to require the branch ID without any other marks. | API | Registration | 8.80 | 2022-01-18 | Bug |
New layout for Norwegian VAT report | There is a new form for the Norwegian VAT report 2022 (TX62106S), following the new regulations. | Accounting | Reporting to Government | 8.80 | 2022-01-18 | Change |
"CustomerVATZone" overriden when "soShippingAddress" was included in POST for SalesOrder endpoint | Earlier, the "CustomerVATZone" was overridden for the SalesOrder endpoint for versions V1 and V2 when "soShippingAddress" was included in the JSON string for POST. This has now been fixed. | API | Sales Order | 8.80 | 2022-01-18 | Bug |
Support for Emailed field in SalesOrder endpoint | The Emailed field is now supported in POST, PUT and GET SalesOrder, enabling integrators to update a specific sales order to reflect email communication with the customer regarding this sales order in any external system. | API | Sales Order | 8.80 | 2022-01-18 | Change |
Drop-shipment sales order and change of delivery date on purchase order | Change of delivery date in purchase orders (drop-shipment) will now update the ship on date in Sales orders for all rows. | Purchase To Pay | Purchase Order | 8.80 | 2022-01-18 | Bug |
Report ID in Auto Report status (TX50500S) window | When validating and sending VAT reports, the details about each action are found in the AutoReport status (TX50500S) window with a unique report ID. Use the filter Report ID to find the report ID that is used in the XML file as reference towards the Norwegian Tax Authorities. | Accounting | Reporting to Government | 8.80 | 2022-01-18 | Change |
Autoinvoice settings updated for B2C activation service | The outdated AutoInvoice settings for the B2C service activation have now been removed from the AutoInvoice settings (CS10250S) window. | Order To Cash | AutoInvoice Send | 8.80 | 2022-01-18 | Bug |
Send B2C invoices to AutoInvoice without email address and phone number | Earlier, it was not possible to send B2C invoices to AutoInvoice without an email address and a phone number. This has now been fixed. | Order To Cash | AutoInvoice Send | 8.80 | 2022-01-18 | Bug |
Improved performance on SupplierInvoice endpoint | To improve the performance on GET operations, some refactoring has been done in the SupplierInvoice endpoint. | API | Supplier Ledger | 8.80 | 2022-01-18 | Bug |
New column for attachment in AutoReport status (TX50500S) | In the AutoReport status (TX50500S) window, there is a new column for attachments. | Accounting | Reporting to Government | 8.80 | 2022-01-18 | Change |
Duplicate tab reverts to start page | Sometimes, when you used the browser functionality to duplicate a tab, or CTRL+click on a menu item, the new tab was not opened with the same window ID as the parent tab. This has now been fixed. | General | Setup of new companies | 8.80 | 2022-01-18 | Bug |
Outdated B2C functionality for customer phone number removed in Customer ledger preferences | Earlier, in the Customer ledger preferences (AR101000) window, on the AutoInvoice settings tab, the outdated Customer phone number field was available for the B2C functionality. This field has now been removed. | Order To Cash | AutoInvoice Send | 8.80 | 2022-01-18 | Change |
Creation of new supplier invoices accelerated | Earlier, if you had a lot of supplier invoices in your company, the creation of new supplier invoices took a longer and longer time. This has now been fixed. | API | System Service | 8.80 | 2022-01-18 | Bug |
Error message on inactive supplier on sales to purchase | Earlier, the Create purchase orders (PO505000) window crashed, if there was an inactive supplier on the connected sales order. This has now been fixed and the system displays an error message on an inactive supplier, if there is one. | Purchase To Pay | Purchase Order | 8.80 | 2022-01-18 | Bug |
Descriptions for VAT codes (TX2050PL) missing when multilanguage is activated | When multilanguage was activated through license and languages were set up in System locales (SM200550), the description of the VAT codes (TX2050PL) were empty. This has now been fixed. | Accounting | Registration | 8.80 | 2022-01-18 | Bug |
Error in Update standard costs | Earlier, an error occured in the Update standard costs (IN502000) window when a product was assigned to more than one warehouse. This has now been fixed. | Order To Cash | Inventory | 8.80 | 2022-01-18 | Bug |
Changes in Norwegian VAT exempt VAT codes | Earlier, the VAT codes 20, 21, 22, 51 and 52 were configured as Include in VAT taxable total. Now they are changed to Include in VAT exempt total. The VAT was reported correctly but on sales invoice documents it was not displayed correctly regarding the taxable and exempt total amounts. This has now been fixed. | Accounting | Reporting to Government | 8.80 | 2022-01-18 | Bug |
Cost price and description of purchase receipts linked to purchase order | Earlier, when you created a purchase receipt and linked it to a purchase order with API, the cost price and description were retrieved from the item and not from the purchase order rows as they should. This has now been fixed and the cost price and description are retrieved from the purchase order rows for each item. | API | Purchase Order | 8.81 | 2022-01-25 | Bug |
"Use last cost if there is no available stock" not working for kit items | Earlier, the "Use last cost if there is no available stock" option in the Sales order preferences (SO101000) window did not work for kit items. This has now been fixed. | Order To Cash | Sales Order | 8.81 | 2022-01-25 | Bug |
Error when trying to copy a quote to an order | Earlier, you sometimes got the following error when trying to copy a quote to an order in the Sales orders (SO301000) window: Error: Cannot insert the value NULL into column ‘CreatedByID’. This has now been fixed. | Order To Cash | Sales Order | 8.81 | 2022-01-25 | Bug |
Branch endpoint uses UTC for lastModifiedDateTime | To get a range of branches, it's possible to use the lastModifiedDateTime parameter. This is provided in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS and is now based on UTC time. | API | Branches | 8.81 | 2022-01-25 | Change |
Unable to set City and County in Main and Invoice address via POST Customer API | Earlier, you could not set the correct City and County in the Main and Invoice address via the POST Customer endpoint. This has now been fixed. | API | Customer Ledger | 8.81 | 2022-01-25 | Bug |
Skipped and deleted discounts applied on sales invoices | Earlier, in the Customer invoice (SO303000) window, when you opened an invoice you had prepared in the Sales orders window, the invoice balance was not what the order total was. This happened when you had applied a discount on the customer and then clicked Skip discount or deleted the discount. The deleted discount remained on the invoice. This has now been fixed and deleted/skipped discounts aren't applied on the invoice. | Order To Cash | Sales Order | 8.81 | 2022-01-25 | Bug |
Deferral schedule amount calculation when partial deductible VAT is used | In the Deferral schedule (DR201500) window, Total amount, Deferred amount and Line amount were not calculated correctly. This has now been fixed to work in-line with each other when partial deductible VAT is used. The control amount in the header is reflecting the line amount and the expenses. On the Details tab, amounts are following the header amounts and from now on the overall balances being controlled by the header. | Purchase To Pay | Supplier Ledger | 8.82 | 2022-02-01 | Bug |
Improved performance for GET inventory | The performance of the GET inventory endpoint has been improved, leading to quicker response time. | API | Inventory | 8.82 | 2022-02-01 | Change |
Wrong price selected on a customer's sales invoices in UI, API, and error in integration to Severa | Earlier, in some circumstances the wrong price was selected on the customer's sales invoice in the UI and API, and in addition, this caused an error in the integration to Severa. This has now been fixed. | Order To Cash | Customer Ledger | 8.82 | 2022-02-01 | Bug |
Project number disappeared when changing cost account in Document Editor | Previously, when changing a general ledger account included in an account group in Document Editor, the Project and Project task fields were reset and became empty on the invoice connected to the account. This has now been fixed. | Purchase To Pay | Approval | 8.82 | 2022-02-01 | Bug |
Performance improvements on GET Project endpoint | The performance on the GET Project endpoint has now been improved. | API | Project | 8.82 | 2022-02-01 | Change |
Status icon added on lines in AutoReport status window | In the AutoReport status (TX50500S) window, you will now have a green tick icon on lines that have the status Accepted by government and a red one for all error statuses. Lines with other statuses don't have any tick icon. | Accounting | Reporting to Government | 8.82 | 2022-02-01 | Change |
Transaction type in Voucher details inquiry (GL40601S) | When creating a sales invoice, making a reclassification of the batch and running the Voucher details inquiry (GL40601S), the column Transaction type showed Purchase invoice instead of Sales invoice for the reclassification batch. This has now been fixed. | Accounting | GL Reconciliation | 8.82 | 2022-02-01 | Bug |
Error "TaxBucketID cannot be empty" needs healing script | Due to the new VAT changes for Norway in 2022, there is an issue with releasing or processing expense claims registered in 2022, which have expense receipts in 2021. The release process is stopped and has error message: "TaxBucketID cannot be empty". The customers that have this problem will need to contact support which can fix this issue by running a script in the Healing Service: UpdateWrongEmptyTaxBucketID. | Accounting | Time & Expense | 8.82 | 2022-02-01 | Bug |
Slow performance when opening a document from list windows (screen ID postfix PL) | Earlier, you could experience slow performance when opening a document from any list window (screen ID with postfix PL). This result depended on the total number of documents of the specific type in the company, and if the generic inquiry used for the specific list window had defined any aggregates. This has now been resolved in a generic way, so that the opening of documents is much faster throughout the entire system. | Order To Cash | Sales Order | 8.82 | 2022-02-01 | Bug |
New compression option for the API | Earlier, only deflate and gzip compression was supported when fetching data from the API. Now Brotli compression has also been added. It can be used by adding the following Request Header: Accept-Encoding: br Brotli algorithm is better than gzip and deflate and will improve API performance when used. | API | Architecture | 8.82 | 2022-02-01 | Change |
New possibility to add account and subaccount directly in bank rules | There are two new fields in the Bank transaction rules (CA204500) window, Default offset account and Default offset subaccount. The account and subaccount are copied from the entry type, but they can be overridden on the bank rule. If no account or subaccount is entered on the bank rule, the system will retrieve them from the entry type. | Accounting | Cash Management | 8.83 | 2022-02-08 | Change |
Unhide/Hide in CA306000 and AR305000 not working as expected | Earlier, the Hide checkbox was not selected properly when a line was not selected first. This problem has now been fixed in the Process incoming payments (AR305000) and Process bank transactions (CA306000) windows. | Accounting | Cash Management | 8.83 | 2022-02-08 | Bug |
Validation for NL VAT report when using revisions and multiple tax agencies | When using more than one tax agency and creating VAT report revisions in the Process VAT report (TX502000) window, there were in some cases a calculation error, not related to rounding. It was not possible to send the VAT report because of a failing validation from AutoReport. This has now been fixed. | Accounting | Period and Year End | 8.83 | 2022-02-08 | Bug |
Hidden window TX40501S for correcting suspended VAT IDs for 2022 | A hidden window has been created where you can correct suspended VAT IDs to VAT IDs valid for 2022. The ID of this window is TX40501S and you have to enter it into the URL to access it. In this window, you will only be able to see and correct suspended VAT IDs. You'll find more information in the community. | Accounting | Reporting to Government | 8.83 | 2022-02-08 | Change |
VAT ID 32U removed by the authorities | VAT code 32U "Mva pliktig uttak fisk og maritime viltlevende ressurser" was implemented together with the new VAT report for Norway 2022 and is now not valid as code. The code has not removed, the VAT category has just been set inactive and the VAT ID has been suspended from 02.11.2021. The report lines are disabled by update of the From and To VAT period to 202200. | Accounting | Reporting to Government | 8.83 | 2022-02-08 | Bug |
Supplier validation in Invoice inbox | Earlier, if a hyphen or space was used in the fields on payment details, organisation number, or VAT number, you got a warning in Invoice inbox (AP50604S) that the supplier should be updated. This has now been fixed. | Purchase To Pay | AutoInvoice Receiving | 8.84 | 2022-02-15 | Bug |
Non-stock kit and Intrastat reporting | Earlier, there were issues with reporting non-stock item kit components on Intrastat report (TX50800S). This has now been hidden behind a feature toggle and is not visible to the users yet. | Purchase To Pay | Intrastat | 8.84 | 2022-02-15 | Bug |
Print VAT report button added in Process VAT report window (TX502000) | A new dropdown button Reports with option Print VAT report is implemented in Process VAT report (TX502000) window. Printing the report from this window will use all the settings in the window and make it easier to print a correct report. The report used is depending on the selected company's country, so if you have activated mulit-branch support and created companies with different countries, it will print the report for the company's country. NO - Norwegian VAT report also depending on before and after 2022 SE - Swedish VAT report FI - Finnish VAT report NL - Dutch VAT report All other countries - Standard VAT report | Accounting | Reporting to Government | 8.84 | 2022-02-15 | Change |
All country specific VAT reports available in all countries | All country specific VAT reports are available in all countries since you are now able to create tax reports for other counties. It's important that the reports contain the same VAT box number and texts as in the country of origin for the created report. | Accounting | Reporting to Government | 8.84 | 2022-02-15 | Change |
Import of journal transactions with reference number in import scenario | When importing journal transactions (GL301000) with an import scenario, when the reference number was set to a different number than the batch number, the reference number was still set to the batch number. This has now been fixed and the reference number is set from the import scenario. | Accounting | Registration | 8.84 | 2022-02-15 | Bug |
Validate Norwegian VAT report in Process VAT report (TX502000) before sending | From version 8.84 on, there is a new status for Norwegian VAT report. When a VAT report is sent for validation, the report status is "Validation requested". This is applicable only for Norway. | Accounting | Reporting to Government | 8.84 | 2022-02-15 | Bug |
New specification for adjustment of VAT code 81 added to Norwegian companies | The Tax authorities have added a specification for adjustment for VAT code 81 and this code has been added with the VAT category 81J and belonging VAT ID's 81J and 81JR. The license for reporting this new code has been added to the tax report and tax groups. | Accounting | Reporting to Government | 8.84 | 2022-02-15 | Change |
Currency effective date in Currency revaluation windows | The suggested Currency effective date for the windows Revalue general ledger accounts (CM506000), Revalue supplier accounts (CM504000), and Revalue customer accounts (CM505000) were set to, for example, 30/01/2022 instead of expected 31/01/2022. This has now been fixed. | Accounting | Currency Management | 8.84 | 2022-02-15 | Bug |
Claim date validation from Expense Inbox not working | In Expense Inbox, the validation for expense claims that have their claim date in a closed or inactive period was not working. This has now been fixed and it is now possible to solve the error by using one of the options: - either activate the period - or mark the setting “Allow posting to closed periods” in General ledger preferences (GL102000) - or mark the setting “Move invoice in the next open/active period in Supplier ledger preferences (AP101000)." | Accounting | Time & Expense | 8.84 | 2022-02-15 | Bug |
*GET CustomerInvoice endpoint returns* *the same value for* *fields 'originatorDocRef' and 'contractorDocRef'.* | Earlier, when using the GET customerinvoice endpoint, the fields originatorDocRef and contractorDocRef got the same value. This has now been fixed. | API | Customer Ledger | 8.84 | 2022-02-15 | Bug |
The performance of the GET Supplier Invoice endpoint has been improved | The performance of the GET Supplier Invoice endpoint has been improved, leading to quicker response time. This has been in pilot testing for 2 weeks now and will be enabled for all customers with version 8.84.0 of Visma.net ERP. | API | Supplier Ledger | 8.84 | 2022-02-15 | Change |
VAT IDs for Loss on claims updated with correct account for sales | VAT IDs for Loss on claims are updated with the correct account for sales and are handled with the same accounts as for purchase. 0T has changed from 2700 to 2710 1T has changed from 2701 to 2711 11T has changed from 2703 to 2713 12T has changed from 2703 to 2713 13T has changed from 2704 to 2714 | Accounting | Reporting to Government | 8.84 | 2022-02-15 | Bug |
Validation of the new VAT report for Norway | Validation and sending the new VAT report 2022 for Norway had been implemented and you can now validate a prepared report before closing the report and it will only be validated, not sent. When sending, it will also be validated and only reports that are validated successfully will be sent to Altinn. The authentication in AutoReport has been changed and the SMS verification has been replaced with MinID and BankID. | Accounting | Reporting to Government | 8.84 | 2022-02-15 | Bug |
New parameter for filtering and sorting of documents via SupplierInvoice endpoint | Document "Status" has been added as a filtering parameter via the SupplierInvoice endpoint to improve filtering and sorting of documents in Visma.net ERP. | API | Supplier Ledger | 8.85 | 2022-02-22 | Change |
Document went out of balance after several split/undo split invoice lines in Approval Editor | Earlier, after several split/undo split invoice lines in Approval Editor, the document went out of balance. This has now been fixed. | Purchase To Pay | Approval | 8.85 | 2022-02-22 | Bug |
*Empty ARM report with the setting Require from branch activated* | Earlier, there was an error where the ARM report with the setting Require from branch was activated and the report was empty. This has now been fixed and you should be able to use the filter for From branch to report a single branch. | Accounting | Registration | 8.85 | 2022-02-22 | Bug |
New parameter in Profit & Loss and Balance reports (ARM) for improved performance | In the Report definitions (CS206000) window, there is new parameter "Account type". It includes the options All, Asset/Liability, Income/Expense, Asset, Liability, Income, and Expense. Depending on the report and data, the improvement is about 20% when this parameter is used. In new companies the values are preconfigured. It is recommended to set the value for the ARM reports you are currently using in existing companies. - For the Balance reports, use Asset/Liability. - For Profit & Loss reports, use Income/Expense. - For combined reports, use All for Account type. In case unit sets are used, filtering is based on both this parameter Account type and the unit set settings, so it's recommended to check that these parameters do not have any counter-conflict, so that an empty report is shown. | Accounting | Registration | 8.85 | 2022-02-22 | Change |
Balances in Trial balance summary report (GL63200S) | Earlier, the line with the total summary of all the beginning and ending balances in the Trial balance summary (GL63200S) report was not correctly calculated. This has now been fixed. | Accounting | Registration | 8.85 | 2022-02-22 | Bug |
Performance improved on the Fixed asset - net value (FA613000) report | The performance of the Fixed asset - net value (FA613000) report has been improved so that it works faster even with big data. | Accounting | Fixed Assets | 8.85 | 2022-02-22 | Bug |
Performance improved on SAF-T report | There have been changes in how data are retrieved from the database, which will improve the performance of the SAF-T report (TX50600S). | Accounting | Reporting to Government | 8.85 | 2022-02-22 | Change |
Wrong account number added on child items after saving in Approval Editor | Earlier, when splitting an invoice line in Approval Editor, the child item was updated with the wrong account number after saving. This has now been fixed. | Purchase To Pay | Approval | 8.85 | 2022-02-22 | Bug |
Supplier information missing in Sales orders (SO301000) window | Earlier, when you created a sales order with a stock item that had a default supplier defined, the supplier information was not retrieved to the order. This has now been fixed and supplier information (name and ID) is displayed for items with a default supplier. | Order To Cash | Sales Order | 8.85 | 2022-02-22 | Bug |
Delivery address not inherited from customer location | Earlier, in some rare scenarios when creating a sales order, the system inherited a no longer valid delivery address from the customer location. This has now been resolved. | Order To Cash | Sales Order | 8.85 | 2022-02-22 | Bug |
401 Unauthorized error message on $Batch endpoint | For a while, batch http requests to api/v1/$batch have failed with 401-Unauthorized. The workaround has been to set authentication and authorization headers on every sub request. This has now been fixed so that all headers from main request will be copied to every sub request if they are not already present. | API | Architecture | 8.85 | 2022-02-22 | Bug |
General ledger transactions with VAT showing unposted transactions correctly | Earlier, General ledger transaction with VAT (TX40500S) contained an error when transactions were released but not posted and these transactions were included when the Posted transactions check box was selected. This has now been changed so that transactions with the Not posted status will only be displayed if you uncheck this column. | Accounting | Reporting to Government | 8.85 | 2022-02-22 | Bug |
Notes in Process VAT report (TX502000) | When adding a note in the header or on a line in the Process VAT report (TX502000) window, it was not saved after the period was closed. This has now been fixed. | Accounting | Reporting to Government | 8.85 | 2022-02-22 | Bug |
Cost price and description of purchase receipts linked to purchase order | Earlier, when you created a purchase receipt and linked it to a purchase order with API, the cost price and description were retrieved from the item and not from the purchase order rows as they should. This has now been fixed and the cost price and description are retrieved from the purchase order rows for each item. Fix is deployed under a feature toggle. | API | Purchase Order | 8.86 | 2022-03-01 | Bug |
General ledger sales accounts not visible in Warehouses (IN204000) window | Earlier, the sales accounts Sales - non-taxable account, Sales - EU account and Sales - export account were not visible in the Warehouses (IN204000) window. This has now been fixed. | Order To Cash | Inventory | 8.86 | 2022-03-01 | Bug |
Performance improvement in Create purchase order window | There are several fixes in the performance of the Create purchase order (PO505000) window. There is a new check box "Show details. If you select it, supplier prices, currency ID, weight, and volume will be shown. Check box for "Exclude lines without supplier" will be selected by default when opening the window. If you uncheck it, all rows with no supplier will be shown together with the rows with a supplier. | Purchase To Pay | Purchase Order | 8.86 | 2022-03-01 | Bug |
Performance improvements on Dimension endpoints | The performance on the following Dimension endpoints has now been improved: GET/controller/api/v1/dimension/{dimensionId} GET/controller/api/v1/dimension/{dimensionId}/{segmentId} GET/controller/api/v1/dimension/{dimensionId}/{segmentId}/{valueId} GET/controller/api/v1/dimension/{dimensionId}/{segmentId}/publicid/{publicId} | API | Time & Expense | 8.86 | 2022-03-01 | Bug |
Update notes via API (PUT) on SupplierInvoice when status is "Open" | Earlier, updating notes via API (PUT) on SupplierInvoice endpoint, when the status of the document was "Open", was not possible. This has now been fixed. | API | Supplier Ledger | 8.86 | 2022-03-01 | Bug |
Cancel AutoInvoice B2C service in Visma.net ERP | You are now able to cancel the AutoInvoice B2C service in the UI in Visma.net ERP. | Order To Cash | AutoInvoice Send | 8.86 | 2022-03-01 | Change |
New VAT related windows added to the menu | To improve the VAT reconciliation, new windows have been added to the menu for VAT handling and control: - VAT - Inquiries General ledger transactions with VAT (TX40500S) New in all countries exempt Norway In this window you can see all General ledger transactions including the VAT information. - Unreleased VAT transactions (TX40301S) New in all countries This window will show all VAT transactions that have not been processed in VAT reporting. - Layout templates - Finance VAT report, Norwegian 2022 (TX62106S) New in all countries exempt Norway This is the new VAT report for Norway for 2022, and will be used if the company is Norwegian. | Accounting | GL Reconciliation | 8.86 | 2022-03-01 | Change |
Note to tax agency in Sweden when processing VAT report (TX502000) | When processing a VAT report in Sweden there was a note to the tax agency with the text "Korrigering av moms" (Correction) for the first report with Revision 1. It should only be included in Revision 2 and higher. This has now been fixed. | Accounting | Reporting to Government | 8.86 | 2022-03-01 | Bug |
Wrong "Location" URL returned after successful POST CustomerInvoice V2 request | Earlier, the wrong "Location" URL was returned after a successful POST CustomerInvoice V2 request. This has now been fixed. | API | Customer Ledger | 8.86 | 2022-03-01 | Bug |
Improved performance on GET Inventory endpoint [Pilot Testing] | The performance of the GET Inventory endpoint has been improved, and it is currently in Pilot Testing. This will be tested by the volunteered clients. Please contact the Partner Service from your country if you would like to volunteer. Once the pilot testing phase is completed, the improvement will be enabled for everyone. (Will be announced) | API | Inventory | 8.86 | 2022-03-01 | Change |
Activate feature "Transfer Order" to the "Transfer Receipt" via Purchase Receipt endpoint | Earlier, adding "Transfer Order" to the "Transfer Receipt" via the Purchase Receipt endpoint was not possible. Now you are able to use POST operation via PurchaseReceipt endpoint to create transfer receipts via API. | API | Purchase Order | 8.86 | 2022-03-01 | Bug |
The "Packages" field exposed via ShipmentDTO (GET Shipment) is not populated | Earlier, the GET Shipment endpoint did not populate the "Packages" field. This has now been fixed. | API | Sales Order | 8.86 | 2022-03-01 | Bug |
Norwegian VAT report 2022 (TX62106S) is printable when it's prepared | Earlier, it was possible to print the VAT report (TX62106S) first when it had been validated or sent to AutoReport. Now you can print the VAT report when it has prepared. | Accounting | Reporting to Government | 8.86 | 2022-03-01 | Bug |
Changed notes in Process VAT report (TX502000) not correctly saved | Earlier, when adding a note to the Tax Authority in the Process VAT report (TX502000) window and afterwards removing the note, it was not correctly saved and handled during sending of the report. This has now been fixed. | Accounting | Reporting to Government | 8.86 | 2022-03-01 | Bug |
"GreaterThanValue" query parameter not working with GET Shipment endpoint | Earlier, the "GreaterThanValue" query parameter was not documented as being deprecated for the GET Shipment endpoint. This has now been fixed. | API | Sales Order | 8.86 | 2022-03-01 | Bug |
Company/branch name added to the Norwegian VAT report | When printing the new 2022 VAT report for Norway (TX62106S), the name of the company or the branch is now included in the report. | Accounting | Reporting to Government | 8.86 | 2022-03-01 | Bug |
Wrong button activated in Release VAT report when closing VAT period | Earlier, there was an error in Release VAT report (TX502000) window when closing the VAT period. The Resend button got activated instead of the Send button. This has now been fixed. | Accounting | Reporting to Government | 8.86 | 2022-03-01 | Bug |
Unable to update a customer's "Invoice Address" fields via PUT Customer endpoint | Earlier, in some circumstances, the PUT Customer endpoint did not update the customer's "Invoice Address" fields. This has now been fixed. | API | Customer Ledger | 8.86 | 2022-03-01 | Bug |
Messages cut off in top panel | The messages about new releases are no longer cut in the top panel. | General | Notifications | 8.87 | 2022-03-08 | Bug |
PUT inventory endpoint does not update item values for items of type 'SubAssembly' or 'Component Part' | Earlier, the PUT inventory endpoint did not update item values for items of type 'SubAssembly' or 'Component Part'. This has now been fixed. | API | Inventory | 8.87 | 2022-03-08 | Bug |
Line note removed from purchase orders when purchase orders updated via API (PUT) | Earlier, when updating purchase orders via API, using PUT method and PurchaseOrder endpoint, the notes were automatically removed. This has now been fixed. | API | Purchase Order | 8.87 | 2022-03-08 | Bug |
Error message when printing statement in the Customer statement history (AR404600) window | Earlier, when clicking the 'Print statement' button in the Customer statement history (AR404600) window, an error message occurred. This has now been fixed. | Order To Cash | Customer Ledger | 8.87 | 2022-03-08 | Bug |
Improved performance on GET ALL Supplier endpoint | The performance of the GET ALL Supplier endpoint has been improved, and it is currently in pilot testing. This will be tested by a small number of clients in the beginning. Once the pilot testing phase is completed, the improvement will be enabled for everyone. | API | Supplier Ledger | 8.87 | 2022-03-08 | Change |
Add new column ValidationDate in the database + UI | A new column 'Validation date' has been added to the Validate inventory (IN505000) window. This column shows the date when the inventory was last validated for each line. | Order To Cash | Inventory | 8.87 | 2022-03-08 | Change |
Expand the filter section in the Validate inventory (IN505000) window | The following changes have been made in the Validate inventory (IN505000) window: -A page counter has been added to the page navigation buttons. -A record counter has been added to the bottom of the page, which displays the total amount of records. | Order To Cash | Inventory | 8.87 | 2022-03-08 | Change |
Company name in the Norwegian VAT report for 2022 and printing in a multi-branch company | In the Norwegian VAT report (TX62106S) for 2022, company name is added after the Corporate ID. The bug in printing of this VAT report for a company with branches balancing and with File VAT by branch selected has also been fixed. | Accounting | Reporting to Government | 8.87 | 2022-03-08 | Bug |
Branch information is now available in Approval Editor | You are now able to see branch information, as a read only field on both the header and line level in the Approval Editor. | Purchase To Pay | Approval | 8.87 | 2022-03-08 | Change |
Wrong currency type when copying from Quote to Sales order | Earlier, the system set the wrong currency type when copying from Quote to Sales order in the Sales orders (SO301000) window. This has now been fixed. | Order To Cash | Sales Order | 8.87 | 2022-03-08 | Bug |
Improve the performance of the validation process | The performance of the Validate inventory (IN505000) window has been improved by around 20%. | Order To Cash | Inventory | 8.87 | 2022-03-08 | Change |
Remove non-stock items from the Validate inventory (IN505000) window | Earlier, non-stock items were also displayed in the Validate inventory (IN505000) window. They have now been removed, since they do not need to be validated. | Order To Cash | Inventory | 8.87 | 2022-03-08 | Change |
Improved performance of ARM reports for companies with large number of branches | Earlier, when generating ARM reports in a company with a large number of branches, an timeout error message could occur. This has now been fixed. | Accounting | Registration | 8.87 | 2022-03-08 | Bug |
Error in number series when numbers are greater than int (2,147,483,647) | Earlier, for customers with large numbers in their number series (more than 2,147,483,647), saving of documents resulted in an error message. This has now been fixed. | General | System Service | 8.87 | 2022-03-08 | Bug |
Error with number series containing "-" or "+" | Earlier, when users had number series containing "-" or "+", they got error message: Error casting nvarchar to bigint. This has now been fixed. | Architecture | Architecture | 8.87 | 2022-03-08 | Bug |
SAF-T included unposted transactions at transaction level but not in account balance | Earlier, there was an error in sending unposted or balanced transactions in the SAF-T file for Norway. This has now been fixed and these transactions are excluded from the report. You will now get an error message that you have unposted and/or balanced transactions and you have to process them. You can download the file with these transactions but sending to Altinn will not be possible before the unposted transactions are processed and the balanced batches are released, deleted, or moved to another year/period. | Accounting | Reporting to Government | 8.88 | 2022-03-15 | Bug |
Performance improvement in ARM reports | Improvements have been made related to how data is retrieved for Profit & Loss and Balance reports. | Accounting | Registration | 8.88 | 2022-03-15 | Bug |
Timeout in the Prepare stocktaking (IN504000) window | Earlier, the Prepare stocktaking (IN504000) window timed out in some cases when using the Generation method "By movement class" and selecting the "By frequency" check box. This has now been fixed. | Order To Cash | Inventory | 8.88 | 2022-03-15 | Bug |
Improved performance on GET ALL CustomerPayment endpoint | The performance of the CustomerPayment endpoint has been improved. | API | Customer Ledger | 8.88 | 2022-03-15 | Bug |
Error message from Altinn when sending VAT report and error file as attachment on AutoReport status | The error message from Altinn when sending a VAT report having errors is now working and you will get the error file as an attachment to the AutoReport status. In addition, you see the error messages in a text box and the errors referring to a VAT code are also shown on each line in the Message column. The receipt attachment will also be attached to the AutoReport status line. | Accounting | Reporting to Government | 8.88 | 2022-03-15 | Bug |
Not possible to add or edit an activity, or open the Non-stock items window. | Earlier, you were not able to add or edit an activity in the Customers (AR303000), Suppliers (AP303000) and Projects (PM301000) windows. Also, the Non-stock items (IN202000) window did not open correctly when clicking the link in the Item ID field in the Purchase orders (PO301000) and Sales orders (SO301000) windows. These have now been fixed. | General | General | 8.88 | 2022-03-15 | Bug |
New Background API functionality | Now you can invoke all API endpoints available at Visma.net ERP API documentation in an asynchronous mode by using the new Background API functionality. You find the documentation including sample code in the Developer Community. | API | Architecture | 8.88 | 2022-03-15 | Change |
Window title changes in Swedish | The following changes have been made in Swedish: - The Sales order preferences (SO101000) window title has been changed from "Försäljningsordrar" to "Inställningar försäljningsorder". - The Sales order list (SO40101S) window title has been changed from "Försäljningsorder" to "Lista försäljningsorder". | Order To Cash | Content | 8.88 | 2022-03-15 | Change |
Window title change in Swedish | The Swedish title of the Purchase order list (PO40100S) window has been changed from "Inköpsorder" to "Lista inköpsorder". | Purchase To Pay | Content | 8.88 | 2022-03-15 | Change |
Allow purchaseReceipt action addPurchaseOrder to add purchase orders of type drop-ship | Earlier, you were not able to add drop-shipments to Poreceipt through POST/controller/api/v1/PurchaseReceipt/{receiptNumber}/action/addpurchaseorder. This has now been fixed by adding orderType to the JSON-file: { "purchaseOrders": [ { "orderNbr": "string", "orderType": "RegularOrder" } ] } OrderType needed to be changed to DropShip to get drop-shipments to work. | API | Purchase Order | 8.89 | 2022-03-22 | Bug |
Missing link to batch for released documents | Earlier, in some situations, invoices already released and having a general ledger batch created in the Voucher list (GL40600S) window remained stuck in the Balanced status with no link to the general ledger batch in the Sales invoices (AR301000) window. This has now been fixed and the solution is currently deployed under a feature toggle. | Order To Cash | Sales Invoice | 8.89 | 2022-03-22 | Bug |
Possible to insert invalid value in "type" when using PUT Inventory endpoint and make the item invalid | Earlier, it was possible to insert an invalid value in "type" when using the PUT Inventory endpoint. This has now been fixed. | API | Inventory | 8.89 | 2022-03-22 | Bug |
Error "Please release the inventory issue "xx" before releasing Invoice" | Earlier, releasing an invoice caused an error if there was a stock item with zero quantity in a kit. This has now been fixed. | Order To Cash | Sales Invoice | 8.89 | 2022-03-22 | Bug |
Account and subaccount combination in restriction groups not working via API SupplierInvoice endpoint (POST) | Earlier, creating a document via the API SupplierInvoice endpoint (POST) using an account and subaccount combination existing in a restriction group configured within Visma.net ERP was not possible. This has now been fixed. | API | Supplier Ledger | 8.89 | 2022-03-22 | Bug |
Warning on documents from 2021 not processed in a tax report in 2021 | A warning message will be shown in the Prepare VAT report (TX501000) and Process VAT report (TX502000) windows when you process VAT reports in 2022 and there are documents from 2021, which have not been processed in a tax report in 2021. In this case these documents can have a wrong VAT code and will not be included in the VAT report for 2022. So when getting this message, you should follow the link and find out how to handle these documents. There is a hidden window Change suspended VAT code (TX40501S) where you can correct the old transactions. | Accounting | Reporting to Government | 8.89 | 2022-03-22 | Change |
Metadata file not created for Peppol sending when there's no e-invoice address specified for the customer | Earlier, the metadata file was not created for Peppol sending when there was no e-invoice address specified for the customer. This has now been fixed. | Order To Cash | AutoInvoice Send | 8.89 | 2022-03-22 | Bug |
RoundingDifference omitted when using SupplierInvoice endpoint (POST) | Earlier, in some circumstances, the RoundingDifference amount was omitted when creating an invoice via the SupplierInvoice endpoint (POST). This has now been fixed and the solution is under a feature toggle. | API | Supplier Ledger | 8.89 | 2022-03-22 | Bug |
Download VAT report as XML file to AutoReport | Download XML file is added to the Reports menu in the Process VAT report (TX502000) window and it will download the XML file Visma.net ERP is sending to AutoReport. This report cannot be uploaded to the authority's portals because it's not in the correct format. This will mostly be used for support purposes so that it is possible to verify what is sent to AutoReport. The report for Norway from 2022 is created in the correct format but not prepared for manual upload to Altinn. | Accounting | Reporting to Government | 8.89 | 2022-03-22 | Change |
Change suspended VAT changed to handle transactions created in 2021 but reported in 2022 | The Change suspended VAT (TX40501S) window has been changed to handle transactions that have been created in 2021 but will be reported in 2022. It will show transactions where the VAT is suspended 31.12.2021 and also codes where the report group has been changed in 2022. This is applicable only for Norwegian companies that were created before version 8.72. | Accounting | Reporting to Government | 8.89 | 2022-03-22 | Change |
VAT reporting group for VAT ID 12T corrected for upgraded Norwegian customers | Earlier, the new VAT ID 12T was using a wrong reporting group for 11T. This has now been fixed and updated for all customers having that error. | Accounting | Reporting to Government | 8.89 | 2022-03-22 | Bug |
Lookup from Process VAT report opening VAT report details open with correct company/branch | Earlier, in a multi-branch company when you clicked on an amount in the Prepare VAT report (TX501000) window, the VAT details window opened with the company selected in the Company selector. This has now been fixed and it opens the window with the company/branch from the Process VAT report (TX502000) window. | Accounting | Reporting to Government | 8.89 | 2022-03-22 | Bug |
Change in MaxPageSize for the GET Inventory endpoint | MaxPageSize for GET Inventory will be set to 5000 from 1 April 2022. | API | Inventory | 8.89 | 2022-03-22 | Change |
Norwegian VAT codes for withdrawal (3U, 31U, 32U, 33U, 5U) corrected | The specification for the withdrawal VAT codes is corrected from utakk to uttak and will be validated correctly when sent to Altinn. | Accounting | Reporting to Government | 8.89 | 2022-03-22 | Bug |
Validate syntax of provided webhook address in API request with erp-api-background | Earlier, the webhook address provided in the erp-api-background request header has not been validated, therefore, it was causing an exception if a bad URL was provided. This has now been fixed. | API | Architecture | 8.89 | 2022-03-22 | Change |
Improved performance on GET ALL Supplier endpoint | The performance of the GET ALL Supplier endpoint has been improved. The pilot testing phase is now completed, the improvement which has been deployed under a feature toggle is now enabled for all customers in production. | API | Supplier Ledger | 8.89 | 2022-03-22 | Change |
Generic inquiries with Total aggregate function on columns with hour:min format | Earlier, in generic inquiries, when using the Total aggregate function on columns with hour:min format, the total value was not displayed in this format. This has now been fixed. | General | Setup of new companies | 8.90 | 2022-03-29 | Bug |
Not possible to import from Excel with different values for Break quantity | Earlier, in the Sales price worksheets (AR202010) window, it was not possible to import from Excel when different Break quantity values were set for the same item. This has now been fixed. | Order To Cash | Customer Ledger | 8.90 | 2022-03-29 | Bug |
System using wrong sales account on sales order depending on order type | There were different scenarios when creating a sales order with item or without item. - In scenario 1 when using customer location, sales account was set from posting class or customer location. - In scenario 2 when using posting class, sales account was set from posting class or customer location. - In scenario 3 when using warehouse, sales account was set from posting class or customer location. - In scenario 4 when using reason code, sales account was set from posting class or customer location. Now the sales order lines have been fixed to match the right sales accounts. | Order To Cash | Sales Order | 8.90 | 2022-03-29 | Bug |
Transactions excluded from the Convert purchases to assets window | In the Convert purchases to assets (FA504500) window, the following transactions will not be displayed any more: - Reversed transactions: the information that it is reversed is in the debit adjustment document of the original document - Reclassified transactions: if the reclassified transaction is on another account, the transaction won't be displayed when choosing the reclassified account and when choosing the original account. If the reclassified transaction is not on another account, the information from the reclassification transaction will be displayed. - Corrected transactions via the Correct action: only the corrected transaction will be displayed. | Accounting | Fixed Assets | 8.90 | 2022-03-29 | Bug |
Expense - ERP integration supporting reversed charge on expense receipts | Starting from this version, reverse charge on expenses (services bought abroad) is supported. To implement this functionality, the following settings have to be applied (based on Norwegian template): In the Non-stock items (IN202000) window, set item class to 8 (services). Check whether the right GL accounts are set on the General ledger accounts tab. Set the item type to Expense and mark the item as Reverse charge item. When a reverse charge item is received in the Expense inbox (EP50604S) for a service bought abroad, the processor has to select the right VAT zone: 13 (Services brought abroad). When processed, the purchase invoice will contain the Tax IDs 86 and 86R and the tax is not calculated from the gross amount. When the service is bought domestic, it is handled as a normal expense item in the Expense inbox. | Accounting | Project | 8.90 | 2022-03-29 | Bug |
Error in opening and closing balances for some accounts in SAF-T report | Earlier, when reporting SAF-T with only one or two periods in the middle of the year, the opening and closing balances were wrong on accounts that only had a movement with one of the subaccounts. Then it showed only the opening and closing balance for that account/subaccount combination. This error has now been fixed and the opening and closing balance are correct for the selected period(s). | Accounting | Reporting to Government | 8.90 | 2022-03-29 | Bug |
Variance quantity not affected after import with Physical quantity set to 0 | Earlier, when importing records from a file in the Stocktaking review (IN305000) window, the Variance quantity was not correctly updated. This has now been fixed. | Order To Cash | Inventory | 8.90 | 2022-03-29 | Bug |
Error message in validating/sending a report again due to previous validating/sending returned with error | Earlier, there was an error sending a Norwegian VAT report for 2022 where corrections had been made due to missing information and no values had been changed. This has now been fixed and the report can be validated or sent/resent again without the error. The message was: Posten oppdaterer "SigmaGovPortalReort" resulterte i minst en feil. Kontroller feilene. Avvist av Altinn. | Accounting | Reporting to Government | 8.90 | 2022-03-29 | Bug |
Cash return with credit amount appears with positive taxable and VAT amount in VAT control screens | Earlier, credit amounts showed the tax amounts with a positive amount in the following windows and SAF-T report: General ledger transactions with VAT (TX40500S) VAT account control summary (TX40300S) VAT account control details (TX40400S) This has now been fixed and the amounts are negative. | Accounting | Reporting to Government | 8.90 | 2022-03-29 | Bug |
Shipment confirmation process sets shipments in status Confirmed even if the process failed | Earlier, the shipment confirmation process sometimes set shipments in the Confirmed status, even though the process failed. This has now been fixed. | Order To Cash | Sales Order | 8.90 | 2022-03-29 | Bug |
Norwegian VAT report validation errors updated when corrected and validated again | Validation messages on the report lines for a Norwegian VAT report done in 2022 are now deleted and new messages are added when you run a later validation or have sent the report successfully to Altinn. | Accounting | Reporting to Government | 8.90 | 2022-03-29 | Bug |
One-step transfers resulting in incorrect values for availability in warehouse | Earlier, one-step transfers would sometimes result in incorrect stock values. This has now been fixed with the new O2C_TransfersDataInconsistencyImprovement feature. | Order To Cash | Inventory | 8.91 | 2022-04-05 | Bug |
New handling of subaccount segments in Post JournalTransactionsV2 | In the Post JournalTransactionsV2 it is now possible to provide subsets of the subaccount segments. The omitted segments will be assigned the default values as specified in the General ledger preferences (GL102000) window. For transaction lines including a cash account, the default subaccount as specified in the Cash accounts (CA202000) will be applied. | API | Registration | 8.91 | 2022-04-05 | Change |
The setting "Use the first AutoInvoice attachment to view invoice" for PEPPOL invoices is not inherited from customer class 1 to new customers | Earlier, the PEPPOL invoices setting "Use the first AutoInvoice attachment to view invoice" was not inherited from customer class 1 to new customers. This has now been fixed. | Order To Cash | Customer Ledger | 8.91 | 2022-04-05 | Bug |
New Report button clickable in Process VAT report window | You can now click the new Report button in Process VAT report (TX502000) window anywhere on the button and the drop-down list will appear correctly. | Accounting | Reporting to Government | 8.91 | 2022-04-05 | Bug |
Breaking change on Inventory endpoint for GET operation | Paging has been enforced on Inventory endpoint. The default page size is set to 5000. If you do not specify a page size, you will get 5000 records, and if you try to specify a higher number, you will only get 5000 records. Example: If you do a GET ALL on Inventory, without specifying any paging, you will get the first 5000 records only. With this improvement, ISV's are encouraged to increase their pagesize on this endpoint so that they can fetch more data in one go. | API | Inventory | 8.91 | 2022-04-05 | Change |
PUT Location Endpoint returns HTTP "400" Bad request instead of "404" Not found when the asset is not found | PUT Location endpoint will from version 8.91.0 return "404-Not found" instead of "400-Bad request" when the asset is not found. | API | Customer Ledger | 8.91 | 2022-04-05 | Bug |
Error when changing project ID in Project management | Earlier, when changing the project ID in Visma.net Project Managment service, the integration sync with Visma.net ERP was stopping and an error was displayed. This has now been fixed. | API | Project | 8.91 | 2022-04-05 | Bug |
Change of company/branch name updated branch selector | When you change a company/branch name in a multi-branch company, the branch name will also be updated in the Company/branch selector in the upper right part of the window. The name of the main company/branch must be changed in Admin. | General | Setup of new companies | 8.91 | 2022-04-05 | Bug |
Validation of MVA kodes having specification lines updates the wrong line | Earlier, there was an error updating the wrong report line when the message was for one of the specification lines like "TAPPÅKRAV", "JUSTERING", "TILBAKEFØRING", or "UTTAK". These lines had the same MVA kode as the normal VAT code and various other messages that made it impossible to find the correct line. A line reference from the sent report was found in the tagg so the right line is now updated with the error message. | Accounting | Reporting to Government | 8.91 | 2022-04-05 | Bug |
Company name on Norwegian VAT report | Changes have been made to the Norwegian VAT report (TX62106S) to make sure it uses the correct company name in the report. | Accounting | Reporting to Government | 8.91 | 2022-04-05 | Bug |
Amount to pay/claim in the Norwegian VAT report 2022 showing 0,00 | Earlier, there was an error where the amount to pay/claim in the Norwegian VAT report (TX62106S) 2022 showed 0,00. This has now been fixed and the correct amount is shown. | Accounting | Reporting to Government | 8.91 | 2022-04-05 | Bug |
The performance of the GET Inventory endpoint improved | The performance of the GET Inventory endpoint has been improved, leading to quicker response time. This has been in pilot testing for several weeks now and will be enabled for all customers with version 8.91.0 of Visma.net ERP. | API | Inventory | 8.91 | 2022-04-05 | Change |
Incorrect syntax in converting purchases to assets | After reclassifying a transaction from one account to another and then opening the Convert purchase to asset (FA504500) window, there was the error "Incorrect syntax near ')'". This has now been fixed. | Accounting | Fixed Assets | 8.91 | 2022-04-05 | Bug |
Changes on shared report templates not saved correctly | Earlier, when editing existing report templates that were shared, you could experience that your changes were not saved correctly. This has now been fixed. | General | Setup of new companies | 8.92 | 2022-04-12 | Bug |
Process incoming payments now using booking date as transaction date | Due to a change in xml in February, the transaction date in the Process bank transactions (CA306000) window was taken from Value date field in the XML file. This has now been changed and the value date is now updated to the Transaction entry date field for information. | Accounting | Payment | 8.92 | 2022-04-12 | Bug |
Format of phone number sent to AutoReport for VAT report | The phone number sent to AutoReport for the VAT report is now trimmed for spaces and charters to fit within the maximum number of 14 characters. There is no warning if the phone number is more than 14 numbers. 020 - 123 45 678 will be 02012345678 +31 20 123 45 678 will be +312012345678 | Accounting | Reporting to Government | 8.92 | 2022-04-12 | Bug |
Performance improvement in processing bank transactions and incoming payments | When you click Process in the Process bank transactions (CA306000) or Process incoming payments (AR305000) window, the processing time has been significantly decreased. | Accounting | Cash Management | 8.92 | 2022-04-12 | Change |
Improvements to performance when importing purchase invoice documents | To enable better performance during import of purchase invoices, some improvements have been made in the Purchase invoices (AP301000) window. This change will have affect to import by scenario (SM206036), and it will from now on be able to import and process purchase invoice documents with better performance and shorter times. Due to these changes, releasing purchase invoices when importing will no longer be supported. You can release these documents in bulk in the Release supplier documents (AP501000) window or individually in the Purchase invoices (AP301000) window. If the import scenario is currently using for supplier documents, it needs to be replaced with in the Manage import scenarios (SM206025) window. | Purchase To Pay | Supplier Ledger | 8.92 | 2022-04-12 | Change |
Personal settings available in the Users window | Earlier, in the Users (SM201010) window, the fields on the tab Personal settings were only enabled if you had changed the settings under the My ERP details section. This is now been changed so that the fields are enabled for all user records. | General | Setup of new companies | 8.92 | 2022-04-12 | Bug |
Purchase invoices' due date recalculated from terms after adding purchase order receipt | In previous versions, when a purchase order was added for an invoice in the Purchase invoices (AP301000) window, the due date and pay date were recalculated and updated following the terms. From version 8.92.0, if the due date has been manually changed and later purchase order receipt will be added, the system will not recalculate the due date or update the payment date keeping the values inserted by the user. | Purchase To Pay | Supplier Ledger | 8.92 | 2022-04-12 | Bug |
Report status in Process VAT report not updated when changing branch | Earlier, there was an error where the reporting status was not updated when changing branch in the Process VAT report (TX502000) window. This has now been fixed and the status for the selected branch is not the first selected branch for the company. | Accounting | Reporting to Government | 8.92 | 2022-04-12 | Bug |
Incorrect data on Fixed asset net value report | Earlier, the Fixed asset net value (FA613000) report contained some incorrect data. This has now been fixed. | Accounting | Fixed Assets | 8.92 | 2022-04-12 | Bug |
ProjectTransaction Endpoint(PUT/POST) with several lines sets the last occurring financialPeriod on all lines | In previous versions, when using the Project transaction endpoint to create or update a project transaction with multiple transaction lines that have different financial periods, the project transaction was not taking into account the specified financial periods. This has now been fixed. | API | Project | 8.92 | 2022-04-12 | Bug |
"Skip headers" in Import by scenario window renamed to "Include headers" | The check box "Skip headers" in the Import by scenario (SM206036) window has been renamed to "Include headers" to accurately describe the functionality of the check box. | Accounting | Registration | 8.92 | 2022-04-12 | Bug |
Account and subaccount combination in restriction groups not working via API Customer Invoice V2 endpoint (POST) | Earlier, it was not possible to create a document via the API Customer Invoice V2 endpoint (POST), when using an account and subaccount combination existing in a restriction group configured within Visma.net ERP. This has now been fixed. | API | Customer Ledger | 8.92 | 2022-04-12 | Bug |
Account and subaccount combination in restriction groups not working via API Customer creditNote V2 endpoint (POST) | Earlier, it was not possible to create a document via the API Customer Credit note V2 endpoint (POST), when using an account and subaccount combination existing in a restriction group configured within Visma.net ERP. This has now been fixed. | API | Customer Ledger | 8.92 | 2022-04-12 | Bug |
Unable to create shipments for RR orders | Earlier, in some circumstances, it was not possible to create shipments for RR orders. This has now been fixed. | Order To Cash | Sales Order | 8.92 | 2022-04-12 | Bug |
Rounding on Dutch VAT report causing rejection in AutoReport | When a VAT adjustment was done on a VAT report (TX501000), the existing rounding amount created for the report was deleted by the VAT adjustment process. The sum values were not calculated correctly due to the missing rounding. That caused in many cases errors in the report and AutoReport rejected the report. This has now been fixed and the rounding is not deleted. | Accounting | Reporting to Government | 8.93 | 2022-04-19 | Bug |
Not possible to prepare an invoice and credit note for an RM order from the Process shipments window | Earlier, it was not possible to create the correct invoice and credit note for an RM/RL order from the Process shipments (SO503000) window. This has now been fixed. | Order To Cash | Sales Order | 8.94 | 2022-04-26 | Bug |
Performance of General ledger transactions with VAT (TX40500S) improved | The performance of the General ledger transactions with VAT (TX40500S) window has been improvement and the query has been changed. It has been measured to be 3-4 times faster but that will vary depending on the data. The subaccount column in the heading of General ledger transactions with VAT window is now working the same way as in Account details where you can select one or more segments and only transactions matching the selected part of the subaccounts will be shown. Several links in the line details are removed since they just did a lookup in the basic registers (Period, Trans. period, Account, VAT category, Tax agency, Customer/Supplier, Subaccount). There is a new Link to the documents' reference number. The column Ledger has been removed since there is only one ledger. Cash sales and return are now showing correct signs when you have a negative line in the details | Accounting | Reporting to Government | 8.94 | 2022-04-26 | Change |
Transactions excluded from the Convert purchases to assets window | In the Convert purchases to assets (FA504500) window, the following transactions will not be displayed any more: - Reversed transactions: the information that it is reversed is in the debit adjustment document of the original document - Reclassified transactions: if the reclassified transaction is on another account, the transaction won't be displayed when choosing the reclassified account and when choosing the original account. If the reclassified transaction is not on another account, the information from the reclassification transaction will be displayed. - Corrected transactions via the Correct action: only the corrected transaction will be displayed. | Accounting | Fixed Assets | 8.94 | 2022-04-26 | Bug |
Locations on purchase orders not shown correctly on Intrastat report | Earlier, in some scenarios when using locations on purchase orders, the location was not shown correctly on Intrastat report (TX50800S). This has now been fixed. | Purchase To Pay | Intrastat | 8.94 | 2022-04-26 | Bug |
Printing invoices that are sent to AutoInvoice | Earlier, it was not possible to print an invoice if it was sent to AutoInvoice. It is now possible in the Reprint invoices (AR50801S) window with the new Sent to AutoInvoice option. It also makes the sent invoices visible. | Order To Cash | Customer Ledger | 8.95 | 2022-05-03 | Bug |
Column order customisation not working properly in Approval Editor | Earlier, when you were using your own customisation for column order setup in Approval Editor, the column order was automatically reset the next day. This has now been fixed. | Purchase To Pay | Approval | 8.95 | 2022-05-03 | Bug |
Error when creating purchase receipt from API when Default Receipt To location not allowing receipts | Earlier, POST PurchaseReceipt with Default Receipt TO location gave an error message if the stock item had Default receipt to set to a location that does not allow receipts. This has now been fixed. | API | Purchase Order | 8.95 | 2022-05-03 | Bug |
Item description not displayed in Create purchase orders window | Earlier, item description in the Create purchase orders (PO505000) window sometimes disappeared by itself. This has now been fixed. | Purchase To Pay | Purchase Order | 8.95 | 2022-05-03 | Bug |
Show reporting periods* only *for the selected company in AutoReport status and General ledger transactions with VAT windows | Earlier, there was an error in the lookup of reporting periods that showed the reporting periods for all companies. Now the lookup in From and To reporting period fields in the AutoReport status (TX50500S) and General ledger transactions with VAT (TX40500S) windows shows the reporting periods only for the selected company. | Accounting | Reporting to Government | 8.95 | 2022-05-03 | Bug |
Allocations not returned from GET PurchaseReceipt | Earlier, allocations were not displayed correctly when you made a call for GET Purchase receipt. This has now been fixed. | Purchase To Pay | Purchase Order | 8.95 | 2022-05-03 | Bug |
Filtering on attributes not working via GET Supplier endpoint | Filtering on attributes via the GET Supplier endpoint had stopped working after the latest improvement implemented to improve the performance. This has now been fixed. | API | Supplier Ledger | 8.95 | 2022-05-03 | Bug |
Performance improvement for the Process customer refunds window | Earlier, it took a long time before the Process customer refunds (AR50300S) window opened. When there were many transactions (over 9500), it could take more than 10 minutes. This has been resolved and now the opening of the window takes less than 10 seconds for this amount of transactions (more than 60 times faster!). | Order To Cash | Customer Ledger | 8.95 | 2022-05-03 | Change |
Change in number series allocation routine preventing seeing of next number in generic inquiry | After refactoring of the number series allocation routine, it was not possible to view "Next number" for a NumberingID in a generic inquiry. This is now possible by using the NumberingSequenceValuesAllocations table in an inquiry. | General | System Service | 8.95 | 2022-05-03 | Change |
Performance improvement for the Sales by item and customer window | Earlier, it took a long time before the Sales by item and customer (AR40103S) window displayed the results in the table. When there were many transactions (over 100,000), it could take more than 20 minutes. This has been resolved and now it takes less than 2 minutes for this amount of transactions (more than 10 times faster!). | Order To Cash | Customer Ledger | 8.96 | 2022-05-10 | Change |
Releasing landed cost after moving invoice to next period | Earlier, if the financial period was closed and a purchase invoice with landed cost was moved to the next period (AP50700S), you received an error message and could not go further. This has now been fixed. | Purchase To Pay | Purchase Order | 8.96 | 2022-05-10 | Bug |
Rounding error for VAT taxable and VAT exempt totals in Sales orders window | Previously, in certain scenarios where an order contained discount, the roundings done for the VAT taxable and VAT exempt totals in the Sales orders (SO301000) window were incorrect. When an invoice was created for the order, the same rounding issue occured on the invoice, which led to the invoice ending in an error state when sent as e-invoice in Peppol format. This has now been fixed. | Order To Cash | Sales Order | 8.96 | 2022-05-10 | Bug |
Error when trying to make a new import scenario | Earlier, in the Import by scenario (SM206036) window, you could get error message "Session expired" with some import scenarios when saving the imported scenario. This has now been fixed. | General | System Service | 8.96 | 2022-05-10 | Bug |
Performance improvements on POST Project endpoint | The performance on the POST Project endpoint has now been improved. | Accounting | Project | 8.96 | 2022-05-10 | Bug |
Approvers not able to split invoice line in Approval Editor | Earlier, when spaces were used for subaccount values in the Segment values (CS203000) window, you were not able to split an invoice line in Approval Editor. This has now been fixed. | Purchase To Pay | Approval | 8.96 | 2022-05-10 | Bug |
Colour contrast in tables enhanced to make text more readable | The colour contrast in tables has been enhanced so that the text is more readable and in accordance with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG). | Accounting | UX | 8.96 | 2022-05-10 | Change |
New validation for payment reference setup to 0 | For FIK suppliers, payment reference is mandatory; new validation has been implemented in case the value is setup to 0. | Purchase To Pay | Supplier Ledger | 8.96 | 2022-05-10 | Bug |
Error in calculation of depreciation for fixed assets with opening balance | Earlier, there was an error occurring in special cases in the calculation of depreciation for fixed assets (FA303000) created in the system with an opening balance (accum. depr.). This has now been fixed. | Accounting | Fixed Assets | 8.96 | 2022-05-10 | Bug |
System using wrong sales account on sales order depending on order type | There were different scenarios when creating a sales order with item or without item. - In scenario 1 when using a customer location, sales account was set from posting class or customer location. - In scenario 2 when using a posting class, sales account was set from posting class or customer location. - In scenario 3 when using a warehouse, sales account was set from posting class or customer location. - In scenario 4 when using a reason code, sales account was set from posting class or customer location. Now the sales order lines have been fixed to match the right sales accounts. | Order To Cash | Sales Order | 8.96 | 2022-05-10 | Bug |
Correct company name on Norwegian VAT report when changing company | The Norwegian VAT report for 2022 (TX62106S) has been changed so that the company name is now correct when printing it from different companies. | Accounting | Reporting to Government | 8.96 | 2022-05-10 | Bug |
Added support for Release action on purchase invoice import | After enabling better performance in the 8.92.0 version for purchase invoice import (SM206036), the Release action was no longer supported due to these changes in the Purchase invoices (AP301000) window. For version 8.96.0, the support for the Release action has been restored to work together with the increased performance during imports and it can be applied for import scenarios in the Manage import scenarios (SM206025) window. | Purchase To Pay | Supplier Ledger | 8.96 | 2022-05-10 | Bug |
Not possible to see the AutoInvoice sending method in the Sales invoices window | Earlier, it was not possible to see if an invoice will be sent as a banking e-invoice (Consumer) or as as a regular e-invoice (Standard) in the Sales invoices (AR301000) window. This has now been fixed. | Order To Cash | AutoInvoice Send | 8.96 | 2022-05-10 | Bug |
Metadata not included in AutoInvoice sending - B2C invoices sent by email or print | Earlier, B2C invoices were sent by email or print when AutoInvoice was used as a distributor. This has now been fixed. | Order To Cash | AutoInvoice Send | 8.96 | 2022-05-10 | Bug |
Nuget package Newtonsoft.Json version update | Nuget package Newtonsoft.Json version 11 has been updated to version 13 since version 11 has a vulnerability. | Architecture | Architecture | 8.96 | 2022-05-10 | Change |
Performance of Prepare replenishment window improved | The performance of the Prepare replenishment (IN508000) window has been improved. There is a new Prepare button in the window. When you enter the window and select a warehouse and/or uncheck the Show suggested quantity option, you should press the button. Also, if you have new items or changed settings on existing items, you should press the Prepare button. After this the values are saved and you can do additional filtering if preferred. | Purchase To Pay | Replenishment | 8.97 | 2022-05-17 | Change |
Sales invoice release process sometimes not creating project transactions | Earlier, the sales invoice release process sometimes didn't create the project transactions when releasing an invoice which has project and tasks. This has now been fixed. | Accounting | Project | 8.97 | 2022-05-17 | Bug |
Sales order lines wrongfully marked as Completed | Earlier, in certain scenarios, sales order lines were wrongfully marked as Completed in the Sales orders (SO301000) window. This has now been fixed. | Order To Cash | Sales Order | 8.97 | 2022-05-17 | Bug |
Breaking change on Project endpoint for GET operation | Paging will be enforced on Project endpoint. The ISV must start implementing paging on this endpoint as soon as possible. The default page size is planned to be set to 500. If you do not specify a page size, you will get 500 records, and if you try to specify a higher number, you will only get 500 records. Example: If you do a GET ALL on Project, without specifying any paging, you will get the first 500 records only. | API | Project | 8.97 | 2022-05-17 | Change |
Suggest tax agency in Prepare VAT report and Process VAT report windows | In the Prepare VAT report (TX501000) and Process VAT report (TX502000) windows, the tax agency is now suggested when the window is opening. The tax agency that is selected is the first in the lookup so if you have more than one tax supplier in a multi-branch company, it will select the same for all companies/branches. | Accounting | Reporting to Government | 8.97 | 2022-05-17 | Change |
Not able to fill Balance field from import by scenario with migration mode | After performance improvements made for supplier document import, you were no longer able to enter the Balance field from the import in the migration mode. From version 8.97 on, the Balance (CuryInitDocBal) field will be inserted accordingly from imports with the migration mode active and follows the field mapping of the import scenario (SM206025). | Purchase To Pay | Supplier Ledger | 8.97 | 2022-05-17 | Bug |
Feature toggle for allocations showing an extra row (/erp/api/v1/purchasereceipt endpoint) | The issue with allocations that show an extra row has been fixed under a feature toggle. This occurs when a purchase receipt is created with POST Purchase receipt. The fix is only for the /erp/api/v1/purchasereceipt endpoint | API | Purchase Order | 8.98 | 2022-05-24 | Bug |
The Branch column showing incorrect value in AutoReport status window | Earlier, the display of branch in the AutoReport status (TX50500S) window showed the key and not the Branch CD. This has now been fixed and you see the same values as in other windows. | Accounting | Reporting to Government | 8.98 | 2022-05-24 | Bug |
Resize the side panel by drag and drop | It is now possible to resize the side panel by clicking the resize icon at the bottom of the side panel bar and then dragging and dropping to adjust the size you want for showing the details in a better view. | Accounting | Project | 8.98 | 2022-05-24 | Change |
Automation schedules with filter values on closed accounting periods not showing any records | In the Automation schedules (SM205020) window, if the schedule contained filter values on accounting periods that were closed in the system, the Filter values tab did not show any records. This has now been fixed. | Order To Cash | Customer Ledger | 8.98 | 2022-05-24 | Bug |
Search and filter with supplier and supplier location in Create purchase orders window | Earlier, there was an error when searching and filtering with supplier and supplier location in the Create purchase orders (PO505000) window. This has now been fixed. | Purchase To Pay | Purchase Order | 8.98 | 2022-05-24 | Bug |
Branch filtering for JournalTransaction endpoint to be applied on transaction instead of batch | At this moment, the Branch filter on the JournalTransaction endpoint is applied on batch level. It will be switched to be applied on transaction level instead of batch. This change will be enforced starting the 30th of August 2022. The ones willing to switch to this new approach earlier can contact the partners, support, or development team. The same applies for the ones wanting to keep the old approach after the 30th of August 2022. | API | Branches | 8.98 | 2022-05-24 | Bug |
Invoices to AutoInvoice get wrong route due to missing operator information for non-Finnish companies | Earlier, in some circumstances invoices to AutoInvoice got incorrectly routed because operator information was missing in metadata (applied to invoices sent in PEPPOL format). This has now been fixed. | Order To Cash | Sales Invoice | 8.98 | 2022-05-24 | Bug |
Phone number sent to AutoReport for the EC sales list report now fits within the maximum number of 14 characters | The phone number sent to AutoReport for the EC sales list report (AR40501S) is now trimmed for spaces and charters to fit within the maximum number of 14 characters. There is no warning if the phone number is more than 14 numbers. 020 - 123 45 678 will be 02012345678 +31 20 123 45 678 will be +312012345678 | Accounting | Reporting to Government | 8.98 | 2022-05-24 | Bug |
Incorrect unreleased retainage amount when validate supplier balances is processed | Earlier, validating supplier balances calculated the unreleased retainage amount incorrectly, when validation was processed in the Validate supplier balances (AP509900) window. This has now been fixed. For documents that this may have earlier affected by showing an incorrect amount in Purchase invoices (AP301000) window on the Retainage tab, these amount will be corrected when running the validation again. | Purchase To Pay | Supplier Ledger | 8.98 | 2022-05-24 | Bug |
GET inventory range and GET inventory specific endpoints now have support for returning LotSerialClass | Added support for returning LotSerialClass in GET api/v1/inventory/{inventoryNumber} and GET api/v1/inventory endpoints | API | Inventory | 8.98 | 2022-05-24 | Change |
Filtering with product manager or work group in Prepare replenishment window | Earlier, in the Prepare replenishment (IN508000) window, filtering with product manager or work group did not work. This has now been fixed. | Purchase To Pay | Replenishment | 8.98 | 2022-05-24 | Bug |
SAF-T report when main company is set to File tax by branch | Earlier, there was error when opening SAF-T report (TX50600S) if the main company was of company type "With branches requiring balancing" and had the "File VAT by branch" option set. This has now been fixed and it is possible to open the window when a branch from this company is the active branch. | Accounting | Reporting to Government | 8.99 | 2022-05-31 | Bug |
Recognise incoming payments by CID in Process bank transactions window | In the Process bank transactions (CA306000) window, it is now possible to recognise incoming payments by their CID (KID) if you get an extended bank statement from your bank through AutoPay. | Accounting | Cash Management | 8.99 | 2022-05-31 | Change |
Functionality for matching invoices when no CID/KID is available | You have now the possibility to: - Match invoices by invoice number series or prefix - Extract invoice number when an invoice is created after incoming payment - Match against customer bank account number The priority of matching criteria per entry is now the following: UNSTRUCTERED 1. Use prefix to get invoice number 2. Use ARInvoice numbering series to determine the value for invoice ref. number paid 3. Use prefix to get KID STRUCTERED 1. Get CreditorReferenceId 2. Get ReferredDocumentNumber | Accounting | Cash Management | 8.99 | 2022-05-31 | Change |
Performance improvement in the "Select - Customer" pop-up window | Earlier, when searching for customers, the performance of the "Select - Customer" pop-up window was slow. This has now been improved. | Order To Cash | Sales Order | 8.99 | 2022-05-31 | Change |
Assets not displayed in Fixed asset net value report | Earlier, there was an error in the Fixed asset net value (FA613000) report. Some assets were not shown in the report. This has now been fixed. | Accounting | Fixed Assets | 8.99 | 2022-05-31 | Bug |
Changing username causing loss of favourites and configuration | Earlier, if you changed your email (username), this was not propagated to configuration tables using username for identification. This caused loss of existing configuration, such as favourites and column configuration, but not limited to them. Also other personalised items like filters, grid preferences, and report and project settings were affected. This has now been fixed. | General | System Service | 8.99 | 2022-05-31 | Bug |
Error in processing in Prepare replenishment window | Earlier, Visma.net ERP threw an error when processing replenishments in the Prepare replenishment (IN508000) window. This has now been fixed. | Purchase To Pay | Replenishment | 8.99 | 2022-05-31 | Bug |
Tax year and Tax period tables extended with columns for created and last changed | The Tax year and Tax period tables have been extended with Created by, Created date/time, Created by screen ID, Last changed by, Last changed date/time and Last changed by screen ID columns. These are not visible for the user but they can be used in inquiries and by support to find out when a tax year or period was created and last changed. Tax year is updated when you make changes to a tax year in the VAT periods (TX207000) and Prepare VAT report (TX501000) windows when the first VAT period for a year is prepared. | Accounting | Reporting to Government | 9.00 | 2022-06-07 | Change |
Performance of Branch API improved | The API for Branch has been changed so that it is possible to select less data in the result set and by that get better performance. The following flags are implemented with True/False expandAddress expandContact expandCurrency expandVatZone expandLedger expandIndustryCode expandDeliveryAddress expandDeliveryContact expandDefaultCountry expandBankSettings (old) Their default value will be true until 13th of September 2022 and after that they will be turned to false. The "Order by" in this endpoint was by BranchCD by default, and since this is relaying on the code behind, it has been changed to a dropdown containing orderBy options (Id, Number, Name, OrganizationId, LastModifiedDateTime). Pagination has been removed from this endpoint as it has been marked as obsolete for two years. | API | Branches | 9.00 | 2022-06-07 | Change |
*Split line applying recalculation in VAT details for documents that were already pre-booked* | Earlier, when the amounts for VAT details had been manually changed and the document was pre-booked with these values, and you split or undo split line, the amounts were recalculated and updated. If the changed values were not corresponding to the calculated values by the settings, these now recalculated values could be incorrectly shown in the document in the Purchase invoices (AP301000) window. This has now been fixed. | Purchase To Pay | Supplier Ledger | 9.00 | 2022-06-07 | Bug |
Branches from Visma.net ERP not turning up in Visma.net Approval | Previously, the branch synchronisation message sent by Visma.net ERP to Visma.net Approval was not triggered in the following scenarios: - Creating a new organisation - Changing organisation type from 'Without branches' to 'With branches not requiring balancing' or 'With branches requiring balancing' (the organisation default branch ID gets changed) - Changing organisation type from 'With branches not requiring balancing' or 'With branches requiring balancing' to 'Without branches' (if the organisation has only one branch, the branch ID is changed to be equal to the organisation ID) - Changing the ID of an organisation of the 'Without branches' type ( the default branch ID is changed to be equal the organisation ID - Deleting an organisation This bug has been fixed and the all required messages are sent. | #N/A | #N/A | 9.00 | 2022-06-07 | Bug |
New SupplierInvoice endpoint enabling sending invoices to Approval | There is a new SupplierInvoice endpoint: /controller/api/v1/supplierInvoice/{documentType}/{invoiceNumber}/action/sendtoapproval that enables sending documents to Visma.net Approval via API. | API | Approval | 9.00 | 2022-06-07 | Change |
Closing a VAT report when using an account in posting with an account group with a value | Earlier, there was an error when closing a VAT report when an account used in the posting had an account group with a value. This has now been fixed. Purchase invoices and credit notes created from the Process VAT report (TX502000) window will ignore this setting and create the document. The accounts in the documents having an account group will not have any value in the project but it will be empty. If you reverse the invoice or create a purchase invoice/credit note manually, the project column will be mandatory and you will get a message when you try to release the document. | Accounting | Reporting to Government | 9.00 | 2022-06-07 | Bug |
Supplier's lot sizes not working in preparing replenishment | Earlier, lot sizes that were set on the supplier didn't work in the Prepare replenishment (IN508000) window. This has now been fixed. | Purchase To Pay | Replenishment | 9.00 | 2022-06-07 | Bug |
Prepare replenishment loses selected items | Earlier, in the Prepare replenishment (IN508000) window, when you moved from one page to another, the system didn't keep the selection of items. This has now been fixed | Purchase To Pay | Replenishment | 9.00 | 2022-06-07 | Bug |
Cannot open the Customers window from the Sales orders window | Earlier, when you clicked the Edit button to the right of the Customer field in the Sales orders (SO301000) window, the Customers (AR303000) window did not open. This has now been fixed. | Order To Cash | Sales Order | 9.00 | 2022-06-07 | Bug |
Improvements in processing a large amount of invoices | Earlier, there was an issue in processing a large amount of invoices in the Send invoices (AR508000) and Reprint invoices (AR50801S) windows. This has now been fixed. | Order To Cash | AutoInvoice Send | 9.01 | 2022-06-14 | Change |
Breaking change on Inventory endpoint for GET operation - better error handling | In the current solution, if you try to filter on an attribute on inventory which does not exist, you get an empty JSON response. So, if you have misspelled or are trying to filter on an attribute that does not exist, you will not get any indication about this. From version 9.01.0, the system will return 400 Bad Request for this operation, and gives an error message that the value you are trying to filter on does not exist. - Example: {"message":"Attribute 'ACTIVE2' not found"} | API | Inventory | 9.01 | 2022-06-14 | Change |
Change supplier reference on Tax agency invoices/purchase credit notes | The Supplier reference column in the Purchase invoices (AP301000) window is now editable until the invoice is closed for Tax agency invoices. This enables the entry of the payment reference given by the tax authority if it's missing or is wrong. If it's used on another invoice, you will get an error message that will disrepair when you save the invoice. | Accounting | Reporting to Government | 9.01 | 2022-06-14 | Change |
The Process customer refunds window does not adjust the IBAN based on the payment method | Earlier, the Process customer refunds (AR50300S) window did not adjust the IBAN based on the selected payment method. This has now been fixed. | Order To Cash | Customer Ledger | 9.01 | 2022-06-14 | Bug |
Count of 14 digits for phone number in EC sales list and VAT Report now includes "+" | The "+" sign is now included and counted as a part of the 14 characters in phone numbers when sending VAT report and EC sales list (AR40501S). If a phone number with the "+" and digits is longer than 14 it will be truncated, and spaces and other characters are removed when sending. | Accounting | Reporting to Government | 9.01 | 2022-06-14 | Bug |
New option Override payment date with current date for New payment process | In the Supplier ledger preferences (AP301000) window, there is a new option named Override payment date with current date. The option will be active in the next version of the New payment process, with no affect to the Classic payment process at any point. This functionality is mainly aimed for the Dutch market where they pay lower bank fees when they pay their invoices on the current date before the actual due date in the future. | Purchase To Pay | Outgoing Payment | 9.01 | 2022-06-14 | Change |
Wrong document opens when you click on a ref. no. in the Process customer refunds window | Earlier, when you clicked on a reference number in the Process customer refunds (AR50300S) window, the wrong document opened. This has now been fixed. | Order To Cash | Customer Ledger | 9.01 | 2022-06-14 | Bug |
VAT for freight amount incorrect and freight details editable after release of invoice | Previously, the VAT for freight amount was not set correctly in an invoice when the Ship via code and freight amount were added in the shipment. In addition, it was possible to change the Freight details on the invoice in the Customer invoice (SO303000) window after the invoice had been released. This has now been fixed. | Order To Cash | Sales Invoice | 9.01 | 2022-06-14 | Bug |
Sales order replaces customer values for Invoice contact and Delivery address contact with "string" | Earlier, sales orders replaced the customer's values for Invoice contact and Delivery address contact with "string", when using endpoint POST api/v2/salesorder, when payload included "string" in values. This has now been fixed. | API | Sales Order | 9.01 | 2022-06-14 | Bug |
Check of on-hold and balanced batches on SAF-T report not considering deleted batches | Earlier, the check of on-hold and balanced batches for the reported period (TX50600S) did not consider deleted batches. So a deleted batch in the period was detected as not released/posted. This has now been fixed and deleted batches are excluded from the test. | Accounting | Reporting to Government | 9.01 | 2022-06-14 | Bug |
Improved performance for budget import (GL302010) | An improvement implemented in version 9.02 will reduce the time used for importing budgets in screen GL302010 significantly | Accounting | Registration | 9.02 | 2022-06-21 | Change |
GET customerPayment endpoint (All & Specific) does not retrieve the Balance write-off value | Earlier, the GET customerPayment endpoint (All & Specific) did not retrieve the Balance write-off value. This has now been fixed. | API | Customer Ledger | 9.02 | 2022-06-21 | Bug |
New possibility to choose booking date or value date to be used as transaction date | You now have the possibility to choose booking date or value date to be used as transaction date per cash account for processing incoming payments (VIP files). There is a new field in the Cash accounts (CA202000) window named "Process incoming payment transaction date" where you can select either Booking date or Value date. | Accounting | Payment | 9.02 | 2022-06-21 | Change |
Column order customisation not working properly in Approval Editor | The earlier issue with using your own customisation for column order setup in Approval Editor came back and the column order was automatically reset after several updates or computer restarts. This has now been fixed. | Purchase To Pay | Approval | 9.02 | 2022-06-21 | Bug |
GET item range does not return lot/serial class IDs | Earlier, GET item range did not return lot/serial class IDs. This has now been fixed. | API | Inventory | 9.02 | 2022-06-21 | Bug |
Error message when opening Approve purchase invoices for payment (AP502000) window | Earlier, when the Approve purchase invoices for payment (AP502000) window was opened, the error "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" was displayed. This has now been fixed. | Purchase To Pay | Supplier Ledger | 9.02 | 2022-06-21 | Bug |
Not possible for any sales order to create two shipments from two different warehouses | Earlier, for any sales order, it was not possible to create two shipments to be sent from two different warehouses. This has now been fixed. | API | Sales Order | 9.03 | 2022-06-28 | Bug |
View drill-down details from a dashboard widget and keep your original dashboard | When you are working in the Dashboard windows and need to drill down in information, you now have the possibility to open the details in a new window. By doing that, you also keep your original dashboard. In addition, you have several options on how you prefer the details to open. You can, for example, open your details * in a new tab * as a pop-up window or * in the same tab | General | Dashboard | 9.03 | 2022-06-28 | Change |
VAT total now visible in Release cash transactions window | The VAT total amount is now visible in the Release cash transactions (CA502000) window. | Accounting | Cash Management | 9.03 | 2022-06-28 | Change |
Invoice image not correctly displayed when using Show files option in Purchase invoices window | In some cases, invoice images were not correctly displayed when using the Show files option in the Purchase invoices (AP301000) window; 0 was disappearing. This has now been fixed. | Purchase To Pay | Supplier Ledger | 9.03 | 2022-06-28 | Bug |
Columns for Branch ID and Branch name included in Release supplier ledger documents window | From version 9.03, the columns for Branch ID and Branch name are included in Release supplier ledger documents (AP501000) window. The Branch name column is available for all companies, Branch ID is available when Multi-branch support is enabled in the Enable/disable functionalities (CS100000) window. | Purchase To Pay | Supplier Ledger | 9.03 | 2022-06-28 | Change |
Transaction description from bank transaction shown under Select documents in Process incoming payments and Process bank transactions windows | Transaction description from bank transaction is now displayed under Select documents in both Process incoming payments (AR305000) and Process bank transactions (CA306000) windows. | Accounting | Cash Management | 9.03 | 2022-06-28 | Change |
"Know your customer" process for sending and receiving invoices against AutoInvoice after 01.07.2022 implemented | VnE now meets the needs of the "Know your customer" process so that you can continue sending and receiving invoices against AutoInvoice even after 01.07.2022 | Order To Cash | AutoInvoice Send | 9.03 | 2022-06-28 | Change |
New endpoints for LotSerialClass | There are new endpoints for GET api/v1/lotserialclass/[classId] and GET api/v1/lotserialclass. | API | Inventory | 9.03 | 2022-06-28 | Change |
New columns on Task tab in Projects window showing visibility setting of task | There are new columns on the Task tab in the Projects (PM301000) window showing the visibility setting of tasks. | Accounting | Project | 9.03 | 2022-06-28 | Change |
Receipt date column added to Purchase orders window | The Receipt date is now visible in the Purchase orders (PO301000) window on the Purchase receipt tab. | Purchase To Pay | Purchase Order | 9.03 | 2022-06-28 | Change |
API JournalTransactionV2 now accepting subaccount segments containing spaces | Earlier, the JournalTransactionV2 did not accept Subaccount segments containing a space. This has now been fixed so that you can use "1" or "1 " if you have a segment with length 2 but it contains only one character It also works with a default sub containing a space. If you have a segment value starting with a space, that will not be accepted in the API or in the UI. | API | Registration | 9.03 | 2022-06-28 | Bug |
Corrected window ID opened from Supplier ledger menu | In the previous version, when you selected Supplier Ledger - Processes - Release landed costs from receipts from the menu, the window PO506500 had erroneously changed to open instead of the AP506500. This has now been corrected to open the Release landed costs from purchase invoices window AP506500. | Purchase To Pay | Supplier Ledger | 9.03 | 2022-06-28 | Bug |
The Release customer documents window is missing branch information | Earlier, the Release customer documents (AR501000) window was missing branch information. This has now been fixed. | Order To Cash | Customer Ledger | 9.04 | 2022-07-06 | Change |
The field KitItem not exposed in the Inventory DTO | Earlier, the field KitItem was not exposed in the Inventory DTO. This has now been fixed. | API | Inventory | 9.04 | 2022-07-06 | Change |
Allocation for purchase receipt with lot/serial numbers | Earlier, you got an error message when adding a purchase order or purchase order lines to a receipt with the POST/action and if Lot/serial class had the Automatically generate next option unchecked and when received. This has now been fixed. | API | Purchase Order | 9.04 | 2022-07-06 | Change |
Cost property added to customerInvoice, customerDebitNote, customerCreditNote and customerOverdueCharge lines | The GET and GET range customerInvoice, customerDebitNote, customerCreditNote and customerOverdueCharge now include Cost property for the lines. This value reflects the total cost for the line in the base currency, when the document is released. This enables you to calculate profit and margin for the line, when compared with the line’s Amount. | API | Sales Invoice | 9.04 | 2022-07-06 | Change |
The report "Acquisitions" showed the wrong acquisition cost | The report "Acquisitions" showed the wrong acquisition cost when an addition was made to a fixed asset. This has now been fixed. | Accounting | Fixed Assets | 9.04 | 2022-07-06 | Change |
Alternative ID available in Purchase receipts window | The Alternative ID column is now displayed also in the Purchase receipts (PO302000) window. | Purchase To Pay | Purchase Order | 9.04 | 2022-07-06 | Change |
Fill in LineCntr in "Send Invoices" (screenID=AR508000) after 9.01 release | Fill in LineCntr in "Send Invoices" (screenID=AR508000) after 9.01 release | Order To Cash | AutoInvoice Send | 9.04 | 2022-07-06 | Bug |
Automatic matching of invoices not working in processing of bank transactions | In the previous versions, there was an issue on matching invoices in the Process bank transaction (CA306000) window because the Payment ref. no. fields were showing reference numbers with leading zeros. This has now been fixed. | Accounting | Cash Management | 9.04 | 2022-07-06 | Bug |
The standard quantity for items on invoices and sales orders should be 1, not 0 | Earlier, the standard quantity for items on invoices and sales orders was set to 0. This has been changed and the standard quantity is now set to 1. | Order To Cash | Sales Order | 9.05 | 2022-07-12 | Change |
Performance improvements in Release time cards (EP505010) window | The performance of the Release time cards (EP505010) window has been improved regarding: - the loading time of the timecards in the window - the selection time of multiple timecards - the releasing process time of multiple timecards | Accounting | Time & Expense | 9.05 | 2022-07-12 | Change |
Five new variables in ARM reports to get organisation or branch name and corporate ID | In ARM reports, there are 5 new variables to use in the Column set headings to get the organisation or branch name and corporate ID. =Report.GetOrganizationNameFromId(organizationId): where you replace the organizationId with @Organisation, will return the selected company and it must be used together with request for company. If the request is off, it returns the main company name. =Report.GetBranchName(branchId): where you replase branchId with @StartBranch or @EndBranch, will return the requested branch corporate ID. If the request is off, it returns nothing. =Report.GetOrganizationNameFromBranch(branchId) where you replace branchId with @StartBranch ore @EndBranch, will return the company name for the branch =Report.GetCorporateIDFromBranch(branchId): where you replase branchId with @StartBranch or @EndBranch, will return the requested branch corporate ID. If the request is off, it returns the active branch corporate ID. =Report.GetCorporateIDFromOrganization(organizationId): where you replace organizationId with @Organization, will return the requested company's corporate ID. If the request is off, it returns the active branch corporate ID. Existing customers using multi-branch have to update the column set they use to get the new methods in the formulas. These are the formulas used in new created companies Update company name so it prints the selected =IIf(@Organization>'0',Report.GetOrganizationNameFromId(@Organization), IIf(@StartBranch>'0',Report.GetOrganizationNameFromBranch(@StartBranch), Report.GetDefUI('RowCompanyBAccount.AcctName'))) Update corporate ID so it print branch ID/name or company corporate ID =IIf( @EndBranch > '0' and @StartBranch @EndBranch, 'Branch ' + @StartBranch + ' - ' + @EndBranch ,IIf( @StartBranch > '0' and @StartBranch = @EndBranch, Report.GetBranchName(@StartBranch), 'Corporate ID: ' + Report.GetCorporateIDFromOrganization(@Organization)) ) Add corporate ID for branch =IIf( @Organization> '0' and @StartBranch @EndBranch, 'Corporate ID: ' + Report.GetCorporateIDFromOrganization(@Organization), IIf( @EndBranch > '0' and @EndBranch @StartBranch, 'Corporate ID: N/A' , IIf( @StartBranch > '0' and @StartBranch = @EndBranch , 'Corporate ID: ' + Report.GetCorporateIDFromBranch(@StartBranch),' '))) Replace corporate ID and branch with your local language. | Accounting | GL Reconciliation | 9.05 | 2022-07-12 | Bug |
Restriction of access to customer and/or supplier classes | Earlier, in the Restriction groups (SM201030) window, when restricting access to customer and/or supplier classes, the restrictions were only applied to the customer/supplier entities connected to the classes. Now, when restricting access to a class, the class will not be visible in the windows for customer/supplier classes. In addition, if the user has no access to the default class set in the customer/supplier preferences, the Customer/supplier class field will be cleared when creating a new customer/supplier. | General | Setup of new companies | 9.05 | 2022-07-12 | Bug |
Project accounting fields not visible on DK country template | The Project accounting fields are not visible on the DK country template if the Project accounting license is not activated. | Accounting | Project | 9.05 | 2022-07-12 | Change |
Not able to set termStartDate and termEndDate for prebooked invoice via API | Previously, you were not able to set termStartDate and termEndDate for pre-booked purchase invoices (P301000) via PUT - SupplierInvoice endpoint. This has now been fixed. | API | Supplier Ledger | 9.05 | 2022-07-12 | Bug |
Verify KYC button disabled | Earlier, in some situations, the Verify KYC button was disabled when the AutoInvoice activation status was Activated and the KYC verification status was Unverified. This has now been fixed. | Order To Cash | AutoInvoice Send | 9.05 | 2022-07-12 | Bug |
Change of tax report period implemented in VAT periods (TX207000) window | There is a new check box in the VAT periods (TX207000) window: Change tax report period. Checking this will lead to a dialog with the message "Are you sure you want to change the report periods? This will change the report interval for the coming VAT reports." Answering Yes, the Tax report type will be editable and you can change to another type. When you do a change, the VAT periods that are open will be changed to the new type. The system will calculate the new periods based on processed periods and the new type you have selected. If you change from Quarterly to Monthly where quarter 1 is closed/prepared, you will get monthly from period 04. If you change from Monthly to Quarterly where period 01 to 04 is closed/prepared you will get quarterly from period 07. If you change to a type that does not fit into the remaining periods, you will get an error message in Tax report type field. If you have saved the next VAT year, you will get the message "Because the end date of the tax year has been changed, the subsequent tax years will be deleted. Please review and modify the next tax year settings if required." and this will be deleted. | Accounting | Reporting to Government | 9.06 | 2022-07-19 | Change |
"Same as main" incorrectly set in Suppliers window for suppliers created via API | Earlier, the Same as main option was incorrectly set in the Suppliers (AP303000) window for suppliers created via API. This has now been fixed. The solution will be deployed in production under a feature toggle. | API | Supplier Ledger | 9.06 | 2022-07-19 | Bug |
VAT category for export type on a customer's location not working correctly | Earlier, when creating a sales invoice or sales order including an item, for a customer location with a different Export type than used for the main location, the system did not provide the correct VAT category. This has now been fixed. | Order To Cash | Sales Order | 9.06 | 2022-07-19 | Bug |
Document went out of balance after several split/undo split invoice lines in Approval Editor | Earlier, after several split/undo split invoice lines in Approval Editor, the document went out of balance. This has now been fixed. | Purchase To Pay | Approval | 9.06 | 2022-07-19 | Bug |
Setting VAT reporting type to new multi-branch companies | Earlier, in a Multi-branch company with more than one company, a new created company used the VAT reporting type from the first company and not the Tax agency supplier. This has now been fixed so that for a new company the system uses the settings on the tax agency for the first tax year and for the next year it uses the setting from the previous year. | Accounting | Reporting to Government | 9.06 | 2022-07-19 | Bug |
Currency rate incorrectly copied when using the Correct document feature | Earlier, if you had added a currency rate manually on an invoice that would have been further corrected using the "Correct document" feature, VnE was incorrectly adding currency rates on the correction documents. This has now been fixed and it will be covered by the implementation of a feature toggle in production. | Purchase To Pay | Supplier Ledger | 9.06 | 2022-07-19 | Bug |
*Performance of loading documents improved in Customer payments window* | The performance of loading documents (the Load documents button) has been improved in the Customer payments (AR302000) window. | Accounting | Payment | 9.06 | 2022-07-19 | Change |
Action for reopening a VAT period added to the VAT periods (TX207000) window | A new function to reopen a VAT period has been added under the Actions menu in the VAT periods (TX207000) window. You are now allowed to reopen a closed period and it will be set back to status Prepared so it's possible to void it or make adjustments. The tax invoice that was created when the period was closed will not be reversed and you have to reverse it manually. When you close the period again, a new invoice will be created unless you temporally change the settings to create VAT invoices, a setting on the Tax agency supplier. It's not possible to reopen periods if you have a prepared the period and if the VAT period is in a closed financial year. | Accounting | Reporting to Government | 9.06 | 2022-07-19 | Change |
Loading of documents improved in Process bank transactions and Process incoming transactions windows | In the Process bank transactions (CA306000) and Process incoming transactions (AR305000) windows, the performance of loading the documents that are in the table in these windows has been improved. | Accounting | Payment | 9.06 | 2022-07-19 | Change |
Performance on Prepare VAT report (TX501000) improved | Due to a timeout when opening the Prepare VAT report (TX501000) window, some changes have been done in the query that collects the data. This has improved the speed a little so it should not time out for the customer. | Accounting | Reporting to Government | 9.06 | 2022-07-19 | Change |
New possibility to combine sales subaccount from project and project task | You now have the possibility to combine sales subaccount from project and project task in the Customer ledger preferences (AR101000) window. These new options are applied when creating a sales invoice with project and task in the Sales invoice (AR301000) and Customer invoice (SO303000) windows. | Accounting | Project | 9.06 | 2022-07-19 | Change |
Inline search for entities containing special characters could show ASCII codes in the result set | Earlier, inline search for a customer, supplier, item, account and other entities containing special characters, could in some scenarios display ASCII codes in the result set. For example, if an item description contains the character ”, this could result in the display of ASCII codes in the lookup table. This has now been fixed. | Order To Cash | Sales Order | 9.06 | 2022-07-19 | Bug |
Performance of selecting documents improved in Select documents pop-up in Process bank transactions window | The performance of selecting documents (the Select documents button) has been improved in the Process bank transaction (CA306000) window. | Accounting | Cash Management | 9.06 | 2022-07-19 | Change |
*Periods showing 0 when distributing budget lines* | Earlier, when you refreshed the Budget (GL302010) window after you had entered a budget line and distributed it, all periods showed 0. This has now been fixed. | Accounting | Registration | 9.06 | 2022-07-19 | Bug |
*Not possible to create a shipment* *for a partly shipped sales order* *in the Process orders window* | Earlier, in the Process orders (SO501000) window, it was not possible to create a shipment for a partly shipped sales order. This has now been fixed. | Order To Cash | Sales Order | 9.06 | 2022-07-19 | Bug |
Wrong amount in information text in Prepare VAT report window | In the Prepare VAT report (TX501000) window, calculation of the value for amounts from the previous period in the heading message is now correct; also when using the financial period end date as VAT period, not document date on tax agency checked. | Accounting | Reporting to Government | 9.07 | 2022-07-26 | Bug |
VAT amount and Taxable amount not correctly copied onto correction documents | Earlier, if you had corrected an invoice with a VAT amount that had been manually changed by accountants in terms of VAT amount or Taxable amount and not following standard VAT categories' percentages, the VAT amount was not correctly copied onto the correction documents. This has now been fixed. | Purchase To Pay | Supplier Ledger | 9.07 | 2022-07-26 | Bug |
Reverse application option locked for correction documents | As a part of the continuous development of the Correct document feature, the link between the original invoice and the automated credit created by VnE has been secured by locking the Reverse application option in the Supplier payments (AP302000) window. | Purchase To Pay | Supplier Ledger | 9.07 | 2022-07-26 | Bug |
VAT report not handled correctly with the Use the financial period end date as VAT period setting on | Earlier, the setting for using financial period's end date instaed of transaction date from the documents as tax date did not work for all processes. The following fixes have been done: - Prepare for closing (AP50700S) updates the financial date and period on VAT transaction when it is processed. - VAT periods (TX207000) calculates the unreleased net VAT amount correctly in multi-branch companies. - For some reason, some VAT transactions got the wrong financial period compared to the financial date and were not processed correctly when the VAT period was before the financial period. The Prepare VAT period window showed the transaction but it was not processed. Then, if you processed this period again, you got processed twice and got a new tax invoice and duplicated general ledger transactions. This has now been fixed. | Accounting | Reporting to Government | 9.07 | 2022-07-26 | Bug |
Improved the performance in the "Convert Purchases to Assets" screen (FA504500) | Improved the performance in the "Convert Purchases to Assets" screen (FA504500) | Accounting | Fixed Assets | 9.07 | 2022-07-26 | Change |
Fix for the release of expense claims from Expense Inbox | There was an issue on the release of expense claims from Expense Inbox which didn't transfer the project field on the purchase invoice. This has now been fixed. | Accounting | Time & Expense | 9.07 | 2022-07-26 | Bug |
ARM reports updated to use new GetOrganization() functions | All column sets for General ledger reports are updated with new formulas for Company name/Branch name and Corporate ID, depending on activation of filters for Company and from and to Branch. This change will only apply to new companies. Also, if you have multi-branch activated, you have to make these changes manually on the column set you are using. The formulas are described in the release notes for version 9.05. If there are no company/branch filters, then from active company: Company name Corporate ID If there is a company filter, then from selected company: Company name Corporate ID If there is a company and From branch filter: Company name Branch name Corporate ID from branch If there is a company and from and to branch filter: Company name Branch ID From - To Corporate ID from company If there is a From branch filter: Company name Branch name Corporate ID from branch If there is a From and To branch filter: Company name Branch ID From - To Corporate ID N/A | Accounting | Registration | 9.07 | 2022-07-26 | Change |
Inconsistent behavior of "Send to Approval" options in Suppliers window | Earlier, the options Send to Approval and Pre-book and send to Approval were disappearing from the Suppliers window (AP303000), causing delays and issues in the automated process of booking documents in VnE. This has now been fixed. | Purchase To Pay | AutoInvoice Receiving | 9.07 | 2022-07-26 | Bug |
View side panel details in a separate window when pressing the Up arrow icon | Now it is possible to view the side panel details in a separate window when pressing the UP arrow icon. If the side panel contains a primary list screen or an entry screen, when opening in a separate window, you need to select the specific record or entity in the selection box in order to get the corresponding data. | Accounting | Project | 9.08 | 2022-08-02 | Change |
Wrongfully update of item weight when executing validate inventory (IN505000) | Earlier, in some scenarios, weight of item could be wrongfully multiplied by a factor when executing Validate inventory (IN505000). This resulted in wrong weight being set for these items on shipment. This has now been fixed. | Order To Cash | Inventory | 9.08 | 2022-08-02 | Bug |
Shipment set to correct status after connected invoice is deleted | Previously, in certain scenarios, the status of a shipment remained in the Invoiced status eventhough the connected invoice was deleted, this has now been fixed so that it is possible to generate a new invoice for the shipment. | Order To Cash | Sales Order | 9.08 | 2022-08-02 | Bug |
Inner exception and stack trace displayed when receiving error on GET Customer with attribute filter | Previously, when filtering on attributes on the GET Customer API endpoint, you could in some scenarios get an inner exception displayed in the response. This has now been fixed. In addition, the Swagger documentation for the GET Customer, GET Inventory and GET CustomerContract endpoints, related to filtering on attributes, has been improved. | API | Customer Ledger | 9.08 | 2022-08-02 | Bug |
Wrong "Location" URL returned after successful POST CustomerCreditNoteV2 request | Earlier, the wrong "Location" URL was returned after a successful POST CustomerCreditNoteV2 request. This has now been fixed. | API | Customer Ledger | 9.08 | 2022-08-02 | Bug |
POST V2/salesorder/\{salesOrderNbr}/action/createShipment always results in a customer ledger document of the Credit note type | Earlier, for shipments created via the POST V2/salesorder/{salesOrderNbr}/action/createShipment endpoint, the Prepare invoice action always created invoices of the type Credit note. This has now been fixed. | API | Sales Order | 9.08 | 2022-08-02 | Bug |
New alignment of the settings in the header of Cash account window for a better user experience | The settings in the header of Cash accounts (CA202000) window have been grouped for a better user experience in 4 sections: General info, Settings, Settings for reconciliation, and Settings for AutoPay integration. | Accounting | Cash Management | 9.08 | 2022-08-02 | Change |
Credit notes not taken into consideration when creating payments from Autopay Inbox* *processing and grouped per customer | Earlier, credit notes were not taken into consideration when payments were created from Autopay Inbox (CA50400S) processing and grouped per customer. This has now been fixed. | Accounting | Payment | 9.08 | 2022-08-02 | Bug |
Error in showing all documents in the Reference nbr. lookup column in Process bank transactions and Process incoming payment windows | When creating a payment for a customer/supplier in the Process bank transactions and Process incoming payment windows and you would want to select the documents in the grid by opening the Reference nbr. column, all documents for all customers were showing up in the selection pop-up. This has now been fixed and now only the relevant documents corresponding to the selected customer/supplier are visible in the selection pop-up. | Accounting | Cash Management | 9.08 | 2022-08-02 | Bug |
After Match to invoice is done in Process bank transactions window, it switches to tab Match to payment | After matching to invoice was done in the Process bank transactions (CA306000) window, the window was switching to the tab Match to payment - also when selecting a matched line on the left side of the window, the right side of the window was switching to the Match to payment tab. This has now been fixed. | Accounting | Cash Management | 9.08 | 2022-08-02 | Bug |
*Matching outgoing AutoPay payments automatically with end-to-end ID* | When sending outgoing payments through AutoPay, all supplier payments will get a unique ID that will automatically match transactions within bank statements, if the bank supports sending it in the bank statement. This applies to the new payment process. | Accounting | Cash Management | 9.09 | 2022-08-09 | Change |
Transportation mode not correctly updated in Shipment window when customer is extended to supplier | Earlier, if a customer also existed as a supplier (using the Extend to supplier option in the Customers (AR30300) window), when entering a shipment for a sales order, the transportation mode was not correctly picked from the customer. This has now been fixed. | Purchase To Pay | Intrastat | 9.09 | 2022-08-09 | Bug |
Performance of Supplier prices (AP202000) window improved | You are now able to start filtering data in the Supplier prices (AP202000) window right away. By default, the page is no longer preloading all the existing data. There is also a new Show all option to allow fetching all the existing data on supplier prices. | Purchase To Pay | Supplier Ledger | 9.09 | 2022-08-09 | Change |
Invoice balance reset after Approved for payment field is updated via PUT SupplierInvoice endpoint | Earlier, when the paySelected field was updated via PUT SupplierInvoice endpoint for an invoice partially paid, the open balance was reset to the initial balance available to pay. The issue has been fixed and the solution has been deployed under a feature toggle. | API | Supplier Ledger | 9.09 | 2022-08-09 | Bug |
Error message when selecting period 13 (Adjustment period) in revaluation windows | Earlier, you received an error message when you selected period 13 (Adjustment period) in the Revalue general ledger accounts (CM506000), Revalue supplier accounts (CM504000) and Revalue customer accounts (CM505000) windows and the revaluation could not be processed. This has now been fixed and the date is automatically set when you select period 13. | Accounting | Currency Management | 9.09 | 2022-08-09 | Bug |
Journal reconciliation header not correct when using Deselect all with filter | Earlier, there was an error when you deselected all in the Journal reconciliations (GL30201S) window and the sums went wrong. This has now been fixed and reconciled debit and credit are correctly calculated. | Accounting | Registration | 9.09 | 2022-08-09 | Bug |
Issues with allocations after introducing default qty=1 on sales order (SO301000) and sales invoice (AR301000) in 9.05 | In version 9.05 was introduced default qty=1 for sales orders (SO301000) and sales invoices (AR301000). Just after activating this in production, it came up that it gave issues for sales orders created via the POST salesorderv2 endpoint regarding allocations, leading to shipments not being possible to create. The issue has now been resolved and will reactivate the default qty=1 as standard again. There is one change compared to implementation done for version 9.05. Now the default quantity 1 is only set when you either POST a line with inventory ID, or if you in the UI select item ID on the line. For this reason adding lines without a reference to item will not automatically set the quantity to 1. | API | Sales Order | 9.09 | 2022-08-09 | Bug |
Local tax authority pre-selected in tax windows | A new column for Default Tax agency has been added to the VAT information tab in the Organisations (CS101500) and Branches (CS102000) windows. Here you can select suppliers that have the option Supplier is tax agency activated. When it is activated, the Tax agency will be suggested in the following windows: TX502010 - VAT report details TX40300S - VAT account control summary TX40400S - VAT account control details TX207000 - VAT periods TX301000 - VAT adjustments AR40501S - EC sales list TX503500 - Recognise input VAT TX503000 - Recognise output VAT TX205200 - Reporting groups TX205100 - Reporting settings AR40500S - EC sales list (old) Getting the tax agency works as follows: - If the selected company/branch has a default tax agency set, it will be suggested. - If default tax agency is empty in the company/branch, the windows will use the existing, else select the first tax agency from the lookup. - In windows where company/branch does not exist, the default from the active company/branch will be used, or the first in the lookup. NOTE! Exeptions are for the the sceens TX501000 Prepare VAT report TX502000 Process VAT report They will for now only select the first tax agency in the list if empty and else the selected in the screen when changing Company/Branch. | Accounting | Reporting to Government | 9.10 | 2022-08-16 | Change |
Commitment amount incorrect in Projects window when reverse VAT was used | Earlier, when using reversed VAT on purchase orders, the Commitments tab in the Projects (PM301000) window was showing incorrect values. This has now been fixed. | Accounting | Project | 9.10 | 2022-08-16 | Bug |
Performance issue in the Sales price worksheets window | Earlier, there was a performance issue when releasing a large amount of transactions in the Sales price worksheets (AR202010) window. This has now been improved and the release time is reduced by approximately half. | Order To Cash | Customer Ledger | 9.10 | 2022-08-16 | Change |
*Journal reconciliations showing reclassified rows even if check box Include reclassified is not selected* | Earlier, there was an error in the Journal reconciliations (GL30201S) window that showed reclassified rows even if the check box "Include reclassified" was not selected. This has now been fixed and reclassified rows are only shown if the check box "Include reclassified" is selected. | Accounting | GL Reconciliation | 9.10 | 2022-08-16 | Bug |
Release general ledger transactions with projects and automatic reversing with Run allocation on release of project transactions selected | Earlier, it was not possible to release general ledger transactions with projects and automatic reversing, if the check box Run allocation on release of project transactions was marked in the Projects (PM301000) window. This has now been fixed. | Accounting | Project | 9.10 | 2022-08-16 | Bug |
Show invoice as default instead of attachment on purchase invoice | Earlier, when an invoice and attachment had been sent through AutoInvoice, downloaded in invoice inbox and processed, attachments had always shown first on the Approval tab in the Purchase invoices (AP301000) window. This has now been fixed so that the invoice is always shown first. | Purchase To Pay | AutoInvoice Receiving | 9.11 | 2022-08-23 | Bug |
Error saving note on VAT report when rejected by Altinn | Earlier, in the Process VAT report (TX502000) window, if the validation of the tax report got the Report transfer status "Error validating report", it was not possible to add a note to the tax agency. This has now been fixed and you can add a note. | Accounting | Reporting to Government | 9.11 | 2022-08-23 | Bug |
Duplicated amounts in Dutch VAT report when having two VAT invoices/credit notes with the same VAT period and revision | Earlier, the amounts were duplicated in the Dutch VAT report (TX62105S) when having two VAT invoices/credit notes with the same VAT period and revision. This has now been fixed and the method of getting the payment reference has been changed. | Accounting | Reporting to Government | 9.11 | 2022-08-23 | Bug |
VAT taxable total set incorrectly for invoice | Previously, the VAT taxable total was set incorrectly because of rounding in specific scenarios where the invoice contained a group discount and the invoice was created from a sales order/shipment. This has now been fixed. | Order To Cash | Sales Invoice | 9.11 | 2022-08-23 | Bug |
Split, change accounts on several lines, correct cost and SAVE not properly working in Approval Editor | Earlier, splitting, changing accounts on 2 different lines, correct cost and SAVE were not working in one operation in the Approval Editor. This has now been fixed. | Purchase To Pay | Approval | 9.11 | 2022-08-23 | Bug |
Fixed error of currency change on invoice line in Process bank transactions window screen | Earlier, in the Process bank transactions (CA306000) window, there was an error when you selected a sales invoice in currency, split the line and automatically matched the split line to a rule: The currency on the invoice line was changed to cash account currency. This has now been fixed and it will always show the currency of the sales invoice. | Accounting | Cash Management | 9.12 | 2022-08-30 | Bug |
When disassembling a kit with a lot/serial number that has been used before, the system uses the wrong components | Earlier, when disassembling a kit with a previously used serial number, the system used kit components from the first time the serial number was used, instead of components from the current kit with that same serial number. This has now been fixed. | Order To Cash | Inventory | 9.12 | 2022-08-30 | Bug |
Line note exposed on the Journal transaction endpoint | Four methods in the JournalTransactionV2 endpoint now have the line note information exposed: - GET /controller/api/v2/journaltransaction/{journalTransactionNumber} - GET /controller/api/v2/journaltransaction - POST /controller/api/v2/journaltransaction - PUT/controller/api/v2/journaltransaction/{journalTransactionNumber} | API | Registration | 9.12 | 2022-08-30 | Change |
Trial balance summary is not showing period when exported to Excel | After version 8.88, the period and some other heading information were missing when exporting the Trial balance summary to Excel. This has now been fixed. | Accounting | GL Reconciliation | 9.12 | 2022-08-30 | Bug |
Unable to update "componentID" via PUT KitSpecifications endpoint | Earlier, it was not possible to update "componentID" in an existing line of a kit specification via the PUT KitSpecifications endpoint. This has now been fixed. | API | Inventory | 9.12 | 2022-08-30 | Bug |
Payment reference on branches with File tax by branch is not updated in purchase invoice | For the Dutch VAT report (TX62105S), the payment reference in the Process VAT report (TX502000) window is updated in the Supplier reference field on the purchase invoice. When you close the VAT period for a multi-branch company, only the invoice for selected branch was updated with the payment reference. This has been fixed and all invoices are updated with the payment reference for each branch. | Accounting | Reporting to Government | 9.12 | 2022-08-30 | Bug |
No more error message when using the same supplier reference for a Tax agency | When you enter the same supplier reference on a tax agency supplier in the Purchase invoices (AP301000) window, you will no longer get an warning or error message since you must be able to enter the same reference on all invoices that are in the same VAT period. For a normal supplier, you will get the normal messages depending on the settings for checking of supplier reference. | Accounting | Reporting to Government | 9.12 | 2022-08-30 | Change |
Max./Min. and Close buttons visible in Help Centre | Earlier, the Max./Min. and Close buttons were not visible in the Help Centre window. This has now been fixed. | General | General | 9.12 | 2022-08-30 | Bug |
Error in calculation of depreciation | Error in calculation of depreciation for fixed assets with opening balance | Accounting | Fixed Assets | 9.12 | 2022-08-30 | Bug |
Error in processing companies from the source without ledgers | Earlier, in the Consolidation (GL103000) window, you got the error message: Another process has added 'GLConsolBranch'. Your changes will be lost. This happened if the the source had a company without ledgers. This has now been fixed and companies from the source without ledgers will not be processed. | Accounting | Consolidation | 9.12 | 2022-08-30 | Bug |
Data not sorted correctly in GET Inventory request with Pagination and LastModifiedDateTime | Earlier, response data were not sorted correctly in a GET Inventory request with Pagination and a LastModifiedDateTime filtering. This has now been fixed. | API | Inventory | 9.12 | 2022-08-30 | Bug |
Data not sorted correctly in GET Inventory request with Pagination and availabilityLastModifiedDateTime | Earlier, response data were not sorted correctly in a GET Inventory request with Pagination and a availabilityLastModifiedDateTime filtering. This has now been fixed. | API | Inventory | 9.12 | 2022-08-30 | Bug |
Attachments not showing properly | Previously, the image of some specific documents received by VnE was not properly displayed using the Show files option in the Purchase invoices (AP301000) window. In order to increase the quality, there is a new button under Show files which will allow you to see the invoice images in an external window. | Purchase To Pay | Supplier Ledger | 9.12 | 2022-08-30 | Bug |
Window IN617500 title change | The title of the Preview default cost change (IN617500) window has been changed to "Preview standard cost change" in user language English (United Kingdom). | Order To Cash | Content | 9.12 | 2022-08-30 | Change |
The order does not contain any items planned for shipment | After release there was an error regarding orders did not contain any items planned for shipment. This has now been fixed | Order To Cash | Sales Order | 9.12 | 2022-08-30 | Bug |
New option "Automatic split of batch payment from customers into payment per customer" for bank transactions | You have now the possibility to split batch payments per customer for bank transactions by using the new setting "Automatic split of batch payment from customers into payment per customer" on the Settings for matching tab in the Cash management (CA101000) window. | Accounting | Cash Management | 9.13 | 2022-09-06 | Change |
Discrepancy between date and period for payments | In some scenarios, the supplier payments got a different financial period from the payment date in the AutoPay payment process. This has now been fixed. | Purchase To Pay | Outgoing Payment | 9.13 | 2022-09-06 | Bug |
Account used for payment displayed incorrectly if second location was using the same as default location setting in the payment settings | In the Purchase invoices (AP301000) window, the Account field used for payments on the Financial details tab was incorrectly displayed for purchase invoices if the second location that was used had same as default location setting applied on the Payment settings tab in the Supplier locations (AP303010) window. This has now been fixed. | Purchase To Pay | Supplier Ledger | 9.13 | 2022-09-06 | Bug |
Not possible to add a new line via PUT Stocktake V2 | Earlier and in some circumstances, it was not possible to add a new line via the PUT Stocktake V2 endpoint. This has now been fixed. | API | Inventory | 9.13 | 2022-09-06 | Bug |
Empty revision for multi-branch companies in Process VAT report | The error message "Revision can not be empty" in Process VAT report (TX502000) for multi-branch companies has now been fixed and the last revision is suggested in the window. This only occurred in Dutch companies when you reopened the window. | Accounting | Reporting to Government | 9.13 | 2022-09-06 | Bug |
Disabled changing payment location on Financial details tab of Purchase invoices window | Earlier, you were able to change payment location regardless of the invoice status on the Financial details tab in the Purchase invoices (AP301000) window, but it did not have any affect. Now the field is disabled and it will continue show the value that was appointed in the Location field in the invoice header. You can apply changes to the payment location in the Location field before releasing the document. | Purchase To Pay | Supplier Ledger | 9.14 | 2022-09-13 | Bug |
Change on what invoices are shown in Process VAT report (TX502000) window | In the Process VAT report (TX502000) window on the Supplier document tab, there is a change regarding what invoices are shown. VAT invoices posted in the next open period because they were created after the financial period was closed and "Allow posting on closed period" was not set in the general ledger preferences are now shown in the VAT period where they were created. Manually created invoices for the tax agency are shown according to the document date corresponding to the VAT period from and to date. In addition, the supplier reference is added to the invoice line so it's easy to see that the payment reference number from the reporting period is correct on the invoice. | Accounting | Reporting to Government | 9.14 | 2022-09-13 | Bug |
New column for external item ID in Purchase invoices window (AP301000) | In the Purchase invoices (AP301000) window, there is a new field called External item ID. In this particular column Visma.net ERP is storing the external item ID that is mentioned in the Visma.xml (In xml is called "XXXX" when receiving invoices from AutoInvoice. External item ID will be automatically displayed in the Purchase invoices window if the Use external item ID option is active in the Supplier ledger preferences (AP101000) window. | Purchase To Pay | AutoInvoice Receiving | 9.14 | 2022-09-13 | Change |
Performance improvements in Release expense claims (EP501000) window | The performance of the Release expense claim (EP501000) window has been improved regarding: - the loading time of the expense claims in the window - the selection time of multiple expense claims - the releasing process time of multiple expense claims | Accounting | Time & Expense | 9.14 | 2022-09-13 | Change |
Error when pasting a copied purchase invoice | Earlier, there was an error when copying and pasting a purchase invoice with the setting Raise an error on duplicate supplier reference number in the Purchase invoices (AP301000) window. This has now been fixed and you will get a warning when you paste and and an error on saving if you do not change the supplier reference. | Purchase To Pay | Supplier Ledger | 9.14 | 2022-09-13 | Bug |
Improved navigation in the Stock items list window for items with alternative item IDs | The system opens the first item on the list when you: - add an Alt. item ID in the Stock items (IN202500) window - add the table INitemXRef to the Generic inquiry (SM208000) window for inquiry title IN-StockItem and - click on items with alternative item IDs of the Global or Barcode type in the Stock items (IN2025PL) list window. To improve the search results, a new column Default was added to the Stock items window, the Cross-reference tab, and the possibility to add DefaultAlternateID to the InventoryItem table in the Generic inquiry window, instead of needing to add the INItemXRef table. When selecting an alternative item ID as the default, you will now be navigated to the correct item when clicking the item in the Stock items list window. | Order To Cash | Inventory | 9.15 | 2022-09-20 | Bug |
Inactive subaccounts available in Approval Editor | Previously, even if certain subaccounts were deactivated in Visma.net ERP, they were still available for usage in Approval Editor. This has now been fixed. | Purchase To Pay | Approval | 9.15 | 2022-09-20 | Bug |
Allow posting on closed periods in General ledger preferences in posting tax agency invoices to corresponding open period | You do not need to check the Allow posting on closed periods option in the General ledger preferences (GL102000) window to post tax agency invoices to the corresponding open period if the period is closed in supplier ledger. As long as the period is open in general ledger, the invoice and batch for the VAT will be posted in the open period. If the period is closed in General ledger, you have to check the Allow posting on closed periods option in General ledger preferences. Inactive periods will be ignored and posted according to the rules mentioned above. So you will not get the error that the period is inactive. The following messages will be given depending on the setting in General ledger preferences Allow posting on closed periods not set: The financial period P1-YYYY corresponding to the end date (DD.MM.YYYY) of the tax period 'P1-YYYY' is closed. The generated documents will be posted to the first available open period P2-YYYY. Check Allow Posting to closed periods in General ledger preferences (GL102000) to post the documents on the closed period P1-YYYY. Allow posting on closed periods is set: The financial period P1-YYYY corresponding to the end date (DD.MM.YYYY) of the tax period 'P1-YYYY' is closed. The generated documents will be posted to the closed period P1-YYYY. Uncheck Allow posting to closed periods in General ledger preferences (GL102000) to post the documents on the first available period P2-YYYY. | Accounting | Reporting to Government | 9.15 | 2022-09-20 | Change |
Preparing for the discontinuation of the Classic payment service on October 3rd | Preparing for the discontinuation of the Classic payment service on October 3rd, as communicated earlier, we have made some changes. These changes will NOT affect any feature nor functionality. | Purchase To Pay | Outgoing Payment | 9.15 | 2022-09-20 | Change |
Automation schedules with filters displaying dates differently depending on language | Earlier, in the Automation schedule (SM205020) window, when creating schedules containing filters with dates, the date was displayed differently in the window depending on your language. This has now been fixed. | General | System Service | 9.16 | 2022-09-27 | Bug |
Search of accounts in From account / To account on Account specification report | In the Account specification (GL63301S) window, you can now search for account number and description. If you have selected an account number in the From column, the search in the To column is limited to search To account not equal or larger than the selected onr in the From account. | Accounting | GL Reconciliation | 9.16 | 2022-09-27 | Bug |
Supplier reference missing on Dutch VAT invoices | Earlier, there was an error on Dutch VAT invoices with missing payment reference when the financial period was closed and the invoice was created in the next open period. This has now been fixed and the invoice gets the supplier reference equal to the payment reference in the Process VAT report (TX502000) window. | Accounting | Reporting to Government | 9.16 | 2022-09-27 | Bug |
Alternative description field in layout templates for purchase orders | Earlier, the Alternative description field was not available in the layout templates for Purchase order. This has now been fixed. | Order To Cash | Purchase Order | 9.17 | 2022-10-04 | Change |
Item availability visible in the Purchase orders window | When using the Purchase orders (PO301000) window, it is now possible to see the availability for an item in the table footer. It is no longer needed to look up the availability in another window. | Order To Cash | Purchase Order | 9.17 | 2022-10-04 | Change |
Performance improvements in Autopay inbox window | There are new performance improvements in the Autopay inbox (CA50400S) window when using the action Import from Autopay. | Accounting | Payment | 9.17 | 2022-10-04 | Change |
Description filter working again when preparing replenishment lists | Filtering with the Description field in window IN508000 Prepare replenishment does no longer fail. | Order To Cash | Inventory | 9.17 | 2022-10-04 | Bug |
Excluded expense types EX_FB - fuel benefit and EX_MB - meal benefit from Expense Inbox | In Expense Inbox (EP50604S) the following expense type have been excluded from expense claims: - EX_FB - fuel benefit - EX_MB - meal benefit. Therefore, any claims having transactions with this expense types will not show these lines in Expense inbox. | Accounting | Time & Expense | 9.17 | 2022-10-04 | Bug |
Show pop-up with link to New payment service when a batch is part of a request and when clicking Send payments | When clicking on Send payments in the Batch payments (AP305000) window, the user will be redirected to the Process payments (AP50301S) window. You will receive a message containing the number of the request ID that needs to be resent from Status tab. | Purchase To Pay | Outgoing Payment | 9.17 | 2022-10-04 | Change |
A new warning message added when paying an invoice with missing SPOT rate | Earlier, when paying an invoice with a missing SPOT rate, an incorrect warning message was displayed in the Purchase invoices (AP301000) window. This has now been fixed. | Purchase To Pay | Supplier Ledger | 9.18 | 2022-10-13 | Bug |
Unable to release adjustment for receipt where original receipt amount is no longer available | Previously, you could not create an adjustment to add landed costs on a receipt if there was no more available quantity on the products. This has now been fixed. | Order To Cash | Inventory | 9.18 | 2022-10-13 | Bug |
Missing fields now available in the CustomerInvoice, CustomerDebitNote, CustomerCreditWriteOff and CustomerCreditNote GET Endpoints | The fields ShipmentNumber, OrderType and OrderNumber are no longer missing in the following GET endpoints: Customerinvoice, CustomerDebitNote, CustomerCreditWriteOff and CustomerCreditNote. | API | Sales Invoice | 9.18 | 2022-10-13 | Change |
Supplementary VAT report not including revisions higher than revision in the processed period. | Earlier, the supplementary VAT report did not include revisions higher than the revision in the processed period. So if the revision is 2 in the current reporting period and you had higher revisions in any of the periods between the first reporting period and reporting period, values for these revision higher than 2 were not included. This has now been fixed and all revisions for the selected periods are included in the supplementary report. | Accounting | Reporting to Government | 9.18 | 2022-10-13 | Bug |
New option for setting Branch in Bank transaction rules | There is a new field Branch in the Bank transaction rules (CA204500) window, which can be set for a much better and automated transaction processing. | Accounting | Cash Management | 9.18 | 2022-10-13 | Change |
New recognition option Use Name from bank in Bank transaction rules window | You can use a new option for recognition by activating the checkbox "Use Name from bank" in the Bank transaction rules window, which will improve the automated transaction processing. | Accounting | Cash Management | 9.18 | 2022-10-13 | Change |
The Inventory/receipt API expanded to get Lot/Serial no. | The Inventory/receipt API now also contains an option to get Lot/Serial no. from the Receipts (IN301000) window in the Inventory workspace. | Order To Cash | Inventory | 9.18 | 2022-10-13 | Change |
Breaking change on Branch endpoint | The following flags on the Branch endpoint will be set to false by default starting the 11th of October 2022: - expandAddress - expandContact - expandCurrency - expandVatZone - expandLedger - expandIndustryCode - expandDeliveryAddress - expandDeliveryContact - expandDefaultCountry | API | Branch | 9.18 | 2022-10-13 | Change |
Unit of measure for kit assemblies is recalculated and coordinated according to base unit for item | When creating a sub-assembly containing items with different units of measure (UoM), the system recalculates the UoM for the whole assembly according to the UoM of the base unit. | Order To Cash | Inventory | 9.18 | 2022-10-13 | Bug |
Local tax authority pre-selected in VAT windows | There is a new column for Default Tax agency on the VAT information tab in the Organisations (CS101500) and Branches (CS102000) windows and it is used in TX501000 Prepare VAT report TX502000 Process VAT report Getting the tax agency works as follows: - If the selected company/branch has a default tax agency set, it will be suggested. - If default tax agency is empty in the company/branch, the windows will use the existing, else select the first tax agency from the lookup. | Accounting | Reporting to Government | 9.18 | 2022-10-13 | Change |
Two new columns in the Bank transactions history window | For more details on bank transactions, two new columns have been added in the Bank transactions history (CA402000) window: - Name from bank - Account from bank. | Accounting | Cash Management | 9.18 | 2022-10-13 | Change |
Payments not matched based on end to end ID in Process bank transactions | There was an error with payments which were not matched based on the end to end ID in the Processing bank transactions (CA306000) window if the Payment ref field in the Supplier payments (AP302000) window was not filled in. This has now been fixed. | Accounting | Cash Management | 9.18 | 2022-10-13 | Bug |
Change of purchase invoice date updating original invoice date | When original invoice date is in use and the option Use orig. invoice date on payment terms is activated in the Supplier ledger preferences (AP101000) window, the dates for due date, cash discount date and payment date are calculated from original invoice date. Changing date from the purchase invoice was incorrectly updating the original invoice date. This has now been fixed. | Purchase To Pay | Supplier Ledger | 9.18 | 2022-10-13 | Bug |
An improved and easier way of getting historical inventory valuation | The Historical inventory valuation summary (IN61800S) report has been changed to display all products that have stock value at the specified period, instead of only showing products with a change in value during the selected period. In the Historical inventory valuation summary (IN61800S) window the following columns have been renamed from - Begin cost - Cost - End cost to - Begin value - Value change - End value In the Inventory valuation (IN61550S) window, column Total cost has been renamed to Total value. | Order To Cash | Inventory | 9.18 | 2022-10-13 | Change |
"Match item during import" feature enabled for Contracting works customers | A new "Match item during import" feature has been enabled for Contracting works customers in the Suppliers (AP303000) window. | Purchase To Pay | AutoInvoice Receiving | 9.18 | 2022-10-13 | Change |
API Inventory - CostPriceStatistics note returned for some stock items when getting list | CostPriceStatistic is now correctly populated for all items when using the GET list Inventory API endpoint. | API | Inventory | 9.18 | 2022-10-13 | Bug |
New number of messages filter in the Autopay inbox | There is a new filter option "Number of messages" in the Autopay inbox (CA50400S) window, which will specify how many records are retrieved. The default value is 0 meaning all messages are visible in the table. When using this option it will filter ascending from the lowest to highest FileID and can be added in the scheduler so that you can process a specific number of messages. | Accounting | Cash Management | 9.18 | 2022-10-13 | Change |
Clipboard button removed from Add report to window | In the Add report to window (CS20200S), the Clipboard button (with Copy, Paste and Save as template actions) has been removed. These actions have no function in this window, and their use often resulted in corrupted data. | General | Setup of new companies | 9.18 | 2022-10-13 | Bug |
Payment date available in response message for CustomerPayment GET and GET all | There is a new field "Payment date" available in the response message for the CustomerPayment GET and GET all operations | Accounting | Payment | 9.18 | 2022-10-13 | Change |
Reverse action enabled for purchase credit notes in Purchase invoices window | Documents with the Purchase credit note type can from now on be reversed in the Purchase invoices (AP301000) window. Reversing purchase credit notes will make a copy of the document with the Credit adjustment type. | Purchase To Pay | Supplier Ledger | 9.19 | 2022-10-25 | Change |
Unable to update a purchase receipt's supplier ID via API | Earlier, it was not possible to update "supplierId" in the PUT PurchaseReceipt endpoint. This has now been fixed. | API | Purchase Order | 9.19 | 2022-10-25 | Bug |
Period filter added to purchase receipt accrual reports | A new filter for period has been added to the Purchase receipt accrual summary (PO630500) and Purchase receipt accrual details (PO631000) windows. You can now simulate accrual details on purchase order receipts by the "To period" option. When earlier periods are chosen as this period, these two reports will display the currently excluded receipts by the condition, if the receipt still included uninvoiced quantity and/or amounts on the last day of the selected period. | Order To Cash | Purchase Order | 9.19 | 2022-10-25 | Change |
SupplierInvoice endpoint not allowing negative retainage | Previously, when creating an invoice via API, you were not allowed to enter a negative retainage amount. This has now been fixed. | API | Supplier Ledger | 9.19 | 2022-10-25 | Bug |
Aging reports show suppliers with zero balance | Previously, all the aging reports were showing suppliers with zero balances. This has now been fixed. | Purchase To Pay | Supplier Ledger | 9.19 | 2022-10-25 | Bug |
ProjectBasic endpoint returning deleted projects | When third party integrators were using the ProjectBasic endpoint to get all active projects, the endpoint was returning all projects including the projects that were deleted. This has now been fixed. | Accounting | Project | 9.19 | 2022-10-25 | Bug |
Field Bank Detail Type exposed in PaymentMethod endpoint | Previously, the Bank Detail Type field was not returned by the PaymentMethod endpoint. This has now been fixed. | API | Outgoing Payment | 9.19 | 2022-10-25 | Change |
Retainage functionality enabled for purchase credit notes | The retainage functionalities have now been enabled for purchase credit notes. The retainage functionality for credit notes will follow the same logic as for purchase invoices. When matching purchase invoices to purchase credit notes in the Purchase invoices (AP301000) window, which both contained retainage, the corresponding retainage documents need to be applied to each other as well, in addition to the source documents that would be applied. | Purchase To Pay | Supplier Ledger | 9.19 | 2022-10-25 | Change |
SupplierPayment endpoint returns wrong data when payments and credit notes have the same reference number | Previously, both GET ALL and GET Specific - SupplierPayment endpoints returned the wrong data when payments and credit notes had the same reference number. This has now been fixed, but please note the following: 1.Get ALL SupplierPayment endpoint will return the correct header details and invoice lines applied against each payment document 2. The initial Get SPECIFIC SupplierPayment endpoint (controller/api/v1/SupplierPayment /paymentnumber), in order to be backward compatible, will return only one document, being the payment OR the credit note depending on the used filters. 3. A NEW endpoint Get SPECIFIC SupplierPayment endpoint has been deployed by type and number (controller/api/v1/SupplierPayment /paymenttype/paymentnumber). This one will return the correct information depending on the chosen document. | API | Outgoing Payment | 9.19 | 2022-10-25 | Bug |
Copy/paste of stock items no longer fails | Stock items with a cross-reference can now correctly be copied and pasted. | Order To Cash | Inventory | 9.19 | 2022-10-25 | Bug |
Item quantity on purchase orders and purchase receipts visible in the Purchase orders window | When using the Purchase orders (PO301000) window, it is now possible to see the quantity of an item on purchase orders and purchase receipts in the item line's table footer. It is no longer needed to look up these quantities in the Add item dialog box. | Order To Cash | Purchase Order | 9.19 | 2022-10-25 | Change |
POST PurchaseReceipt and PUT PurchaseReceipt endpoints return error | The endpoints POST PurchaseReceipt and PUT PurchaseReceipt no longer incorrectly return an error when the content contains "landedCost". | API | Purchase Order | 9.20 | 2022-11-01 | Bug |
POST PurchaseOrderReceiptBasic endpoint fails in some circumstances | Earlier, the POST PurchaseOrderReceiptBasic endpoint was failing in some circumstances. This has now been fixed. | API | Purchase Order | 9.20 | 2022-11-01 | Bug |
Error with invoices from Invoice inbox when "Move invoice to next open/active" was enabled and next open is same as current period | Earlier, if receiving an invoice to Invoice Inbox (AP50604S) to a closed period and the Move invoice to next open/active period check box was selected in the Supplier ledger preferences (AP101000), there was an error and the invoice was not created when next open period would have been same as current dates period. This has now been fixed and in this scenario the invoice is created in the next open/active period. | Purchase To Pay | AutoInvoice Receiving | 9.20 | 2022-11-01 | Bug |
Improved performance on GET ALL SupplierPayment endpoint | The performance of the GET ALL SupplierPayment endpoint has been improved, and it is currently in pilot testing. This will be tested by a small number of clients in the beginning. Once the pilot testing phase is completed, the improvement will be enabled for everyone. | Purchase To Pay | Supplier Ledger | 9.20 | 2022-11-01 | Change |
VAT codes on item classes not applied to children | VAT codes are now correctly applied to children item classes when the action "Apply to children" is used in the Item classes (IN201000) window. | Order To Cash | Inventory | 9.20 | 2022-11-01 | Bug |
*Not able to update Default issue from or Default receipt to on stock item of Subassembly type* | You can now correctly update Default issue from and Default receipt to properties for all types of stock items using the Inventory API endpoint. | Order To Cash | Inventory | 9.20 | 2022-11-01 | Bug |
Disabled actions for Overdue charges in Customer ledger preferences | The actions "Reverse and apply to note", "Reverse" and "Correct invoice" have now been disabled in the Customer ledger preferences (AR301000) window when the document type is Overdue charges. | Order To Cash | Customer Ledger | 9.20 | 2022-11-01 | Change |
Restriction groups functionality now works correctly in the Sales order window | The restriction groups functionality no longer fails to hide restricted customer accounts in the Sales orders (SO301000) window, when you create a new sales order. | Order To Cash | Sales Order | 9.20 | 2022-11-01 | Bug |
The newly added default field for the cross reference in the table now updates correctly | The DefaultAlternateID field is now correctly updated in the database when an existing alternate ID is changed on a stock item. | Order To Cash | Inventory | 9.20 | 2022-11-01 | Bug |
SalesOrder endpoint returned 500 Internal Server Error instead of 400 Bad Request | The POST SalesOrder endpoint now returns the correct 400 Bad Request error instead of the incorrect 500 Internal Server Error when you try to create a sales order with a previously used sales order number. | API | Sales Order | 9.20 | 2022-11-01 | Bug |
New GET endpoints in the API for Fixed Asset | New GET endpoints in the API for Fixed Asset: fixedAsset fixedAsset/{assetID} fixedAssetTransaction fixedAssetTransaction/{RefNo} fixedAssetClass fixedAssetClass/{classID} fixedAssetPropertyTaxGroup (NL only) fixedAssetPropertyTaxGroup/{propertyTaxID} (NL only) | API | Fixed Assets | 9.20 | 2022-11-01 | Change |
*Payment lead time disabled in Supplier ledger preferences* | The Payment lead time field has now been disabled in the Supplier ledger preferences (AP301000) window. This field's input was used as the default filter value in the Approve purchase invoices for payment (AP502000) window. Filtering values for the Approve purchase invoices for payment (AP502000) window have now been set to zero as default days for filtering in the fields "Payment date within", "Due date within", and "Cash discount expires within". | Purchase To Pay | Supplier Ledger | 9.20 | 2022-11-01 | Change |
*Rounding behaviour in sales order line Disc. unit price field unified with Ext. price field* | Previously the discounted unit price value rounded up, which in some calculations caused the discounted price to exceed the extended price, and in a certain scenario this led to problems with creating the invoice. This has now been fixed. | Order To Cash | Sales Order | 9.20 | 2022-11-01 | Bug |
Wrong response status 500 when creating shipment via POST endpoint /controller/api/v2/salesorder/\{saleOrderNumber}/action/createShipment | When you try to create a shipment for a specific sales order with not all lines available in stock and option "Ship only when complete", you will no longer get the incorrect error response status 500, but a 409 (Conflict) with descriptive message instead. | API | Sales Order | 9.20 | 2022-11-01 | Bug |
Webhook for salesorder wrongfully triggered for response status 4xx or 5xx when creating shipment via POST endpoint /controller/api/v2/salesorder/\{saleOrderNumber}/action/createShipment | When you try to create a shipment for a specific sales order with not all lines available in stock, you will no longer get a wrongful webhook notification indicating the sales order status has changed to status 'Shipping'. | API | Sales Order | 9.20 | 2022-11-01 | Bug |
*Override payment method for bank processing selected when trying to process bank transactions* | Earlier, when using the setting Override payment method for bank processing and trying to process bank transactions (CA306000) or incoming payments (AR305000), the system was showing the error Payment method cannot be found in the system or No business account selected. This has now been fixed. | Accounting | Cash Management | 9.20 | 2022-11-01 | Bug |
Cash discount settings move from the new Process payments window to Supplier ledger preferences window | Monday morning the 31st of October the cash discount settings will be moved from the new payment service (AP50301S) window to the Supplier ledger preferences (AP301000) window for all companies. | Purchase To Pay | Outgoing Payment | 9.20 | 2022-11-01 | Change |
When provisioning a new company, always install new payment service as default | When provisioning new DEMO systems, the vlassic payment service was provisioned. From now on all new DEMO systems will get the new payment service as default. | General | System Service | 9.20 | 2022-11-01 | Change |
You can now select window ID: AP301000 - Purchase invoices when creating custom notifications. You can also be notified about invoices with missing IBAN. | When creating a new custom notification, you will be able to select window ID: AP301000 - Purchase invoices. Under Custom Notifications, screen SM2050PL, you can find a new static notification that contains information about invoices that are released with missing IBAN. | General | Notifications | 9.21 | 2022-11-08 | Change |
Add allocations to kit assemblies to support industries using expiry dates or lot numbers | In API, you have the possibility to set the kit allocations for a Kit Assembly (POST / PUT), and you can now use stock items for the assembly to set the allocations for the stock items individually. This is important, for example, for food production where the different ingredients (stock components) used for producing an assembly need to have full control of the allocations, meaning the expiry date. To achieve this, the allocations for each stock component line are now exposed in the API (PUT/POST). | API | Inventory | 9.21 | 2022-11-08 | Change |
Fix of net sales amount and additional table selection in Sales profitability reports | Previously, the Sales profitability reports (AR671000, AR672000, AR673000, AR674000, AR675000, AR676000) showed the Net sales amount incorrectly when the invoice contained a header discount. This has now been fixed. In addition, there is now the possibility to select fields from the SOLine table in the reports. With this, you are able to set that the cost is taken from the connected sales order line, instead of the invoice line. | Order To Cash | Sales Order | 9.21 | 2022-11-08 | Bug |
Impossible to move a supplier with voided documents to Inactive status | Earlier, an error was triggered saying "The supplier has open transactions" when trying to change the status to Inactive for a supplier with voided documents. This has now been fixed. | Purchase To Pay | Supplier Ledger | 9.21 | 2022-11-08 | Bug |
Now possible to insert a TransferOrder line in PUT PurchaseReceipt | Earlier, it was not possible to insert a TransferOrder line in a PUT PurchaseReceipt endpoint request. This has now been fixed. | API | Purchase Order | 9.21 | 2022-11-08 | Bug |
Invalid error token in download request | For some customers there were issues when receiving the account statements in Autopay inbox due to the generated token which could be not unique for parallel requests. This has now been fixed. | Accounting | Payment | 9.21 | 2022-11-08 | Bug |
Error in currency conversion when converting a quotation to a sales order | Earlier, there was a bug when you converted a quotation to a sales order and you had a currency configured in Visma.net ERP. This was calculated wrong when the conversion was done. This has now been fixed. | Order To Cash | Sales Order | 9.21 | 2022-11-08 | Bug |
Balance by GL account window showing voided prepayment with an open balance | Earlier, when checking the Balance by GL account (AP63200S) for open documents, the report was showing voided prepayments with an open balance. This has now been fixed. | Purchase To Pay | Supplier Ledger | 9.21 | 2022-11-08 | Bug |
Error when sending transactions with project X- non project code | In earlier versions, there was an error when sending transactions with project X- non project code, breaking the Payroll FI integration. This has now been fixed | Accounting | Project | 9.21 | 2022-11-08 | Bug |
Autosave not in place for manually added values in transaction descriptions or subaccounts fields | Earlier, when you were manually adding transaction descriptions or subaccounts values in the Purchase invoices window (AP301000), the new values were not autosaved by VnE. This has now been fixed. | Purchase To Pay | Approval | 9.21 | 2022-11-08 | Bug |
Quantity handled with correct sign on automatically reversed batch | In the Journal transactions (GL301000) window, the Quantity column on a batch that has automatic reversing set, is now posting the quantity correctly with the opposite sign in the reversed batch. | Accounting | Registration | 9.22 | 2022-11-16 | Bug |
Information entered in the blank lines during stocktaking will now be correctly included in the stocktaking | Information (Item ID, Item, Warehouse etc.) entered in the blank lines/fields during stocktaking will now be correctly included in the stocktaking. Previously the lines with blank fields were ignored during stocktaking. | Order To Cash | Inventory | 9.22 | 2022-11-16 | Bug |
Opening VAT adjustment (TX301000) window when both VAT period and financial period are closed | The problem not being able to open the VAT adjustment (TX301000) window when both VAT period and financial period are closed has now been fixed. You will not get an error and, depending on the setting Allow posting on closed periods in General ledger preferences you will be allowed post it on a closed period or the next open period. | Accounting | Reporting to Government | 9.22 | 2022-11-16 | Bug |
Fix on expandSegmentsValues parameter for GET /dimension endpoint | The parameter expandSegmentsValues for endpoint /controller/api/v1/dimension/{dimensionId} now returns values correctly when set to True/False. | API | Registration | 9.22 | 2022-11-16 | Bug |
Action "Send to AutoInvoice" and check box "Show closed invoices/credit notes" in the Send invoices window now work correctly retroactively | Earlier, when you created an invoice with Send to AutoInvoice selected, and used the "Reverse and apply to note" action, the invoice and credit note would not appear in the Send invoices (AR508000) window, after you selected Send to AutoInvoice and Show closed invoices/credit notes. This has now been fixed, so that you can send these documents to AutoInvoice. | Order To Cash | Customer Ledger | 9.22 | 2022-11-16 | Bug |
Action "Send to AutoInvoice" and check box "Show closed invoices/credit notes" in the Send invoices window now work correctly | Earlier, when you created an invoice with Send to AutoInvoice selected, and used the "Reverse and apply to note" action, the invoice and credit note would not appear in the Send invoices (AR508000) window, after you selected Send to AutoInvoice and Show closed invoices/credit notes. This has now been fixed, so that you can send these documents to AutoInvoice. | Order To Cash | Customer Ledger | 9.22 | 2022-11-16 | Bug |
Improved performance in Purchase invoices (AP301000) when using different ADD PO functions | The new performance improvement is reducing loading times when using the functions of the buttons Add purchase order receipt Add purchase order receipt line Add purchase order Link line | Purchase To Pay | Supplier Ledger | 9.22 | 2022-11-16 | Change |
Batches going out of balance after splitting an invoice line | Previously, while a pre-booked invoice coming from AutoInvoice was split and released in the Purchase invoices (AP301000) window, the batch went out of balance. The error is encountered only by non-taxable companies. This fix is covered by a feature toggle and will be enabled only for non-taxable companies following the above scenario. | Purchase To Pay | Approval | 9.22 | 2022-11-16 | Bug |
Static notification message about missing IBAN in Purchase invoices window displaying the correct invoice number | The static notification about missing IBAN now displays the correct invoice number in the Purchase invoices (AP301000) window. To make the static notification work, remember to set it as active when setting it up. | General | Notifications | 9.22 | 2022-11-16 | Bug |
Added possibility to skip the alt. item ID check, and improved error message when the alt. item ID check does not let you create a purchase receipt | When you want to create a purchase receipt based on a purchase order, of which an item's alternative item ID has been changed in the meantime, an error message will appear with now more specific information on why creation of the purchase receipt failed. In addition, the check box "Do not check alt. item ID on creation of purchase receipt" has been added in the Purchase order preferences (PO101000) window, which allows you to create a purchase receipt in the Purchase order (PO301000) window when an item's alternative item ID has been changed. | Purchase to Pay | Purchase order | 9.22 | 2022-11-16 | Bug |
You can now search for TR orders in the Sales orders list window | Earlier, it was not possible to search for TR orders in the search field in the Sales orders (SO3010PL) list window. This has now been fixed. | Order To Cash | Sales Order | 9.23 | 2022-11-23 | Bug |
Manual amount now copied to credit note when using Correct invoice in the Sales invoices window | The credit note created after using the Correct invoice functionality in the Sales invoices (AR301000) window, no longer fails to copy any manual amounts on the original invoice. | Order To Cash | Sales Order | 9.23 | 2022-11-23 | Bug |
Changing the address to a foreign one on a domestic supplier not working via API | Earlier, when you changed the address of a domestic supplier to a foreign one via API, the change was not working. This has now been fixed. | API | Supplier Ledger | 9.23 | 2022-11-23 | Bug |
Exporting Balance with external codes to Excel or PDF now includes External code 1 and 2 | Now, when exporting the report Balance with external codes (GL63201S) to Excel or PDF, the values for External code 1 and 2 are included in the exported report. | Accounting | GL Reconciliation | 9.23 | 2022-11-23 | Bug |
Aging reports not showing prepayment documents | The aged reports were incorrectly excluding all prepayment documents from the reports. Only the prepayments which do not contain a batch and are done from Purchase invoices (AP301000) window are now excluded. Prepayments that do contain a batch are included again in the following reports: Aged past due (AP631000) Aged past due MC (AP631100) Aged outstanding (AP631500) Aged outstanding (currency) (AP631600) | Purchase To Pay | Supplier Ledger | 9.23 | 2022-11-23 | Bug |
Fix of invoice rows not included in Sales profitability reports | Previously, the Sales profitability reports (AR671000, AR672000, AR673000, AR674000, AR675000, AR676000) did not include rows for invoices that had no Item ID. This has now been fixed. | Order To Cash | Sales Order | 9.23 | 2022-11-23 | Bug |
Action "Send to AutoInvoice" and check box "Show closed invoices/credit notes" in the Send invoices window now work correctly retroactively | Earlier, when you created an invoice with Send to AutoInvoice selected, and used the "Reverse and apply to note" action, the invoice and credit note would not appear in the Send invoices (AR508000) window, after you selected Send to AutoInvoice and Show closed invoices/credit notes. This has now been fixed, so that you can send these documents to AutoInvoice. | Order To Cash | Customer Ledger | 9.23 | 2022-11-23 | Bug |
Improved performance of Supplier details (AP402000) | The overall performance of supplier details (AP402000) has now been improved. This improvement will also fix and help with the problem when loading in suppliers with large amount of documents, where loading earlier might have ended with a time-out error. | Purchase To Pay | Supplier Ledger | 9.24 | 2022-11-29 | Change |
Invoices that were sent to AutoInvoice are now displayed in the Send invoices window | Earlier, after you sent an invoice to AutoInvoice in the Sales invoices (AR301000) window, the invoice would not be displayed in the Send invoices (AR508000) window, after you selected Print invoice/note and Show all. This has now been fixed. | Order To Cash | Customer Ledger | 9.24 | 2022-11-29 | Bug |
Incoming balance from SIE imported as quantity | Earlier, when importing vouchers with SIE import (GL40101S) and import type Incoming balance, there was an error where the balance also was imported to the Quantity column. This has now been fixed. | Accounting | Registration | 9.24 | 2022-11-29 | Bug |
Missing translation in SIE import (GL40101S) | The error message in SIE import (GL40101S) is now correctly translated when using Swedish as user language. | Accounting | Registration | 9.24 | 2022-11-29 | Bug |
Drill-down from reference number and View payment button | When you press the reference number on the Applications tab in the Sales invoices (AR301000) window, the window where the document is created will open, either Customer payments (AR302000) or Customer invoice (SO303000). The View payment button will open the Customer payments (AR302000) window showing the application or payment. | Order To Cash | Sales Invoice | 9.24 | 2022-11-29 | Change |
Filter on From and To period in Account summary window | The Account summary (GL401000) window now includes From and To period fields that enable you to see the beginning balance for one period and the ending balance for another. The Debit total and Credit total fields will show the sum for the range of the periods selected. So now you can see the beginning and ending balances for a year. Note! If you select a range that crosses an accounting year, the beginning and ending balances for income and expenses will not be correct compared to the debit and credit totals. | Accounting | GL Reconciliation | 9.24 | 2022-11-29 | Change |
Subaccount and transaction values reset to default in Document Editor | Previously, when splitting an invoice line in Document Editor right after changing the subaccount or the transaction values, they were reset back to default for the parent line. This has now been fixed. | Purchase To Pay | Approval | 9.24 | 2022-11-29 | Bug |
Create purchase orders from a sales order via API | You can now create purchase orders from a sales order via the POST api/v2/salesorder/[SOOrderNo]/action/createPurchaseOrders endpoint. Note that if the body contains "preferSupplierFromSOLine=false", the default supplier for the item will be set as the supplier for the purchase order. | API | Purchase Order | 9.24 | 2022-11-29 | Change |
Updates on import file/import scenario for Import Expense Types NO | The import file/import scenario for Import Expense Types NO has been updated. - Expense payroll account added for some expense types. - Items with a wrong item class have been corrected. | Accounting | Time & Expense | 9.24 | 2022-11-29 | Bug |
The calculated VAT rate is changed to only show 2 decimals | In the VAT account control summary (TX40300S), VAT account control details (TX40400S) and General ledger transactions with VAT (TX40500S) windows, the calculated VAT rate is changed to only show 2 decimals. This way the calculation with a variance in the 3-6 decimals will not show as derivations when you use the checkbox Show only tax derivations. Only derivations with 0,01 or more will be shown. | Accounting | Reporting to Government | 9.24 | 2022-11-29 | Change |
Non-stock kit quantity on open and on hold sales orders now displayed in the Sales orders window | When you select a line with a non-stock kit in the Sales orders (SO301000) window, the quantity of this non-stock kit on open and on hold sales orders is now displayed in round brackets in the table footer. | Order To Cash | Sales Order | 9.24 | 2022-11-29 | Change |
Bank transaction rules applied even if an invoice exist with the same amount | Now it is possible to apply the bank rules on the Process bank transaction screen if an invoice with the same amount exist by marking the new checkbox "Display only relevant matches" in the Process incoming payment screen | Accounting | Cash Management | 9.25 | 2022-12-06 | Bug |
Workspace and Transaction type now showing translated values in VAT report details | The columns Workspace and Transaction type are now showing translated values in the VAT report details (TX502010) window. Earlier, they showed the codes from the database. | Accounting | Reporting to Government | 9.25 | 2022-12-06 | Bug |
Updating supplier through Invoice Inbox logged false positive entries for IBAN change in the audit history | When Payment information setting under supplier validation was inactivated from Supplier ledger preferences (AP101000) and the update supplier function was then used with new document received through Invoice Inbox (AP50604S); The audit history logged false positive entries into the log. As a result Audit history (SM205530) was logging IBAN change from this update, where in this scenario IBAN was the same as earlier inside that supplier. This has now been fixed. | Purchase To Pay | Supplier Ledger | 9.25 | 2022-12-06 | Bug |
Performance improvement in processing bank transactions and incoming payments | When you click Process in the Process bank transactions (CA306000) or Process incoming payments (AR305000) window, the processing time has been significantly decreased. We have implemented the following new features: - The possibility to split incoming payments in Autopay Inbox into smaller files if they contain more than 2000 transactions per file by marking the new checkbox "Split incoming payment file from Autopay (inbox) into smaller files for faster processing" in Incoming payment settings tab in Cash management preferences. - The check box "Display only relevant matches" in Process incoming payments that if marked will only show invoices that have matching relevance higher then 0.2 and will hide the low relevance invoices. - When processing large files the created GL batches will have maximum 200 payments in one batch. | Accounting | Cash Management | 9.25 | 2022-12-06 | Change |
Quantity on orders of the CS type now works correctly for items with lot/serial class and FIFO | Earlier, for items with an assigned lot/serial class and the FIFO valuation method, you could not adjust the quantity on a sales order of the CS type according to the item's available quantity. This has now been fixed. | Order To Cash | Sales Order | 9.25 | 2022-12-06 | Bug |
Project tasks statuses can be updated with the API endpoint PUT/Project/internal | When creating project tasks with the API endpoint PUT/Project/internal the project task status were always set to Active. This have now been fixed and status for the project task can be set to In planning, Active, Completed or Cancelled. | API | Project | 9.25 | 2022-12-06 | Bug |
VAT details editing is disabled in the Purchase Invoices screen for Non-Taxable branches | The option to edit VAT amounts in the VAT details tab Purchase Invoices screen for Non-Taxable branches has been disabled. | Purchase To Pay | Approval | 9.25 | 2022-12-06 | Change |
Creating a foreign supplier for a Norwegian company does work via API | Earlier, you were not allowed to create a foreign supplier using POST Supplier endpoint for a Norwegian company. This has now been fixed. | API | Supplier Ledger | 9.25 | 2022-12-06 | Bug |
Notes field available to edit for ISVs in Stock items window | In the Stock items (IN202500) window, the Notes field on the blue ribbon in the upper right corner is now available to edit for ISVs. | API | Inventory | 9.26 | 2022-12-13 | Change |
Column Email available in the Process sales invoices window | The column Email is now available when you select the Email invoice action in the Process sales invoices (SO505000) window. | Order To Cash | Sales Order | 9.26 | 2022-12-13 | Change |
Error message when printing unreleased documents (GL50300S) | You can now check for unreleased documents for the entire year or the last period of the year even if the next years periods are not created. No error message will be given. | Accounting | Period and Year End | 9.26 | 2022-12-13 | Bug |
Salesorder status changes to correct Back order status after deleting a shipment | The status of a sales order no longer changes to Open when it should change to Back order when you delete one of several shipments. | Order To Cash | Sales Order | 9.26 | 2022-12-13 | Bug |
PEPPOL schema IDs missing in Endpoint drop-down in some windows | Earlier, the PEPPOL schema ID was missing in the Endpoint drop-down list in the Customer locations (CR303010), Branches (CS102000), Organisations (CS101500), and Countries/counties/postcodes (CS20400S) windows. This has now been fixed. | Order To Cash | Customer Ledger | 9.26 | 2022-12-13 | Bug |
New checks for errors added to EC sales list | New warnings and error handling have been added to the EC sales list (AR40501S), which will prevent you from closing and sending an EC sales list with wrong values. The warnings are checking for the following errors. VAT Registration ID: * Missing VAT registration ID on the customer. * Add VAT registration ID on the customer or deselect the transactions from being reported. Country: If the customer document by mistake has a VAT ID that is defined as an EU report code: * The country on the customer/location is not an Intrastat country. * The country is the same as the reporting company or branch and the customer is then a domestic customer Update the country on the customer or deselect the transaction from being reported. | Accounting | Reporting to Government | 9.26 | 2022-12-13 | Change |
Price code description now displayed in the Sales prices window | Price code description is now displayed in the Sales prices (AR202000) window for the price types Customer and Customer price class. | Order To Cash | Sales Order | 9.26 | 2022-12-13 | Change |
Prevent the same incoming payment message to be processed multiple times in Autopay Inbox window | Previously, an incoming payment message could have been processed multiple times by different users causing duplicate transactions in the system. To prevent this, there is now an additional status "Ready for processing" in the Autopay Inbox (CA50400S) window, which will be applied when processing incoming payment messages. Account statements and outgoing payments will not change to this status during processing. | Accounting | Cash Management | 9.26 | 2022-12-13 | Bug |
*Purchase orders with the status Closed can no longer be added to purchase receipts* | For endpoint POST /api/v1/PurchaseReceipt/[PurchaseReceiptNbr]/action/addpurchaseorder, you can no longer add purchase orders with the status Closed to purchase receipts. | API | Purchase order | 9.26 | 2022-12-13 | Bug |
Danish template updates for allocation and invoicing rules | The descriptions in the Allocation rules (PM2075PL/PM207500) and Invoicing rules (PM2070PL/PM207000) have been updated in the Danish template. | Accounting | Project | 9.26 | 2022-12-13 | Change |
Supplier reference added to Projects window | A column showing Supplier reference has been added to the Supplier invoices tab in Projects (PM301000) window. | Accounting | Project | 9.26 | 2022-12-13 | Change |
Warning when selecting Intrastat country without defining Intrastat reporting country | In the Countries/States/Postal codes (CS20400S) window, you will now get a warning if you select Intrastat country without filling out the Intrastat reporting country. It is mandatory to select an Intrastat reporting country when you select an Intrastat country and it is used in the reporting process. | Accounting | GL Reconciliation | 9.26 | 2022-12-13 | Bug |
You can now change the alternative ID in a cross-reference to another supplier with the same alternative ID | Earlier, when you changed the alternative ID in a cross-reference to another supplier with the same alternative ID, an error message would be displayed when you would try to save the purchase receipt. This has now been fixed, but requires you to select 'Do not check alt. item ID on creation of purchase receipt' in the Purchase order preferences (PO101000) window. | Purchase to Pay | Purchase order | 9.26 | 2022-12-13 | Bug |
A copy of a sales invoice with Send/Sent to AutoInvoice selected will now have Send/Sent to AutoInvoice cleared by default | Earlier, in the Sales invoices (AR301000) window, when you copied an invoice that had been sent to AutoInvoice, the check boxes 'Send to AutoInvoice' and 'Sent to AutoInvoice' were selected automatically in the new document. This has now been fixed. | Order To Cash | Sales Invoice | 9.26 | 2022-12-13 | Bug |
Create a payment with invoices having the same payment date (when not using the Pay separately option) | There is a new option in the Supplier ledger preferences (AP301000) window, which allows to create one payment file per payment date (not just the earliest Payment date as is today) for each supplier when the Pay separately option is not selected. Functionality will be available after https://jira.visma.com/browse/VNEPS-2034 is released also. | Purchase To Pay | Outgoing Payment | 9.26 | 2022-12-13 | Change |
GET SupplierInvoice: New fields added related to deferralSchedule | The fields deferralSchedule and deferralScheduleNbr have been included in the GET SupplierInvoice endpoint. Earlier, only the deferralCode was retrieved. The "ScheduleID" from database displayed in deferralSchedule The "Schedule Number" from UI displayed in deferralScheduleNbr | API | Supplier Ledger | 9.27 | 2022-12-20 | Bug |
Columns in Customer details window not translated | In the Customer details (AR402000) window, some column names were shown in English instead of the language selected by user. This has now been fixed. | Order To Cash | Customer Ledger | 9.27 | 2022-12-20 | Bug |
*Clipboard button removed from EC sales list* | The Clipboard button is removed from the EC sales list (AP303000) because you could not use the function in the window. | Accounting | Reporting to Government | 9.27 | 2022-12-20 | Bug |
Prevent currency rates in minus | It is now prevented to have a minus currency rate in windows that have the possibility to override currency rate, such as Sales invoices (AR301000), AP10172, Bank transactions (CA304000) and Journal transactions (GL301000). This is to avoid errors caused by minus rates. | Order To Cash | Customer Ledger | 9.27 | 2022-12-20 | Bug |
From and To period fields mandatory in Account specification report | Now, the Account specification report (GL63301S) works and prints all accounts if you leave the From and To account fields empty. From and To period fields are now mandatory since the report was empty if both or one of them was missing. | Accounting | GL Reconciliation | 9.27 | 2022-12-20 | Bug |
Order description and line total added to Projects window | Two new columns have been added to the Commitments tab in the Projects (PM301000) window. The columns are: Order description and Line total. | Accounting | Project | 9.27 | 2022-12-20 | Change |
Stock items with the status "No purchases" no longer appear in Prepare replenishment window | To make a stock item not appear on the Prepare replenishment window (IN508000), you used to set the item status to “Inactive”, but that made the item impossible to sell. By setting the status to "No purchases" instead, you remove the stock item from the Prepare replenishment window, but keep it possible to sell. | Order To Cash | Inventory | 9.27 | 2022-12-20 | Change |
Prevent deleting customer refund from batch payments | It is no longer possible to delete customer refunds in the Customer payments (AR302000) window. You can still delete the customer refunds in the Batch payments (AP305000) window. This is to prevent the batch payment from connecting to a refund that is not there. The the total sum of the batch payment is also updated when the refund is deleted. | Order To Cash | Customer Ledger | 9.27 | 2022-12-20 | Change |
Refresh dashboard widgets of Scorecard KPI and Trendcard KPI types | On Dashboard pages, it is now possible to refresh widgets of the Scorecard KPI and Trendcard KPI types. | General | Dashboard | 9.27 | 2022-12-20 | Change |
Changes in the Danish template | There are two new accounts in the chart of accounts (GL202500). In addition, the wrong accounts in the allocation rules (PM207500) have been replaced with the new accounts. These changes will only apply for new databases created based on the template after these changes have been released. | Accounting | Project | 9.27 | 2022-12-20 | Change |
Branches added to SupplierPayment endpoint | You are now able to GET/POST/PUT the Branch field via the SupplierPayment endpoint. | API | Outgoing Payment | 9.27 | 2022-12-20 | Change |
Purchase orders with the status Cancelled can no longer be added to purchase receipts | Purchase orders with the status Cancelled can no longer be added to purchase receipts. | API | Purchase order | 9.27 | 2022-12-20 | Bug |
Restriction groups functionality now works correctly in the Customer locations window | The restriction groups functionality no longer fails to hide restricted customer accounts in the Customer locations (CR303010) window. | Order To Cash | Sales Order | 9.27 | 2022-12-20 | Bug |
Changing priority not working if the language considered is different from English | Earlier, the priority was not updated when changing it in the Process payments window (AP50301S) for a user with a language setup different from English. This has now been fixed. | Purchase to Pay | Outgoing Payment | 9.27 | 2022-12-20 | Bug |
Supplier number column not sortable in individual documents view | Earlier, sorting the suppliers using the Supplier number fields was not working in the individual documents view. This has now been fixed. | Purchase to Pay | Outgoing Payment | 9.27 | 2022-12-20 | Bug |
Now it is possible to update the document and see the invoice image at the same time | Now you have a new functionality in place in the Process payments window (AP30501S) that will allow editing payment date, amount to pay, priority, pay separately option and cash discount taken while reviewing the original invoice image. At the moment, only pdf files are supported by the current functionality. | Purchase to Pay | Outgoing Payment | 9.27 | 2022-12-20 | Change |
Create one payment file per payment date | When paying invoices from the same supplier with the Pay separately option OFF, using same payment methods, same cash account and different payment dates, invoices are grouped in one payment according to their pay date. A mandatory condition for grouping is to enable the check box "Create one payment with invoices having same payment date (when not using the Pay separately option)" in the Supplier ledger preferences window. This fix is deployed under a feature toggle. | Purchase to Pay | Outgoing Payment | 9.27 | 2022-12-20 | Change |
Payment Amount in currency and Balance in currency added to the GET CustomerPayment endpoint | The paymentAmountInCurrency and availableBalanceInCurrency have been added to the GET CustomerPayment endpoint. If you are using OneStopReporting, this now allows you to create reports like Aged past due (AR63100). | API | Payment | 9.28 | 2023-01-03 | Change |
Delete operation implemented for supplier details in PUT Inventory endpoint | The Delete operation has been implemented for the supplier details in the PUT Inventory endpoint, which can be used to delete supplier information on a specific inventory item. | API | Inventory | 9.28 | 2023-01-03 | Change |
Now it is possible to update the document and see the invoice image at the same time | Now you have a new functionality in place in the Process payments window (AP30501S) that will allow editing payment date, amount to pay, priority, pay separately option and cash discount taken while reviewing the original invoice image. At the moment, only pdf files are supported by the current functionality. | Purchase to Pay | Outgoing Payment | 9.28 | 2023-01-03 | Change |
The View only deviations toggle has been removed from the Filters section, you can now access all deviations directly from the Prepare payments tab. | The View only deviations toggle has been removed from the Filters section, we can now access all deviations directly from the Prepare Payments tab. | Purchase to Pay | Outgoing Payment | 9.28 | 2023-01-03 | Change |
Create one payment file per payment date | When paying invoices from the same supplier with the Pay separately option OFF, using same payment methods, same cash account and different payment dates, invoices are grouped in one payment according to their pay date. A mandatory condition for grouping is to enable the check box "Create one payment with invoices having same payment date (when not using the Pay separately option)" in the Supplier ledger preferences window. This fix is deployed under a feature toggle. | Purchase to Pay | Outgoing Payment | 9.28 | 2023-01-03 | Change |
Deferral description on journal transaction | In earlier versions, when you created a deferral schedule (DR201500) for a posted purchase invoice (AP301000), the transaction description from the invoice was not pushed to the description field on the Jjournal Transaction screen (GL301000) when processing the transaction for respective Schedule on the Run recogition screen (DR501000) This has been fixed in version 9.29 In addition we added a new field, Transaction Description , in the top section of the Deferral schedule screen DR201500, which enables the user to enter an alternative description text for all open transactions of a deferral schedule | Accounting | Registration | 9.29 | 2023-01-10 | Bug |
Barcode now includes payment reference number when saving a sales invoice | Earlier, when you created a sales invoice in the Sales invoices (AR301000) window, the payment reference number was not created until you saved the invoice. This has now been fixed. | Order To Cash | Sales Invoice | 9.29 | 2023-01-10 | Bug |
Purchase invoices window will remember user's selections from View files / Hide files function | The state used between “View files” or “Hide files” will now be remembered in the browser. When navigating between different windows and coming back to the Purchase invoices (AP301000) window, the system will use your previous selections. | Purchase To Pay | Supplier Ledger | 9.29 | 2023-01-10 | Change |
Sent to Autoinvoice functionality in the Reprint invoices window now working correctly | In the Reprint invoices (AR50801S) window, the Process and Process all buttons no longer fail to open the PDF files for documents that were sent to AutoInvoice. | Order To Cash | Customer Ledger | 9.29 | 2023-01-10 | Bug |
Company selector not updating properly when assigning branch access role from User roles | In the User roles (SM201005) window, if selected role was applied to an organisation/branch in the system, and you selected the user to have access to these through the User roles window, selector service was not updated. This resulted in branches available (or unavailable) in top rightmost branch selector. This has now been fixed. | General | Access/License | 9.29 | 2023-01-10 | Bug |
Preparing invoice from RM order will no longer mistakenly create invoice with negative amount | Earlier, when you prepared an invoice from an RM order where lines with the Issue operation have a lower price amount than lines with the Receipt operation, a customer invoice with a negative amount would be created. This has now been fixed and a credit note will be created instead. | Order To Cash | Sales Order | 9.29 | 2023-01-10 | Bug |
Special characters in email account name in System email accounts window | Earlier, in the System email accounts (SM204002) window, it was not possible to use special characters in the email account name. This has now been fixed. | General | System Service | 9.29 | 2023-01-10 | Change |
*Aging reports not showing prepayment documents registered from AP301000 when payment document is applied* | The aged reports were incorrectly excluding prepayments registered from Purchase invoices (AP301000), which had a payment applied to them. This has now been fixed. Behavior affected Prepayment display in: Aged past due (AP631000) Aged past due MC (AP631100) Aged outstanding (AP631500) Aged outstanding (currency) (AP631600) | Purchase To Pay | Supplier Ledger | 9.29 | 2023-01-10 | Bug |
*Purchase credit notes drill-down from the reference number and new View payment* {*}button{*}{*}{*} | When you press the reference number on the Applications tab of the Purchase invoices (AP301000) window, the purchase credit note documents will now open into Purchase invoices (AP301000) window, instead of the Supplier payments (AP302000). To continue having easy access to view the applications of the purchase credit notes, a new View payment button was added into the Applications tab of the Purchase invoices (AP301000) window. The button is shown on the Applications tab of the document types Purchase invoice and Credit adjustment. The View payment button will open the application of the document connected with the active row in the Supplier payments (AP302000) window. | Purchase To Pay | Supplier Ledger | 9.29 | 2023-01-10 | Change |
ROT/RUT values is now put in XML file | Now the ROT/RUT information required for an invoice is put in the XML. | Order To Cash | Customer Ledger | 9.30 | 2023-01-17 | Change |
{*}Fixed the sorting for Customer specification ({*}{*}AR65200S){*} | The sorting on the report Customer specification sort by period and then ref. number has now been fixed. | Order To Cash | Sales Invoice | 9.30 | 2023-01-17 | Change |
Freight amount now calculated correctly when shipment contains items with lot/serial class with issue method User defined. | Freight calculations no longer fail to consider items with a lot/serial class with issue method 'User defined', when shipment freight is based on invoice amount. | Order To Cash | Sales Order | 9.30 | 2023-01-17 | Bug |
Update journal transaction line without account number in Put JournalTransactionsV2 | In the Put JournalTransactionsV2 it is now possible to update a journal transaction line without specifying an account number. Also, it is now possible to provide subsets of the subaccount segments; the omitted segments will be left as is. | Accounting | Registration | 9.30 | 2023-01-17 | Bug |
Export type on the customer location | On the customer invoice (AR301000), the export type on the customer location is taken into consideration when you choose an item and a VAT category is set on the line. | Order To Cash | Sales Invoice | 9.30 | 2023-01-17 | Bug |
Fixed validate customer balance process for confirmed shipment and credit limit | When you now run the validate customer balance processs, it will take into consideration the confirmed shipment order values in the Credit verification rules sections on the customer. | Order To Cash | Customer Ledger | 9.30 | 2023-01-17 | Bug |
Notifications for all released supplier ledger documents that are missing IBAN | When you release several supplier ledger documents with missing IBAN, you would receive a notification. This applies for transactions made in AP, EP, Invoice Inbox and Expense Inbox windows. This feature is toggled. | General | Notifications | 9.30 | 2023-01-17 | Bug |
More context fields in Webhook notifications | Webhook notifications will now contain more context fields: ApiClientId (if notification was triggered by an API, identifies the API integration client) TenantId (identifies the tenant/company) ConnectId (identifies the user) IsScheduler (true if notification was triggered by a scheduled task, otherwise false) | API | Architecture | 9.30 | 2023-01-17 | Change |
Error when using Supplier details inquiry from the Suppliers (AP303000) window | When using the inquiry “Supplier details” from the Suppliers (AP303000) window and the Supplier details (AP402000) window was opened, an error was displayed. This has now been fixed. | Purchase To Pay | Supplier Ledger | 9.30 | 2023-01-17 | Bug |
GET SupplierPayment endpoint not displaying all fields in paymentLines | Missing fields “batchNumber”, “description” and “currency” are now included in the paymentLines for the GET SupplierPayment endpoint. | API | Supplier Ledger | 9.30 | 2023-01-17 | Bug |
Allocating serial numbers for kit assemblies with automated number generation is now validated to avoid double allocations | If you add serial numbers manually to items that are set up to automatically allocate serial numbers, the systems does no longer create double allocations. If you try to allocate manually, a validation will take place and an error message is displayed. | Order To Cash | Inventory | 9.30 | 2023-01-17 | Bug |
Serial numbers are now validated when creating allocation through POST Kit Assembly API | Serial numbers are now validated when creating allocations for kit assemblies through POST Kit Assembly API. The endpoint displays an error message if you are trying to use a serial number that has already been allocated. | Order To Cash | Inventory | 9.30 | 2023-01-17 | Bug |
*SalesPrice for customerclass now considered when creating SalesOrder via API endpoint POST SalesOrder V2* | Earlier, when you created a SalesOrder via the POST SalesOrder V2 endpoint, the SalesPrice for customerclass was not considered. This has now been fixed. | Order To Cash | Sales Order | 9.30 | 2023-01-17 | Bug |
Link to the monolith window for Invoices window and Suppliers window | You can now open the monolith windows Purchase Invoices (AP301000) and Suppliers (AP303000) also from the left side of the Overlay window. Previously, this option was available only on the right side of the Overlay window. | Purchase to Pay | Outgoing Payment | 9.31 | 2023-01-24 | Change |
Invoice is selected when using invoice preview | When using invoice preview, the selected invoice in the data table is highlighted. If the user is moving to another invoice using the arrows from the preview, the selection in the data table is the same. | Purchase to Pay | Outgoing Payment | 9.31 | 2023-01-24 | Change |
Undo option not properly working when setting the amount to pay set to a higher value | Earlier, when you changed the amount to pay for a document to a higher value, clicking Undo changes, the system generated an error message saying that refreshing the page was mandatory to make the error disappear. This has now been fixed. | Purchase to Pay | Outgoing Payment | 9.31 | 2023-01-24 | Bug |
Undo option not properly working when setting amount to pay set to 0 | Earlier, when you changed the amount to pay of a document to 0, clicking Undo changes, the action result was not saved and the amount to pay still remained 0 showing a deviation as well. This has now been fixed. | Purchase to Pay | Outgoing Payment | 9.31 | 2023-01-24 | Bug |
Display invoices with pay date in period not generated or inactive | In the Prepare payments window, you can now see invoices with their payment date in a financial period that it is not generated or is generated but inactive. A deviation message is displayed with a link to the Financial periods (GL201000) window. | Purchase to Pay | Outgoing Payment | 9.31 | 2023-01-24 | Change |
The lastModifiedDateTime and lastModifiedDateTimeCondition parameter updated for several endpoints | The lastModifiedDateTime parameter and lastModifiedDateTimeCondition parameter have been updated for the following endpoints: - CashAccount, - CashTransaction - CustomerPayment - Department - Dimension - EarningType - Employee - ExpenseClaim - FixedAsset - FixedAssetTransaction - Project - ProjectBasic - ProjectBudget - ProjectTask - ProjectTransaction - Subaccount - TimeCard | Accounting | Accounting | 9.31 | 2023-01-24 | Bug |
Error with conversion factors for units of measures when creating a new item class | Previously, the conversion factors for units of measures did not work correctly in the Item classes (IN201000) window. This has now been fixed. | Order To Cash | Inventory | 9.31 | 2023-01-24 | Bug |
Currency error when processing bank transaction for a cash account with different currency than base currency | Previously, in Process bank transactions (CA306000) window when trying to save or process a payment for a sales invoice with a currency different from the base currency and a bank statement for a bank account in the same currency as the invoice, there was an error stopping the process: “Error: Inserting ‘Currency info’ record raised at least one error. Please review the errors. The currency rate is not defined. Error: ‘Curr.rate’ cannot be empty”. This has now been fixed. | Accounting | Cash Management | 9.31 | 2023-01-24 | Bug |
Widgets on your dashboard are no longer compressed - and you can add a caption to each of them. | Previously, the widgets you had on your dashboard suddenly were compressed and changed visually. That is now corrected and in addition you have the option to display the captions of your widgets to emphasize the subject of each widget. | General | Dashboard | 9.31 | 2023-01-24 | Bug |
Expense claims and wrongly calculated VAT in special cases | Earlier, there was an error that caused wrongly calculated VAT when using Reverse charge items in domestic expense claims. This has now been fixed. | Accounting | Time & Expense | 9.31 | 2023-01-24 | Bug |
New filters added to Prepare payments | New filters were added to the Prepare payments window. Now you can filter based on Supplier class, Document currency, Branch and Document type. This will help you to pay for one branch at a time, one currency at a time and to exclude credit notes from payment. | Purchase to Pay | Outgoing Payment | 9.32 | 2023-01-31 | Change |
No more need to save widget twice for it to display data | Previously, when adding an inquiry based widget to your dashboard, you had to save it twice for it to display the data. This has now been corrected. | General | Dashboard | 9.32 | 2023-01-31 | Bug |
Check box 'Print note on purchase orders' in the Organisations window now works correctly | Earlier, when you selected the check box 'Print note on purchase orders' in the Organisations (CS101500) window, the check box 'Print notes' in the Purchase orders (PO301000) window was not automatically selected. This has now been fixed. | Order To Cash | Purchase Order | 9.32 | 2023-01-31 | Bug |
New checkbox Allow unapplied balance in Process incoming payment and Process bank transaction windows | There is a new checkbox Allow unapplied balance in the Process incoming payments (AR305000) and Process bank transactions (CA306000) windows that you use to process payments in situations where you need to overrule the setting "Do not create payment when bank payment amount is not fully applied". This checkbox is available only if the setting "Do not create payment when bank payment amount is not fully applied" is marked in the Cash management preferences (CA101000) window and the Unapplied balance is different from 0. | Accounting | Cash Management | 9.32 | 2023-01-31 | Change |
Application amount does not match applied lines in Process bank transactions window | Previously, when matching a bank transaction with an invoice, the system was recognising the application amount but it was not showing the applied lines in the Process bank transactions (CA306000) window. This has now been fixed. | Accounting | Cash Management | 9.32 | 2023-01-31 | Bug |
Changes on filtering options for paymentType on Customer Payment endpoint | Previously, when using API GET Customer Payment endpoint the response message was containing records of types Cash Sale and Cash Return shown as type Payment as well as any other unclassified types. This has now been fixed. The response message contains the same payment types as found in the Customer Payment window (AR302000) and the paymentType filter parameter has a new option "Undefined" for unclassified types | API | Payment | 9.32 | 2023-01-31 | Change |
Unexpected error message in Stocktaking review (IN305000) | Previously, when changing the serial tracking method from not tracked to tracking serial numbers on a stock item, there was an error in stocktaking in the Stocktaking review (IN305000) window. An error message was wrongfully displayed. This has now been fixed. | Order To Cash | Inventory | 9.32 | 2023-01-31 | Bug |
Shipments of the Transfer type are now included in the search results | Shipments created for TR orders will now show up under 'Transactions and registers' when you search in the menu. | Order To Cash | Sales Order | 9.32 | 2023-01-31 | Bug |
Wrong expense account used when processing foreign expenses from Expense inbox | In some cases, the expense account changed to a wrong account when processing foreign expenses from the Expense Inbox. This error has now been fixed. | Accounting | Time & Expense | 9.33 | 2023-02-07 | Bug |
The lastModifiedDateTime and lastModifiedDateTimeCondition parameter updated for several endpoints | The lastModifiedDateTime parameter and lastModifiedDateTimeCondition parameter have been updated for the following endpoints: - Supplier - SupplierDocument - SupplierInvoice - SupplierPayment | Purchase To Pay | Supplier Ledger | 9.34 | 2023-02-14 | Bug |
Tax invoice date incorrect when financial periods differ from VAT periods | The Date and Due date on the created VAT invoice follows the To date and Due date from the Process VAT report window (TX502000) even if the period is closed or the periods are user defined and not following the end date of the VAT periods Example: Financial period 03-2023 are ending 27.03.2023 and VAT period 01-2023 ending 30.03.2023 This invoice will be posted in Period 04-2023 with the date 30.03.2023 and due date as defined in the Process VAT report window. New warning and error message is added if there is no open periods to post the VAT invoice to. | Accounting | Reporting to Government | 9.34 | 2023-02-14 | Bug |
Poll invoice status in the Send invoices window now works correctly | The action Poll invoice status in the Send invoices (AR508000) window no longer fails to display invoices and update the AutoInvoice status. | Order To Cash | Customer Ledger | 9.34 | 2023-02-14 | Bug |
*Matching outgoing AutoPay payments automatically with 30 character-end-to-end ID* | Earlier, when sending outgoing payments through AutoPay, all supplier payments got a 32-character unique ID that automatically matched transactions within bank statements, if the bank supports sending it in the bank statement. Due to some challenges with several banks that were not supporting 32-character unique ID, this has now been changed into a 30-character unique ID. This applies to the new payment process. | Purchase To Pay | Outgoing Payment | 9.34 | 2023-02-14 | Bug |
VAT category for export type on a customer's location now works correctly | Earlier, when creating a sales invoice or sales order including an item, for a customer location with a different Export type than used for the main location, the system did not provide the correct VAT category. This has now been fixed. | Order To Cash | Sales Order | 9.34 | 2023-02-14 | Bug |
In the API for Inventory, the field "salesCategories" now returns the sales category ID and description. | Previously, the "salesCategories" field in the Inventory API endpoint returned the sales category description. Now it returns both the category ID and the category description. | Order To Cash | Inventory | 9.34 | 2023-02-14 | Bug |
GIRO payments for Danish companies | GIRO payments for Danish companies are now following the same behaviours as FIK paymens. Previously, they were treated as non-FIK payments and rejected by AutoPay. | Purchase to Pay | Outgoing Payment | 9.34 | 2023-02-14 | Bug |
Processing payments on Safari/Apple not working | Earlier, when you tried to create payments in the Process payments window (AP50301S) on Safari the system was not responding. This has now been fixed. | Purchase to Pay | Outgoing Payment | 9.34 | 2023-02-14 | Bug |
New endpoint SupplierLocation | A new endpoint SupplierLocation has been exposed for the entry screen of Supplier locations (AP303010). GET/POST/PUT operations are supported. See the swagger documentation for further information. | API | Supplier Ledger | 9.35 | 2023-02-21 | Change |
Changes regarding sales orders connected to a purchase order or drop-shipment | For sales orders connected to a purchase order or drop-shipment, the following changes have been done: -If you want to delete an item in the sales order, you will receive a warning that the line is connected to a purchase order. In the connected purchase order, you will receive an error message that tells you to delete the corresponding item. -If you want to delete an item in a sales order that is connected to a purchase order that has a purchase receipt, you will not be able to delete the item in the sales order. -If you want to delete an item in the purchase order, you will receive a warning that the line is connected to a sales order. -If you decrease the quantity of an item in the purchase order, the link to the corresponding sales order line remains. On the linked sales order, a new line is added with the remaining quantity. This new line can be linked to a new purchase order. | Order To Cash | Purchase Order | 9.35 | 2023-02-21 | Change |
Wrong available quantity displayed in the Shipments window (SO302000) | Previously, the available quantity was not displayed correctly in the Shipments (SO302000) window. This has now been corrected. | Order To Cash | Inventory | 9.35 | 2023-02-21 | Bug |
SAF-T report (TX50600S) available for Swedish companies | The SAF-T report window (TX50600S) is now available for Swedish companies and located in the menu under VAT -> Processes. For Swedish companies, the Send button is hidden and contact information is selected from the Main company's Main contact and not the Altinn settings that do not exist in Swedish companies. It requires that at least contact person is filled out before you can download the SAF-T file. | Accounting | Reporting to Government | 9.35 | 2023-02-21 | Change |
Override payment date with invoice date for imported credit notes | A new option has been introduced in the Supplier ledger preferences (AP101000) window, in the section for Invoice inbox settings: "Override payment date with invoice date for imported credit notes". When this options is selected, the imported credit notes will have the payment date equal with document date. When this option is not selected, the imported credit notes will have their payment date according to the xml file imported. | Purchase To Pay | AutoInvoice Receiving | 9.35 | 2023-02-21 | Bug |
Payment and deviation notification | In the new Payment process window, you can now setup to receive notifications one hand for failed and successful payments sent to AutoPay and on the other hand for the documents with deviations. | Purchase to Pay | Outgoing Payment | 9.35 | 2023-02-21 | Change |
Shipping terms now available in POST, PATCH and GET | The field Shipping terms is now supported and available in POST, PATCH and GET. | API | New Sales Order | 9.36 | 2023-02-28 | Change |
VAT details tab | VAT details tab are now available in the Frontend. In VAT details tab we show table with all tax ID details of the order. | Order To Cash | New Sales Order | 9.36 | 2023-02-28 | Change |
Order overview section no longer empty for some orders | Earlier, for some orders, the order overview section was empty. This has now been fixed, and the order overview section displays information such as Order total for all orders. | Order To Cash | New Sales Order | 9.36 | 2023-02-28 | Bug |
Email user language not supported for Notifications in Visma.net ERP Payment Service | Initially, email user language was not supported for Notifications for Visma.net ERP Payment Service. This has now been fixed and all the notifications sent via email are sent in the user language. | Purchase to Pay | Outgoing Payment | 9.36 | 2023-02-28 | Change |
New error message after confirming payment and when number series went out of numbers | When the number series went out of numbers, the documents were thrown back to the Prepare payments tab without any error after clicking "Confirm payout". | Purchase to Pay | Outgoing Payment | 9.36 | 2023-02-28 | Change |
New error message after confirming payment and when no number series are defined | Previously, the documents were thrown back to the Prepare payments tab without any error after clicking "Confirm payout" and no number series were defined. This has now been fixed. | Purchase to Pay | Outgoing Payment | 9.36 | 2023-02-28 | Bug |
Editing Notes field available in Overlay edit mode | You have now the option to edit the "Notes" field in the Overlay edit mode as well. | Purchase to Pay | Outgoing Payment | 9.36 | 2023-02-28 | Change |
Amount on Status tab not available | Earlier, the amount on the Status tab in the Process payments window (AP50301S) was set to 0 for all the payment requests. This has now been fixed. | Purchase to Pay | Outgoing Payment | 9.36 | 2023-02-28 | Bug |
Create one scheduler payment for all branches | You have now the option to create one scheduler payment for all branches using the Schedule payments feature in the Process payments window (AP50301S). | Purchase to Pay | Outgoing Payment | 9.36 | 2023-02-28 | Change |
Remove deprecated parameters in Financial Period endpoint | The numberToRead and skipRecords parameters for the financial period endpoint are deprecated and will be removed. | API | API | 9.36 | 2023-02-28 | Change |
Fixed wrong allocation when purchase receipt allocation is added via API | Earlier, when purchase receipt allocation was added via API, the system created an extra allocation line causing wrong allocated quantity. This has now been fixed. | Purchase to Pay | Purchase order | 9.36 | 2023-02-28 | Bug |
Changes in Finnish template regarding VAT ID 04 Alv 0% and 05 Vienti/Tuonti alv 0% | There are changes in the Finnish template regarding VAT ID 04 Alv 0% and 05 Vienti/Tuonti alv 0% * VAT zone 03 Ulkomaat (Ei EU) has been removed from VAT ID 04 * VAT category 02 Alv keski% and 03 Alv matala% has been added to VAT id 05 This has been done since this caused a double value of taxable amount when using Category 04 on a customer with zone 03 Note! For existing customers, no changes are made and the the change has to be made by the customer. | Accounting | Reporting to Government | 9.36 | 2023-02-28 | Change |
Prevent the same Account statement message to be processed multiple times in Autopay Inbox window | Previously, an Account statement message could have been processed multiple times by different users causing duplicate transactions in the system. To prevent this, there is now an additional status "Ready for processing" in the Autopay Inbox (CA50400S) window, which will be applied when processing account statement messages. Outgoing payments will not change to this status during processing. This feature will be activated for PILOT customers first. | Accounting | Cash Management | 9.36 | 2023-02-28 | Change |
Invoice inbox setting: “Use due date from payment term settings” not updating payment date | When the ”Use due date from payment settings” option was selected in the Supplier ledger preferences (AP101000), the Payment date field on the Financial details tab in the Purchase invoices (AP301000) window was not updated together with the due date value for the processed document. This has now been fixed. | Purchase To Pay | Supplier Ledger | 9.36 | 2023-02-28 | Bug |
When pressing Enter button in Order no. field with Show files selected, system opened attachment | When "View files" was selected in the Purchase invoices (AP301000) window and you used the Enter button to search in the Order no. field in the “Add purchase order receipt” or “Add purchase order receipt line” dialogue, the system opened the attached PDF file of the document. This has now been fixed. | Purchase To Pay | Supplier Ledger | 9.36 | 2023-02-28 | Bug |
Incorrect values in Process VAT report with Show differences selected | In the Process VAT report (TX502000) window, when you selected Show differences, the values on the lines were not correct. You would see the same error when selecting Revision 1 when you had 2 revisions. This has now been fixed and you will get the right value when you check and uncheck the Show differences option or select another revision. | Accounting | Reporting to Government | 9.36 | 2023-02-28 | Bug |
Changing customer on invoice with manual amount now works correctly | Earlier, when you changed the customer of an invoice with a manual amount in the Sales invoices (AR301000) window, the Detail total was set to 0. This has now been fixed. | Order To Cash | Customer Ledger | 9.36 | 2023-02-28 | Bug |
Link from Purchase invoices pending payment window fixed | Earlier, when processing payments the with Manual payment method in the Purchase invoices pending payment (AP403000) window, you were redirected to the Process payments window. This has now been fixed, and you are redirected to the Manual payments (AP30200S) window. | Purchase To Pay | Outgoing Payment | 9.36 | 2023-02-28 | Bug |
Freight cost now available in POST, PATCH and GET | The field Freight cost is now supported and available in POST, PATCH and GET. | API | New Sales Order | 9.37 | 2023-03-07 | Change |
Unable to load documents or select all documents in Process bank transactions | Previously, in the Process bank transactions (CA306000) window when using the 'Load documents' button or the 'Select all documents' button in the Select documents pop-up window the system was not loading or selecting any documents even if there were open documents available. This has now been fixed. | Accounting | Cash Management | 9.37 | 2023-03-07 | Bug |
Improved performance and availability calculation for non-stock kits and stock components in the Sales orders window | Performance and availability calculation for non-stock kits and stock components in the Sales orders (SO301000) window is improved. Additionally, availability calculation for non-stock kits now only takes into account orders that do not have the Hold check box selected. | Order To Cash | Sales Order | 9.37 | 2023-03-07 | Bug |
Wrong balances on Trial balance summary report | Earlier, there was an error that caused wrong balances in the Trial balance summary report (GL63200S). This has now been fixed. | Accounting | GL Reconciliation | 9.37 | 2023-03-07 | Bug |
Error in releasing landed costs with stock and not-stock items | There was an error when adding landed cost in the Purchase invoice (AP301000) window and when having a non-stock item and a stock item in the connected sales order. When releasing, there was an error message on missing purchase receipt. This has now been fixed. | Order To Cash | Purchase Order | 9.37 | 2023-03-07 | Bug |
Customer class information displayed correctly in the Send invoices window | The Customer class column in the Send invoices (AR508000) window is no longer missing customer class information. | Order To Cash | Sales Invoice | 9.37 | 2023-03-07 | Bug |
Receipt of non-stock item kits resulted in zero values on purchase accrual account | Previously, when creating a purchase order for non-stock kit item with stock item components, the costs were not correctly applied to the purchase accrual account. The difference is now as expected and the value in the purchase accrual account is in accordance with the purchase invoice amount. | Order To Cash | Inventory | 9.37 | 2023-03-07 | Bug |
Subaccounts not properly imported from Excel files in Sales invoices | Earlier, subaccounts were not properly imported from Excel files in the Sales invoices (AR301000) window. This has now been fixed. | Order To Cash | Sales Invoice | 9.37 | 2023-03-07 | Bug |
Intrastat incorrect when using lot/serial number allocated in sales order | The error that doubled the value in Intrastat report when using lot or serial no. items has now been fixed and the correct net amount is calculated on the report. | Accounting | Intrastat | 9.37 | 2023-03-07 | Bug |
Email shipment action in Shipments window now works properly | Earlier, it was not possible to email a shipment confirmation from the Shipments (SO302000) window. This has now been fixed. | Order To Cash | Sales Order | 9.37 | 2023-03-07 | Bug |
Feature toggling system for Sales order frontend | A feature toggle system has been implemented based on System Data Service functionality. | Order To Cash | New Sales Order | 9.38 | 2023-03-14 | Change |
Premium freight amount is now supported and available in POST, PATCH and GET | The field Premium freight is now supported and available in POST, PATCH and GET. | API | New Sales Order | 9.38 | 2023-03-14 | Change |
Discount details tab available in the UI | The Discount details tab is now available in the user interface. The tab displays a table with all discount details for the order. | Order To Cash | New Sales Order | 9.38 | 2023-03-14 | Change |
Freight cost now available in POST, PATCH and GET | The field Freight cost is now supported and available in POST, PATCH and GET. | API | New Sales Order | 9.38 | 2023-03-14 | Change |
Infinite number of tabs if the application is left open overnight | Process payments window does not opens anymore an infinite number of tabs if the application is left open overnight. | Purchase to Pay | Outgoing Payment | 9.38 | 2023-03-14 | Bug |
Page number changes when closing invoice preview | Previously, after the invoice preview was closed, the page number in the selection was not remembered. This has now been fixed. | Purchase to Pay | Outgoing Payment | 9.38 | 2023-03-14 | Bug |
All document types are now supported | All document types can now be seen in edit payment; previously, only pdf files were supported | Purchase to Pay | Outgoing Payment | 9.38 | 2023-03-14 | Change |
New sortable columns : Amount to pay, Document amount (orig. currency) and Supplier ref. | Columns Amount to pay, Document amount (orig. currency) and Supplier ref. are now sortable in both table settings: individual documents and grouped documents from the same supplier. | Purchase to Pay | Outgoing Payment | 9.38 | 2023-03-14 | Change |
Implement date filter "from - to" on Status tab | You can now apply filters for the date and status of the payment request on the Status tab. | Purchase to Pay | Outgoing Payment | 9.38 | 2023-03-14 | Change |
Pop-up message to announce about the Notifications feature | A pop-up message has been implemented to announce that there is a new feature that allows you to receive notifications via the Notifications Center or via email about payment requests and deviations. | Purchase to Pay | Outgoing Payment | 9.38 | 2023-03-14 | Change |
Error when releasing invoice having a payment method without payment instructions | In previous versions, there was a bug when releasing a purchase invoice with a payment method without payment instructions. The system displayed an error: "Object reference not set to an instance of an object", even if the invoice was correctly released. This has now been fixed. | Purchase To Pay | Supplier Ledger | 9.38 | 2023-03-14 | Bug |
Purchase receipt accrual summary included receipts that had already been invoiced during the same period | When a purchase receipt was invoiced against the same period of the receipt, the report displayed it until the end of that period. Purchase receipt accrual summary (PO630500) will no longer include documents back into the report, if there was no remaining balance by the end of the period. Receipts that will be displayed with “To period” filter from earlier periods will only include the receipts from that period, if there was still remaining balance in the document by the end of the chosen period. The same behaviour will be included into Purchase receipt accrual details (PO631000) in version 9.39. | Order To Cash | Purchase Order | 9.38 | 2023-03-14 | Bug |
Items on emailed purchase orders now included in 'Qty. on purchase orders' | Earlier, items on emailed purchase orders were not included in the 'Qty. on purchase orders' column in the 'Add item' dialog box for other purchase orders. This has now been fixed. | Order To Cash | Purchase Order | 9.38 | 2023-03-14 | Bug |
Actions 'Upgrade contract' and 'Terminate contract' in the Customer contracts window now work as expected | Earlier, for some companies, customer contracts could not be upgraded or terminated in the Customer contracts (CT301000) window. This has now been fixed. | Order To Cash | Contract Management | 9.38 | 2023-03-14 | Bug |
Shipments-tab available in Frontend | We have now added the Shipment-tab to the Frontend so that users can see shipment, invoice and inventory transactions that are connected to the order. | Order To Cash | New Sales Order | 9.39 | 2023-03-21 | Change |
Freight tax category now supported | Support for freight tax category has been added. The field is now available in POST, PATCH and GET. | API | New Sales Order | 9.39 | 2023-03-21 | Change |
Unit price and unit cost set correctly after updating order's date | Earlier, for orders with a currency different from the base currency, updating (PATCH) the order's date resulted in incorrect unit price and unit cost values. This has now been fixed. | API | New Sales Order | 9.39 | 2023-03-21 | Bug |
New payment request status "Partially sent to AutoPay" | All payment requests containing both documents that are sent to AutoPay and sent back to the Prepare payments tab will be marked with the status "Partially sent to AutoPay" instead of the status "Failed". | Purchase to Pay | Outgoing Payment | 9.39 | 2023-03-21 | Change |
Cash account in sidebar when changed from overlay edit | When cash account is changed for an invoice using Preview and edit document option, it is now updating also the detail in the sidebar. Previously, it only updated the table. | Purchase to Pay | Outgoing Payment | 9.39 | 2023-03-21 | Bug |
PUT SupplierInvoice not updating both the account and subaccount fields in the Purchase invoices window when limitations were in place against existing subaccount | When settings from General ledger account access (GL104000) were set to limit access towards accounts and subaccount segment, the update via PUT operation could not process the request, when validation identified the input in fields momentarily being placed against user limited combination. This has now been fixed and both account and subaccount can be updated via PUT operation without the validation occurring between the fields being updated. The fix has been added under a feature toggle and will be initially activated only for specific companies. The feature toggle will later be activated to all companies. | API | API | 9.39 | 2023-03-21 | Bug |
Purchase receipt accrual details included receipts that had already been invoiced during the same period | When a purchase receipt was invoiced against the same period of the receipt, the report displayed it until the end of that period. Purchase receipt accrual details (PO631000) will no longer include documents back into the report, if there was no remaining balance by the end of the period. Receipts that will be displayed with “To period” filter from earlier periods will only include the receipts from that period, if there was still remaining balance in the document by the end of the chosen period. | Purchase to Pay | Purchase order | 9.39 | 2023-03-21 | Bug |
Order total for CM orders with group discount now calculated correctly | Earlier, for sales orders of the Credit note (CM) type with applied group-level discount, the Discount total was added to the Order total. This has now been fixed, and the Discount total is deducted from the Order total. | Order To Cash | Sales Order | 9.39 | 2023-03-21 | Bug |
Freight amount now calculated correctly when shipment contains items with lot/serial class with issue method User defined. | Freight calculations no longer fail to consider items with a lot/serial class with issue method 'User defined', when shipment freight is based on invoice amount. | Order To Cash | Sales Order | 9.39 | 2023-03-21 | Bug |
Improvements in VAT account control details and General ledger transactions with VAT windows | There are changes in the VAT account control details (TX40400S) and General ledger transactions with VAT (TX40500S) windows. They are now using the same procedure to get the data and that should improve the performance of the VAT account control details window since it used a other method to get the data. Note! In the General ledger transactions with VAT the check box to show unposted transactions has been changed to behave the same as other windows and is now named "Include unposted transactions". The result when checking this is that released not posted and balanced batches will be included in the data. Note! In VAT account control details the behaviour has been changed and From and To period are mandatory. So, now it will not start getting transactions before these columns are filled out. In addition, if you do not select a reporting period, the Include transactions without VAT period option is disabled and you will always get all transactions unless you select a report period. Then only transactions having the selected report period will show and you have to check the Include transactions without VAT period option to get the transactions without VAT period. | Accounting | Reporting to Government | 9.39 | 2023-03-21 | Change |
Create invoice for sales order with cancelled linked purchase order | Earlier, when you had cancelled a purchase order that was linked to a sales order, you could not create a sales invoice for that sales order. This has now been fixed. | Purchase to Pay | Purchase order | 9.39 | 2023-03-21 | Bug |
Line discount applicable to 'Warehouse and customer' now applied before saving | Earlier, line discounts applicable to 'Warehouse and customer' were not applied before an order was saved. This has now been fixed. | API | New Sales Order | 9.40 | 2023-03-28 | Bug |
Edit order with status Back order | Earlier, it was not possible to edit an order with the Back order status. This has now been fixed. | Order To Cash | New Sales Order | 9.40 | 2023-03-28 | Bug |
Default delivery address and contact not set as unique anymore | Earlier, when creating an order, the default delivery address and contact were incorrectly set as unique for the order, which caused that the order could not be included in a batch shipment. This has now been fixed. | Order To Cash | New Sales Order | 9.40 | 2023-03-28 | Bug |
Improved line discount functionality for sales price lists | Earlier, the setting 'Apply line discount to prices specific to' in the Customer ledger preferences (AR101000) window only worked properly for promotional sales prices. This has now been fixed. | Order To Cash | Sales Order | 9.40 | 2023-03-28 | Bug |
Add allocations to kit assemblies to support industries using expiry dates or lot numbers | In API, you have the possibility to set the kit allocations for a Kit Assembly (POST / PUT), and you can now use stock items for the assembly to set the allocations for the stock items individually. This is important, for example, for food production where the different ingredients (stock components) used for producing an assembly need to have full control of the allocations, meaning the expiry date. To achieve this, the allocations for each stock component line are now exposed in the API (PUT/POST). | API | API | 9.40 | 2023-03-28 | Change |
Release of purchase invoice via API missing link to batch, invoice stuck in Balanced status | This specific problem occurred in some occasions during heavy API load together with parallel actions, where the released purchase invoice may have incorrectly remained in the Balanced status after it was released via SupplierInvoice endpoint. In this scenario the full release operation was not able to finish. Meaning even though the release process was successful and a batch was created, if the batch failed to link the documents (the Financial details tab not showing a link to the batch no.), due to this the purchase invoice document remained in the Balanced status. This has now been fixed. | API | API | 9.40 | 2023-03-28 | Bug |
Swagger documentation updated for LastModifiedDateTime and LastModifiedDateTimeCondition parameters for several endpoints | Swagger documentation is updated for LastModifiedDateTime and LastModifiedDateTimeCondition parameters on the GET methods of the endpoints: Account, Branch, Budget, GeneralLedgerBalanceV2, GeneralLedgerTransactions, JournalTransactionsV2, Ledger, Organization, Vat and VatCategory yyyy-MM-dd yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.FFF yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.FFF | Accounting | GL Reconciliation | 9.40 | 2023-03-28 | Bug |
Batch payments not matched if one of the payments had a higher amount than the open balance of the invoice | The processing of incoming batch payment files was stopped if one of the payments had a higher amount than the open balance of the invoice/credit note. This has now been fixed. When the incoming batch payment files contain payments with a higher amount than the invoice/credit note open balance, the system will exclude the specific invoice from the processing and continue processing the rest of the payments. The excluded amount will be available for manual handling in the Process incoming payments (AR305000) window. | Accounting | Payment | 9.40 | 2023-03-28 | Bug |
Shipping zone available in UI | The Shipping zone field has now been added to the UI. The default value will be set based on the customer location and it is possible to change the value in the order. | Order To Cash | New Sales Order | 9.41 | 2023-04-04 | Change |
Shipping terms available in UI | The Shipping terms field has now been added to the UI. The default value will be set based on the customer location and it is possible to change the value in the order. | Order To Cash | New Sales Order | 9.41 | 2023-04-04 | Change |
FOB point available in UI | The FOB point field has now been added to the UI. The default value will be set based on the customer location and it is possible to change the value in the order. | Order To Cash | New Sales Order | 9.41 | 2023-04-04 | Change |
Ship via' available in UI | The field 'Ship via' has now been added to the UI. The default value will be set based on the customer location and it is possible to change the value in the order. | Order To Cash | New Sales Order | 9.41 | 2023-04-04 | Change |
UI calculations with negative discount amount now work correctly | Calculations no longer fail when you enter an order line with the unit price set to 0 and the discount amount to -10. | Order To Cash | New Sales Order | 9.41 | 2023-04-04 | Bug |
Swagger documentation for POST lines and DELETE order and lines updated | The swagger documentation for POST lines and DELETE order and lines now includes information about the required ETag header. | API | New Sales Order | 9.41 | 2023-04-04 | Change |
Support for Branch | Setting the branch on the header level for an order is now supported. The priority for setting the Branch ID is: 1. BranchID set in body 2. BranchID from call header 3. BranchID from customer location 4. Company's default branch ID | API | New Sales Order | 9.41 | 2023-04-04 | Change |
Possible to use POST with unitPrice and discountAmount set to 0 | POST of an order with 0 values for unitPrice and discountAmount no longer results in a 500 error. | API | New Sales Order | 9.41 | 2023-04-04 | Bug |
Possible to add shippable non-stock item | A 500 error will no longer be returned when you in POST add an order line with a shippable non-stock item. | API | New Sales Order | 9.41 | 2023-04-04 | Bug |
Possibility to filter on warehouse and towarehouse | You are now able to filter on Warehouse and ToWarehouse when fetching InventoryTransfer. | API | API | 9.41 | 2023-04-04 | Change |
Wrong field name corrected in Reverse not yet invoiced transactions | In the Reverse not yet invoiced transactions (PM505000) window, the field Invoicing rule was erroneously named as Allocation rule. This has now been fixed. | Accounting | Project | 9.41 | 2023-04-04 | Bug |
Timeout during opening and processing of data in Prepare VAT report window | In the Prepare VAT report (TX501000) window, the way of collecting data has been modified to avoid timeout during opening and processing. This will improve the performance when showing and processing the data. | Accounting | Reporting to Government | 9.41 | 2023-04-04 | Bug |
Support for including freight amount in the calculation of VAT | Including the freight amount in the VAT calculation, according to the selected freight tax category set on the order, is now supported. | API | New Sales Order | 9.42 | 2023-04-11 | Change |
Added support for Original order type and Original order id | The fields originalOrderType and originalOrderId are now supported in GET, POST and PATCH. | API | New Sales Order | 9.42 | 2023-04-11 | Change |
Validation of cash account based on branch | The cash account set on a sales order is now validated based on the branch set for the order. | API | New Sales Order | 9.42 | 2023-04-11 | Change |
POST with Calculate freight activated for order type and shipping term set for order | Earlier, when using POST, the combination of an activated Calculate freight setting for the used order type and a set shipping term for the order, resulted in a 500 error. This has now been fixed and no error is returned. | API | New Sales Order | 9.42 | 2023-04-11 | Bug |
New report: IN61551S - Inventory valuation by location. | IN61551S - Inventory valuation by location, is the new report where displayed data contains information about each warehouse's location. | General | Report Designer | 9.42 | 2023-04-11 | Change |
Priority, Residential delivery, Saturday delivery and Insurance available in UI | The following elements have now been added to the UI: - Priority - Residential delivery - Saturday delivery - Insurance The default values are set based on the customer location and it is possible to change the values in the order. | Order To Cash | New Sales Order | 9.43 | 2023-04-18 | Change |
Order weight and Order volume available in UI | The fields Order weight and Order volume have now been added to the UI. These are calculated as the totals of all weights and volumes on the lines. | Order To Cash | New Sales Order | 9.43 | 2023-04-18 | Change |
Premium freight amount available in UI | The field Premium freight amount has now been added to the UI. | Order To Cash | New Sales Order | 9.43 | 2023-04-18 | Change |
Freight cost available in UI | The Freight cost field has now been added to the UI. The value will be set according to settings for the ship via code. | Order To Cash | New Sales Order | 9.43 | 2023-04-18 | Change |
Quotation marks for "ETag" and "Match-if" headers | Quotation marks around the "ETag" and "Match-if" headers are now included in the response headers as per documentation. | API | New Sales Order | 9.43 | 2023-04-18 | Bug |
View transactions when filtering on date in Account details | Previously, when filtering on date in Account details window (GL404000), a transaction was registered and no result was presented. This has been fixed and now you are able to see the transactions when filtering on the date it is registered on. | Accounting | Registration | 9.43 | 2023-04-18 | Change |
Automation schedule 'Poll invoicestatus from Autoinvoice' and date filter in the Send invoices window now work correctly | Earlier, the Automation schedule 'Poll invoicestatus from Autoinvoice' and the Start date and End date filter did not work in the Send invoices (AR508000) window. This has now been fixed. | Order To Cash | Customer Ledger | 9.43 | 2023-04-18 | Bug |
Improved performance in the Update contract prices and Customer contracts windows | Earlier, the Update contract prices (CT503000) and Customer contracts (CT3010PL) windows had slow performance. This has now been fixed and the performance has improved significantly. | Order To Cash | Contract Management | 9.43 | 2023-04-18 | Bug |
Warning message when changing supplier on purchase invoice | There is a new a warning message which is displayed in the Purchase invoices (AP301000) window when you change supplier on an invoice. It is meant to raise awareness on the fact that you have add again the lines of the invoice so that the amounts will be correct. | Purchase To Pay | Supplier Ledger | 9.43 | 2023-04-18 | Bug |
Added support for commissionable order line | An order line can no be set as commissionable. | API | New Sales Order | 9.44 | 2023-04-25 | Change |
Freight amount available in UI | The field Freight amount has now been added to the UI. The amount will be set according to settings for the shipping terms. | Order To Cash | New Sales Order | 9.44 | 2023-04-25 | Change |
Freight VAT category available in UI | The Freight VAT category field has now been added to the UI. The default value will be set based on the ship via code and it is possible to change the value in the order. | Order To Cash | New Sales Order | 9.44 | 2023-04-25 | Change |
Bulk change for the cash account | You can now change the cash account for several documents in one action. This improvement is available when the selected documents have the same payment method. | Purchase to Pay | Outgoing Payment | 9.44 | 2023-04-25 | Change |
Summary of amounts to pay per supplier | When the table view group documents from the same supplier is selected, the total amount to pay per supplier is displayed, next to the supplier name and number of documents. The amounts are shown in the currency of the cash account selected on the document. If the supplier has documents using different cash accounts with different currencies, amounts will be displayed accordingly to the currency of the cash account. Please note that if you manually change the amount to pay, the update will be reflected in the amount summary only after manual refresh. | Purchase to Pay | Outgoing Payment | 9.44 | 2023-04-25 | Change |
Side bar timeout when using an inactive cash account to pay a document | When an inactive cash account was used to pay a document, the side bar did not display any information showing a timeout error. This has now been fixed. | Purchase to Pay | Outgoing Payment | 9.44 | 2023-04-25 | Bug |
New column "Branch" on Status tab and details section | On the Status tab and in the details section, a new column "Branch" has been added to show the branch ID used to book a document or to create a payment request. | Purchase to Pay | Outgoing Payment | 9.44 | 2023-04-25 | Change |
Data collection on Prepare VAT report modified and performance improved | On the Prepare VAT report (TX501000), the way of data collection has been modified to avoid timeout during opening and processing. This will improve the performance when showing and processing the data. | Accounting | Reporting to Government | 9.44 | 2023-04-25 | Bug |
Improved control of items in the sales process | You can now use the item statuses No sales in a better way to better control items in the sales process. - In the Sales orders (SO301000) window, items with the 'No sales' status can not be sold. You can, however, use items with the 'No sales' status in sales order lines with the 'Receipt' operation. | Order To Cash | Sales Order | 9.44 | 2023-04-25 | Change |
Improved control of items in the purchase process | You can now use the item statuses No purchases in a better way to better control items in the purchase process. - In the Purchase orders (PO301000) window, items with the 'No purchases' status can not be purchased. You can, however, create purchase receipts and purchase returns for items with the 'No purchases' status. | Order To Cash | Purchase order | 9.44 | 2023-04-25 | Change |
Added support for creating multiple shipments for the same sales order | You can now create multiple shipments for one sales order so you can optimise the picking process for multiple employees and offer separate deliveries over time. In the Shipments (SO302000) window, via the 'Add order' button, you can add the sales order lines you want to include in one shipment. After saving, you can add a new shipment and add other lines from the same sales order. | Order To Cash | Sales Order | 9.44 | 2023-04-25 | Change |
Improved response time in Sales and Inventory windows | A new command in code for sales order and inventory windows that were to do a lookup in a database lacked information and caused delay in performance. This is now corrected | Order To Cash | Inventory | 9.44 | 2023-04-25 | Bug |
Performance improvements for Deferral schedules (DR201500) | The performance of the Deferral schedule (DR201500) window has been improved to allow faster loading time when retrieving large amount of documents at once from the document number field. Additional changes to the Deferral schedule window that affect the behaviour when creating schedules manually: - The position of Customer/Supplier ID has been changed and is now located under the Doc. type. - The Customer/Supplier ID field is mandatory to be filled in before search from the Doc. no can be done. - New option “Show closed documents” is now added as separate option. By default, the Doc.no. field searches all the Open documents. | Purchase To Pay | Supplier Ledger | 9.44 | 2023-04-25 | Bug |
Run contract invoicing window now works correctly | When you select a contract in the Run contract invoicing (CT501000) window, the columns Description, CustomerID, Expiration date and Contract template will no longer be incorrectly cleared. | Order To Cash | Contract Management | 9.44 | 2023-04-25 | Bug |
Correct values for Workspace and Document type in Inventory allocation details | Earlier, in the Inventory allocation details (IN402000) window, the columns Workspace and Document type contained incorrect values in some cases. This has now been fixed. | Order To Cash | Sales Order | 9.44 | 2023-04-25 | Bug |
Performance of Balance by supplier report improved | The performance of the Balance by supplier report (AP63250S) has now been improved. | Purchase To Pay | Supplier Ledger | 9.44 | 2023-04-25 | Change |
Added support for salesperson on order line | A salesperson can now be set for an order line. | API | New Sales Order | 9.45 | 2023-05-02 | Change |
Added support for default salesperson | The default salesperson can now be set for an order. | API | New Sales Order | 9.45 | 2023-05-02 | Change |
Unit set is working when the Optimize unitset report is not set | The error in ARM reports when using Unit sets without Optimize unitsets report set is now fixed and the selection of different unit set in the report result works again. | Accounting | GL Reconciliation | 9.45 | 2023-05-02 | Bug |
Improved performance of the Balance projection by account report | The performance of the Balance projection by account report (FA670010) has been improved. | Accounting | Fixed Assets | 9.46 | 2023-05-09 | Change |
Added support for creating multiple shipments for the same sales order | You can now create multiple shipments for one sales order so you can optimise the picking process for multiple employees and offer separate deliveries over time. In the Shipments (SO302000) window, via the 'Add order' button, you can add the sales order lines you want to include in one shipment. After saving, you can add a new shipment and add other lines from the same sales order. | Order To Cash | Sales Order | 9.46 | 2023-05-09 | Bug |
Performance improvements for Supplier details (AP402000) | The performance of the Supplier details (AP402000) window has been improved to allow faster loading times and making it possible to fetch even larger amounts of documents at once. Additional changes to the Supplier details window that affect the behaviour: - “Show all documents” has been replaced with “Show closed/voided documents by period range” - By selecting a period range in the fields “From period” and “To period”, voided/closed documents will be fetched together with all the currently open documents. - To return only open documents being displayed – Erase input from the “From period” and “To period” fields. As earlier, when the “Period” field on the left is inserted the former “Show all documents” and present “Show closed/voided documents by period range” is not available. Documents shown when the “Period” is inserted will continue to follow the timespan of the documents by the selected period. | Purchase To Pay | Supplier Ledger | 9.46 | 2023-05-09 | Bug |
Duplicated lines in VAT account control detail (TX40400S) when having more than one Tax agency | When you had more than one tax agency in the same company and the VAT report lines had the same ID you got the account lines duplicated by the number of Tax agencies in the VAT account control detail (TX40400S) window. This has now been fixed. | Accounting | Reporting to Government | 9.46 | 2023-05-09 | Bug |
Balance discrepancy when refund is voided | When a prepayment in foreign currency is matched with a supplier refund in local currency, a RGOL amount is generated. Voiding the supplier refund, the RGOL amount is set to 0. Previously, the RGOL amount was not reversed causing supplier balance discrepany. | Purchase To Pay | Outgoing Payment | 9.46 | 2023-05-09 | Bug |
paymentRef only possible to set for certain order types | Earlier, when creating an order (POST), there was no validation of the paymentRef field, and you could set a value for this field even for order types for which this is not allowed. This has now been fixed, and you can set a value for paymentRef only for certain order types. | API | New Sales Order | 9.47 | 2023-05-16 | Bug |
Preparing invoice for order created in Sales order API v3 works correctly now | For an order created via the Sales order API v3 with a bill address that is unique for the order, you no longer receive an error when trying to prepare an invoice. | API | New Sales Order | 9.47 | 2023-05-16 | Bug |
Preparing invoice for order created in Sales order API v3 works correctly now | For an order created via the Sales order API v3 with a bill address that is unique for the order, you no longer receive an error when trying to prepare an invoice. | API | New Sales Order | 9.47 | 2023-05-16 | Bug |
Drag and drop columns to move them | If you use drag and drop to the left for a column in prepare payments, the columns that come after are moved to the right. Previously the column you drag and drop replaced the column and moved this one to its place. | Purchase to Pay | Outgoing Payment | 9.47 | 2023-05-16 | Change |
Notification Center emails | There is a new upgraded version for all the notifications sent via e-mail. | Purchase to Pay | Outgoing Payment | 9.47 | 2023-05-16 | Change |
Preventing simultaneous processes in the Replenishment window (IN5080000) | Previously, the replenishment process in window Replenishment (IN508000) could be initiated simultaneously by different users. This caused incorrect data in the system. This has now been corrected. It is no longer possible for more than one user at the time to initiate the Process or Process all features. | Purchase to Pay | Replenishment | 9.47 | 2023-05-16 | Bug |
Improved logging, error handling and performance in the GeneralLedgerTransactions endpoint | The performance of the GeneralLedgerTransactions endpoint is improved. Also, the logging mechanism and error handling are fixed: before 9.46, when an error was thrown during the API call, it was not reaching the caller, but it was hidden in the backend implementation. Now that is fixed, and the caller will receive the error when that is the case. | API | API | 9.47 | 2023-05-16 | Bug |
Fix for performance issues and discrepancy between GL transactions and customer ledger payments in Process of incoming payments window and Process of bank transactions | Previously, there were performance issues and discrepancy between GL transactions and customer ledger payments in Process incoming payments (AR305000) and Process bank transactions (CA306000) due to not fully processing the payments during the automatic process of incoming payments. This has now been fixed. For the moment we have enabled these features only for Pilot customers. | Accounting | Payment | 9.47 | 2023-05-16 | Bug |
Improved performance in the Send direct debit invoices window | The performance in the Send direct debit invoices (AR50850S) window has been improved. The time to complete the Process all action is ca. 24 % shorter, and the time it takes to navigate to the next page in the table is ca. 6 % shorter. | Order To Cash | Customer Ledger | 9.47 | 2023-05-16 | Bug |
Improved performance in the Release customer documents window | The performance in the Release customer documents (AR501000) window has been improved. The time to release all documents is ca. 6 % shorter. | Order To Cash | Customer Ledger | 9.47 | 2023-05-16 | Change |
Improved performance in the Shipments window | The Shipments (SO302000) window loads faster than before. | Order to Cash | Sales Order | 9.47 | 2023-05-16 | Change |
Fixed issues in the columns of the Supplier details (AP402000) window | The performance improvement in the Supplier details (AP402000) window caused issues in some of the columns. These have now been fixed. - The columns Notes and Attachments are now included - The Batch no. field has the linking available to open the batch - The current "CuryID" column name changed back to "Currency" - The Company and Branch fields were not re-updating the display when they were changed using the same supplier. | Purchase To Pay | Supplier Ledger | 9.47 | 2023-05-16 | Change |
Total cost for a sales order based on replacement costs is now calculated correctly after changing a line item | Earlier, when 'Use replacement cost for margin/profit' was selected in the Sales orders (SO301000) window, the Total cost was not calculated correctly after changing a stock item on a sales order line. This has now been fixed, and the total cost for an order is calculated correctly based on the sales order lines' replacement costs, also after changing the stock item on a sales order line. | Order To Cash | Sales Order | 9.47 | 2023-05-16 | Bug |
Support for commissions | Calculating commissions for an order is now supported. - GET includes information about commissions. - It is possible to: - set a default salesperson for an order - set a salesperson for an order line - select if an order line is commissionable. | API | New Sales Order | Change | ||
Branch now set correctly | Earlier, the branch for a created order was not set according to the selected branch in the company selector. This has now been fixed and the correct branch is set for the order. | Order To Cash | New Sales Order | 1970-01-01 | Bug | |
Added support for setting subaccount on order line based on salesperson | The subaccount on an order line can now be set based on the salesperson set on the order line. | API | New Sales Order | 1970-01-01 | Change | |
VAT now updated correctly after change of customer | Earlier, the VAT details for an order were not updated correctly after changing the customer. This has now been fixed. | Order To Cash | New Sales Order | 1970-01-01 | Bug | |
New view in Process payments screen | Now you have a new view to display documents on the Prepare payments tab: Collapsed group documents from the same supplier. You can choose to expand or collapse documents for any supplier. This functionality is under a feature toggle and will be gradually enabled for customers. | Purchase to Pay | Outgoing Payment | 1970-01-01 | Change | |
Performance improvement on Voucher details inquiry (GL40601S) | The performance on Voucher details inquiry (GL40601S) was improved by adding pagination to the window. | Accounting | Registration | 9.48 | 2023-05-23 | Task |
Account specification (GL63301S) report showing beginning balances for income and expense | Previously, the Account specification (GL63301S) report showed Beg. balance for Income and Expense accounts in beginning of a year. This has now been fixed. | Accounting | Registration | 9.48 | 2023-05-23 | Bug |
Error creating journal transaction through API when segments of selected subaccount were part of a restriction group | When posting a transaction through JournaltransactionV2 endpoint, the subaccount was set before account. This caused an error if segments of the subaccount were a part of a restriction group. This has now been fixed. | API | API | 9.48 | 2023-05-23 | Bug |
Not possible to mark transactions as Reconciled on the Reconciliation tab in the Fixed asset window (FA303000) | Earlier, it was not possible to mark one or more transaction lines as reconciled in the reconciliation tab in the Fixed asset (FA303000) window when selecting addition and deduction. This has now been fixed. | Accounting | Fixed Assets | 9.48 | 2023-05-23 | Bug |
Several shipments for one sales order | Earlier, it was not possible to create several shipments for one sales order. This has now been fixed. | Order To Cash | Sales Order | 9.48 | 2023-05-23 | Bug |
New field 'residentialDelivery' added and misspelled field 'resedentialDelivery' will be removed by 1/12/2023 | A new field 'residentialDelivery' has been added in GET/api/v3/Customers/{customerId}/locations. The current field 'resedentialDelivery' is misspelled and will be removed from the endpoint with due date 1/12/2023. | API | New Sales Order | 9.49 | 2023-05-30 | Change |
Error when using non-existent order type | You no longer receive a 500 error when doing POST with an order type that does not exist. You now receive a 400 error: 'Order type cannot be found'. | API | New Sales Order | 9.49 | 2023-05-30 | Bug |
Support for items with status 'No sales' in sales order receipt lines | Items with the 'No sales' status can now be used in sales order lines with the 'Receipt' operation. | API | New Sales Order | 9.49 | 2023-05-30 | Change |
When a batch / payment is created or an invoice is modified a notification is generated in the Send notifications window | Each time a batch / payment is created or an invoice is modified a notification is generated in the Send notifications (SM205050) window. This functionality is available under feature flag VNEPS-NotifyMonolith | Purchase to Pay | Outgoing Payment | 9.49 | 2023-05-30 | Change |
Cash account filter not considering inactive cash accounts | Previously, filtering documents booked against inactive or incorrectly defined cash accounts was not working. This has now been fixed. | Purchase to Pay | Outgoing Payment | 9.49 | 2023-05-30 | Change |
Performance improvements for the Sales orders window | In the Sales orders (SO301000) window, the performance has been improved for: - Loading Invoice and Delivery address, - Calculating Total line discount, - Setting the default Account and Subaccount on the line, - Setting the default Supplier and Supplier price on the line, - Loading the Payments tab data. | Order To Cash | Sales Order | 9.49 | 2023-05-30 | Change |
Deletion process for pending automatic notifications improved | The deletion process for automatic notifications with the status Pending, in the Send notifications (SM205050) window, has been improved. This means that when you delete these notifications, the "System out of memory exception" error message is no longer displayed. | General | Notifications | 9.49 | 2023-05-30 | Change |
Performance improvement when opening sales order with kit item | The performance in the Sales orders (SO301000) window has been improved. Earlier, when you opened a sales order containing a kit item, it could take approx. 1 minute for some customers. Now, it takes approx. 2 seconds. | Order To Cash | Sales Order | 9.49 | 2023-05-30 | Change |
Replacement cost collected from supplier price worksheet in the first place | Earlier, when you used replacement costs in the Sales orders (SO301000) window, the replacement cost would be collected from the item's last cost, when it should have been collected from the supplier price worksheet. This has now been fixed, so that the replacement cost will be collected from the supplier price worksheet. When there is no supplier price found in the supplier price worksheet, the item's last cost is used. | Order To Cash | Sales Order | 9.49 | 2023-05-30 | Bug |
Performance issues when using the API endpoint "PUT Stocktake V2" | The performance of the "PUT Stocktake V2" API endpoint has been improved. For example, 100 lines going from 40,2 seconds to 1,33 seconds. | API | API | 9.49 | 2023-05-30 | Change |
Performance improvements in Reconciliation statements when pressing the Toggled Reconciled button | The performance of the Reconciliation statements (CA302000) window, when pressing the Toggled Reconciled button, has been improved. | Accounting | Cash Management | 9.49 | 2023-05-30 | Change |
Purchase receipt accrual summary now displays correct 'Amount not yet invoiced' for purchase orders with discount | Earlier, for purchase orders with a discount, the column 'Amount not yet invoiced' in the Purchase receipt accrual summary (PO630500) report would display the full amount without discount. This has now been fixed. | Order To Cash | Purchase Order | 9.49 | 2023-05-30 | Bug |
Purchase receipts with several invoices now displayed correctly in Purchase receipt accrual summary | Earlier, for a purchase receipt for which several invoices were created, the Purchase receipt accrual summary (PO630500) report would display the receipt several times, resulting in incorrect amounts. This has now been fixed. | Purchase to Pay | Purchase order | 9.49 | 2023-05-30 | Bug |
One VAT category code generated in the Sales invoices window XML draft | Earlier, when you generated an XML draft in the Sales invoices (AR301000) window, the system would generate multiple VAT category codes in the XML file: AllowanceCharge and TaxTotal-TaxSubTotal. This has now been fixed and only one VAT category code is generated. | Order To Cash | Customer Ledger | 9.49 | 2023-05-30 | Bug |
Reports - downloading to PDF created HTML | In some scenarios, clicking the download button to create a PDF file of the report, the explorer dialog opened with HTML as file extension. This has now been fixed. | Architecture | Architecture | 9.49 | 2023-05-30 | Bug |
Improved performance in the Sales order list window | The Sales order list (SO40101S) window loads faster than in earlier versions. | Order To Cash | Sales Order | 9.49 | 2023-05-30 | Change |
Icons now have tooltips | You can now see what an icon does when you hover over it. | Order To Cash | New Sales Order | 9.50 | 2023-06-06 | Change |
overridesDefault for addresses available in PATCH endpoint | The field overridesDefault has been added in PATCH for addresses. | API | New Sales Order | 9.50 | 2023-06-06 | Change |
Added support for fields related to shipping and freight in the UI | The following fields are now available in the UI: In the overview panel - Ship via In the Delivery settings tab - Scheduled shipment - Ship separately - Shipping rule - Cancel by - Preferred warehouse ID - FOB point - Priority - Shipping terms - Shipping zone - Residential delivery - Saturday delivery - Insurance - Transaction type In the Totals tab - Order weight - Order volume - Freight cost - Freight amount (current field name: Freight) - Premium freight amount (current field name: Premium freight) - Freight VAT category | Order To Cash | New Sales Order | 9.50 | 2023-06-06 | Change |
Improve performance on GET InventoryTransfer endpoint. | We have significantly improved the performance on the InventoryTransfer endpoint. Please give feedback on your experience. | API | API | 9.50 | 2023-06-06 | Bug |
Performance improvement for Supplier prices (AP202000) and Supplier price worksheets (AP202010) | In this version there are performance improvements in Supplier prices (AP202000) and Supplier price worksheets (AP202010) windows mainly around selecting item action, save and release. | Purchase To Pay | Supplier Ledger | 9.50 | 2023-06-06 | Bug |
Performance improvement on project invoice reports PM64101S, PM64102S, PM64104S, PM64105S, and PM64118S | There are performance improvement on the following project invoice reports: PM64101S, PM64102S, PM64104S, PM64105S, and PM64118S. The changes will only affect the standard report. If the report has been customised earlier, this has to be redone based on the new standard that includes the improvements. | Accounting | Project | 9.50 | 2023-06-06 | Bug |
Fixes inside the Supplier details (AP402000) window | The performance improvement in the Supplier details (AP402000) window caused issues in some of the behaviour. These have now been fixed. - The Post period field display changed from YYYY-MM to MM-YYYY. - The Batch no. field's link when pressed will open in a new pop-up instead of a new tab. - When only one of the fields From period / To period is either selected or removed, the current document display will be kept shown until both fields will inserted OR removed from the by period range to apply. - Generic inquiry (SM208000) navigation parameters of the Supplier details window are now enabled - Cache issue when “Go to previous record” / Go to next record” was pressed - “Show closed/voided documents by period range” will include closed documents into the display by using post period of the document as the deciding factor. If the document's post period is inside the selected by period range used, the document will be brought into display. | Purchase To Pay | Supplier Ledger | 9.50 | 2023-06-06 | Bug |
Error when updating payment status | In some scenarios, when updating outgoing payment status in AutoPay Inbox (CA50400S), there occurred an error message caused by some rounding error. This has now been fixed. | Purchase To Pay | Outgoing Payment | 9.50 | 2023-06-06 | Bug |
Control module accounts and SIE imports | Using the SIE Import (GL40101S) window will give an error if the SIE file contains or will process any accounts where Control module account is set and the Allow manual entry option is not set. You have to set Allow manual entry option on all Control module accounts to be able to import a SIE file with transactions on accounts where the Allow manual entry option is not set. | Accounting | Registration | 9.50 | 2023-06-06 | Change |
Trial balance and Control module account handling | The Trial balance (GL303010) window will give an error if it contains or will process any accounts where a control module account is set and the Allow manual entry option is not set. You have to set Allow manual entry option on all control module accounts to be able to release a trial balance. | Accounting | Registration | 9.50 | 2023-06-06 | Change |
Restrict usage of general ledger accounts marked as control account | There is a new column, Allow manual entry, in the Chart of accounts (GL202500) window. With this column you can restrict the usage of general ledger accounts marked as control account. It is not possible to select control accounts with the deselected Allow manual setting for direct posting in the Journal transactions (GL301000) window or select them in any account field anywhere in the system. These restrictions will be suspended when the Allow manual entries check box is selected for control accounts. New provisioned companies will by default have the the setting deselected for all control accounts (except Finland and the VAT settlement account). In upgraded companies the control accounts will have the Allow manual entry setting selected. | Accounting | GL Reconciliation | 9.50 | 2023-06-06 | Change |
New column for marking an account as control account for customer ledger and supplier ledger | There is a new column, Control account module, in the Chart of accounts (GL202500) window. With this column you can mark an account as Control account for the customer ledger and supplier ledger. The marked accounts can be entered in the Customer account field, the Supplier account field and prepayment field for customers and suppliers all over the system. In combination with the second new column, Allow manual entry, restrictions on usage of these accounts will occur. New provisioned companies will have the correct values applied to the default customer, supplier and prepayment accounts. Upgraded companies will have the correct values added to the accounts used in the Customer classes (AR201000) and Supplier classes (AP201000 ) window and to all accounts eventually used in customer or supplier documents. | Accounting | GL Reconciliation | 9.50 | 2023-06-06 | Change |
New Sales orders window available for all users | The new Sales orders (SO30100S) window is now available in the Financials menu, for all users. If you do not have the neXtGen roles, you will receive a message about missing user roles. | Order To Cash | New Sales Order | 9.51 | 2023-06-13 | Change |
Scheduled shipment now set correctly | Earlier, the Scheduled shipment date was not set correctly when the date was calculated to be before the order date. This has now been fixed, and the Scheduled shipment will not be set to a date before the order date. | Order To Cash | New Sales Order | 9.51 | 2023-06-13 | Change |
List of warehouses available again | Earlier, after you had saved an order and clicked + to create a new order, the list of warehouses in the Preferred warehouse ID field was not available. This has now been fixed. | Order To Cash | New Sales Order | 9.51 | 2023-06-13 | Change |
overridesDefault for contacts available in PATCH endpoint | The field overridesDefault has been added in PATCH for contacts. | API | New Sales Order | 9.51 | 2023-06-13 | Change |
When a batch / payment is created or an invoice is modified in Process Payments screen, a notification is generated in the Send notifications window | Each time a batch / payment is created or an invoice is modified, a notification is generated in the Send notifications (SM205050) window. This functionality is available under feature flag VNEPS-NotifyMonolith, which has been enabled in Production for all companies, as of 08/06/2023. | Purchase to Pay | Outgoing Payment | 9.51 | 2023-06-13 | Change |
Filters and refresh on the Status tab | The Status tab remembers the selection in filters when navigating between tabs in the Process payments window. You can use the new Reset filters button to clear them. Also, manual refresh is now available on the Status tab. | Purchase to Pay | Outgoing Payment | 9.51 | 2023-06-13 | Change |
Performance improved in Send direct debit invoices window | The performance of the Send direct debit invoices (AR50850S) window has been improved. | Order To Cash | Customer Ledger | 9.51 | 2023-06-13 | Change |
Issue created for released shipment and invoice | Earlier, in some circumstances, no issue was created after releasing a shipment and the invoice. This has now been fixed. | Order To Cash | Sales Order | 9.51 | 2023-06-13 | Change |
Improved performance in the Sales order history by item window | Earlier, the Sales order history by item (SO40102S) window took a long time to open. This has now been improved, and the window opens 29 % faster. | Order To Cash | Sales Order | 9.51 | 2023-06-13 | Change |
Default GL account for supplier "Told og skat" changed to 88200 in Danish template | The default GL account for supplier "Told og skat" is changed to account no. 88200 in the Danish company template. | General | Setup of new companies | 9.51 | 2023-06-13 | Change |
Performance on Tax account control details (TX40400S) improved | The VAT account control details (TX40400S) window has been changed and it now has pagination to improve the performance and timeout. There is still an issue with a large number of transactions that it takes time and this will be addressed in a later release. | Accounting | Reporting to Government | 9.51 | 2023-06-13 | Change |
Reporting ledgers now excluded from SAF-T report | Earlier, reporting ledgers were included in the SAF-T report. This has now been fixed and only the Actual ledger is reported. | Accounting | Reporting to Government | 9.51 | 2023-06-13 | Change |
Performance improvement creating the SAF-T file | The performance of the creation of SAF-T files hs been improved. Some tests have reduced the time by 2/3. | Accounting | Reporting to Government | 9.51 | 2023-06-13 | Change |
Open correct sales order in the Sales order list window | Earlier, in the Sales order list (SO40101S) window, you could not open the correct sales order. This has now been fixed. | Order To Cash | Sales Order | 9.51 | 2023-06-13 | Change |
New report added - {}Purchase receipt simulated accrual summary (PO63050S{}) | The new report shares similarities in the behaviour with the original Purchase receipt accrual summary (PO630500). The new report has added possibility for historical reconciliation of PO accruals by gathering all the changes and therefore giving possibility to fetch and simulate the documents' uninvoiced qty and uninvoiced amount afterwards to display document values held by the end of selected “To period”. Due to this new behaviour being inserted together with new database table, only the new purchase receipt entries after the release of version 9.51.0 will be displayed through the "Purchase receipt simulated accrual summary" and have the uninvoiced quantity/amount simulation available. | Purchase To Pay | Supplier Ledger | 9.51 | 2023-06-13 | Change |
Improved performance in the Sales shipment history by item window | Earlier, the Sales shipment history by item (SO40103S) window took a long time to open. This has now been improved, and the window opens 56 % faster. | Order To Cash | Sales Order | 9.51 | 2023-06-13 | Change |
Improved performance in the Purchase order list window | Earlier, the Purchase order list (PO40100S) window took a long time to open. This has now been improved, and the window opens 78 % faster. | Order To Cash | Purchase Order | 9.51 | 2023-06-13 | Change |
New window Customer and supplier reconciliation (GL408000) | In version 9.51, there is a new window, Customer and supplier reconciliation (GL408000), in the inquiry section of the general ledger workspace. The purpose of this new inquiry is to help the user with reconciling General ledger balances of the customer and supplier accounts with the balances from the customer and supplier ledger. According to your chosen settings for period, Control account module, account and company/branch in the header section, the table shows per account all the relevant balances and eventual differences between the ledgers. By clicking the balances and deviation amounts you are redirected to the respective detail screens for further drill down. | Accounting | GL Reconciliation | 9.51 | 2023-06-13 | Change |
Change Intrastat transaction type | Earlier, you could not change the Intrastat Transaction type. This has now been fixed. | Order To Cash | New Sales Order | 9.52 | 2023-06-20 | Change |
Time out in the sidebar and To be paid amout | The issues with the timeout in the sidebar and To be paid amount after confirm payout is pressed and navigation to Status tab were fixed. | Purchase to Pay | Outgoing Payment | 9.52 | 2023-06-20 | Change |
Fix deviation messages in View only deviations | After fixing the deviation on the View only deviations tab, you need to use the manual refresh button. | Purchase to Pay | Outgoing Payment | 9.52 | 2023-06-20 | Change |
Amount to pay on supplier is not updating | When the "Group documents from the same supplier" view is active and you manually update the amount to pay for a document, the summary amount is no longer updating. This has now been fixed. | Purchase to Pay | Outgoing Payment | 9.52 | 2023-06-20 | Change |
Improved performance in the Customer invoice window | Earlier, in the Customer invoice (SO303000) window, there was slow performance and it took 26 seconds to release an invoice. The performance has been improved by 58 %, and releasing an invoice now takes 11 seconds. | Order To Cash | Sales Invoice | 9.52 | 2023-06-20 | Change |
Discount calculation in the Sales invoices window | Earlier, in some scenarios, when freight cost was added to a shipment and discount was used, the discount was calculated twice in the Sales invoices (AR301000) window. This has now been fixed. | Order To Cash | Sales Invoice | 9.52 | 2023-06-20 | Change |
Branch filtering for JournalTransaction endpoint to be applied on transaction instead of batch | At this moment, the Branch filter on the JournalTransaction endpoint is applied on batch level. It will be switched to be applied on transaction level instead of batch. This change will be enforced starting the 20th of June 2023. The ones willing to switch to this new approach earlier can contact the partners, support, or development team. | API | API | 9.52 | 2023-06-20 | Change |
Subaccount from Employee in Sales orders window | Earlier, for order types were the sales subaccount is composed from the employee's subaccount, the subaccount would not be combined correctly in the Sales orders (SO301000) window. This has now been fixed. | Order To Cash | Sales Order | 9.52 | 2023-06-20 | Change |
TaxExemptionReason missing in SAF-T file | The TaxExemptionReason was missing in the SAF-T file when the tax was partly deductible and the TaxBase included the non-taxable amount. This has now been fixed and corrected in the SAF-T file. | Accounting | Reporting to Government | 9.52 | 2023-06-20 | Change |
Improved performance in the Release customer documents window | Earlier, loading and releasing documents in the Release customer documents (AR501000) window took a long time. The performance has now been improved, and loading documents takes 99 % less time, and releasing documents takes 27 % less time than before. | Order To Cash | Customer Ledger | 9.52 | 2023-06-20 | Change |
Fix for 500 errors in Sales order endpoints | Sales order API endpoints no longer return 500 errors. | API | New Sales Order | 9.53 | 2023-06-27 | Bug |
Deselect deviations | When deselecting one or more deviations in view only deviations tab, the documents remains in the list. Navigating to prepare payments tab, the rest of the documents are selected. Previously all the documents were deselected in prepare payments tab. In view deviations only the deselected document was removed from the list | Purchase to Pay | Outgoing Payment | 9.53 | 2023-06-27 | Bug |
Overview of how many documents are selected out of the total number of documents | Now in the Process payments screen (AP50301S) you can see how many documents are selected out of the total number of documents ready to pay for a specific supplier. | Purchase to Pay | Outgoing Payment | 9.53 | 2023-06-27 | Change |
Process invoices and credit notes automatically when the amount to pay is 0 in Process payments (AP50301S) | In the Process payments window (AP50301S), you are now able to release payments when credit note + invoice amount = 0. In order for the payment request to be created when credit note + invoice amount = 0, you need to consider: 1. Enable feature "Process automatically invoices and credit notes where amount to pay is 0" in the Supplier ledger preferences (AP101000) window. 2. The document grouping needs to include only one credit, one or several invoices and all documents are using the same cash account, same currency and the same payment method. This new functionality has been deployed under a feature toggle and it is now enabled for all customers. | Purchase to Pay | Outgoing Payment | 9.53 | 2023-06-27 | Bug |
Improved performance in the Sales orders window and list window | Earlier, opening the Sales orders window and list window (SO301000 and SO3010PL) took a long time when there were many lines. The performance has now been improved, and opening the windows takes 20-50 % less time than before. | Order To Cash | Sales Order | 9.53 | 2023-06-27 | Bug |
Improved performance in the Purchase orders window | Earlier, in the Purchase orders (PO301000) window, it took a long time to open an order, add lines and release an order. The performance has now been improved, and these actions take 45 % less time than before. | Order To Cash | Purchase Order | 9.53 | 2023-06-27 | Bug |
POST SupplierInvoice not allowing inserts when restriction groups are set active, if restrictions were limiting the default subaccount for new row entries | When the settings from General ledger account access (GL104000) were set to limit the access towards subaccount segments, the insert via POST operation could not process the request, when validation identified the default inputs into the row momentarily placed against user limited combination. This has now been fixed and the allowed subaccount combinations can be inserted with POST operation without default line entries for the subaccounts affecting the insert coming via API. The fix has been added under a feature toggle and will be initially activated only for specific companies. | API | API | 9.53 | 2023-06-27 | Bug |
VAT category update for existing sales invoice lines when changing customer or customer location | Earlier, when you changed the customer or customer location on a sales invoice with existing lines, the VAT category would not be updated if the customer or location had a different VAT zone or Export type. For this scenario, the following new functionality has been implemented: - For Norway, Sweden and Denmark, the VAT category will be updated automatically. - For the Netherlands and Finland, you can choose to update the VAT category automatically by selecting the check box "Recalculate VAT when customer or supplier is changed on document" in the VAT information tab in the Organisations (CS101500) window. | Order To Cash | Customer Ledger | 9.53 | 2023-06-27 | Change |
Correct account when adding item in customer invoice | Earlier, in some scenarios, when you added an item in the Customer invoice (SO303000) window, the account on the line was incorrect. This has now been fixed, and the account is correctly collected according to the customer location's export type. | Order To Cash | Sales Invoice | 9.53 | 2023-06-27 | Bug |
Performance improvement on VAT report details window (TX502010) | The performance of the VAT report details (TX502010) window has been improved. Measurements on the test environment shows that in cases where loading the data on the screen gave a time out error, it now takes 10 seconds to open and 2 seconds to move between pages. The test data used had 100.000 documents. The column for batch number has been removed since this was the cause of the poor performance, but you can use the button View batch for the marked row to see the number. The performance of this window will be improved even more. Lookup on Ref. number has also been fixed, and it now works correctly also for VAT adjustments. | Accounting | Reporting to Government | 9.53 | 2023-06-27 | Bug |
Correct VAT handling when changing customer location on sales order or customer invoice | Earlier, when you changed the customer location on a customer invoice or sales order to a location with a different VAT handling, the VAT category on existing invoice or order lines was not changed. This has now been fixed. | Order To Cash | Sales Order | 9.53 | 2023-06-27 | Bug |
Correct VAT handling when changing customer on sales order or customer invoice | Earlier, when you changed the customer on a customer invoice or sales order to a customer with a different VAT handling, the VAT category on existing invoice or order lines was not changed. This has now been fixed. | Order To Cash | Sales Order | 9.53 | 2023-06-27 | Bug |
New window Download attachments (SM508090) | In this version is released a new window called Download attachments (SM508090). This window should only be used when offboarding customers. Users with the financial administrator role can select the window from Integration workspace and download attachments on customer, supplier, journal, and cash transactions to one or more archives. | Accounting | Project | 9.53 | 2023-06-27 | Change |
createdById and "lastModifiedById" set with API_Client_ID | Earlier, for sales orders created via POST Sales Order Service API, the "createdById" and "lastModifiedById" values were set to "0000-000". This has now been fixed, and the "createdById" and "lastModifiedById" are set with API_Client_ID. | API | New Sales Order | 9.54 | 2023-07-04 | Bug |
Support for other order types than SO | When you create an order, you can now select all order types, except Transfer order types. | Order To Cash | New Sales Order | 9.54 | 2023-07-04 | Change |
ProjectID in POST and PATCH | Setting the ProjectID field for an order is now supported in POST and PATCH. | API | New Sales Order | 9.54 | 2023-07-04 | Change |
Inventory ID no longer case-sensitive | Earlier, using POST with an inventory ID could incorrectly result in a 400 Bad request error, because the inventory ID field was case-sensitive. This has now been fixed, so that the inventory ID field does not differentiate between capital and lower-case letters. | API | New Sales Order | 9.54 | 2023-07-04 | Bug |
Added support for the 'Recalculate VAT when the actor changes on the document' setting | The setting 'Recalculate VAT when the actor changes on the document' is now supported. - When the setting is activated, the tax category on the order lines is updated when the customer and/or customer location is changed. - When the setting is deactivated, the tax category on the order lines is not updated when the customer and/or customer location is changed. | API | New Sales Order | 9.54 | 2023-07-04 | Change |
Amount to pay for supplier | Amount to pay on supplier and the number of the documents are now displayed correctly, according to the selected documents. Previously, the amounts were not showing after deselecting and selecting documents. | Purchase to Pay | Outgoing Payment | 9.54 | 2023-07-04 | Bug |
Improvement of control account handling in Recurring entries | In version 9.54, handling of entries containing module control accounts has been improved. When you change the status of a control account from allow manual entries to not allow manual entries after the schedule transaction is created, you will receive an error message when you run the recurring transactions in GL504000: 'one or more items have not been processed'. This indicates that no journal entry was created due to the changed account usage restriction for the control account. | Accounting | Registration | 9.54 | 2023-07-04 | Change |
Global search no longer searches in columns not visible in the grid in inquiry windows | When using global search from top right corner on any generic inquiry screen (list screens), the system will no longer search in columns that are not visible in the grid. This is done to improve the loading performance of the screens and to show only relevant documents as result in the grid. | Order To Cash | Sales Invoice | 9.54 | 2023-07-04 | Change |
Improved performance in the Create purchase orders (PO505000) window | Earlier, processing lines in the Create purchase orders (PO505000) window took a long time. This has now been improved, and the processing of lines takes 50 % less time than before. | Order To Cash | Purchase Order | 9.54 | 2023-07-04 | Change |
Supplier displayed in purchase receipt when opened from Purchase orders window | Earlier, when you opened a purchase receipt link from the Purchase orders (PO301000) window, the Supplier field was empty. This has now been fixed. | Order To Cash | Purchase Order | 9.54 | 2023-07-04 | Bug |
Improvement in performance of Release supplier documents window | There is an improvement in the performance of the Release supplier documents (AP501000) window. Now documents load instantly and the release time has been improved by about 60%. | Purchase To Pay | Supplier Ledger | 9.54 | 2023-07-04 | Change |
Data gathering enabled again for the Purchase receipt simulated accrual summary window | Earlier, data gathering from purchase receipt events in the new report window Purchase receipt simulated accrual summary (PO63050S) was disabled during the release of version 9.51, because of an issue where it was not possible to release transfer receipts in the Purchase receipts (PO302000) window. This has now been fixed, and data gathering is enabled again for the Purchase receipt simulated accrual summary window. | Purchase to Pay | Purchase order | 9.54 | 2023-07-04 | Bug |
Unable to update cross reference via API for some types of the stock item | Updating the cross reference via API was not possible for item types: -Component -Sub assembly This is now corrected. | Order To Cash | Inventory | 9.54 | 2023-07-04 | Bug |
Overdue charge email attachment correctly generated | Earlier, when you emailed an Overdue charge from the Send invoices (AR508000) window, the attachment would not have the overdue charge lines. This has now been fixed. | Order To Cash | Customer Ledger | 9.54 | 2023-07-04 | Bug |
Prepayments now included in Customer and supplier reconciliation | Prepayments for customer and suppliers are now included in the Customer and supplier reconciliation (GL408000). The prepayment is not a part of the ending balance column but is stored in the Prepayment column and that is now included in the calculation. | Accounting | GL Reconciliation | 9.54 | 2023-07-04 | Bug |
Generic inquiry for a dashboard with parameters defined missing from the selection list | Parameters that are set for a dashboard are now displayed in the Generic inquiry window, under the Navigation parameters. | General | Dashboard | 9.54 | 2023-07-04 | Bug |
Improved performance | Improved performance in PO3010PL. No measurements available. | Order To Cash | Purchase Order | 9.55 | 2023-07-18 | Bug |
Performance in report Supplier history summary (AP652100) is improved by replacing it with an inquiry screen : Supplier history summary AP406000. | In version 9.55 Supplier history summary report AP652100 was replaced by Supplier history summary inquiry AP406000, which is 90% faster. | Purchase To Pay | Supplier Ledger | 9.55 | 2023-07-18 | Bug |
Performance improvement | In SO301000 Sales order screen up to 76% better performance. | API | API | 9.55 | 2023-07-18 | Bug |
Calculate commissions window opens correctly | For a reversed and closed sales invoice, with a commission and an applied payment, the Calculate commissions (AR505500) window no longer fails to open. | Order To Cash | Customer Ledger | 9.55 | 2023-07-18 | Bug |
Changes has been made in Account details screen (GL404000) to improve performance. | The changes made are how data is retrieved from the database and also on the processing of the results in the screen. Calculation of begin and ending balance for each row was one reason, and now you have to select to calculate these with select the checkbox 'Show beginning and ending balance as well' | Accounting | Registration | 9.55 | 2023-07-18 | Bug |
Improved performance in the Sales invoices window | For invoices with multiple pages of lines, loading the Sales invoices (AR301000) window and going to the next page is 20 % faster than before. | Order To Cash | Customer Ledger | 9.55 | 2023-07-18 | Bug |
When dropshipping, notes follow from SO to PO. | In purchase order settings there are two options: 1. Copy Line Descriptions from Sales Orders 2. Copy Line Notes from Sales Orders Option 1 is used to keep the original language in the Line description when creating the drop ship purchase order. If option 1 is not checked, then the line will be translated when the suppliers documentation language is different compared to the customer language. Option 2 is used to let the line note follow the order to the drop ship purchase order. Previously, option 2 was only available when option 1 was in use. Now, they work independently. | Order To Cash | Sales Order | 9.55 | 2023-07-18 | Bug |
Performance is improved on Purchase invoices screen AP301000 for loading and saving actions. | In 9.55 we did improvements in loading and saving actions on Purchase invoices screen AP301000. It can be noticed mainly for documents with multiple lines. | Purchase To Pay | Supplier Ledger | 9.55 | 2023-07-18 | Change |
"Reverse" action for SupplierInvoice exposed for API | A new endpoint (supplierInvoice/{doctype}/{invoiceNumber}action/reverse has been created in order to enable reversing documents via API as well. | Purchase To Pay | Supplier Ledger | 9.55 | 2023-07-18 | Change |
Navigation in Notifications window improved significantly | Navigation in the Notifications (SM205050) window with different statuses has been improved significantly. The results are displayed immediately. | General | Notifications | 9.55 | 2023-07-18 | Change |
Control account module filtering the account correctly | Selecting the Control account module in Customer and Supplier reconciliation (GL408000) is now filtering Income and Expense accounts according to the module set on the account. | Accounting | GL Reconciliation | 9.55 | 2023-07-18 | Bug |
Inactive accounts are not shown in the lookup | The error introduced when the Module control account was released where all accounts was visible in lookup also the inactive ones. This has now been fixed and you will not see inactive accounts in the lookup. | Accounting | Registration | 9.55 | 2023-07-18 | Bug |
Reversed VAT codes are showing correct sign when created in Bank transactions (CA304000) | The Reversed VAT line is now showing the correct sign when it is used in Bank transactions (CA304000) in VAT account control detail (TX40400S) , VAT account control summary (TX40300) and General ledger transactions with VAT (TX40500S) windows. | Accounting | Reporting to Government | 9.55 | 2023-07-18 | Bug |
Rounding of supplier write-off requires a control account | When you make a supplier write-off from Purchase invoice (AP301000), you get an error that the defined account for the rounding is not defined as an control account. To be able to release the created debit adjustment, you have to set this account to a control account for Supplier ledger and Customer ledger and check the Allow manually entry option. | Accounting | Registration | 9.55 | 2023-07-18 | Bug |
Performance for release of invoices in foreign currency was improved. | Time taken to release invoices in foreign currency is reduced in 9.55. | Purchase To Pay | Supplier Ledger | 9.55 | 2023-07-18 | Change |
Release supplier documents giving an error for companies with a lot of data | Previously, the Release supplier documents (AP501000) window was giving an error for companies with a lot of data. This has now been fixed. | Purchase To Pay | Supplier Ledger | 9.55 | 2023-07-18 | Bug |
Project and Project task fields not editable for prebooked purchase invoices via API | Previously, you we not able to edit project and project task fields for the prebooked purchase invoices via API - PUT method. This has now been fixed. | API | API | 9.55 | 2023-07-18 | Bug |
New setting suggesting automatic application of credit notes and prepayments for purchase invoices | Previously, the system automatically suggested applying credit notes and prepayments when creating purchase invoices. Now you have a new setting suggesting the automatic application of credit notes and prepayments for purchase invoices. The setting is called "Suggest applications for purchase invoices before release" and can be enabled in Supplier Ledger preferences (AP101000). | Purchase To Pay | Supplier Ledger | 9.55 | 2023-07-18 | Change |
Impossible to release a credit note when the Release document from Approval setting is not active | Previously, you were not able to release a credit note opened from the Purchase invoices window, primary list, when the Release document from Approval setting was not active in the Supplier Ledger preferences window (AP101000). | Purchase To Pay | Supplier Ledger | 9.55 | 2023-07-18 | Bug |
Processing invoice when using restrictions on account level | When using restrictions on account level, an error was received on the supplier location field when trying to process an invoice from the Purchase invoices (AP301000) window. This error has been fixed. | Purchase To Pay | Supplier Ledger | 9.55 | 2023-07-18 | Bug |
New endpoint for adding lines to an open shipment: .../api/v1/shipment/\{shipmentNumber}/action/addLine | New endpoint for adding lines to an existing shipment: .../api/v1/shipment/{shipmentNumber}/action/addLine. With this, it is now possible to add new lines to open shipments. These lines are automatically added to the original sales order as well. | API | API | 9.55 | 2023-07-18 | Change |
Active cash accounts on top of the list in the sidebar and the inactive in the bottom | You are now able to see the active cash accounts on top of the list in the sidebar and the inactive in the bottom | Purchase to Pay | Outgoing Payment | 9.56 | 2023-07-25 | Change |
Improved performance in the Sales invoices window | For invoices with multiple pages of lines, loading the Sales invoices (AR301000) window and going to the next page is 20 % faster than before. | Order To Cash | Customer Ledger | 9.56 | 2023-07-25 | Change |
Scheduler for running depreciation | The scheduler for running depreciation monthly automatically did not work as expected. This have now been fixed. | Accounting | Fixed Assets | 9.56 | 2023-07-25 | Bug |
Matching invoices and payments when invoice numbers includes letters. | A small correction have been done in the matching functionality so alphanumeric invoice numbers are handled the same way as numeric invoice numbers. | Accounting | Cash Management | 9.56 | 2023-07-25 | Change |
Performance improvement on API for Purchase order endpoint. | The performance of the PurchaseOrder endpoint has been improved up to 17%. | API | API | 9.56 | 2023-07-25 | Change |
Performance improvement on API for Purchase receipt endpoint. | The performance of the PurchaseReceipt endpoint has been improved up to 15%. | API |